
Beating the Boomer Bust

I speak to business owners and advisors across the United States about the impending perfect storm. The largest, wealthiest, most acquisitive and competitive generation in American history is about to pass the baton.

The Boomer Bust Presentation Slide Demo

What does that mean to business owners? Those are just symptoms.

What America really faces is a demographic cliff. Sponging Boomers, September 29, Edit Article Add New Article. What will happen when the Baby Boomers step down from active productivity? The largest, wealthiest, most acquisitive and competitive generation in American history is about to pass the baton. John Dini, guest of Ray Champney and Mike Havel, has been educating audiences about the coming perfect storm. Dini speaks about "Beating the Boomer Bust" to business owners and their advisors throughout the United States.

Boomers are the largest, wealthiest, most competitive and best educated generation in American history. The Baby Boomers drove a consumer and service economy to an unequaled streak of expansion for over 50 years.

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Now, millions of Boomer business owners are preparing to move on. Cheryl Wurtzer-Zarrillo Contact Email: Stop watching this discussion. Tallest is Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

The Boomer Bust | Educating Baby Boomer Business Owners on Strategies for a Profitable Exit

The last time America built the tallest building was when people were still ordering things by mail from the Sears catalog in The fastest car you can buy is the French-built Bugatti Veyron, which, at miles per hour, is quicker than a Dominique Strauss-Kahn seduction. The fastest train is the Shanghai Maglev, which goes mph just to get from the airport to downtown. The biggest airplane of all is the Russian Antonov An, now based in that hotbed of progress, Ukraine. The fastest commercial aircraft was the Anglo-French Concorde supersonic transport, which began scheduled flights in the disco era and went out of service in America helped kill it by banning flights over the US landmass for fear that the sonic booms would interrupt us while we were talking to our plants or something.

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And America helped kill a newer generation of longer-range, more fuel-efficient SSTs by cutting off government funding in The US does hold the record for the fastest military aircraft, the Lockheed SR Blackbird, flying at just over 2, mph. But that record was set while Gerald Ford was president, in an airplane built when President Obama was still in pull-ups. Today the United States sits derelict and rusting at a dock in Philadelphia. The largest container ships, floating testimonies to the decline in American manufacturing, are launched in Denmark. The largest supertankers, with their proclamation of continuing dependence on nineteenth-century energy technology, are made in South Korea.

But America has both the largest and the fastest warships, useful for getting numerous military personnel stateside quickly so that the next wars can be fought by the Afghan army, our NATO allies, African Union troops, Israel, and UN peacekeepers.

The Boomer Bust | Educating Baby Boomer Business Owners on Strategies for a Profitable Exit

The list of our sub-marvels and un-wonders goes on. Number one is the Nurek Dam in Tajikistan, a country that hardly has any water. For fifty years, from to , the US had the longest suspension bridge spans, first with the George Washington Bridge, then the Golden Gate, then the Verrazano-Narrows. Now even Hull, England, has a more spectacular place to make a bungee jump. Although we are in the lead with that. And in order for Americans to get to the bottom of how the universe works, they have to go to Switzerland.

We were planning to build a high-energy particle collider in Texas that would have had a circumference of fifty-four miles—three times the size and power of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva. But Congress canceled the project in A merica has had plenty of reasons to abdicate the crown of accomplishment and marry the Wallis Simpson of homely domestic concerns. Received wisdom tells us that, in the matter of great works and vast mechanisms, all is vanity.

My sad generation of baby boomers can be blamed. We were born into an America where material needs were fulfilled to a degree unprecedented in history. We were a demographic benison, cherished and taught to be self-cherishing. We were cosseted by a lush economy and spoiled by a society grown permissive in its fatigue with the strictures of depression and war. The child being father to the man, and necessity being the mother of invention, we wound up as the orphans of effort and ingenuity.

Beating the Boomer Bust Part I The Entrepreneurial Generation

And pleased to be so. Sixty-six years of us would be enough to take the starch out of any nation. We took a lot of it for granted: Some we regarded as sinister: And, ouch, those Salk vaccine polio shots hurt.

  • Beating the Boomer Bust Part I The Entrepreneurial Generation.
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  • Of Thee I Sigh: Baby Boomers Bust.

But then we learned that the math and science excellence being urged upon us meant more long division and multiplying fractions. When Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon in , many of us had already been out in space for years, visiting all sorts of galaxies—in our own heads. And in our own heads was where my generation spent most of its time.

Given a bouquet of opportunities from the bloom of American liberty, we stopped to smell the flowers. The big world we were given just made us feel small. Although we were inward-looking to the point of solipsism, we continued to be American dreamers. But our dreams shrank from the size of purple mountain majesty above the fruited plain to the size of our runty selves. Instead of fantasizing about turbines, dynamos, rockets, fusion, and dark matter, we took the dark matter into our own hands and fantasized about living on a commune in a geodesic dome, with thirty strangers sharing the same toothbrush.