

Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention goal setting highly recommend great book setting goals setting goals change your life must read recommend this book really helped easy to read easy to understand craig ballantyne good book basics of goal love this book book very helpful self-help book book really achieve my goals book helped. Showing of 78 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews.

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. The book contains information on the subject that is easy to read, very detailed and helpful. But in the middle of reading the book I found one contradictory teaching and thought I will give the book only 4 stars. The teaching is that you should set not one single goal but rather 4 ones related to different aspects of your life: I thought that it is not so great.

How can you find enough time for workouts and spend much time with your family if you are starting a business?

Step 2 – Define Your Goals

Before that I have read absolutely great book by Alexis Marrocco and it contains slightly different advice. In long term you should work on different aspects of your life but at any single time you should be laser-focused on one single goal. However after reading the whole book I give it 5 stars because at the end of this book I found rationale behind setting 4 goals.

The author urges you to think what exactly you want and want not to sacrifice to achieve your biggest goal. Do you really want wealth if you will lose all your social connections and undermine your health? The author suggests that balance of life aspects is critically important and it would be better to achieve the goal in 18 month without hurting other aspects of your life than achieve the same in 6 month but with great sacrifices and complete burnout.

The suggestion absolutely worth thinking about. It's an area of constant study and research. After reading this book I must say that it will definantly help you. What I really liked about the book was that there was a lot of real life examples that I agree with. One example would be Mr.

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Ballantyne's example about having blinders on like a race horse. Basically the idea is that you must focus on your goals and allow nothing to get in the way. Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. These are the steps used to get goals and measure progress. Which is very important. In the specific part, the author explains that you must have a clear picture that's specific and has an end point and target.

Setting Goals Your Key To Ultimate Success

The Measurable part basically states that you must be able to some how measure your success and gauge it to see if you're making progress. Achievable is VERY important. If it's impossible to do something, then you may be wasting your time. I love the detail of this explaination. The R for realistic is great and in my opinion, you must always be realistic with yourself.

One funny example of un-realistic would be to marry a millionaire in 6 months.


I started laughing like crazy when I read this. The T for Timely was also great. Time tables are important and focus you toward an objective. There was also a section on refocusing every few months, and going over your goals. The areas are wealth, health, social self, and personal enrichment. I found this book to be very informative, and also a refreshing read. There's also great bonus material goal setting videos. I highly recommend this book as a must read. I was looking for a good starter book which would simplify the process of goal setting.

This book is great for starting up. I am not sure if it is the best; a lot of what you get in the book can be called common sense or found by Googling. If it saves you even 1 hour of Googling, you get back your money a few times over! Having said that, what I really like is the way the content is organized and simplified for someone like me. After consuming nearly every Brian Tracy book, audio program, and YouTube video on goal setting, I have to admit, this book turned on a light bulb finally , and made the concept stick.

The author makes the main point very clear, 'Everything you do either leads you to or takes you away from achieving your goals', along with, 'Everything you do either helps or hurts your goal achieving efforts. I have read many 'goal' and life books and always get at least something out of it. But Craig's book is the best Goal setting book I've read.

What about doing it each day for a year or days straight? Yes, but most people will not do it because they are not committed enough. You can read this article to learn how to make your goals come true. It is about drafting your strategy to achieve your goals. This is where the fun begins because you will explore the possibilities and the strategies you can apply to accomplish your mission in life. Coming up with a plan is not as difficult as most people thought. In fact, your plans are largely depending on your goals. In step 2, you learn to set your goals.

And in this step, you will learn to craft your strategy to achieve your goals. One of the most important things you need to understand is that your strategy, your plan, your blueprint, or whatever you want to call it, is defined by your goals. Imagine that if you want to start a business selling fruits.

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For instance, you can set up a shop to sell the fruits. You can manage the store yourself, make sure your fruits are fresh, prices are reasonable, and you can also market your business to your local neighborhood to attract more customers. Do you think you can use the same strategy or plan? You need a better plan that can get you there. The problem is that most people have the wrong perception to think that in order to achieve more, they just need to pour in more hours or work harder. You need a different strategy.

If you want to see the sunrise, there is no way you are going to make it if you keep on running to the west direction. No matter how hard you work, if you plan is not viable, you will never get the result you want. If you are selling pens from door to door, there is no way you can become a millionaire.

Unless you do something different, you will continue to get the same old results. You need other better plans, my friend. The first thing you need to do is to write down your strategy. It can be in point form or it can be a full essay, or you can also draft a more proper business plan for your goals. There are usually two questions or things that people love to know when it comes to crafting their strategies.

There are many ways how you can do so. It can be as easy as checking for the solution in Google. You can buy related books and then read them. I believe that whatever you want to achieve, there is a book out there that can guide you.

If you dare to reach out to people who have the knowledge or who can guide you, it will be even better. You see, if you have a recipe to bake a perfect cheesecake, and you follow the recipe to bake the cake, do you think you will get the exact same perfect cheesecake? There is no guarantee that you can definitely get the exact same cheesecake by following the recipe because there are so many factors affecting the result, but you can be sure that the result will be as close as possible, right?

Thus, understand that your plans and strategies are only good when you execute them. And more importantly, when you follow the right plan, you will greatly increase your chances of success. Therefore, brainstorm and come up with a plan to achieve your goals. The best plan is the one from people who have successfully done it. Once you have created your plan, the next step you need to take will be obvious. In order to produce the outcome that you want, you need to work on your plan. Taking action is not as difficult or challenging as you imagine.

All you need to do is to just work. The reason most people fail to achieve their goals is not that they are not motivated or not taking action, but it is their inconsistency. In fact, many of them take massive action, but it did not last long. Look at the goals that you set last year, did you achieve them? Or have you forgotten about them? For most people, their goals slowly slip away from their attention. Of course, their motivation also slowly dies down as the time goes by. The reason is that people are usually busy with their lives.

They have children to take care, they need to work, they have dramas to watch, they need to check updates on Facebook, or play games. After all, their goals are not part of their habits. It is not something that they do every single day. So this is why they give priority to other more urgent stuff and they forget about their goals. Hence, the key to consistent action is to turn your goals into your habits. Download the guidebook and read it. Finally, we have come to the final step of the ultimate success formula.

Although that this is the final step, it is not the end. So continue to read on to learn more. Continue from the previous step; after you have poured in your effort and execute your plan, you will definitely receive some results. Even if everything that you did does not produce any result, that, by itself, is a result.

Receiving no result is an outcome. And thus, when you execute and take action, there are only 2 kinds of outcomes you will be receiving. You receive the outcome you desire. In which this means that you make progress or have achieved your goals. And what you need to do next is to set bigger goals.

There is nothing much to say when you succeed. Just celebrate and then proceed further. The critical part is in handling the second type of outcome. The second outcome is when you fail to produce the result you want. After you have poured in the hard work but you are not making any progress or seeing any result, provided that you have given it enough time, you have failed. And you need to do something about it. It is a very common outcome. And I failed most of the times in my journey to achieving my goals too. This is what most people will do. When they fail to achieve their goals or reach the targeted outcomes that they want, they either quit or give up.

And if you quit, you are the real failure. Remember, a winner will never quit and a quitter will never win. There are also times when people fail to achieve the outcomes that they desire, they did not give up, but they choose to repeat the process. You have gone through the process once, and if you continue to do so, you will only get back the same old result.

So what you need to do is to change your strategy and your plan. This is what you need to do. You need to change your plan or upgrade it in order to receive a much better outcome. This is where you treat your outcome as feedback to improve. And when you learn, you get to improve. So if what you are doing is not working, my friend, change your strategy. Do something different, try something else, and change your plan until you get the results you want. Remember step 3 where we talk about the strategy for your business where you sell fruits?

Unless you change your strategy, there is no way you can earn a million dollar setting up a stall by the roadside. No matter how hard you work, it will never come true. Spend a few minutes to think about your strategy and ask yourself if what you do will get you the result you want. If it is not, perhaps, it is time for you to do something else. And use your outcomes, the results you receive from the executing your plans as feedback for improvement. First, you come up with a dream, then you set them as goals, and you develop strategies to achieve them, and then you take action and execute your plans.

7 Key SMART Goals to Achieve Business Success

When you fail to produce the result you desire, change your strategy, and then take action and repeat again until you succeed. With these two factors, you can achieve whatever goals and dreams you desire; without them, you find it extremely difficult to start, to have the motivation, or to even follow through and execute on your plan. If you find it difficult to come up with motivation or you always procrastinate on your goals, it is because you do not have a strong desire for what you want.

Desire is what gets you moving. Desire is what turns your dreams into reality. Desire is what you are willing to do even when all else seem impossible.

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  7. Your desire for what you want must be strong. If it is not, you will not have the drive.

    And even when you force yourself into doing it, without a strong desire, you will give up the moment you face difficulties and challenges in your journey. They are driven by a compelling reason. Ask yourself, why do you want to achieve what you want? If your answer is not compelling or emotional enough, your desire will never be strong.