
The Power of the Body, Mind, and Spirit: Seven Keys to Creating the Life You Want Now

Surrendering is the ultimate freedom, instigating a process of an internal alchemy where real change within is possible. From a soul level, we choose our experiences and thus, create our own reality. Therefore, it is not accurate or helpful to see oneself as a victim of anyone or anything.

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Technically, this is never the complete or accurate picture of what unfolded. It is viewing ourselves as victims, that perpetuates this karma.

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  • Harness Your Mind’s Power to Heal and Transform.
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It is incumbent upon us then, to respond to these experiences with mindfulness. This is our free will. All experiences contain a kernel of wisdom and learning within them, and that is to say, that they could all be positively interpreted as a learning experience. Holding grudges and negative feelings towards others merely imprisons us. We become victims of our own suffering, not victims of the person who supposedly harmed us in some way. We do most harm to ourselves not by what somebody did to us, but by our reactivity to the situation.

Forgiveness release others from our internal experience, which we can use as a catalyst to live a life of freedom. Forgiveness opens up the gateway to release negativity, and replaces these qualities in our reality with positive feelings of love, peace and spaciousness. We are all aspects of God and our consciousness is a part of God consciousness.

As a manifestation of God, we are literally Divine beings. Each person comes with a unique essence, a unique view of the world, a unique "truth" that adds to the whole. The knowledge of one person is based on their unique beliefs, experiences and education.

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How we behave impacts other people and our environment, on energetic, cosmic and physical levels. Reality works in layers of consciousness, created by our thoughts. Nothing can come to be until it is first conceived as a thought. We are constantly evolving as we continue to expand our knowledge.

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We were born to evolve in our awareness — it's in our nature. Past and future are constantly shifting amidst our present awareness. Thus, shifting how we discern the past, changes it; shifting how we interpret the present, changes the future. Pure unbounded spirit — pure energies of the highest realm — are not just found in books or critical study. These very essences — joy, unconditional love, acceptance, kindness and compassion — are among us.

These are the qualities of our soul. The joy of the heart and soul is a quality of purity that brings forth the highest vibration of spirit. It is joy that invites miracles into our lives. Group 8 Created with Sketch. Group 7 Created with Sketch.

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Email Created with Sketch. While these processes may seem out of your conscious control, hundreds of studies have shown that nothing holds more power over the body than the mind. To think is to practice brain chemistry. Every thought, feeling, and emotion creates a molecule known as a neuropeptide.


Neuropeptides travel throughout your body and hook onto receptor sites of cells and neurons. Your body is directly influenced as these molecules course through the bloodstream, delivering the energetic effect of whatever your brain is thinking and feeling. If we looked inside your heart, we would find it affected by molecules that cause stress and damage, such as excessive amounts of adrenaline and cortisol.

One of the keys to harnessing this potentially unlimited power of the mind is to expand your level of self-awareness. When your awareness is contracted, the flow of energy and information throughout your bodymind is hampered.

Harness Your Mind’s Power to Heal and Transform | The Chopra Center

You tend to stay stuck in toxic emotions such as regret, resentment, and self-pity. Non-nurturing habits such as overeating and not exercising take hold.

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The feedback loop between your mind and your body turns negative, and stress can hit you instantaneously or grind away at you day after day. On the other hand, when you expand your awareness, your energy flows freely.