
Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen: Wie Lügner überführt werden (German Edition)

This essentially deprived countries of their fiscal autonomy without transferring this spending power to a higher authority.

  • Julian of Toledo: Prognosticum Futuri Saeculi (Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 63).
  • Jacqueline Best – Why we need to stop letting economic crises go to waste – Brave New Europe.
  • Quest-ce que la démocratie ? (Essais) (French Edition).
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Thus, by adopting the euro, member states effectively acquired the status of local authorities or colonies. The scope of the European treaties, however, extends well beyond fiscal and monetary policy.

Jacqueline Best – Why we need to stop letting economic crises go to waste

This has since essentially remained unchanged. They prevent currency devaluation and direct central bank purchases of government debt for those countries that adopted the euro. They prevent demand-management policies, or the strategic use of public procurement, and they place tight curbs on generous welfare provisions and the creation of employment via public spending. They have laid the basis for a wholesale re-engineering of European economies and societies.

The legal implications of these treaties — which are often overshadowed by social and economic considerations — cannot be overestimated. Yet it is a very peculiar constitutional order, due to its supranational and therefore intrinsically non-democratic nature.

Brave New Europe

Unlike national constitutions, it cannot be democratically amended by citizens: The only thing individual states can do is repudiate the whole structure. It does this also by anchoring norms and regulations within national constitutions, thus progressively hollowing them out from the inside. This gives immense powers to the European Court of Justice, which has the final word on legal disputes between national governments and EU institutions.

On a more fundamental level, a system that was created with the specific aim of constraining democracy cannot be democratised. It can only be rejected. It is extremely rare that anyone goes back and critically examines their original position concerning Brexit.

Chantal Mouffe – Demonising populism won’t work – Europe needs a progressive populist alternative

John Weeks is one of the few who has the courage to do so, yet at the same time […]. Lies, damned lies, and statistics. The newest statistics prove […]. To achieve a fairer world, humans must think again about how they manage the only planet at their disposal. In this sense, the new government has announced that during its term of office until it intends to increase its revenues with the following measures:.

These measures, even if they go in the right direction, are insufficient to finance the needs of Spanish citizens and the Spanish economy, given the limitations mentioned above due to the lack of financial and monetary sovereignty. Therefore, despite the fact that the music of the new government sounds good, for the moment the lyrics are not convincing. It should be noted that the last word was in the hands of Partido Popular due to the absolute majority that they have in the Senate upper house , should Congress lower house ratify a spending ceiling.

This was the first clear demonstration of weakness of the government that seemed to have second thoughts when it came to negotiate with the forces that supported it, since it probably considers that in the eyes of the majority of Spaniards it would be prejudicial to negotiate with the Catalan pro-independence political forces, as well as to make too many concessions to Unidos Podemos. Admittedly, the search for the support of the forces that voted in favour of the motion has become complicated since Puigdemont, former president of the Catalonia who declared its independence unsuccessfully in October and had to flee to Belgium so as not to be imprisoned, has taken control of the PDeCAT at its latest party congress at the end of July.

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In any case, Spaniards deserve a government that does not engage in electoral tactical games and that is committed to developing budgets to reverse the cuts, eliminate unemployment, reduce inequality and promote a change of economic and energy model, budgets that are consistent with the enormous challenges facing Spaniards for Two non-economists explain the creation of money and what becomes of it. It is a strightforward piece for those who get bogged down by technical economic terms.

They also explain why a government debt is not […].

  1. ?
  2. .
  3. Gods Not So Odd Couple.
  4. Every so often humanity manages genuinely to surprise itself. Events to which we had previously assigned zero probability push us into what the ancient Greeks referred to as aporia: Economic crises present opportunities to build a more equitable, effective society, but too often these opportunities are lost.

    Although we seem to have dodged the bullet of another economic meltdown, recent gyrations in the stock market remind us that economic crises always come back. We have not been so lucky politically, and are now in the throes of a major democratic crisis, with the rise of right-wing, xenophobic, broadly anti-democratic forces in the United States, Europe, and beyond.

    These may seem like very different crises, but they are connected. The last few global economic crises all have something in common.

    Woran erkennt man Lügen? - Galileo - ProSieben

    Although they were politically dislocating — producing major winners and losers — most governments responded by pretending that they had technical-economic fixes. Our governments contributed to the wider technocratic trend of narrowing political debate by pushing many of the most pressing questions — like inequality, which many of these policies ended up increasing — off the table.

    Thomas Fazi and William Mitchell – The EU cannot be democratised – here’s why – Brave New Europe

    I have spent much of my career trying to make sense of economic crises and the politics of our responses to them. I suppose this makes me something of an academic ambulance chaser! While I began optimistically about how we could learn from our mistakes and make constructive changes, over time I have seen a depressingly familiar pattern emerge. I went back to grad school because of the Canadian debt crisis.

    Back then, Canada was a bit like Greece but on a smaller scale, happily. After the Mexican peso crisis, the bond markets were skittish, and the level of federal and provincial debt began to look worrying. To regain bond market confidence, we were told, the government must slash its debt through austerity measures.