
Journal Of A Lounge Singer

No one would even have to be there. The place would be half empty, always a slow night.

Lounge music

And the waitress would walk around the bar at her own bored pace, collecting glasses, pouring shots and opening beers. Three husbands would have been and gone, my slight drug habit waning, none of my expectations met. Midnight til close would be my hours. Only the lonely ones would stay until the very end, the ones who wanted a warm body pressed up against them, or the ones who were married but avoiding home.

Kate Campbell digs into the Great American Songbook

Until he was so drunk he could fall in love with any woman that would smile back at him. Please provide your Telegraph-Journal password to link your Facebook account. Once your account has been linked you will need only login with your Facebook credentials to gain access to the Telegraph-Journal.

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George Street, the Kate Campbell Trio is looking to bring listeners back in time with their faithfully tasteful interpretations of songs from The Great American Songbook. Marge Beaver Maggie Lally ended her performance with a frenetic mock strip tease.

The show's near climax included Alyssa Hughlett's metamorphosis as Nancy from frumpy klutz to a woman with sex appeal. In closing, Velvet lead the music, comedy and variety show performers in a final sing-along with the audience.

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