
The image of his face

Kaepernick seeks trademark for image of his face and hair

Hardison, a volunteer firefighter, was injured 15 years ago. In , Frenchwoman Isabelle Dinoire, 39, was the first person to undergo a partial face transplant after being mauled by her dog. She is pictured a few months after her surgery and a year later.

How community activists are gearing up to fight Amazon’s new offices

Connie Culp was injured when her husband shot her in She underwent a near-total face transplant at the Cleveland Clinic in , the first operation of its kind in the United States. Li Guoxing, China's first partial face transplant patient, stands with his family in He died in Texan Dallas Wiens, whose face was burned off after his head touched an electrical wire, was the first American to receive a full face transplant in March A year-old Polish man identified only as Grzegorz received the country's first face transplant in May , after being disfigured by a machine at a stonemason's workshop.

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Polish doctors described it as the world's first life-saving face transplant. James Maki fell onto the electrified third rail at a Boston subway station on June 30, , destroying the entire of the core of his face. After having a transplant, he said he couldn't wait to eat a ribeye steak. Similar to Katie, the first recipient of a face transplant in the United States was a woman who survived a gunshot wound to the head.

That patient, Connie Culp, underwent a hour transplant surgery at Cleveland Clinic and debuted her new face in That was a near-total face transplant. The world's first successful full face transplant was conducted at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, Spain, in As for where Katie fits in, "only 40 people in the world have ever had a face transplant, and we believe that she is the 39th person," said Susan Goldberg, editor-in-chief of National Geographic magazine.

Brian Gastman, a plastic surgeon at Cleveland Clinic who led Katie's surgery and oversaw her care. He noted that when he first saw Katie's injury, he worried that she might not live. A surgical resident carefully cradles Katie's head to keep it still as she's situated in the intensive care unit after the hour procedureconcluded. To protect her eyes, her eyelids were sutured shut. With the transplant complete, Katie would still require additional operations and many months of rehabilitation.

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In March , Katie was placed on the waiting list for a face transplant. Fourteen months later, a donor was found: Adrea Schneider, a year-old woman who died of a drug overdose, National Geographic reported. Before the procedure, Katie underwent extensive psychological evaluation as a face transplant candidate and suicide survivor.

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After she was cleared to receive her new face, the hour surgery began May 4, It involved 11 surgeons, several other specialists and virtual reality. The surgery was completed the next day. Her father, Robb, translated some of her sentiments: Then when you receive a transplant, you're so thankful. Katie was discharged from Cleveland Clinic on August 1, She takes immunosuppressive drugs to reduce her risk of transplant rejection , which occurs when a transplant recipient's immune system attacks the transplanted organ or tissue.

She will continue to take the medication for the rest of her life. Katie also continues physical and occupational therapy, works with a speech therapist and takes Braille lessons. Face transplant recipient meets donor's family Face transplantation is considered experimental, and insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid don't cover it. The institute works to develop advanced treatment options -- including face transplantation -- for severely wounded servicemen and -women.

Gastman mentioned to me, he said basically that Katie was kind of the quintessential potential candidate for a face transplant. One, because of the type of wound that she suffered, but also she is in that age bracket of so many soldiers," Robb said. While Katie's medical care team hopes that her surgery can advance the field of face transplantation, there are many other hopes for her future.

Man with face transplant speaks about transformation Katie plans to attend college online soon, possibly followed by a career in counseling and motivational speaking.

LOOK: Colin Kaepernick is looking to trademark an image of his face and hair

She hopes to raise awareness about suicide and suicide prevention. Further, on the other hand, how much a singular rash decision made by so many young people today could negatively change your whole life. Get CNN Health's weekly newsletter. Globally, close to , people die due to suicide every year, which is about one person every 40 seconds, according to the World Health Organization.

In the US, suicide rates significantly climbed in 44 states from through , according to a report published in June by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A trial hearing that requires testimony from NFL owners could happen at some point in the future. This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff. Non-subscribers can read and sort comments but will not be able to engage with them in any way.

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    Colin Kaepernick files to trademark an image of his face and hair - Story | KTVU

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