
Ristorazione Moderna: ovvero: come aprire un locale senza finire in malora. (Italian Edition)

Boccardelli poche ore prima di partire per l'America ho accettato di essere AD della ITA ma con riserva di esaminare contratti e bilanci Il Virgiglio aveva offerto al Dott. Boccardelli di nominare un "suo uomo"!!! Il 24 Marzo invio il seguente promemoria a Joseph C.

Peters seguito da messaggi al Col. ABC in Calabria A. Calabria floats over a huge arms traffic. There is in Calabria a massive storage of powerful and deadly weapons, some of them where used during the last mafia war from machine guns to ground to air missiles or rockets and RPGs such as the one found in a 'ndrangheta arsenal in the province of Modena north of Bologna.

The other two main businesses of the mobsters in Calabria are the international drugs trafficking and C. Extortion that involves every productive activity including professionals such as accountant lawyers doctors etc. The kidnappings are not in fashion anymore, they are down considerably, since they drive on the neck of all the families to much attention and deployment of law enforcement units.

Pagliuso, De Sensi, Gattini, Muraca. Eufemia d'Aspromonte, San Procopio, Scido. Piromalli Gioia Tauro , Pesce Rosarno. Amerato, Costanzo, Arena, Catanzariti. Lo Bianco, Mancuso Limbadi , Piromalli. Sena, Pino, Perna, Pranno. Muto Cetraro , Corcine, Marino, Vilardi. Carelli, Cirillo, Portoraro, Tripodoro, Elia. Scripta manent verba volant Dear Joe looks like what is going on with "Virgiglio et all" after the homicide of Rocco Mole' should not have an impact on the current candidates.

I do not see any skeleton in a nearby closet that can be used before or after the elections. Since within the Rotary and now the Foundation I work pro-bono in conflict prevention, peace and development, interreligious dialogues, that includes the security of Angelo Boccardelli as Chairman and Founder of the San Marino Foundation and the safekeeping of the valuables of the Foundation in Villa Vecchia and the The Christ now in a safe place. Tomorrow we should put thing in writing with a Prosecutor in Velletri to prevent the "thugs" to do to Angelo and I any "wrong" when in San Marino and in Calabria for the rest of the week we are afraid that they may leave guns and drugs inside our suite in the Hotel and then call the Carabinieri.

Also this will go to all our cell phone so it can be intercepted and recorded. All the best Giorgio Aprile La situazione finanziaria e' insostenibile. Di affitto da parte della Cargo Service non se ne vede traccia. Il Virgiglio non si vede e il Direttore d'Albergo non sa nulla o fa finta di non sapere nulla. Peters in risposta al suo messaggio dove mi richiede una "Update": Eastern Daylight Time, joepeters tmo. They per "they" si riferisce alla CIA will be back in touch with me.

In the meantime, any update since the last? The situation is very fluid. We have a meeting early tomorrow morning with one of the comptrollers of our company ITA Srl. The brother of the comptroller, Fausto Ventriglia, has some connections with a head of anti- mafia. Tomorrow afternoon we should go back into Rosarno where Andrea Viscardi the one that drove us to see Giuseppe De Donno has arranged a meeting with one of the head of the "old families" for tomorrow night but Angelo is not yet convinced he should do it. Il padre ricoverato, che avendo numeri di telefono particolari non era in contatto con il figlio?

Cavallaro che non sa spiegarsi l'assenza del Virgiglio con il padre ricoverato da giorni in ospedale. Erano entrati ed usciti dalla porta principale simulando uno scasso. I sospetti vanno sulla Bonuccelli che aveva sempre avuto le chiavi e il Virgiglio che non era reperibile da tempo aveva forse lasciato telefoni e telefonini per non farsi rintracciare e recarsi con la Bonuccelli a San Marino?

Boccardelli non vuole fare alcuna denuncia ed io per il momento preferivo subito mettere al sicuro Il Cristo. Quindi il mattino sono andato in Banca Centrale e levare il Cristo dalla Banca e trasferirlo altrove. Anche qui mi accorgo che il Boccardelli era sotto attacco dal Beindorff, che aveva mandato il conto della sua "consulenza" alla Fondazione; sotto attacco dalla Fingestus che morto l'Ambasciatore Ugolini aveva fatto sparire i conti fiduciari del Boccardelli e dell'Ambasciatore. Siamo senza una lira e abbiamo bisogno di fare ricorsi e azioni civili e penali.

Il 14 Aprile invio il seguente rapporto sulla situazione a Peters e Col. Tentative of hostile takeover of the Hotel Villa Vecchia structure and its art mafia style , recent robberies in Rome and San Marino. The Hotel Villa Vecchia complex 1. The old management that in and embezzled over , Euros is out of the Hotel as of the end of January We do not know anything about the criminal charges filed on November 30 at the Carabinieri of Monte Porzio Catone. Angelo and I we have inventoried our art exhibited in the public space of the Hotel Villa Vecchia estimated at 2.

The Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore needs continuity in the next months before we can overcome the loss occurred in the last week criminal break-in. In the robbery they where after the Christ of Michelangelo that the criminals believed was in San Marino where they "eradicated" the headquarters' safe from the wall with inside the Foundation's books, seal, bank checks and valuable funds AND the bank's vault second key where INDEED the Christ sculpture was.

Without books, seal and checks, the Foundation in San Marino had to be suspended. We need an active Foundation in order to continue the ongoing programs: We'll be able to continue to operate internationally - immediately and seamlessly - while waiting to receive the books and seals to substitute the one stolen in San Marino.

To recuperate the heavy losses and have again some liquidity we need an active company in San Marino. The Chamber of Commerce certificate should be received by the end of April beginning of May. Si fa' la denuncia, si cambiano le serrature e si rientra a Villa Vecchia il 16 aprile in tarda serata. La gendarmeria fa una indagine e sequestra una tenda dove ci sono eveidenti segni di sangue di chi si era ferito durante il furto della cassaforte.

Dopo minacce lettere anonime, ricatti e pressioni, furti truffe, che vuoi che abbia gli risposi. Maggio Il 6 Maggio prima di ripartire per Roma in tutta fretta invio il seguente messaggio a Joseph C. Peters e a "Zack" in questo rapporto ho omesso alcuni dettagli A. I'll put together the entire list of the people I have direct or indirect access to Connections of immediate interest are Vatican's Card.

After the meeting at the Vatican that was the excuse for the trip to Rome Interreligious Discussions , Mehmet Gomez went to tour Rome while Mehmet Cicek was supposed to meet privately in Finmeccanica Hqs near the Vatican with Giorgio Zappa on border security Mehmet Cicek that was representing his brother called off the Thursday March 13 Mehmet Cicek asked me to have contact with the US side on what transpired in Rome.

From March 19 to April 19 I had to deal with the situation of the calabresi and the first time I could be debriefed by Joe was yesterday. The Turks are still calling and trying to make contact last email was this morning at 4: Sorry for the English and the rest but I am in a big rush. L'8 Maggio incontro fra il Dott. Boccardelli e gli avvocati del Virgiglio. La sera siamo a Fiumicino a cena con il Viscardi ed il Dr. Carrozzo per parlare della questione container armi e gioia Tauro quando arriva una telefonata dal giardiniere a San Marino che rimanda in tilt il Boccardelli un finestra era aperta.

Quando parlo con il Virgiglio questo con arroganza mi dice che i Nipoti del Mole' " Si va a San Marino il 12 si ritorna in Gendarmeria e la sera siamo nuovamente in Villa Vecchia, dove ricevo delicate notizie a riguardo della vecchia questione Cicek Zappa ora sfociata in questioni fra i generali Turchi ed Erdogan sulla scelta fatta per gli elicotteri Finmeccanica. La sera sono a cena con il Boccardelli che parla dei suoi guai all'Avv. Morabito civilista , Sangermani penalista. Io consiglio al Boccardelli di chiamare la GdF di chiamare il Ventriglia che diceva di avere un parente, un generale nell'antimafia.

JP and the Italian friends in Customs 2. US base expansion in Vicenza Rovigo vs. He is available on the 28 and 29 when in Rome where he has to take his wife in Tor Vergata Hospital for a check. I met them again this month and looks like that the personalities introduced to us by Andrea Viscardi are more and more interested in supporting the original project. From another very reputable connection I understand that the City of Rovigo is interested in hosting the base.

The meeting between Mehmet Cicek and Card. Laghi scheduled for May 30th is being postponed to June 7— In Rome the arrogance of Giorgio Zappa friend of Prodi and Cucchi whose son works in Finmeccanica caused a stir between the relations of Turkey and Finmeccanica. Zappa that is very good friend of Erdogan thinks he can get away with murder and survive all kind of scandals. The PM is in trouble since the constitutional court opened a case to close the AKP party and ban from politics 60 of its members for 5 years including my good friend Mehmet Cicek that may have no more than two or three month of maneuvering space to help his cousin Cemil Cicek.

The AKP and its politicians are accused to acts against the constitution. The AKP has prepared a defense document that they submitted 2 weeks ago to the court. Within 6 months from such filing we should have a decision on the matter around Sep. Erdogan is pretty much in trouble, one of the scandal he was involved in, was the sale of a TV station that he awarded to his son in law giving him a loan from a state bank to pay for it.

Mettersi in proprio, come avere successo? La storia di Bruno, imprenditore nella ristorazione

Army Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Kaan and Basbug have a common very close friend that is the Chief Negotiator between Erdogan and the Constitutional Court. The MIT and CIA have good relations but according to the Turks they feel that the agencies should work more together on future strategies, specially on Iraq.

Peters e "Zack" sulla questione Adolfo Fracchetti: Yesterday Saturday May 31st I met Adolfo he stopped by with his wife on his way from Palmi to Verona where he will stay until May 3rd to go back to Palmi where the Prosecutor will make a decision to free his pension or not. The objectiveis to have the Carabinieri deliver a message - next Tuesday June 3rd - to the Prosecutor Dott. Musolino of Palmi to keep the inquiry going but to take away the "embezzlement" indictment from Adolfo, because he is the one that filed the complaint and while continuing to help the Prosecutor in this inquiry he'll be taken out of Calabria to work on other issues as a consultant in a Rome operation center.

That he was the one that filed the original complaint about the embezzlement. He filed the complaint because alone he was not in condition to discover the mechanism used to embezzle the sum of There is only one double reimbursement for only 12, that was found out of a volume of And according to Adolfo was not his signature.

He is willing to continue work as a consultant in an appropriate Rome center. Within 3 days the judge has to decide if to keep seized or to allow Adolfo to have access to his monthly pension Cirielli Commissione Difesa Camera con il Viscardi. Il 12 Giugno invio la seguente informativa a Joseph C. Angelo met his friend Nicolo' Pollari that told him that a good thing to work with is the Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore now about to be registered also in the EU in Brussels.

We managed to set up the schedule for Wednesday June The friends, On Scalera first, are trying to accelerate the whole thing to accommodate my schedule since I would like to fly back next Sunday. Today or tomorrow I'll decide, however I believe I may have to stay another week because the NIAF people are coming to see Frattini, Dini, visit the house and the senate, and have a gala at the end of next week. I was invited with Angelo to join them looks like Enzo De Chiara is coming as well.

With Andrea Viscardi and On. Scalera we met with On. The meeting went on the same lines of the one with Dini, more on the Italian industry involved with defense contracts practical strategies instead of the politics discussed with Dini. We went then for a tee with Ing. Poduie and we discussed the Vicenza problem and issues. What they do not know is that The Fondazione was approached by some very influential people close to the US willing commit to have the industrialists with the mayor and the political groups of a nearby important city also the Veneto region few miles from Vicenza and close to major airports to give us a "red carpet treat" willing to give an historical building plus all the necessary land for a brand new base.

The question is when I am going to hear from both of you. Peters e a "Zack" il messaggio inviato il 12 al Dott. Raffaele Del Sole Translation 1 Date: Thu, 12 Jun In breve, volevano costringerci prima con modi educati a vendere alle loro condizioni trentanovemila euro!!! Greco frasi di questo genere: Greco words such as "if we do not close this operation you Angelo and you Giorgio you are already dead" adding that we were free to go and file criminal charges against him with the police Carabinieri and that he was determined to carry out his threat even after the complaint.

Here we have all the worries that will coerce us to let the things go and give up since the tone, the expression of Virgiglio's face when he stated that our two heads were art stake "because" we knew very well who where the "people" behind him. Peters e lo "Zack" del messaggio inviato al Dott. Raffaele Del Sole il 15 Giugno Com. Life is indeed really beautiful!!! Good night Giorgio From: Sun, 15 Jun Taking advantage of your willingness to listen to us, we would like to make you aware of some certitudes realities.

Gli stessi hanno chiesto di ottenere la residenza a Colleferro Roma. The same two guys asked a friend of us to change residence from Calabria to the city of Colleferro Rome. The subject Virgiglio , carries a gun in his right ankle under the sock and moves around with rented cars or by train, he leave his Mercedes here in Villa Vecchia where he brought a motorcycle or he leaves the car somewhere else.

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Lo stesso soggetto, secondo quanto fattoci pervenire da una fonte Calabrese che trovasi nella sezione di massima sicurezza del carcere di Velletri, e' stato fino a prima della morte del Rocco Mole' il trasportatore con la Cargo Service Srl. La stessa fonte ha definito il soggetto una pedina, una testa di legno pulita. The same source has described Virgiglio as a puppet, a clean front. La questione "mercato del pesce" e' stata soltanto un pretesto del Piromalli dell'asse Gioia-Napoli-Milano per eliminare una persona scomoda e stanca di tali traffici.

The issue of the "fish market" was just an excuse of the Piromalli's Gioia-Naples- Milan axis to eliminate a person Rocco Mole' tired to continue to carry on such traffics. Visto che i nipoti come anche i suoi definiti "ragazzi" vengono ad alloggiare a Villa Vecchia senza essere registrati? Since the nephews of Mole' and Virgiglio's "boys" are usually coming into the Hotel Villa Vecchia without going through a regular check-in and registration?

Grazie per averci ascoltato, mentre rimaniamo in attesa di un suggerimento che a questo punto sarebbe auspicabile e molto gradito. Boccardelli sono a Vibo dove vedo tra gli altri i due Nino. Stupito chiedo loro se avevano ricevuto il messaggio che gli avremmo ospitati negli Stati Uniti, mi risposero negativamente e si allontanarono a parlare con il resto del gruppo. A questo punto invece di allontanarsi con il Boccardelli si fermarono a cena dove succede il finimondo avevo piu' volte richiesto di mettere il mio telefonino sotto controllo e spero che dalle reistrazioni ambientali si possa confermare quanto qui scritto..

Raffaele Del Sole Sent: Jul 14, Del Sole Siamo a disturbarLa nuovamente per darLe visione doverosa di quello che oggi e' certezza: Nell'attesa di un incontro, peraltro graditissimo, porgiamo i migliori saluti. L'8 sera rientrando a Roma la macchina della Fondazione subisce un danno irreparabile ai freni e chiediamo a Fortebracci di prestarci la sua macchina con la quale andiamo in Calabria. Raffaele del Sole e Joseph C. Del Sole aveva ricevuto i nostri messaggi.

Rientro a capo Rizzuto la sera. Si deve poi fare una denuncia a Frascati per le minacce ai genitori del Boccardelli. La sera il Boccardelli riceve un Fax dal Virgiglio al quale risponde tramite l'Avv. Thu, 14 Aug Risposta a Fax Cargo Service Come si richiedeva titoli giustificativi della mia posizione all'interno della Fondazione entro e non oltre tre giorni dal ricevimento del Fax a giustificazione della mia presenza in Villa Vecchia. Alla Sua richiesta con fax del 14 Agosto ore Distintamente Angelo Boccardelli Il 15 Agosto vado a Livorno da mia figlia dove rimango fino al 19 Agosto quando ritorno a Roma dove a Villa Vecchia la situazione era diventata insostenibile.

Domenica 24 Agosto troviamo il cancello con le catene e abbiamo chiamato i Carabinieri per avere accesso al nostro domicilio, verbalizzando l'accaduto. Seguono verbali e denunce. Settembre 2 Settembre il Dott. Boccardelli chiama il Gesualdo Mastruzzo in Canada per chiedere di far ragionare il nipote Virgiglio.

Morabito su una lettera che avrebbe voluto scrivere al Virgiglio. Lettera che vorrei inviare al Virgiglio. Per quanto riguarda la Sua "riserva", Le dico di scioglierla e rivolgersi tramite i canali diplomatici del suo paese a S. Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri On. Non ho mai considerato alle mie dipendenze le maestranze di Villa Vecchia e non ho mai preteso nulla di assurdo da parte loro. Lei mi ha sempre dato questo riferimento, comunque ne prendo atto.

Fortebracci venivano fissate due date per rogitare la vendita come pre-concordato. Francesco Paolo Ventriglia ed il fratello di lui Fausto. Pur avendo successivamente mostrato i libri contabili della ITA Srl. Significo quindi che il VIRGIGLIO Cosimo proponeva una compravendita alle "sue condizioni compromissorie", e se mai avessi firmato il nuovo contratto capestro, avrei sanato tutte le sue malefatte e soprattutto il reato di estorsione.

I documentazione e' stata depositata presso il Tribunale di Velletri, parte della denuncia del precedente Amministratore della ITA Srl. Rimango una settimana a casa a New York. Marcoledi' 24 sera siamo in San Marino dove necessito dei bilanci Immobistar in previsione del meeting dal Notaio a Pistoia per fermare il Virgiglio nel suo tentativo di acquisire per 4 soldi Villa Vecchia. Da notare che lo stesso contratto era arrivato solo la sera prima era evidente che con tale contratto il VIRGIGLIO avrebbe voluto nascondere, oscurare, ripulire i fatti relativi all'estorsione. Quando la Cargo Service Srl.

Verifica scioglimento riserva dell'Amministratore Dott. Ratifica Preliminare di vendita. Approvazione bilanci , , Enrico Masucci come commercialista e mandato ad eseguire una due diligence. Riduzione Capitale Sociale e scioglimento collegio sindacale. Invito tutti i soci ed il collegio sindacale ad essere presenti, al fine di assumere le eventuali decisioni in maniera condivisa. Cavallaro che ci suggeriva di vendere Villa Vecchia e comprare la sua villa all"Olgiata dove avremmo potuto portare avanti i programmi della Fondazione.

Si reagisce i due figuri si dileguano ed io porto il Boccardelli all'ospedale. Sabato 25 la sera tardi il Prof. Cavallaro ci chiama dicendo con voce frenetica al telefonino spero sia stato tutto registrato che lo avevano chiamato e minacciato di morte. Cavallaro a Tor Vergata per portarlo dalla polizia e fare una denuncia ma aveva paura e la denuncia non l'ha poi mai fatta.

Domenica 26, il Boccardelli che non voleva mai far sapere a nessuno di quanto ci stavano facendo, ha chiesto consiglio al cugino Ispettore di Polizia. Veniamo denunciati dalla ndragheta!!!! Come cittadino Americano e residente a New York mi sono reso disponibile a rientrare in Italia in data concordarsi e mettere il tutto a verbale.

Novembre Dal 1 Novembre al 14 tento di risolvere la questione finanziaria. Avevo bisogno di rientrare nelle spese sostenute ed il Boccardelli aveva bisogno di supporto legale sia a Roma che a San Marino. Sabato 15 rientro a New York lasciando il Dott. Boccardelli ma siccome non me ne era importato un bel nulla fin dall'inizio, rispondevo alla Di BArtolomeo che quello che altri facevano sotto le coperte non erano fatti miei.

Che se il Dott. E' durante il Novembre anche il Viscardi mi fa pressioni per rientrare in Italia e fargli un appuntamento con Finmeccanica. Mi dice che avrebbe risolto le mie questioni e quelle del Dott. Le solite "balle" BS cotte e ricotte. Dicembre Il Viscardi mi avrebbe dovuto mandare un biglietto per il 4 Dicembre, ma niente.

De Donno, che a suo dire non era in Italia. Siccome il biglietto era stato emesso, dissi al Viscardi che gli avevo procurato l'incontro ma poteva discutere di tutto ma espressamente gli avevo detto di non discutere il caso Turchia di cui era venuto al corrente durante i miei incontri con il Sen.

Antonio Vox anche lui del gruppo Finmeccanica. Gli sconsigliai categoricamente di portare con se il Vox. Anche qui mi rassicura della cosa. Parto il 16 pomeriggio e arrivo a Roma il 17 mattina la sera ero prenotato al Borromini. Il Viscardi arriva alle Viscardi aveva chiesto di assegnare la Turchia a Vox oppure avrebbe dato in pasto alla stampa le voci sulla questione elicotteri era direttore del quotidiano La Notte rilevato da Catapano. La sera del 18 a Colleferro scoppia il finimondo. Insomma era l'ora di finirla ed ero felice di essere finalmente stato ascoltato dalla Procura della Repubblica.

Raffaele Del Sole inviato il 22 Dicembre From: Monday, December 22, 1: Raffaele Del Sole Cc: Del Sole, Riscontrando l'invito che il Dott. Andrea Viscardi ci ha rivolto per trasmetterLe una dichiarazione in merito ai genitori del Dott. Boccardelli ha deciso di tornare a vivere con i suoi genitori, e qualora dovesse assentarsi per ragioni di lavoro ha provveduto a tutelare gli stessi con la presenza del cugino che opera come Ispettore nel Corpo di Polizia di Stato.

Pertanto qualora ritenesse doveroso agire nei confronti di tali soggetti della 'ndrangheta che occupano l'Hotel Villa Vecchia agisca pure senza alcuna preoccupazione. Gennaio Fra artrosi reumatoide ed il resto rimango praticamente fermo un mese. Da notare che il 12 Gennaio copro le spese di inscrizione al Rotary di Antonio Vox, cosa mai fatta da Viscardi che come vengo a sapere in seguito si era tenuto i soldi.

Vengo raggiunto dal mio avvocato a NY al quale il 15 firmo la mia dichiarazione sui fatti di Villa Vecchia. Domenica 25 Gennaio parto per l'Italia Com. Rimango in Italia due settimane per sbrigare delle questioni relative al decesso di mio padre a Taranto e preparare la conferenza su Michelangelo con il Dott. Febbraio Febbraio 7, alle 1: Sabato 7 Roma - New York dove arrivo a casa in serata. Boccardelli partiamo da Atlanta per il Monterrey in Messico dove arriviamo in serata.

Sabato 28 sono con il Dott. Boccardelli dai Carabinieri a Monte Porzio a sollecitare che sia fatta Giustizia. La sera siamo a cena con il Ministro Morri per concordare l'evento alla Lateranense a fine mese. Luisa Melara che lavora con un caro amico l'Avv. Luca Di Fazio conosciuto nel quando era segretario del Ministro delle Telecomunicazione e con la MSGI avevo portato in Italia i sistemi di sicurezza e l'anti- terrorismo. A queste conclusioni si giunge dopo aver verificato la stupefacente gamma di implicazioni e rimandi che l'opera suggerisce.

Il Crocefisso ligneo, oltre a concepire ogni contrasto tra gli opposti, di sacro e profano, evidenzia la straordinaria sapienza di un artista che come pochi altri nella storia ha saputo elaborare prototipi figurativi da imporre all'ammirazione del mondo e all'imitazione. Da ultimo con dati empirici metteremo in luce il Linguaggio dei Segni e delle Forme ovvero il Codice Michelangelo attraverso il quale il divino Maestro ha realizzato tutte le sue opere. Subito dopo si va dal Ministro Morri e dall'Avv.

Burgagna che accetta l'incarico per esporre alla Giustizia del Titano i crimini finanziari fatti dalla Fingestus. La conferenza si e' svolta nel migliore dei modi con il disappunto per la mancata esposizione de Il Cristo per guasto tecnico all'aeromobile che ne aveva ritardato la partenza e quindi la mancata coincidenza con l'aereo personale del Ministro Morri. Ha condotto il dibattito il dottor Andrea Pamparana.

Sabato 4 rientro a New York con il solito volo della Delta. Da sabato 4 Aprile all'11 Maggio sono a New York dove tento di riorganizzarmi la vita professionale e con Joseph C. Peters e Dean Capawana. Mi portano direttamente a sud ad Amantea dove vengo presentato al titolare Salvatore De Seta che durante la cena mi diceva che era lui che mi aveva fatto cercare da Francesco Chiodo e mandato un biglietto aereo. Con Francesco Chiodo si dal Roberto Amato e con lui dal Roberto Mirabelli che ci fa vedere i nuovi capannoni dove smistare generi alimentari per i mercati ortofrutticoli.

Sabato 16 il Francesco Chiodo mi accompagna a Roma da mia sorella. Domenica 17 rientro a New York senza aver visto il Dott. Boccardelli al quale avevo accennato la grave situazione che aspettava mia figlia Barbara. Sabato 23 mia figlia mi viene a prendere all'aeroporto di Pisa e andiamo a Livorno. Parlo con il Dott. Domenica 24 arriva a Livorno De Seta con in auto il Dott.

Boccardelli e si va ad Arezzo per la festa della prima comunione della figlia di un comune amico. Il De Seta ed il Dott. Boccardelli sembravano andare d'accordo. Boccardelli ed il De Seta siamo a San Marino per concordare l'esposizione e la sicurezza de Il Cristo in Settembre durante una settimana dedicata all'arte organizzata dal Ministro Morri, dove il De Seta offre di fare il servizio di sicurezza durante l'esposizione del Il Cristo. Melara si intrattiene con noi fuori del tribunale quando arriva il Virgiglio al seguito del suo avvocato e di una banda di canaglie.

Sabato 30 Chiodo mi porta a Roma prima da mia sorella e poi dal Dott. Peters, Dean Capawana ed il sottoscritto. Chiamo Francesco Chiodo che mi dice di non preoccuparmi che tutto sta andando per il meglio. A questo punto ho detto a Joseph C. Peters e a Dean Capawana, che non volevano credermi, che si ripigliassero le mie azioni e che se il De Seta avesse ottemperato ai suoi obblighi, dovevano in qualche modo farmi recuperare quanto speso.

Si vantava di essere in Italia il referente di Joseph C. Con la THOR inizio un'ottima collaborazione e cominciamo a fare varie proposte a vari governi e multinazionali. E' quindi Coordinatore Nazionale del neonato movimento politico "Progetto Italia" www. Cari lettori e amici, rispondo pubblicamente alle numerose mail che ho ricevuto in questi giorni sulla mia presenza di Direttore Editoriale di Progetto Italia News e TV.

Ho accettato di intraprendere questo percorso editoriale con Andrea Viscardi, che conosco da anni e con cui mi sono confrontato moltissime volte su tanti terreni. Boccardelli aveva indirizzato al Ministro della Giustizia ed al Ministro degli Interni con la dovuta documentazione allegata. Wednesday, September 23, 8: Angelo Boccardelli aboccardelli gmail.

Ho il terrore di chiederti come vanno le cose Sembra che il De Seta abbia messo in giro la voce che io ti ho rubato tutto, e anche se Joe Peters o il Capawana non me lo dicono direttamente me lo fanno intendere con lo sguardo. Qui non la pensano come S. Per le azioni della Immobistar ho preso appuntamento dal Notaio al Consolato dove vado a fare una rinuncia a Tuo favore. A presto Giorgio PS: Fatto questo spero di zittire tutto e tutti a cominciare da Rembrandt ndr. Fri, 2 Oct Ieri da Langley abbiamo telefonato a G.

Abbiamo telefonato a Giuseppe Ioppolo e abbiamo avuto una cordiale conversazione. Sentiamoci su skype appena puoi. Monday, October 05, 8: Capirai se questi hanno il tempo e la voglia di farci giustizia con Villa Vecchia a Roma e la villa dell'Amb. In apertura dell'udienza preliminare davanti al giudice Mariolina Panasiti, Mancini ha depositato la memoria in cui chiede che i rapporti tra lui, Cipriani e Tavaroli vengano coperti dal segreto. Rapporti tra la struttura di Tavaroli e gli esistevano sicuramente da anni, sia Tavaroli che Cipriani sono stati utilizzati dal servizio segreto militare per operazioni "coperte".

Peters in risposta al suo messaggio dove mi richiede una "Update": Eastern Daylight Time, joepeters tmo. They per "they" si riferisce alla CIA will be back in touch with me. In the meantime, any update since the last? The situation is very fluid. We have a meeting early tomorrow morning with one of the comptrollers of our company ITA Srl.

The brother of the comptroller, Fausto Ventriglia, has some connections with a head of anti- mafia. Tomorrow afternoon we should go back into Rosarno where Andrea Viscardi the one that drove us to see Giuseppe De Donno has arranged a meeting with one of the head of the "old families" for tomorrow night but Angelo is not yet convinced he should do it. Il padre ricoverato, che avendo numeri di telefono particolari non era in contatto con il figlio?

Cavallaro che non sa spiegarsi l'assenza del Virgiglio con il padre ricoverato da giorni in ospedale. Erano entrati ed usciti dalla porta principale simulando uno scasso. I sospetti vanno sulla Bonuccelli che aveva sempre avuto le chiavi e il Virgiglio che non era reperibile da tempo aveva forse lasciato telefoni e telefonini per non farsi rintracciare e recarsi con la Bonuccelli a San Marino?

Boccardelli non vuole fare alcuna denuncia ed io per il momento preferivo subito mettere al sicuro Il Cristo. Quindi il mattino sono andato in Banca Centrale e levare il Cristo dalla Banca e trasferirlo altrove. Anche qui mi accorgo che il Boccardelli era sotto attacco dal Beindorff, che aveva mandato il conto della sua "consulenza" alla Fondazione; sotto attacco dalla Fingestus che morto l'Ambasciatore Ugolini aveva fatto sparire i conti fiduciari del Boccardelli e dell'Ambasciatore.

Siamo senza una lira e abbiamo bisogno di fare ricorsi e azioni civili e penali. Il 14 Aprile invio il seguente rapporto sulla situazione a Peters e Col. Tentative of hostile takeover of the Hotel Villa Vecchia structure and its art mafia style , recent robberies in Rome and San Marino. The Hotel Villa Vecchia complex 1. The old management that in and embezzled over , Euros is out of the Hotel as of the end of January We do not know anything about the criminal charges filed on November 30 at the Carabinieri of Monte Porzio Catone. Angelo and I we have inventoried our art exhibited in the public space of the Hotel Villa Vecchia estimated at 2.

The Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore needs continuity in the next months before we can overcome the loss occurred in the last week criminal break-in. In the robbery they where after the Christ of Michelangelo that the criminals believed was in San Marino where they "eradicated" the headquarters' safe from the wall with inside the Foundation's books, seal, bank checks and valuable funds AND the bank's vault second key where INDEED the Christ sculpture was. Without books, seal and checks, the Foundation in San Marino had to be suspended.

We need an active Foundation in order to continue the ongoing programs: We'll be able to continue to operate internationally - immediately and seamlessly - while waiting to receive the books and seals to substitute the one stolen in San Marino. To recuperate the heavy losses and have again some liquidity we need an active company in San Marino. The Chamber of Commerce certificate should be received by the end of April beginning of May.

Si fa' la denuncia, si cambiano le serrature e si rientra a Villa Vecchia il 16 aprile in tarda serata. La gendarmeria fa una indagine e sequestra una tenda dove ci sono eveidenti segni di sangue di chi si era ferito durante il furto della cassaforte. Dopo minacce lettere anonime, ricatti e pressioni, furti truffe, che vuoi che abbia gli risposi. Maggio Il 6 Maggio prima di ripartire per Roma in tutta fretta invio il seguente messaggio a Joseph C. Peters e a "Zack" in questo rapporto ho omesso alcuni dettagli A.

I'll put together the entire list of the people I have direct or indirect access to Connections of immediate interest are Vatican's Card. After the meeting at the Vatican that was the excuse for the trip to Rome Interreligious Discussions , Mehmet Gomez went to tour Rome while Mehmet Cicek was supposed to meet privately in Finmeccanica Hqs near the Vatican with Giorgio Zappa on border security Mehmet Cicek that was representing his brother called off the Thursday March 13 Mehmet Cicek asked me to have contact with the US side on what transpired in Rome.

From March 19 to April 19 I had to deal with the situation of the calabresi and the first time I could be debriefed by Joe was yesterday. The Turks are still calling and trying to make contact last email was this morning at 4: Sorry for the English and the rest but I am in a big rush. L'8 Maggio incontro fra il Dott.

Boccardelli e gli avvocati del Virgiglio. La sera siamo a Fiumicino a cena con il Viscardi ed il Dr. Carrozzo per parlare della questione container armi e gioia Tauro quando arriva una telefonata dal giardiniere a San Marino che rimanda in tilt il Boccardelli un finestra era aperta. Quando parlo con il Virgiglio questo con arroganza mi dice che i Nipoti del Mole' " Si va a San Marino il 12 si ritorna in Gendarmeria e la sera siamo nuovamente in Villa Vecchia, dove ricevo delicate notizie a riguardo della vecchia questione Cicek Zappa ora sfociata in questioni fra i generali Turchi ed Erdogan sulla scelta fatta per gli elicotteri Finmeccanica.

La sera sono a cena con il Boccardelli che parla dei suoi guai all'Avv. Morabito civilista , Sangermani penalista. Io consiglio al Boccardelli di chiamare la GdF di chiamare il Ventriglia che diceva di avere un parente, un generale nell'antimafia. JP and the Italian friends in Customs 2. US base expansion in Vicenza Rovigo vs. He is available on the 28 and 29 when in Rome where he has to take his wife in Tor Vergata Hospital for a check. I met them again this month and looks like that the personalities introduced to us by Andrea Viscardi are more and more interested in supporting the original project.

From another very reputable connection I understand that the City of Rovigo is interested in hosting the base. The meeting between Mehmet Cicek and Card. Laghi scheduled for May 30th is being postponed to June 7— In Rome the arrogance of Giorgio Zappa friend of Prodi and Cucchi whose son works in Finmeccanica caused a stir between the relations of Turkey and Finmeccanica. Zappa that is very good friend of Erdogan thinks he can get away with murder and survive all kind of scandals. The PM is in trouble since the constitutional court opened a case to close the AKP party and ban from politics 60 of its members for 5 years including my good friend Mehmet Cicek that may have no more than two or three month of maneuvering space to help his cousin Cemil Cicek.

The AKP and its politicians are accused to acts against the constitution. The AKP has prepared a defense document that they submitted 2 weeks ago to the court. Within 6 months from such filing we should have a decision on the matter around Sep. Erdogan is pretty much in trouble, one of the scandal he was involved in, was the sale of a TV station that he awarded to his son in law giving him a loan from a state bank to pay for it.

Army Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Kaan and Basbug have a common very close friend that is the Chief Negotiator between Erdogan and the Constitutional Court. The MIT and CIA have good relations but according to the Turks they feel that the agencies should work more together on future strategies, specially on Iraq. Peters e "Zack" sulla questione Adolfo Fracchetti: Yesterday Saturday May 31st I met Adolfo he stopped by with his wife on his way from Palmi to Verona where he will stay until May 3rd to go back to Palmi where the Prosecutor will make a decision to free his pension or not.

The objectiveis to have the Carabinieri deliver a message - next Tuesday June 3rd - to the Prosecutor Dott. Musolino of Palmi to keep the inquiry going but to take away the "embezzlement" indictment from Adolfo, because he is the one that filed the complaint and while continuing to help the Prosecutor in this inquiry he'll be taken out of Calabria to work on other issues as a consultant in a Rome operation center. That he was the one that filed the original complaint about the embezzlement. He filed the complaint because alone he was not in condition to discover the mechanism used to embezzle the sum of There is only one double reimbursement for only 12, that was found out of a volume of And according to Adolfo was not his signature.

He is willing to continue work as a consultant in an appropriate Rome center. Within 3 days the judge has to decide if to keep seized or to allow Adolfo to have access to his monthly pension Cirielli Commissione Difesa Camera con il Viscardi. Il 12 Giugno invio la seguente informativa a Joseph C.

Angelo met his friend Nicolo' Pollari that told him that a good thing to work with is the Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore now about to be registered also in the EU in Brussels. We managed to set up the schedule for Wednesday June The friends, On Scalera first, are trying to accelerate the whole thing to accommodate my schedule since I would like to fly back next Sunday. Today or tomorrow I'll decide, however I believe I may have to stay another week because the NIAF people are coming to see Frattini, Dini, visit the house and the senate, and have a gala at the end of next week.

I was invited with Angelo to join them looks like Enzo De Chiara is coming as well. With Andrea Viscardi and On. Scalera we met with On. The meeting went on the same lines of the one with Dini, more on the Italian industry involved with defense contracts practical strategies instead of the politics discussed with Dini.

We went then for a tee with Ing. Poduie and we discussed the Vicenza problem and issues. What they do not know is that The Fondazione was approached by some very influential people close to the US willing commit to have the industrialists with the mayor and the political groups of a nearby important city also the Veneto region few miles from Vicenza and close to major airports to give us a "red carpet treat" willing to give an historical building plus all the necessary land for a brand new base. The question is when I am going to hear from both of you.

Peters e a "Zack" il messaggio inviato il 12 al Dott. Raffaele Del Sole Translation 1 Date: Thu, 12 Jun In breve, volevano costringerci prima con modi educati a vendere alle loro condizioni trentanovemila euro!!! Greco frasi di questo genere: Greco words such as "if we do not close this operation you Angelo and you Giorgio you are already dead" adding that we were free to go and file criminal charges against him with the police Carabinieri and that he was determined to carry out his threat even after the complaint.

Here we have all the worries that will coerce us to let the things go and give up since the tone, the expression of Virgiglio's face when he stated that our two heads were art stake "because" we knew very well who where the "people" behind him. Peters e lo "Zack" del messaggio inviato al Dott. Raffaele Del Sole il 15 Giugno Com. Life is indeed really beautiful!!! Good night Giorgio From: Sun, 15 Jun Taking advantage of your willingness to listen to us, we would like to make you aware of some certitudes realities.

Gli stessi hanno chiesto di ottenere la residenza a Colleferro Roma. The same two guys asked a friend of us to change residence from Calabria to the city of Colleferro Rome. The subject Virgiglio , carries a gun in his right ankle under the sock and moves around with rented cars or by train, he leave his Mercedes here in Villa Vecchia where he brought a motorcycle or he leaves the car somewhere else. Lo stesso soggetto, secondo quanto fattoci pervenire da una fonte Calabrese che trovasi nella sezione di massima sicurezza del carcere di Velletri, e' stato fino a prima della morte del Rocco Mole' il trasportatore con la Cargo Service Srl.

La stessa fonte ha definito il soggetto una pedina, una testa di legno pulita. The same source has described Virgiglio as a puppet, a clean front. La questione "mercato del pesce" e' stata soltanto un pretesto del Piromalli dell'asse Gioia-Napoli-Milano per eliminare una persona scomoda e stanca di tali traffici. The issue of the "fish market" was just an excuse of the Piromalli's Gioia-Naples- Milan axis to eliminate a person Rocco Mole' tired to continue to carry on such traffics. Visto che i nipoti come anche i suoi definiti "ragazzi" vengono ad alloggiare a Villa Vecchia senza essere registrati?

Since the nephews of Mole' and Virgiglio's "boys" are usually coming into the Hotel Villa Vecchia without going through a regular check-in and registration? Grazie per averci ascoltato, mentre rimaniamo in attesa di un suggerimento che a questo punto sarebbe auspicabile e molto gradito.

Boccardelli sono a Vibo dove vedo tra gli altri i due Nino. Stupito chiedo loro se avevano ricevuto il messaggio che gli avremmo ospitati negli Stati Uniti, mi risposero negativamente e si allontanarono a parlare con il resto del gruppo. A questo punto invece di allontanarsi con il Boccardelli si fermarono a cena dove succede il finimondo avevo piu' volte richiesto di mettere il mio telefonino sotto controllo e spero che dalle reistrazioni ambientali si possa confermare quanto qui scritto..

Raffaele Del Sole Sent: Jul 14, Del Sole Siamo a disturbarLa nuovamente per darLe visione doverosa di quello che oggi e' certezza: Nell'attesa di un incontro, peraltro graditissimo, porgiamo i migliori saluti. L'8 sera rientrando a Roma la macchina della Fondazione subisce un danno irreparabile ai freni e chiediamo a Fortebracci di prestarci la sua macchina con la quale andiamo in Calabria. Raffaele del Sole e Joseph C.

Del Sole aveva ricevuto i nostri messaggi. Rientro a capo Rizzuto la sera. Si deve poi fare una denuncia a Frascati per le minacce ai genitori del Boccardelli. La sera il Boccardelli riceve un Fax dal Virgiglio al quale risponde tramite l'Avv. Thu, 14 Aug Risposta a Fax Cargo Service Come si richiedeva titoli giustificativi della mia posizione all'interno della Fondazione entro e non oltre tre giorni dal ricevimento del Fax a giustificazione della mia presenza in Villa Vecchia.

Alla Sua richiesta con fax del 14 Agosto ore Distintamente Angelo Boccardelli Il 15 Agosto vado a Livorno da mia figlia dove rimango fino al 19 Agosto quando ritorno a Roma dove a Villa Vecchia la situazione era diventata insostenibile. Domenica 24 Agosto troviamo il cancello con le catene e abbiamo chiamato i Carabinieri per avere accesso al nostro domicilio, verbalizzando l'accaduto. Seguono verbali e denunce. Settembre 2 Settembre il Dott. Boccardelli chiama il Gesualdo Mastruzzo in Canada per chiedere di far ragionare il nipote Virgiglio.

Morabito su una lettera che avrebbe voluto scrivere al Virgiglio. Lettera che vorrei inviare al Virgiglio. Per quanto riguarda la Sua "riserva", Le dico di scioglierla e rivolgersi tramite i canali diplomatici del suo paese a S. Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri On. Non ho mai considerato alle mie dipendenze le maestranze di Villa Vecchia e non ho mai preteso nulla di assurdo da parte loro. Lei mi ha sempre dato questo riferimento, comunque ne prendo atto.

Fortebracci venivano fissate due date per rogitare la vendita come pre-concordato. Francesco Paolo Ventriglia ed il fratello di lui Fausto. Pur avendo successivamente mostrato i libri contabili della ITA Srl. Significo quindi che il VIRGIGLIO Cosimo proponeva una compravendita alle "sue condizioni compromissorie", e se mai avessi firmato il nuovo contratto capestro, avrei sanato tutte le sue malefatte e soprattutto il reato di estorsione. I documentazione e' stata depositata presso il Tribunale di Velletri, parte della denuncia del precedente Amministratore della ITA Srl.

Rimango una settimana a casa a New York. Marcoledi' 24 sera siamo in San Marino dove necessito dei bilanci Immobistar in previsione del meeting dal Notaio a Pistoia per fermare il Virgiglio nel suo tentativo di acquisire per 4 soldi Villa Vecchia. Da notare che lo stesso contratto era arrivato solo la sera prima era evidente che con tale contratto il VIRGIGLIO avrebbe voluto nascondere, oscurare, ripulire i fatti relativi all'estorsione.

Quando la Cargo Service Srl. Verifica scioglimento riserva dell'Amministratore Dott. Ratifica Preliminare di vendita. Approvazione bilanci , , Enrico Masucci come commercialista e mandato ad eseguire una due diligence. Riduzione Capitale Sociale e scioglimento collegio sindacale. Invito tutti i soci ed il collegio sindacale ad essere presenti, al fine di assumere le eventuali decisioni in maniera condivisa. Cavallaro che ci suggeriva di vendere Villa Vecchia e comprare la sua villa all"Olgiata dove avremmo potuto portare avanti i programmi della Fondazione.

Si reagisce i due figuri si dileguano ed io porto il Boccardelli all'ospedale. Sabato 25 la sera tardi il Prof. Cavallaro ci chiama dicendo con voce frenetica al telefonino spero sia stato tutto registrato che lo avevano chiamato e minacciato di morte. Cavallaro a Tor Vergata per portarlo dalla polizia e fare una denuncia ma aveva paura e la denuncia non l'ha poi mai fatta.

Domenica 26, il Boccardelli che non voleva mai far sapere a nessuno di quanto ci stavano facendo, ha chiesto consiglio al cugino Ispettore di Polizia. Veniamo denunciati dalla ndragheta!!!! Come cittadino Americano e residente a New York mi sono reso disponibile a rientrare in Italia in data concordarsi e mettere il tutto a verbale. Novembre Dal 1 Novembre al 14 tento di risolvere la questione finanziaria.

Avevo bisogno di rientrare nelle spese sostenute ed il Boccardelli aveva bisogno di supporto legale sia a Roma che a San Marino. Sabato 15 rientro a New York lasciando il Dott. Boccardelli ma siccome non me ne era importato un bel nulla fin dall'inizio, rispondevo alla Di BArtolomeo che quello che altri facevano sotto le coperte non erano fatti miei. Che se il Dott. E' durante il Novembre anche il Viscardi mi fa pressioni per rientrare in Italia e fargli un appuntamento con Finmeccanica. Mi dice che avrebbe risolto le mie questioni e quelle del Dott.

Le solite "balle" BS cotte e ricotte. Dicembre Il Viscardi mi avrebbe dovuto mandare un biglietto per il 4 Dicembre, ma niente. De Donno, che a suo dire non era in Italia. Siccome il biglietto era stato emesso, dissi al Viscardi che gli avevo procurato l'incontro ma poteva discutere di tutto ma espressamente gli avevo detto di non discutere il caso Turchia di cui era venuto al corrente durante i miei incontri con il Sen. Antonio Vox anche lui del gruppo Finmeccanica. Gli sconsigliai categoricamente di portare con se il Vox. Anche qui mi rassicura della cosa. Parto il 16 pomeriggio e arrivo a Roma il 17 mattina la sera ero prenotato al Borromini.

Il Viscardi arriva alle Viscardi aveva chiesto di assegnare la Turchia a Vox oppure avrebbe dato in pasto alla stampa le voci sulla questione elicotteri era direttore del quotidiano La Notte rilevato da Catapano. La sera del 18 a Colleferro scoppia il finimondo. Insomma era l'ora di finirla ed ero felice di essere finalmente stato ascoltato dalla Procura della Repubblica. Raffaele Del Sole inviato il 22 Dicembre From: Monday, December 22, 1: Raffaele Del Sole Cc: Del Sole, Riscontrando l'invito che il Dott.

Andrea Viscardi ci ha rivolto per trasmetterLe una dichiarazione in merito ai genitori del Dott. Boccardelli ha deciso di tornare a vivere con i suoi genitori, e qualora dovesse assentarsi per ragioni di lavoro ha provveduto a tutelare gli stessi con la presenza del cugino che opera come Ispettore nel Corpo di Polizia di Stato.

Pertanto qualora ritenesse doveroso agire nei confronti di tali soggetti della 'ndrangheta che occupano l'Hotel Villa Vecchia agisca pure senza alcuna preoccupazione. Gennaio Fra artrosi reumatoide ed il resto rimango praticamente fermo un mese. Da notare che il 12 Gennaio copro le spese di inscrizione al Rotary di Antonio Vox, cosa mai fatta da Viscardi che come vengo a sapere in seguito si era tenuto i soldi.

Vengo raggiunto dal mio avvocato a NY al quale il 15 firmo la mia dichiarazione sui fatti di Villa Vecchia. Domenica 25 Gennaio parto per l'Italia Com. Rimango in Italia due settimane per sbrigare delle questioni relative al decesso di mio padre a Taranto e preparare la conferenza su Michelangelo con il Dott. Febbraio Febbraio 7, alle 1: Sabato 7 Roma - New York dove arrivo a casa in serata. Boccardelli partiamo da Atlanta per il Monterrey in Messico dove arriviamo in serata.

Sabato 28 sono con il Dott. Boccardelli dai Carabinieri a Monte Porzio a sollecitare che sia fatta Giustizia. La sera siamo a cena con il Ministro Morri per concordare l'evento alla Lateranense a fine mese. Luisa Melara che lavora con un caro amico l'Avv. Luca Di Fazio conosciuto nel quando era segretario del Ministro delle Telecomunicazione e con la MSGI avevo portato in Italia i sistemi di sicurezza e l'anti- terrorismo. A queste conclusioni si giunge dopo aver verificato la stupefacente gamma di implicazioni e rimandi che l'opera suggerisce.

Il Crocefisso ligneo, oltre a concepire ogni contrasto tra gli opposti, di sacro e profano, evidenzia la straordinaria sapienza di un artista che come pochi altri nella storia ha saputo elaborare prototipi figurativi da imporre all'ammirazione del mondo e all'imitazione. Da ultimo con dati empirici metteremo in luce il Linguaggio dei Segni e delle Forme ovvero il Codice Michelangelo attraverso il quale il divino Maestro ha realizzato tutte le sue opere.

Agenzia Incoming

Subito dopo si va dal Ministro Morri e dall'Avv. Burgagna che accetta l'incarico per esporre alla Giustizia del Titano i crimini finanziari fatti dalla Fingestus. La conferenza si e' svolta nel migliore dei modi con il disappunto per la mancata esposizione de Il Cristo per guasto tecnico all'aeromobile che ne aveva ritardato la partenza e quindi la mancata coincidenza con l'aereo personale del Ministro Morri.

Ha condotto il dibattito il dottor Andrea Pamparana. Sabato 4 rientro a New York con il solito volo della Delta. Da sabato 4 Aprile all'11 Maggio sono a New York dove tento di riorganizzarmi la vita professionale e con Joseph C. Peters e Dean Capawana. Mi portano direttamente a sud ad Amantea dove vengo presentato al titolare Salvatore De Seta che durante la cena mi diceva che era lui che mi aveva fatto cercare da Francesco Chiodo e mandato un biglietto aereo.

Con Francesco Chiodo si dal Roberto Amato e con lui dal Roberto Mirabelli che ci fa vedere i nuovi capannoni dove smistare generi alimentari per i mercati ortofrutticoli. Sabato 16 il Francesco Chiodo mi accompagna a Roma da mia sorella. Domenica 17 rientro a New York senza aver visto il Dott.

Boccardelli al quale avevo accennato la grave situazione che aspettava mia figlia Barbara. Sabato 23 mia figlia mi viene a prendere all'aeroporto di Pisa e andiamo a Livorno. Parlo con il Dott. Domenica 24 arriva a Livorno De Seta con in auto il Dott. Boccardelli e si va ad Arezzo per la festa della prima comunione della figlia di un comune amico. Il De Seta ed il Dott. Boccardelli sembravano andare d'accordo.

Boccardelli ed il De Seta siamo a San Marino per concordare l'esposizione e la sicurezza de Il Cristo in Settembre durante una settimana dedicata all'arte organizzata dal Ministro Morri, dove il De Seta offre di fare il servizio di sicurezza durante l'esposizione del Il Cristo. Melara si intrattiene con noi fuori del tribunale quando arriva il Virgiglio al seguito del suo avvocato e di una banda di canaglie. Sabato 30 Chiodo mi porta a Roma prima da mia sorella e poi dal Dott.

Peters, Dean Capawana ed il sottoscritto. Chiamo Francesco Chiodo che mi dice di non preoccuparmi che tutto sta andando per il meglio. A questo punto ho detto a Joseph C. Peters e a Dean Capawana, che non volevano credermi, che si ripigliassero le mie azioni e che se il De Seta avesse ottemperato ai suoi obblighi, dovevano in qualche modo farmi recuperare quanto speso. Si vantava di essere in Italia il referente di Joseph C. Con la THOR inizio un'ottima collaborazione e cominciamo a fare varie proposte a vari governi e multinazionali.

E' quindi Coordinatore Nazionale del neonato movimento politico "Progetto Italia" www. Cari lettori e amici, rispondo pubblicamente alle numerose mail che ho ricevuto in questi giorni sulla mia presenza di Direttore Editoriale di Progetto Italia News e TV. Ho accettato di intraprendere questo percorso editoriale con Andrea Viscardi, che conosco da anni e con cui mi sono confrontato moltissime volte su tanti terreni. Boccardelli aveva indirizzato al Ministro della Giustizia ed al Ministro degli Interni con la dovuta documentazione allegata. Wednesday, September 23, 8: Angelo Boccardelli aboccardelli gmail.

Ho il terrore di chiederti come vanno le cose Sembra che il De Seta abbia messo in giro la voce che io ti ho rubato tutto, e anche se Joe Peters o il Capawana non me lo dicono direttamente me lo fanno intendere con lo sguardo. Qui non la pensano come S. Per le azioni della Immobistar ho preso appuntamento dal Notaio al Consolato dove vado a fare una rinuncia a Tuo favore.

A presto Giorgio PS: Fatto questo spero di zittire tutto e tutti a cominciare da Rembrandt ndr. Fri, 2 Oct Ieri da Langley abbiamo telefonato a G. Abbiamo telefonato a Giuseppe Ioppolo e abbiamo avuto una cordiale conversazione.

internet-it - Use of corpora in translation studies

Sentiamoci su skype appena puoi. Monday, October 05, 8: Capirai se questi hanno il tempo e la voglia di farci giustizia con Villa Vecchia a Roma e la villa dell'Amb. In apertura dell'udienza preliminare davanti al giudice Mariolina Panasiti, Mancini ha depositato la memoria in cui chiede che i rapporti tra lui, Cipriani e Tavaroli vengano coperti dal segreto.

Rapporti tra la struttura di Tavaroli e gli esistevano sicuramente da anni, sia Tavaroli che Cipriani sono stati utilizzati dal servizio segreto militare per operazioni "coperte". Ma i rapporti non si sarebbero fermati qui: Ma ora la mossa a sorpresa dello Mancini cambia bruscamente le carte in tavola, e getta sull'inchiesta della Procura milanese l'ombra della lotta tra "cordate" vecchie e nuove all'interno del Sismi. Ufficialmente, Pollari non ha reagito alla requisitoria del pm Spataro. Ma chi lo ha incontrato nelle ore successive racconta di un Pollari furibondo: Finora Pollari ha taciuto.

Friday, October 09, 3: Seminar on Joe Petrosino and the fight against organized crime: Dimmi te Giorgio From: Saturday, October 10, 7: October 15, Gerald W. Tuesday, October 13, 7: Luisa Melara studiomelara libero. Vuoi che aggiunga qualche cosa? Fabrizio de Silvestri di rappresentarmi. Caro saluto Giorgio Com. Tuesday, October 13, 8: Giorgio Balestrieri Comandante aol. Ministro Giorgio From: Thursday, October 15, 4: Consegnato il tutto al Dr. Mi ha fatto un dedica sul suo libro "Morire di Mafia" ed oggi ci rivediamo alle Ciao Giorgio From: Thursday, October 29, 4: Mie dimissioni da ITA Srl.

Io potrei partecipare in teleconferenza via skype con te presente delegato alla firma. Rimango in attesa di un tuo cortese e urgente riscontro. The rhythm was based on art, not time or space, just as the weights of our lives are marked by the emotional importance of things. A few instants, when we are falling in love, can have an infinite weight in our memory. Axel Vervoordt takes care of art. He protects it, shelters it, searches for it, buys it, sells it, positions it.

A curator who cures. Vervoordt saves dying things, making them live forever, but without paralyzing them. He waits, watches them mature and change, age, rust, pale and fade. Seeing the exhibition, I thought that what I have always tried to do was not that different, though the approach might seem antithetical. Maybe there are two ways to erase time and restore the infinite. The first, as in the case of these works and this old palace, is to make them age infinitely.

The second, as in my case, is to not make them ever age. I have designed virtual landscapes, a digital sky that has no time or space; an impossible landscape remains impossible. Finally, the exhibition is put into an impeccable catalogue, where the works are paired like similar souls that meet by chance and discover they are perfect for each other.

Here too, time and space are banished, so everything is outside of any conventional scheme. Vervoordt perfectly combines the detail of a Venetian fabric by Mariano Fortuny with a sculpture by Renato Bertelli, the photograph of a cut by Lucio Fontana with that of the back of the same cut. The pages are close to each other thanks to human sensitivity, the sensibility of the intellect and art. Flatz by Markus Benesch Flatz is an Austrian artist who is definitely not following the fashion of the day.

I like his body of work because he is a very versatile artist who works as musician, sculptor and mostly performance artist with a very precious tool: I had an encounter with him three weeks ago and got to know him as a very kind and cheerful person — a real gentleman. Though at first his work seems just the opposite — strong and provocative. Provocative is probably not the right word — direct and strictly to the point is more correct. His art is often like a punch in the stomach, without detours, without anything unnecessary, getting straight to the point.

He sends out messages as sharp as blades, with utmost precision aiming at the perceptions of his viewers. I like his messages and how he brings them across. He chooses his own way of communication and leaves the safe path to others. His courage and radicalism make his works very interesting to me. I share his passion for going his own way and pursuing his own goals.

As well as his profound ability to study society and reflect on it. Often his works create scandals, but I find it impressive that one can cause such a stir with a single sticker, saying: Fressen Ficken Fernsehen in the colors of the German flag. Which means something like: I find this very inspiring and also important these days. To me having the courage to go on a journey with yourself in order to discover and find your own personal set of colors, shapes — your unique aesthetic DNA — is essential. Going that way is certainly more painful and harder than going with the flow, or even copying what already exists — but in the end to me it is much more rewarding than anything else.

And I knew he liked mandarin oranges. I also knew that in his work, using irony and satire, he had narrated the Catholic church, capitalism, male chauvinists, sex, human solitude, nostalgia, inventing fables of tenderness and cruelty each time. I occasionally hear from him, with a card every Christmas, comments on his work, recorded on the answering machine, or live, on the phone. He also sends me proposals, ideas about stories to tell, meetings for a part, a recommendation. One time he sent the photos of a child, another time he was looking for money, on another occasion he insisted on a meeting.

I knew that for him telling a story was telling himself a story, challenging himself, finding other paths. Critics thought he was hard to label, but for me he was brilliant. Rachel Whiteread by Odoardo Fioravanti In everyday reality interest in this or that stimulus gets consumed with increasing speed.

So I think it makes more sense to talk about the latest inspiration, instead of one among many. I first encountered her works a few years ago at the Castello di Rivoli: I immediately thought Whiteread was looking at reality the way you usually look at a negative, that same reality that for us is the positive of three-dimensional existence. Filling a wardrobe with cement means using it like a cake mould, while giving physical presence to the enclosed empty space.

The space comes to terms with the being-there of the things that shape it by exclusion, by Boolean difference. A revolt of the void against the full that cannot help but make a designer think about production processes, in which we give form to matter through difference.

Moulds are outside the object, but they bear its form. Watching a moulding process and seeing the mould open and eject a piece of plastic is a stunning experience. For a second, it is no longer clear which is the positive and which the negative: Mould and moulded object do not resemble each other, but they give each other form, a strange unicum-divided-by-two.

Recently the Centre Pompidou acquired the work Room by Whiteread, the casting of an entire room filled with plaster, with the gaps left by stucco, objects, etc. I had already examined the big tapestries by Alighiero Boetti, but I felt the need for a shift in time, a different interpretation than the maps embroidered by the artist from Turin in the s. In a column in an Italian weekly that listed current exhibitions, I saw two small images, two postage stamps, reproducing an idea of a map based on a playful geopolitical formula, where the states had the forms of animals and objects.

It was an Atlas by Wim Delvoye. That was the shift I was looking for! They say he is the heir to the caustic spirit of Piero Manzoni. What attracts me about Wim Delvoye is the representational short-circuit in every work, based on a recognizable aesthetic image-bank, close to people. Delvoye uses common objects for his installations, charged with meaning through a language close to that of Dada, and direct intervention done with irony and sarcasm. The nonchalance with which he manages to mix and confuse styles, drawing on the past, challenges our certainties and experiences.

And I find myself looking for his new works… surprised at being surprised. I knew nothing about him until my friend Franz Fiorentino made me read David Boring, and I fell in love. I often ask myself what appeals to me in those albums full of hateful, insipid characters, the best of them just mediocre. His stories are dripping with petty reality and a vivid, pitiless gaze at the so-called American civilization. What really leaves me breathless is the dialogue. In the end, what remains after a close encounter with Daniel Clowes?

Maybe the subtle doubt that a bit of us lurks behind the grotesque masks of characters destined to vanish in the space of a comic strip. If the page of a comic becomes a mirror, though a distorting one, it means that those drawings conceal some truth: Carefree and pop on the surface. Full of melancholy and longing underneath. General yet specific in one and the same piece. Making use of the beautiful to evoke longing and finding the beautiful in longing is the quintessence of art. The synthetic is not at odds with the genuine. Extrovert and introvert at one and the same time.

Beautiful, and tear-jerking too. Early postmodern tendencies, presumably. In my more mature years, Brian Wilson has shown my premonition to be right. Just a profound respect for the ability to sense, shape and send further. No matter the art form. Sterling Ruby by Jonathan Olivares Squares, rectangles and rectangular solids — or we could say boxes — have played a prominent role in the art, architecture and design of the last century. These are the rare spirited exceptions among the millions of uninspired, lifeless, sterile boxes that surround us everyday.

Beige computers, bland corporate architecture, cheap music players and ubiquitous minimalist sofas have collectively spoiled the modern box. I remember it as a perfect white, rectangular volume about the size of a refrigerator, with a few scuffmarks and smears. At first glance I was horrified that some art handler had caused irreparable damage to the otherwise impeccable monolith, but then excitement took hold as I processed this act of wrong-doing and realized that someone had broken the dogmatic modern code that.

It was apparent that a new law was in order: In other works Sterling Ruby defaces his formica plinths with colorful spray paint and nail polish. These sculptures evoke an agenda best described by his own poster: I mean, choosing one, because I have so many and they come from all kinds of different fields, often very distant, at least apparently, from the world of design: They all bring qualities and evidence, it goes without saying, of splendid uniqueness. So for this difficult decision I want to go with a sure thing, naming a person who has been called all kinds of things, from syncretist to son of the future and instead is simply a designer.

David Byrne was one of the founders of the Talking Heads, he has written and writes excellent songs, shot interesting and amusing films, founded a record label for world music, before it became a fad, written books, designed a bicycle rack… I think David Byrne is a very curious person, a tireless researcher, an experimenter whose work, even the most complex, always stands out for its elegant lightness.

I like his way of collaborating with interesting figures while still personally overseeing all the aspects of his projects. A trajectory that becomes even more interesting when the trip happens above all inside you. A gigantic orange setting sun closed in the imposing walls of the former power plant.

The illusion of doubled space through skillful use of a mirrored ceiling and a light fog. The force of a single work of 26 x 22 x meters. One of the gifts I envy the most is his capacity to involve, to make the viewer a participant in every work. From his early pieces like Moss Wall in — a wall of living moss, an olfactory and visual experience — to Lava Floor — a floor of lava on which to experience the difficulty of walking — to Room for one Color — the force of monochrome light — themes emerge that constantly recur in his work: I admire his simplicity, intelligence, continuing experimentation, a bit magician, a bit engineer, capable of inverting the laws of gravity.

Some of the themes addressed are close to those developed by Nucleo: Like when a hole in your stomach makes you unconsciously open the refrigerator. When I try to talk about it I can feel myself hovering on the edge of an abyss of banality. So I open one of his African sketchbooks and read: I will certainly not make abstract art with triangles and squares, mind you. No sociology or jokes about the future of occidental art.

Direct, sensual and very beautiful, even when the story it tells is one of fatigue and death. I like him because he does a lot with a little, with simple gestures he transforms things and makes them exceptional. He interests me because he digs deep and spits out a transfigured reality, truer than the one that flows before our distracted gaze. The objects become the triggers of stories, a process that influenced my way of thinking about design. Doreaemon has been my hero, ever since.

This ranking, this hierarchy between the so-called minor and major arts has always existed. Instead, I realize I am often more sensitive precisely to the minor arts. Arts connected with humor, that are not considered for their artistic aspects, but simply for their function as fun.

I think levity and humor have their own intrinsic value that should not be underestimated. I am the daughter of a comic artist, I know about the difficulties of a craft based on these aspects, which are part of my basic, everyday culture. These are the reasons why I thought about the actor of Moroccan origin Gad Elmaleh as a personality I particularly admire. He is a complete artist, like the great artists of the American musicals used to be. He knows how to write, act, dance and sing with subtle, light elegance. He manages to talk about French society in a delicate, original way.

Without being heavy or presumptuous, without complaining. His work is hard to translate and describe because it is based on the French language, on the little details and nuances that define a culture. Jonathan Carroll, American writer When one of his books is published Stephen King is always the first to send congratulations. Jonathan Carroll, from New York, is the other king of fiction that straddles horror and the metaphysical, noir and psycho-narrative. Wim Delvoye, Belgian artist They call him the Huckleberry Finn of art. Revolutionary, anti-everything, Wim Delvoye decontextualizes, mixes and creates hybrids, because humor and disorientation are the essence of contemporary life, in his view.

Daniel Clowes, American comic artist Talking about Daniel Clowes people often refer to an isolation that began in a troubled childhood, the same situation that reappears in many of the protagonists of his comics. Gad Elmaleh, comic actor from Morocco, resident of France An actor, musician and comedian of Moroccan origin, Gad Elmaleh is known for his pungent, light style. Famous roles include Coco in and Hors de prix in Sterling Ruby, American artist He is represented by the gallery Pace Wildenstein of New York. In his works he mixes ethnographic elements with African primitivism.

All with a touch of Parisian glamour. The world of the artist from Majorca is one of imagined and dreamt objects. After all, he says he does not paint them, but works on the space that separates them from one another. The result is a flourishing primitivist universe, made to amaze. David Byrne, musician, from Scotland, American Leader and founder of the Talking Heads, David Byrne works in the fields of music and art. But Byrne also creates installations, sculptures and paintings, often without a signature.

The New York Times noticed, in any case, and published a profile on his work as an artist, not as a musician! Tom Waits, American singer Trademark of the maudit, especially when the lyrics describe grotesque, often disturbing personalities. All this has made Tom Waits a contemporary music legend. Flatz, Austrian artist Among his most recent works, the occupation of a former prison at San Michele di Ripa, where he wanted to experience the life of a prisoner.

Together with other artists, he had been invited by the University of Innsbruck to think about the theme of isolation. The adventure cost him a night in jail a real one! Apparently during his month of isolation Flatz killed time by making graffiti on the walls. Olafur Eliasson, Danish artist In , for example, with light bulbs, a mirror and smoke machines, he constructed an artificial sun inside the Tate Modern in London, an ode to nature and technology. Rachel Whiteread, English artist For her sculptures she often uses castings of everyday objects.

In this way Whiteread transforms the negative into the positive and makes the object be absorbed by space, becoming an integral part of it. Using polyurethane, resin, plaster and rubber, she creates a world that is simultaneously recognizable and therefore reassuring but also sinister and alien. A poetics that made her the first woman artist to win the prestigious Turner Prize.

Brian Wilson, American musician, Symbol of the beach culture of the s. Brain Wilson was the leader and main songwriter of the Beach Boys, as well as their bass and keyboard player, arranger and producer. Erwin Wurm, Austrian artist Their job is simple: As a result, of his vast production nothing remains except photographs and videos. Axel Vervoordt, Belgian interior designer. An avid collector with a past as an art and antiques dealer, Axel Vervoordt is famous for his interiors that mix tradition and modernity.

The result is an erudite, precious eclecticism of great success.

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He lives in a 12th-century castle. Marco Ferreri, Italian director, actor and film writer His most famous film is La Grande Bouffe , where some friends gather in a villa and indulge in food, drink, sex and friendship until they get ill and kill themselves. His films narrate, in a typically offbeat way, the decadence of a society, and they often end with flight, self-mutilation or the death of the protagonists. In the days of Italian comedies, Ferreri was considered the most countercurrent of all Italian directors. Doraemon, Japanese cartoon Doraemon is a Japanese manga by Fujiko F.

Fujio, later used for a cartoon narrating the adventures of a robot cat from the future. On the facing page, detail of the installation by Laura Renna and portraits of the designers who have narrated their extra-sectorial personalities of reference in this article. Left column, from top: Right column, from top: Above, Tom Waits in a portrait by Danny Clinch.

On the facing page: Limited edition of six. Facing page, from left: David Byrne in a portrait by Chris Buck. Below, the Japanese cult cartoon Doraemon. A 16th-century palazzo near the Pantheon is the home of Luigi Serafini, a singularly eclectic artist who produces surprising works of spectacular talent. His home is a true portrait, entrusted to those who interpret it and document it in photographs. He is internationally renowned, above all for the Codex Seraphinianus, a book-encyclopedia with over a thousand drawings accompanied by writing that cannot be deciphered.

This is a fantastic, visionary interpretation of the widest range of materials, from zoology to botany, mineralogy to ethnography, technology to architecture, which attracted the attention of Roland Barthes, Italo Calvino and Federico Zeri, among others. It was published in by Franco Maria Ricci and has had eight editions, until the present one issued by Rizzoli. The home-studio of Luigi Serafini opens like a diaphragm, and like an encyclopedia it can be browsed by curious, stunned guests on a fantastic voyage. With levity, Serafini breaks down and reorganizes, in domestic space, the objects he has redesigned, sculpted, repainted, constructing a constantly changing emotional path of memory in his Domus Seraphiniana.

In the red and black entrance the light reveals large canvases and sculptures on wheels. The house continues along a circular route. From the entrance we reach a dividing point, leading to the study and the corridor to the kitchen. Between the colored walls of the corridor, with optical linoleum flooring, we encounter a passage topped by a white wooden vault from which little sculpted faces emerge, with different expressions.

The narrow walls feature another oil on canvas, with suspended figures, and some drawings. Heading for the study, the bookcases with. This is where Serafini works at the computer to make the images for the Natural Histories of Jules Renard. From here we can glimpse the large sculpture of the yellow hand that protrudes from the wall of the atelier.

In this luminous metropolitan highland, the Seraphinian nest of midnight blue walls, alphabets are tamed to adapt to fantasy, in the genesis of Codex-like worlds. Luigi captures the thronging images on canvas or paper, in the midst of many notes and sketches on a big work table with zebra-stripe legs. The orderly vitrines of the blue cabinet contain all kinds of pastels, pencils, cardboard, mannequins, brushes, oil paints and watercolors. On the big red chest of drawers two nativity scenes are displayed under glass bells, and on the wall nearby neon glows with a letter from his mysterious alphabet.

Over the colored fireplace, like a trophy, the head of a large silvery deer has antlers that light up, while two colored chairs create a convivial atmosphere. Serafini can be seen in a portrait on a large panel in the guise of a knight with 15th-century armor, urging us on to the large kitchen in the company of a green crocodile. On the column refrigerator there is an old caned chair painted gray, a memorial of his beloved grandmother. Two nativity scenes inside transparent vitrines enrich the range of objects of affection and exception of Serafini.

Detail of the head-trophy of a large silvery deer with luminous antlers over the fireplace. View of the corridor with the optical linoleum flooring, that functions as a visual axis and connection for the spaces.


The large sculpture of a yellow hand extending from a wall in the atelier. In the foreground, the totemic figure in the form of a red ring known as King Botto. Serafini, portrayed on a large panel in the guise of a knight in 15th-century armor, welcomes us to the large, convivial kitchen. Rigor and new luxury p. Especially when the dualism appears in an existing context of solid values, historical roots, deep perspectives and novelty that becomes a synonym for rigorous intervention, a coherent new luxury that expresses new aesthetic and functional needs.

Just observe this Parisian interior reworked by Claudio Lazzarini and Carl Pickering for an international globetrotter with a passion for collecting Fifties vases in Murano glass. A large, traditional apartment from the early s, formed by a sequence of rooms, with views of the Seine, inside a regular L-shaped layout. As in the product design by the Rome-based studio, the dialogue with history is resolved in terms of compositional synthesis that restores dimensions of dematerialization to architecture, with fluidity, flexibility, lightness, visual continuity.

The first sign of reference is in the hall: A suspended figure, a symbolic portal like a tribute to the frames of Sol Lewitt, extended in the living room by a white boiserie cut by lines, niches in honeycomb aluminium finished with gold. One of them, on the shorter wall, even conceals the presence of a fireplace. The theatrical setting is also created by the presence of a carbon fiber table finished with gold leaf, custom made at a shipyard, which can vary its form for different functions and desires. It is composed of four ovals and three connections that also act as small independent consoles that form a sort of sinuous gold drop from the living room to the dining room and the kitchen, where they meet the work counter.

While Parisian colors are found in the chromatic pattern and the new natural oak flooring is based on traditional French parquet, the lighting from essential fixtures built into the architectural structure brings out the suspended web of the compositional lines. It is surrounded by a series of vertical glass partitions, some of them mobile, to border the various functions, including the shower with hammam. While all that glitters may not be gold, this strange, sparkling nugget seems to promise extraordinary special effects without searching too far afield.

The lighting fixtures built into the architectural structure are the Secret model by Kreon. The carbon fiber tables finished with gold leaf are one-offs made in a shipyard. The tables are formed by a series of irregular ovals on which to attach connectors that can rotate to generate an infinite variety of forms and configurations. The antique-effect wood floor is new. A welcoming vacation home of elegant simplicity, marked by a refined choice of materials that reflect the world of mountain living, reinvented in terms of analogies and contemporary signs.

The building, one of the many vacation condos that multiply the scale of the traditional Alpine chalet, with balconies featuring the same perforated balustrades in wood, and the usual red geraniums in window boxes, has been intentionally ignored in this contemporary interior design. The cloying, reassuring postcard image of most of the real estate ventures here is replaced, in this apartment, by reflection that could be extended to architecture as a whole in terms of lucid reasoning and general guidelines.

Delivered in a rustic state, without partitions or finishings, the space of the house made it possible to work in total freedom. The idea was to create an independent, complete environment, in open contrast with the figure of the building seen from the outside. The house has been divided into two zones connected at the north and south, separated by the entrance path clad in gray stone, contained by walls covered with recycled oak planks, with a horizontal design that already announces the strong materic aspect of the spaces from the threshold.

Wood, first of all, in oak for the southern part of the house containing the master bedroom with its own bath, clad in walnut colored Travertine, and the large kitchen and dining area, extended in a relaxation area with a bow window, separated from the living area by a metal volume that contains a large double-face fireplace and forms a large portal in iron and burnished bronze. The metal is a reminder of ancient doors dense with studs and details in handcrafted hardware, and repeats in the entrance, thanks to sheet metal that produces reflections of light in the central corridor.

Certain portions of the custom wall shelving alternate with a series of alpacca panels of variable geometry, arranged in a modular grid. Paler, more luminous larch wood is used for the northern zone, containing two large bedrooms and a small study. Here the larch marks the entire space, at times, rising from the floor to the walls and ceiling, to construct a sort of total, monomateric environment where even the bathtub, in a glazed box, is covered with the same material.

internet-it - Use of corpora in translation studies

The long wood planks used in most of the house underline the regular character of the form of the rooms in the overall layout, with a slight digression only in the design of the floor of the living room, which follows the classic Versailles motif. The value of handiwork also becomes a part of the overall design approach: The fireplace set into the metal volume becomes the focal point of symbolic communication between the spaces.

Divans by Minotti, fabrics by Loro Piana, built-in lighting by Viabizzuno. In the heterogeneous family of materials, the polished iron sheet between the kitchen and the living room, with its soft reflections of light, forms a contrast with the recycled oak panels that clad the central nucleus of the furnishings like a ribbon. Walls and ceilings in lime plaster. Lamp by Flos, seat by Vitra. The use of a single warm material, Siberian larch, also characterizes the enclosure of the two bedrooms in the northern zone.

Large, austere and linear, this area is marked by the spatial and visual continuum of the bedroom zone, bath and closet. The house in the rock p. The new home-studio of Michel, an architect and designer working for leaders in this sector, and Donia, architect, sculptor and painter, is a dwelling that exists in continuity with nature. Olive trees, stone, white marble are the characteristic elements of the landscape of the hill on which the house stands, a place for work and everyday life, far from the noisy city. Instead, it operates in the present, both in terms of environmental issues, including optimization of energy sources total self-sufficiency, including collection of rain water, the use of a heat pump, solar panels , and in finding a delicate solution to construction in a natural setting.

The clear, almost programmatic approach avoids facile imitation, yet blends into the landscape. The project met with the interest and support of the City of Lucca and the local authorities. The shape of the hill, the layering of rises and portions of white marble together with the green of the olive trees and the native brush, suggested flanking the existing, seriously damaged structure with an extension of living space added to the house proper, placed between large terraces faced by the work space.

The terraces reinterpret, transforming their figure and size, the agricultural terraces of the past, making the insertion of the new construction more harmonious. In these terms the choice of a single material like white marble, used for the external facings of the entire construction, becomes a factor of continuity with the rock, the very material on which the house stands, becoming a sort of architectural extension that transforms the materic geography of the place.

Without camouflage or disguise, the house uses its compositional process to assert its open, sincere modernity. The new residential volume follows the proportions of its predecessor, with a pitched roof, marking the downhill facade with a few openings organized in an irregular way that functions for the interiors, and thus guaranteeing perception of the main facade as a figure in stone, linked to the same treatment of the embankment walls of the lateral terraces and of the lower curved volume of the studio.

On the two lateral facades the back is placed up against the hill , the house opens with large sliding glazings, mingling outdoor space with the large living area and clearly configuring the contrasts of full and empty zones, the rhythm between the marble of the downhill facade, the transparency of the interior spaces, the stone of the hillside. The latter becomes the protagonist of the spaces, brought inside as a natural backdrop behind the kitchen open to the dining and living areas, and in two bedrooms and a bath on the upper level.

The relationship with the rock is direct and emphasized by the linear design of the spaces, by the furnishings utilized, by the geometric treatment of the internal surfaces, in a relationship of intentional contrast with the materic character of the hill. On the ground floor two compositional elements characterize the space: The staircase rises through two levels in a free, open space that underscores its size and role as a central element. The heart of the house in figurative and connective terms. On the upper level the master bedroom occupies the end zone with its own bath and closet, while three other bedrooms area arranged along a central corridor that concludes with a common bathroom.

In the entire nighttime area, in the summer, the house can be opened for a view of the stars: The waterproofing was done by Rubber. Nord Light by Artemide. The complex follows the form of the hill. The reconstructed existing volume extends in the new volume of the work space that opens to the large terrace. The downhill facade is marked by a few openings, with the main surface in stone, like the embankment walls of the lateral terraces.

The stone of the hill becomes the protagonist of the interiors, as a natural backdrop for the kitchen, open to the dining and living areas, and in two bedrooms and a bath on the first floor. Ceiling lamps from the. Picto and Rastaf series by Artemide. The kitchen is composed of a white counter that includes a Foster by Alessi range with downward exhaust. The rest of the equipment is hidden behind three sliding doors. The secondary staircase descends to the basement and gets its light from the living area. The landing is bordered by a series of small tables that form an exceptional metal railing, custom-designed.

The main staircase is a spiral, treated as a sculptural feature marked by circular openings, with a bright poppy color on the inside. It extends through two levels in a free two-storey space. The resin for the floor is produced by Teknai. In the bathrooms, tubs, washstands and accessories all designed by Michel Boucquillon.

Washstands and tub by Aquamass, accessories from the Worn collection and applique lamps from the Ecco-Ecco series by Valli Arredobagno. The wave of the lake p. The two Japanese architects invent a multidisciplinary, multicentric space, an artificial park for learning. As a student, I would have loved to spend time inside this special architecture. Patrick Aebischer, president of EPFL strolls around the Rolex Learning Center and talks about how creativity is the factor that unites art and science, and how this new architectural icon embodies that ambition. Lake Geneva is close by, to the south, beyond the houses and gardens.

The best technological research center in Europe and a desire to excel prompted the Swiss government and private investors, guided by Rolex, to hold an international architecture competition, leading to the latest masterpiece by SANAA. Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa have bare, essential gestures and features. They are icons, themselves, of a new way of designing, of thinking about space in movement, of living without any black lines that tell you where to stand, whether you are inside or outside, together with others or simply alone.

Actively, it encourages students to choose. The square plan, 20, sq meters amidst hills, valleys and slopes, runs fluidly in two parallel waves, the concrete floor and the steel roof, undulating the functional program around 14 air bubbles. Entirely glazed courtyards, irregular ellipses, cross the space with the delicacy of breath. Without ever dividing it, they unite earth, air and sky, gazing horizontally at internal paths, those that descend diagonally and wind through other, adjacent cylinders.

The multimedia library with , volumes, the study rooms for persons, the auditorium for , the three refreshment zones for , the offices, all share a world that is both democratic and anarchic, public and private. Walls are not needed, here the presence of others can only be glimpsed, perceived. On the crest of a wave or at the back of a rise you can see legs and heads slide between borders of horizontal planes, while slender steel columns serve as props.

They remind us that this new architectural domain is a structural gem ordered by two shells resting on 11 arches with spans of meters. The frame in steel and wood set in cement forms its contours with the shadows of the day. Under the curved intrados someone talks about the previous evening, at the center of the main courtyard lit by a zenithal iris; on the meadow someone else is eating.

We think how nice it would have been to get an education on the shores of Lake Geneva. Is the future now? In her works, construction is always closely related to use by people — students and young people, in the case of the Rolex Learning Center — without aspects of self-referential posturing. The recent work in Lausanne could become the manifesto of a mood, a wider-ranging indication. She offered a preview of this at the press conference, narrating the program of her Venice Biennial: I have invited the architects who will take part in the event Luca Molinari will be responsible for the Italian Pavilion, ed.

Because the important thing is to communicate how ideas are developed and contextualized with respect to the environment and to the observer-user, who becomes an active part of the design work. But it can start with small things, and this too has its value. Even knocking down a wall can change the way people relate to each other. On the facing page, detail of the steel roof, looking west.

View of the courtyard in the form of an hourglass, adjacent to the restaurant zone. View of the library, with the rises that lead to the northwestern top of the building in the background. The ramp leading to the multimedia library. Vitra, the campus of miracles p. Uniform anthracite stucco covers the sides while the short facades are completely fenestrated, like big eyes gazing at the landscape in different directions.

Inside, the building displays the Home Collection of Vitra: On the five levels of the new complex the spaces flooded with light are very flexible to contain a wide range of exhibits, while the innermost part is crossed by a continuous vertical space that offers, from one level to the next, varying views and perspectives. At the end of the descending visit itinerary one returns to the reception area, with a restaurant and shop, and the covered plaza with wooden deck flooring. The Vitrahaus successfully combines opposing needs, becoming a landmark that indicates the presence of the campus from afar, while developing a complex, interesting relationship with the other buildings and the landscape of gentle hills.

At the same time it enhances the pieces in the collection, projecting them against the backdrop of vineyards and springtime expanses of flowering cherry trees. We asked Rolf Fehlbaum, the owner, if Vitrahaus is the completion of the campus, and find out that: The entrance opens onto a covered plaza, with wooden flooring, that reveals the complex geometry of the building, a three-dimensional labyrinth. Five storeys, over sq meters, mostly for the display of the Vitra Home Collection, completed by service areas for visitors: The entire complex is formed by the sum of an element that, from the outside, simulates the archetypal form of the house.

Inside, the design reproduces the spatial situation of a metropolitan loft. A voyage through the historical memory, current production and research of Vitra design. New stone age p. An innovative process that breaks up the grammar of architecture and destroys another one of the few remaining limits on design. The ambiguity at the core of design is the same one found in the concept of form, always balanced between the world of ideas and the world of things.