
The Catechism Of The Catholic Church

The text of the Compendium is available in fourteen languages on the Vatican website, which also gives the text of the Catechism itself in nine languages. Youcat , a catechism for youth, based on the Catechism and its Compendium , was published in The Vatican has acknowledged that some translations of Youcat contain errors regarding Church teaching on the status of other religions, contraception and euthanasia, whether due to simple error or poor translations. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Catholicism portal Christianity portal. And then the Ut unum sint on ecumenicalism, the moral encyclical Veritatis splendor , and the Fides et ratio … also the Catechism of the Catholic Church ". Accessed 1 February English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: From the title page. Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition.

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Retrieved 2 October Retrieved 5 October Georges Marie Martin, O. The New York Times. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. Retrieved 30 May United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Archived from the original on 12 March Retrieved 12 May The Earliest Christian Confessions. Archived from the original on 31 May For the Sake of Our Salvation: The Truth and Humility of God's Word. Archived from the original on Pope John Paul II. Eastern Orthodox Church Judaism.

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Catechism of the Catholic Church

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This is the man who received the seed on the edge of the path" Matthew This is both simple and tragic. The seed of God's revealed truth has been sown into our hearts at Baptism. But that was only the beginning. We must do everything in our power to grasp the meaning of what we believe. Otherwise the devil will come along and steal the faith from our hearts. There has never been a substitute for understanding our Christian religion.

There is no substitute today. But now, this understanding is absolutely imperative. The world in which we live is hell-bent on stealing from our hearts what we believe. That is why the Catechism of the Catholic Church is such a providential Godsend. It provides the believing Catholic not only with information about what to believe. It also gives us an explanation of the meaning of what we believe. Of course, the Catechism is only a start. But it promises to be a powerful initiative for waking up a sleeping Catholic world to the duty we have, to know:.

It is one thing to know theoretically what Catholics are to believe. It is something else to know where to find the true faith expressed in straightforward and unambiguous language. The confusion among Catholics on even the most fundamental doctrines of faith and morals is widespread. Part of my work for the Church requires that I read books by professed Catholics, which show how deep this confusion really is. Just two examples out of a thousand.

Catechism of the Catholic Church - Wikipedia

In the first example, the author is speaking of the Mass as a memorial of the Last Supper. The Church recreates the Last Supper by bringing followers of Jesus together and recalling through readings and prayers what God has done for His people. Then the priest announces what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper and himself offers bread and on some occasions wine to the people to eat. Then to explain just what this means, the author asks, "How is Jesus present at Mass? There is no such ambiguity or heterodoxy in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

People may not want to accept what the Catechism teaches. Not everyone wants to be a Catholic. The second example just came to my attention. A large circulating national Catholic newspaper carried a full-page advertisement released by the Seamless Garment Network, Inc. The ad is signed by scores of prominent people, and a corresponding score of national organizations. The basic theme of the ad is to equate such moral issues as abortion and capital punishment, claiming that both issues are part of the same seamless garment fabric.

This is not true. But how is the average reader to know, when he sees Catholic bishops and prominent professed Catholics placing the murder of unborn children in the same category as justly condemned criminals?

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  4. Someone, somewhere in the Church founded by Christ must be in a position to tell the faithful, "this is true, and that is false;" or "this is morally good, and that is morally bad. In many dioceses of America, attendance at Sunday Mass is down to some twenty-five percent of the professed Catholics in a diocese. Some Church officials are scrambling for a solution and recommending the most bizarre solutions. It never seems to dawn on these "experts" that the heart of the problem is the massive uncertainty in millions of Catholic minds about what is unchangeable doctrine in faith and moral principles.

    That is why the Catechism of the Catholic Church has not been released one month too soon. It is the hope of restoring unity to a pathetically dismembered Christianity. There is still one more important aspect of this subject to explain; it is also the most important practical question that needs raising.

    No, the Catechism is an indispensable arm of instruction on every level of the teaching apostolate. We now have a one-volume reservoir of Catholic truth and practice for everyone who wants to bring others to Christ, if they are not yet Christians; to solidify the faith of those who have been baptized; to defend Roman Catholicism in a world in which the Church has been abandoned by so many once-believing Catholics and is being betrayed even by some of her ecclesiastical leaders. The question, however, still remains: How to use the Catechism in the apostolate of evangelization and catechesis?

    I have five recommendations:. Each of these recommendations deserves detailed explanation. We shall be satisfied with just a short comment about each of the five. Our most fundamental duty is to know the Catechism. How do you come to know anything? By reading, by discussing, by hearing it explained by competent persons.

    Speed reading of the Catechism would be self-defeating.

    1. A Cidade e as Serras (Portuguese Edition).
    2. Catechism of the Catholic Church - Table of Contents?
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    5. The Story of Assisi.
    6. menière desaster: der Feind in meinem Innenohr (German Edition)?
    7. If anything, the Catechism should be not only read but prayerfully meditated. Spend some time set aside for reflecting, in God's presence, what the Catechism teaches through more than pages of print. How much time people waste in reading fiction, or worse.

      THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (50 pts) ~ Pt.13: The Holy Spirit

      Is it too much for Christ to expect us to spend a few hours a week in reading, alone or with others, what promises to be the food that feeds the soul on revealed truth? Already, critics have appeared who discredit the Catechism on both sides of the spectrum. Pay no attention to these critics. To distrust the Catechism is to play into the hand of the devil, who fears nothing more than security of doctrine among the followers of Christ. The Catechism is not simple reading. But neither is it sophisticated and out-of-touch with the vocabulary of the people.

      In any case, the Catechism contains all the essentials for Catholic faith, morality, and divine worship.