
Mr Right and Other Mongrels

I have to know what the characters are referring to, what their home town looks like, etc. Right and Other Mongrels is not for everyone.

Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews: Mr Right and Other Mongrels by Monique McDonell

It's a tongue in cheek story that can be over exaggerated at times with over the top characters and scenes but at the heart of it is a sweet story about how love can happen at anytime to anyone no matter what their social class is. This is a story that can be shared amongst girlfriends who are just looking to read a good, clean, fun book.

Jun 19, Christi Snow rated it it was amazing. I think I'm developing a new obsession This is another that I literally just fell in love with. The heroine in this book, Ally, owns a bookstore, is terrified of dogs, and is pretty satisfied staying at home and drinking wine on a Saturday night while reading.

She's a normal girl who falls into a relationship with an extraordinary hero and has no idea how exactly that happened. The other thing about Ally is that she just happens to be pretty darn weal My Review: The other thing about Ally is that she just happens to be pretty darn wealthy, but she's never pretentious. She's a regular girl that I personally would love to hang out with. Teddy is an Australian hottie. He has an extremely popular home and garden show which has put him at the top of Who's Who in Australia.

But Ally doesn't even own a TV so she has no clue who he is when he rescues her from a dog This entire book is told from Ally's POV. She's an interesting character. She grew up in a variety of communes with her hippy and self-absorbed mother, until her mother dumped her at the age of At that time, her grandmother installed her in her own flat above the bookstore. To say that Ally has a unique view on the world is putting it mildly. She's seen a lot of really bizarre things in her life, including her mother having sex with her last boyfriend. On the surface it seems like she has a pretty laidback approach to life, but as you dig deeper, you realize she's truly just trying to keep her distance from most people so she doesn't get hurt She's taken some truly hard knocks by those she's trusted with her heart.

Like i said, I really loved this book. It was super-fun and all the scenery in it hello, did you read the part about she owns and works above a bookstore created great ambience to the story line. I liked all the details and characters that wove in and out of the plot and just truly loved every minute that I was reading this book! Aug 09, Elizabeth Ray rated it really liked it. This was a book with a fairly simple plot, but an extremely likeable main character with a fascinating backstory. Allegra grew up with a hippie mother and a father she was separated from at a young age and then reunited with at Her childhood was full of instability- traveling from commune to commune, having minimal formal education, etc.

Her mother was always selfish and her father tried to find her for many years after her mother took off with her. At 16, she moved in with grandp 3. At 16, she moved in with grandparents she had never met before and eventually inherited her grandmother's book shop and room above, where she works and lives, respectively. Allegra meets Teddy Green when she is hiding from a dog she's afraid of dogs. Since she doesn't own a TV, she doesn't find out until later that he is a TV star for a landscaping show. What follows is a whirlwind romance, complicated by Teddy's jealous and crazy ex-girlfriend and his possible move from Australia to Los Angeles.

I loved the character of Allegra. She seemed more sensible and cautious than most chick lit heroines. Her back story was believable, but super interesting. Most of the secondary characters were also interesting. This is not a five star rating because I'm not sure what I thought of Teddy. He didn't seem realistic. He started calling Allegra "baby" almost immediately and moved very quickly with their relationship.

I was suspicious of him almost the whole book and wouldn't have been surprised if he had turned out sleazy. I didn't have anything against him, but he didn't seem real. I also had no idea when the book was going to end and was caught off-guard when it did. Regardless of my feelings about the love interest and ending, the main character was so enjoyable that I was sucked into the story and therefore, would recommend this book.

Aug 08, Dianne rated it liked it. This was a cute, fun breezy read. If you need some brainless book to read, do pick this up! Brainless is a compliment here. Don't you have those days where you just want to read something familiar that will end happily? That somehow even your life's in a mess, reading a happily-ever-after will put even just a smile on your lips, making you happy for a while, making you believe that there is hope in the world. That happiness can be found anywhere. When you're feeling down like that, read this boo This was a cute, fun breezy read.

When you're feeling down like that, read this book. Sure, it is chock full of overdone tropes but it is charming and silly and funny. Allegra tells the story in her point of view and she is one funny girl. Teddy Green is your common celebrity character with a bitchy ex-girlfriend in Louisa. Basically, you know what's gonna happen just by reading the blurb.

But like I said, this familiarity makes it endearing. It's like your favorite old and tattered shirt you sleep on. No matter how many times you wear it, it still has it charms. To quote Miguel Syjuco's Ilustrado, "Cliches remind and reassure us that we're not alone, that others have trod this ground long ago. Why do women love romantic comedy films when they're repetitive? It's because at the end of the film, we know it will make us feel good, believe in love and ignite that hope that there's someone out there for us as hot and handsome as Ashton Kutcher, or in this case, Teddy Green.

This novel is pure fluff so don't expect depth and brooding and philosophical questions. It's uncomplicated and it might not be for everyone since it tends to overexaggerate and it might annoy you at times because of that. But if you're looking for just that book you'd curl up to after watching all those rom-coms, this is it. Sep 30, Bec rated it it was amazing. I finally got to read this book through the kindle app on my phone while in a little beach fale hut in Samoa. My sister read it first and loved it and i wasn't disappointed except that i would love a sequel to find out what happens next will write more when i get back home to a computer!

This funny story of Allegra Ally Johnson, the lovely girl next door who runs a bookstore, enjoys lunch with friends, would rather read than watch TV and is afraid of dogs. While her friends can't believe Ally's luck Ally can't help but think that Teddy is too good to be true and is not sure she should risk her heart. Its a fast - fun read - perfect for a day on the beach.

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May 27, Melissa rated it it was ok Shelves: The shop is downstairs and I live upstairs. Well, not always but since I was Most people look at shops and they know there is room above them but I guess they never really think about what is up there. I live in Manly, a beachside suburb that is a tourist hotspot.

The bookshop I run is down stairs and then the apartment is above. It ha s wonderful old sash windows and a little tiny Juliet balcony in the back that over-looks an alley…and at the front there is the big metal shopfront awning, which affords me a ton of privacy from the street below.

Mr Right and Other Mongrels

I recently had it painted green because it was pretty scratched and it was reflecting way too much sun back into my bedroom. My friends think I should move. You know how in the modern age everyone is very big on the separation of his or her home life and work life. Compartmentalising is the phrase they use.

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Otherwise apparently there can be a blurring of the boundaries. I totally love the blurring of the boundaries. So sometimes if I wake up with a bad hangover and I am expecting people in the shop for a delivery or to get a pick-up then I just pin a flower in my hair, slide on some cute shoes, gargle with Listerine and go down and open up with my cup of tea in hand.

How perfect is that? That is a very positive blurring of boundaries. I love that Cherie from the Beauticians comes and does my nails if we are both having a slow Monday. I love that Joe from the coffee shop at the end of the arcade wanders by with treats and cups of coffee for me when he is feeling generous or flirty, or his wife Connie comes by with pictures of the grandkids, or the grandkids themselves. How nice is that to have such a great community around you?

The girls say it is a hangover from my hippy roots. That need for a community. I think everyone has the same need deep down. I tell them often that they are just in high-powered denial.

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