
MUSE (Shelby Hammond Muse Prophecy Book 1)

There were a few grammatical errors, but not so many they take away from the story.

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Sep 30, Chani marked it as to-read. Currently there's a giveaway of this book at http: Jan 16, Stacy Sabala rated it liked it Shelves: Book Review- Muse by Susie H. Hanley Shelby is a single mom going to college. She excels in painting but her kids come first.

People/Characters: Ara-Rose

One day she is rushing to get her kids to basketball practice. She ends up getting into a car accident. A strange man saves her by ripping the car door off. She is shocked, knowing he is a guardian. He disappears before she can talk to him. Then as she is loaded into the ambulance and she sees her ex-husband as they leave. He shows up in the hospital to heal her.

She is livid and refuses to allow him to touch her. He breaks the news to her that she is a muse. She also owes it to her children to allow him to heal her. Her life is now extremely complicated. She is a muse and Cal is her appointed guardian. The mysterious man appears again. She is drawn to Malcolm who refuses to be attached to a muse. The world of muses and guardians rear its ugly head and jealousy drives one to threaten Shelby. She has to make a hard decision to save those she loves.

This book had a unique storyline.

I liked Shelby pretty quickly into the book. She was a single mom and strong character. She relies on her friends and tries to live her life. I understand her feelings when Cal returns. He is such a jerk. I was surprised that he thought he would find the same girl he left. That aspect of the story was so unrealistic. His behavior and arrogance made me want to smack him. The author seemed to create the seed of doubt for a little while.

As the story evolved, Malcolm revealed more and I liked what I saw. I definitely preferred him over Cal. The ending was a bit surprising as to how the author wraps up who Shelby chooses. It was a good story. Oct 30, Roxanne Crouse rated it liked it. Muse by Susie M Hanley is an urban fantasy set in modern times in a world similar to ours, except in this world, muses are real, and they have superhero like people called Guardians that protect them. A description of the book from amazon is below. When her ex-husband comes back to town, he Muse by Susie M Hanley is an urban fantasy set in modern times in a world similar to ours, except in this world, muses are real, and they have superhero like people called Guardians that protect them.

The book is well written and well formatted. There are, however, many sentences with missing words. I would find one about every other page or so for around 37 editing issues. This book could use another editing pass. Muses and Guardians exist in this world and everyone knows about them.

So why does the main character know nothing about them. It seems to me in a world like this Muses and their Guardians would be like celebrities and news about them and movies and media about them would be everywhere. Most likely, they would teach about them in school, too, hence the encyclopedia at the beginning of each chapter. Even if Shelby hates Guardians and wants nothing to do with them, she would still have picked up some information about them from TV and other media outlets. Young Adult books need more strong female characters like this one. One problem I had with her decisions dealt with Tiffany, the way Shelby rolled over and did what Tiffany commanded seemed out of character.

Tiffany could have purchased duplicates at a store. Near the end, we start to get a lot of action. Shelby rescues herself from something horrible and finds out her son is in danger. It takes forever for the characters to get through their personal stuff and organize to go save the boy. I like the main character and secondary characters and their personalities.

I think they are well developed and have baggage just like real people would. I did groan a bit when the girl with two guys plot made an appearance. Please writers, I beg you, stop the girl torn between two guys theme and all its variations. So, overall, what did I think of this book? I did like it and would recommend trying it. It has an interesting idea and world that has lots of potential. Will I read the next book? The author as a proven ability, she can write.

I am interested in other books the author may put out if the description promises something new. I liked the idea of the Muses and Guardians, which seemed to be the inspiration behind many of the old Greek myths in that world, with the Muses actively influencing and infusing "life" positivity in those around them and the Guardians being super-powered bodyguards.

Unfortunately we never really learn much more than that about them because even though the Muses and Guardians were outed to the wo I'm not really sure if this is PNR or UF, to be honest it doesn't really have much of either in it. Unfortunately we never really learn much more than that about them because even though the Muses and Guardians were outed to the world 20 years ago, Shelby knows absolutely nothing about them and all the Guardians around her seem disinclined to tell her anything at all. Shelby is a young single mother of two, but she acts far too immaturely to make it believable.

www.newyorkethnicfood.com: MUSE (Shelby Hammond Muse Prophecy Book 1) eBook: Susie M. Hanley: Kindle Store

Once she gets free, instead of that being the very first thing she mentions, she instead waffles on about her own harrowing experience for goodness knows how long. I'm not a parent myself, but between recounting my own trauma and saving the lives of hundreds of kids even I'm not likely to be that much of a self-absorbed prick hide spoiler ]. She also keeps throwing out how hard it was to be a teen mum and raise her kids single handed, but to be honest she has it pretty damn easy.

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She has a group of supportive friends who she never seems to interact with until she needs a free babysitter , the parents of one such friend basically gives her a house in an upmarket neighbourhood to live in on the condition she "fixes it up" which she doesn't do at any point during this story , and apparently Cal sends her so much child support that she never has to work and can afford to go to college on it.

Yeah, so tough, I'm sure every single mother wishes they had it so bad.

Editorial Reviews

Oh yeah, Cal is the ex-husband who walked out on her and then turns up one day and basically tries to muscle in to her life and pick up where he left off. We later learn why he left her, but he still went about it in the most dickish way possible and then expected her to be exactly the same person 7 years later. In the end I didn't absolutely loath him, but I didn't really like him either.

In fact now that I think about it I didn't really like any of the characters in this book because they were all either self-absorbed or duplicitous in some way that they never actually apologise for. Very, very late in to the story and straight out of the blue everyone also seems to become a special snowflake. Then they make a pact of secrecy about it because there's a n incredibly vague prophecy and the really shady, overarching council in charge of things will kill them all if they find out. Apparently the only "good guys" in existence are the protagonists in this book and everyone else are psychopathic arseholes.

She's an Artistic Muse, but no mention of her using that power "for the greater good" is made so it makes me wonder what the entire point of this book really was. There's so much I disliked that I can't even be bothered to list it all. It was just dull and I don't care if there's going to be a sequel or not.

Jan 18, Jonel Boyko rated it really liked it. Ok, so this book is not listed as part of a series, but I feel that it has to be. I need to have more time with these characters. I need to know how their story unfolds. Hanley lays the story out in such a way that you find yourself wondering what you would do if you had the abilities that the characters do. If you could make a difference, would you? Or would you try to just amass power? Not only is this a supernatural story that makes you think, it is also quite well written. She combines clarity for the reader with the ability to keep you in suspense, wondering what will happen next and how it all will end.

It is the perfect balance. The characters in this novel are also quite intriguing. They are all very well developed and all extremely different. No two individuals share personal characteristics. This is the mark of brilliant character development. As a whole, this novel was extremely unique and very captivating. It was almost impossible to put down. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Oct 25, Michelle rated it it was ok Shelves: I really wanted to like this book, but could not finish. The concept is an awesome one, almost like this super hero relationship. However, the main character is supposed to be 25 with two kids and I just didn't get that! I tried to frame it that she was obviously stuck in a teenage phase due to being a teen mom and getting divorced young.

Since the story was written in first person it was hard to get the detail of the story due to her teenage mind; and in creating a fantasy world, these details I really wanted to like this book, but could not finish. Since the story was written in first person it was hard to get the detail of the story due to her teenage mind; and in creating a fantasy world, these details are important! I could not picture any of the characters or place them in this world. Oct 29, Carrie rated it it was ok. This story is rated way too high. Not much action and the main character is so dense.

Loved the idea behind the book but was implemented terribly. Mar 12, Emilie Mcdonald rated it really liked it. Dude I want to be a Muse. Lose my stretch marks and get perfect perky boobs for the first time. Oct 21, Shelby Hammond rated it it was amazing. The sequel is not coming out any time soon: Beth rated it liked it Dec 22, Kim rated it really liked it Nov 06, Melissa Willard rated it it was amazing Oct 16, Jane White rated it really liked it Nov 25, Gina rated it liked it Dec 21, Katelyne Willard rated it really liked it Apr 23, Kristen rated it really liked it Apr 18, Shelly rated it it was amazing Dec 01, Samantha rated it it was amazing Jan 30, Roberto Ramirez gutierrez rated it really liked it Feb 11, Missy rated it liked it Jun 11, Gwen rated it liked it Jul 10, Genta Sebastian rated it it was amazing Oct 22, Melissa Rhodes rated it liked it Feb 20, Janet cameron rated it really liked it Oct 20, Julie Post rated it really liked it Nov 10, Hanley 13 57 Mar 08, Nov 30, Oct 17, Lovers of Paranormal — members — last activity Dec 10, Anything out of this world is welcome around here!

We also have an informal Read-to-Review program and an ongoing We Found Free Ebooks post where you can find paranormal freebies. First time you do it, you will be banned. Muse Fan group — 20 members — last activity Nov 01, The first book in the series is called MUSE and we can't wait for the second book to come out next year!

Fargoer discussion group — members — last activity Mar 16, Authors Helping Authors — members — last activity 3 hours, 20 min ago Being an indie author means you are part of an ever-growing family of like-minded individuals all working toward the same ultimate goal-writing and pu Being an indie author means you are part of an ever-growing family of like-minded individuals all working toward the same ultimate goal-writing and publishing books. Being a book blogger means you work with authors, posting about their books, interviewing them, reviewing their books-the whole nine yards.

For some people, those two go hand-in-hand. This group is a place where authors and bloggers can come together and help one another out. This site will not allow books with profanity, sex, drugs or other m We will feature picture books, chapter books, uplifting YA books and adult books.

This site will not allow books with profanity, sex, drugs or other material about which children should not be exposed. People Kitty Muse is Following. Jenna Roads author of: Under a Painted Sky. Edward Henheffer author of: Trevor Couturier author of: Catherine Wolffe author of: The Lady in the Mist. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.

The Grammar of Appropriation

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