
Confessing the Faith Yesterday and Today: Essays Reformed, Dissenting, and Catholic

In Part Two it is recognised that Christian confessing is an ecclesial, not simply an individual, calling, and that the one confessing church catholic is visibly divided over doctrine and practice. Suggestions for ameliorating this situation are offered, though the final resolution may be a matter for the eschaton. Until then Christians are called to witness faithfully and to live hopefully as citizens of heaven. In an epilogue the challenges and pitfalls of systematic theology as a discipline involving both confession and commendation are explored.

Confessing the Faith and Confessions of Faith 2.

Book Reviews

Varieties of English Separatist and Dissenting Writings, — 3. Some Soundings, — 4. Christianity, Secularism, and Toleration: Liberal Values and Illiberal Attitudes 5. The Use, Abuse, and Relevance of Religion: Some Reflections upon Abraham van de Beek's Proposal 6.

Confessing the Faith in the Intellectual Context. Reflections on the th Anniversary of Calvin's Birth 8. Some Reformed Reflections Historical Fluctuations and Perennial, Practical Importance Confessing the Faith in Systematic Theology?

Book of the Month: Philosophy, Dissent and Nonconformity by Alan P. Over one hundred such institutions existed during the period from , and yet Dr.

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Sell is the very first to tell this alternative history of philosophical education, revealing the diversity that existed in the movement, accommodating everyone from Evangelicals to Rationalists. The subject matter taught was similarly diverse: Academy tutors left in turn a small but rich legacy of publication, from which moral philosophy emerges as the unique concern among dissenting philosophical circles.

For more information and a chance to get this book at a special reduced price for this month only, click here. Trevor Jamison, in Reform Magazine , March Rosemary Hahn Publicity Related Titles: Ives Philosophy Begins in Wonder: He discusses the challenges these four philosophical Anglicans issued to certain important trends in the philosophy and theology of their day, and argues that some of them are of continuing relevance.

Journal of Reformed Theology - Research database - University of Groningen

Baptism, peace, and the state in the Reformed and Mennonite traditions by Ross Thomas Bender 16 editions published between and in English and held by 1, WorldCat member libraries worldwide What are the most significant points at issue between the Reformed and Mennonite communions-Baptism, peace and church-state relations? Is there a way forward?

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In the hope that there may be, the contributors to this book attempt to clear the way to closer relations between Reformed and Mennonites by careful scholarly discussion of the traditionally disputed questions. The papers gathered here were presented at the second phase of the international dialogue between the World Alliance of Reformed Churches Presbyterian and Congregational and the Mennonite World Conference.

Tag: Alan P.F. Sell

John Locke and the eighteenth-century divines by Alan P. F Sell 11 editions published between and in English and held by 1, WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Philosophical idealism and Christian belief by Alan P. F Sell 12 editions published between and in English and held by 1, WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

F Sell 8 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Content and method in Christian theology: The Nature and Structure of this Enquiry; 2.

A Catholic Response to "Blasphemies" the Catholic Church Commits - What Laura Likes

Recurrent Epistemological Themes; 5. The Theological Environment; 6.

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Searchlights on Christian Doctrine; 7. Ethics and Society, Mission and World Religions; 8. Protestant nonconformists and the West Midlands of England: The philosophy of religion, by Alan P. F Sell Book 20 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide.