
Borsa: Guadagna tranquillo senza stress (Italian Edition)

Non lo so, io adesso sono venuto Ma di che si tratta? Ho fatto tardi e vorrei correre a casa ma la mia natura napoletana si ribella ad andar via senza essere prima informato della cosa. Hundreds of people or maybe more crowded the piazza Mercato in front of a toy shop. I am late and would like to run home, but my Neapolitan nature is rebelling against the idea — 19 — Roberta Morosini of leaving without first finding out about the "thing. At the close of the Filocolo, one remembers not so much the details of the story with its happy ending, but rather the ensemble of voic- es.

Boccaccio's Neapolitan works are an everlasting polyphony. In the final analysis, Rea's study of Boccaccio in Naples offers proof not of Boccaccio's so-called realism or social consciousness, but of Rea's own battle against a perception of Naples as "the land of singing" and against the Neapolitan intellectuals, writers, and movie directors who have sympathized with the poor without capturing their tragic sense of life.

Rea's continuous attempt is to discredit the folkloristic and annoying leg- end of Naples as a "baraccone delle meraviglie" "cabinet of marvels". True enough, Boccaccio did not pursue this goal, at least he did not conscious- ly chose to do it. Rea constantly and vigorously tried to debunk the numerous stereo- types and legends relating to Naples, as all his critical essays show. If he does not prove his point about Boccaccio's experience of the other' Naples, he still recognized the importance of the complex polyphony at work in Boccaccio's Neapolitan writings.

Interestingly enough, in the Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta II 6 , Naples is "joyous, peaceful, abundant, generous," as opposed to a Florence "full of miserly and envious people. He was the youngest son of the King of Hungary, and his murder brought about the Hungarian invasion of Naples in About the Eclogues, it must be said that in two of them, the fifth and sixth, Boccaccio praised King Louis of Taranto. Its reduction to the land of singing, beautiful moons, beautiful sun, appears to us insulting and offensive. It is worn in the role of a stupid servant.

Here the need to comment on what has hap- pened to other people, leads the protagonist to meet with "una compagnia assai utile, colla quale, primieramente cominciammo a ragionare con ordine assai dis- creto" Corbaccio Lettere e Epistole, ed. Tutte le opere di Boccaccio, ed. New York and London: Garland Library of Medieval Literature, Cheney with the collaboration of Thomas G. The Book of Theseus. Teseida delle Nozze dFmilia by Giovanni Boccaccio, trans. Medieval Text Association, Boccaccio's First Fiction, trans.

Cassell and V Kirkham. University of Pennsylvania Press, Battaglia, Salvatore, Il Filocolo. Le epoche della letteratura italiana: Boccaccio medievale e nuovi studi sul Decameron. L'invenzione della letteratura mezzana. Le lettere edite e inedite di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio.

Pagine di storia medievale. Boccaccio," Giornale storico della Letteratura italiana 78 Aneddoti della vita di Petrarca. L'Erma di Bretschneider, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani. Editoria dell'Istituto dell'enciclopedia italiana, Les Angevins de Naples.

Presses Universitaires de France, Imprimerie de Monaco Franco Cesati Editore, Il viaggio di Florio dall' 'imaginare' al vero conoscimento," Studi sid Boccaccio, 27 Daria Valentini and Janet Levaire Smarr.

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Zyg Baransky and Theodore Cachey. Holding the Mirror up to Mimesis," Studi sul Boccaccio 20 Saggi editi dal al , ed. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, A History of Italian Literature. While he was still living, however, he wrote most copiously in Latin as a way of safeguarding his name with posterity. With his unfinished epic poem in Latin, Africa, on the theme of the sec- ond Punic war, he earned the crown of poet laureate in a solemn ceremo- ny held in Rome in Time's inexorable ticking and its power to oblit- erate horrified Petrarch, both personally and professionally.

At a difficult juncture in the history of the Italian vernacular, while Italy was not politi- cally or linguistically unified, the poet was troubled by the susceptibility of his Italian poems to being distorted by common readers. He repeatedly swore indifference toward the vernacular compositions. Significantly, there is very little mention of Laura in Petrarch's exten- sive Latin writings and no mention of her in the oration delivered by the poet on the occasion of his highest professional achievement, his corona- tion as poet laureate in Rome, where he alluded, instead, to the mytholog- ical story of Apollo's consecration of the laurels as a result of his pursuit of a nymph who assumes arboreal form in a metamorphosis effected to escape his possession, as the paradigm of the poet's pursuit of his laurels.

His Fragmenta, seemingly composed out of compulsion to redress his most immediate longings for Laura, tell a multi-faceted story rather that focus- ing exclusively on an elusive woman. With them Petrarch exposes the most intimate nuances of his illegitimate passion for her and of his moral cri- sis , insisting on the uniqueness of his predicament, yet he was prudent to include in the collection multiple poems on entirely different subjects pol- itics and friendships, for instance , poems which would illustrate how the vernacular functions in the real world and not just in matters of the heart.

In sonnet 90 Petrarch describes his beloved in flight: This image, further- more, suggests the paradox of Petrarch's lyrical project in its entirety. Laura's hair, at times flowing in the wind, at times knotted by it, provides the link between the defining themes of the text and its formal logic. Petrarch's Fragmenta, to some extent, seem to be the spontanous expression of an unbridled passion, yet they are meticulously collected and ordered. As soon as the Fragmenta allow Petrarch to enjoy momentary release from his relentless obsession, they also renew the emotions that they should redress.

Laura's image throughout the Fragmenta is that of a different order of being, a flickering apparition with attributes rather than features. Her shimmering figure comes in and out of focus and her full description, the poet would have us believe, transcends his rhetorical competence "manca l'ardir, l'ingegno et l'arte" — "there fails my daring, my wit, and my art" [ Thus Petrarch relies on the enumeration of a limited number of formalized discrete physical attributes that he reiterates hypnotically, attributes which never come together into a portrait.

She laughs "dolce ride" — "sweetly laughs" [ It is the poet who recollects her words "voi diceste allora"- — 26 — Mourning Laura "you said then" [ Paradoxically, Laura grows increasingly available after she dies, when she appears in the poet's dreams "in sonno" [ The key question to address is not what the Rime sparse are about, but rather what position they individually adopt on the fluidity of perception that they depict with so much virtuosity. At the outset of the Fragmenta the reader is faced with the identity of a poetic compilation that announces itself as split: In spite of its introductory capacity, it does not firmly situate the poet: Voi ch'ascoltate in rime sparse il suono di quei sospiri ond'io nudriva il core in sul mio primo giovenile errore, quand'era in parte altr'uom da quel ch'i' sono: Sonnet 1 introduces a subject whose attitude of repentance is incom- plete, an incoherent self, besieged by an inner conflict who swings between lucidity and emotion, encapsulated in the utterances "piango" and "ragiono.

And yet, seemingly, Petrarch inaugurated his lyrical sequence with this sonnet in order to suggest that identity should be undivided, static and finished. Petrarch teases the reader with the phantom of a conversion which would give a strong sense of direction to his text and structure its content in a — 27 — Isabella Bertoletti manner comparable to the use of a vanishing point for organizing spatial per- spective. By postponing his conversion, the signifying horizon of his lyrical collection vanishes giving way to its multiplicity and points of dispersal. In an unpersuasive palinodie move the poet, like Guido da Montefeltro in Dante's Inferno, xx entertains the fallacious position of recanting a crime yet undisclosed and looking for absolution before sin- ning.

It is, in fact, only in sonnet 2 that Petrarch confesses his offense, his "errore," and then proceeds to reiterate it throughout the scattered rhymes. It did not seem to me a time for being on guard against Love's blows; therefore I went confident and without fear, so my misfortunes began in the midst of the universal woe.

The presentation of the initial Ovidian scene of wounding in sonnet 2 is accommodated to a Christian setting when sonnet 3 uncovers the litur- gical occasion Good Friday that rendered the poet unarmed and thereby brings the drama of the Fall to bear on his amorous experience. Suffering is advanced as the condition for writing and his poetry, pouring out of a torn subject, seems almost to hem- orrhage from his wounds. With its allusions to physical death in sonnets 2 and 3 , however, Petrarch reminds his readers that beginnings and epilogues tend to be one and the same in habitual narratives of conversion.

In poem 5 the sequence culminates with the simultaneous naming and scattering of the woman who has thus remained unidentified: The final syllable of her name, in the poem's final line, coincides with the poet's last breath and her death "il fin". The poet, who now chooses to identify with Apollo the Sun , secularizes the spectacle of Christ's crucifixion when the sun was reverently concealed and displaces it with the audacity of his professional endeavour. It is Laura, not the mystery of the incarna- tion, who exceeds his grasp and requires stronger shoulders the "omeri," which reverently allude to Petrarch's ideal mentor, Homer.

The poet's mental image of Laura is the sensual basis of a love that Petrarch is unable to sublimate into a symbolic occasion for elevation. Intermittently penitent, Petrarch recognizes the danger of a desire that has caused his own spiritual degeneration into a fragmented being. In his most directly personal work, the scathingly introspective De secretu confiictu — 29 — Isabella Bertoletti curarum mearum, xb Petrarch undertakes a prolonged attempt at spiritual healing. During a three-day dialogue between himself and his spiritual mentor, St. Augustine, he searches his soul and portrays his secular and spiritual aspirations competing in a struggle that endures into a lingering conflict rather then ending in conversion.

In the Fragmenta, analogously, he correlates his long and painful pursuit of Laura to a continuous strug- gle which fails to produce a definitive religious epiphany. Against the lofty background of Augustinian orthodoxy it is Laura who merits the applause of the Saint, while Petrarch can bring himself only to confess his failure in relation to his simultaneous commitments to a view of agency and author- ship as resolved, coherent and self continuous. Laura's unwavering virtue "Contra autem ilia propositi tenax et semper una permansit" — "She always held firm and true to herself" [p.

The implacably personal tale of Petrarch's amorous afflictions sugges- tively designated by Augustinus in the Secretum as a plague, "tuam pestis" [p. The dedicatory letter brings his response to the tragedies of epidemic loss to the forefront and thus locates his introspec- tive writing within a large, historical perspective: Ecce, iam fere omnia tentavimus, at nusquam reques Tempora, ut aiunt, inter digitos effluxerunt; spes nostre veteres cum amicis sepulte sunt. Millesimus trecentesimus quadragesimus octavus annus est, qui nos solos atque inopes fecit. Time, it is said, slipped through my fingers; my old hopes are buried with my friends.

The year has left me alone and in despair. In Petrarch's Rime the death of Laura occurs during an outbreak of the great epidemic of This is a striking deviation from the habitual ambi- guity of the temporal framework of the Fragmenta: Petrarch's lyrical collection is condemned to exist in time, haunted by this stunning, almost insolent coincidence: Laura's death occurs on an anniversary of the day in which the poet first saw her, a sym- metry blatantly advertised by Petrarch's identical presentation of the two dates in the final terzine of sonnets and It is no accident that the date of the poet's entry into the labyrinth of love his spiritual death and Laura's physical death are coordinated.

Since the collection is punctuated with fifteen poems com- memorating his first encounter with Laura which later converges with her death, 30, 50, 62, 79, , , 1 18, , , , , , , , , ranging from to , each anniversary is a reminder of Laura's enduring hold over Petrarch's life. Whether Laura is dead or alive, the poet's perception of time is dangerously scanned in relation to her.

Even when she is alive, however, Laura seems dead, and mourning the essential ingredient to formulate a poetics which identifies in human frailty the stimulus behind human endeavours. Laura's shimmering golden hair, scattered and knotted by the wind, her luminous eyes, her bearing, her voice, belong to a previous — 31 — Isabella Bertoletti time and state of being in the same way Petrarch's fragmented self is always linked to its past and imagined through metaphors of loss and desire. In a letter addressed to Phillip, Bishop of Cavaillon Familiares Continue morimur, ego dum hec scribo, tu dum leges, alii dum audient dumque non audient; ego quoque dum hec leges morirar, tu moreris dum hec scribo, ambo morimur, omnes morimur, sem- per morimur, numquam vivimus dum his sumus As you will be reading this letter, I will be dying, you are dying while I am writing to you, the two of us are dying, we are all dying, we are always dying, we are never living while we are here.

The transitory nature of time is punctuated by the dizzying rate of metamorphoses in canzone This composition is reassessed by its companion poem, , as the end of the collection approaches, which depicts the demise of things known to be immortal and erects a poignantly enduring monument to impermanence.

Death looms large over the Fragmenta, casting a huge shadow which introduces and propels the narrative forward towards its fulfillment, marking the relentless passage from frailty to silence, eternity, and disintegration in poem In a desperate attempt to relieve the anxiety provoked by the inex- orable and unrepeatable events with which life is saturated — it has already brought Laura and will invariably usher the poet and his work to a state of oblivion — Petrarch looks for solutions to contain his dispersion and steady his course.

Augustinus admonishes him, in the Secretum, that he renounce earthly thus impermanent pursuits. The Saint, thus, discredits the secular, courtly rationalizations adopted by Franciscus to justify him- self, when he maintains that his love for Laura should become a path to sal- vation. The poet, at times, is painfully conscious of the action he must take in order to correct his mistakes. In the envoy of a powerfully penitential sestina "A la dolce ombra de le belle frondi" , echoing the idolatrous "Giovane donna sotto un verde lauro" 30 with palinodie intentions, he explicitly lays out his path to redemption from the idolatrous desires explored in the former poem: The insistence on the word "altro" reminds us of Augustine's words in the Secretum, where the saint describes his conversion: The intermittently penitential moments in the Rime reiterate this view: This knowledge, however, does not inspire a radical and permanent change.

Petrarch candidly confesses his weakness in the concluding line of a poem that echoes the Secretum and, just like the prose dialogue, closes with a failed conversion: Petrarch's lack of resolution is underscored by the strategy dis- played in the organization of his lyrical sequence. In fact, merely three poems after invoking the "altri rami," he places a sinful poem that con- cludes with the statement: In either case, unwilling, or unable, to give up his investment in a mortal object, he accommodates his sinful predicament to a monumentalization of his passion.

His sin, pri- marily, is not that of having strayed from religion for a worldly passion, but that of having made his love into a religion. Peter's — the cloth carrying the imprint of Christ's image at the time when he was walking on Golgotha to be crucified. The significance of the cloth is predicated upon the simultaneous belief in the truth of an incarnate God and in the belief that His visage is reproduced, perfectly, upon the cloth.

Petrarch daringly employs the reliquary for poetic effect by inverting its legitimate claims: Christ figures as mere metaphor or image "sembianza" while Laura has become a type of Christ "forma vera". Laura, momentarily collected into visions of static monumentality and transcendental perfection, often becomes an ornate reliquary: She is also transformed into a jewelled cross: Charlemagne is hopelessly infatuated with a woman.

He shamelessly over- looks both his imperial and his private duties, so much so that his public image is ruined and his own spiritual salvation jeopardized. When the woman suddenly dies everybody celebrates the emperor's deliverance from disgrace. The emperor, however, secretly refuses to accept the inevitable and embalms the woman.

He then carries on ghastly trysts with her dead body which is described with a language that is openly reminiscent of Laura's idolatrous metamorphoses. Charlemagne clads his defunct lover with purple cloths and covers her with jewels: Petrarch extrapolates from this episode a general illustration about the enslaving power of love certainly one suitable to his enamored condition. In the Rime, though, he acknowledges his inability to disassociate himself from the mundane force of love and concedes that his devotion is endur- ing, constant, and all consuming even after Laura's death.

This unusual tribute to the power of poetry is understandable, since Petrarch is engaged in a prolonged and unsuccessful campaign to sway an — 35 — Isabella Bertoletti unresponsive woman. Most urgently, Petrarch is invested in gaining mastery over the disordering force of death. The representation of death and con- tainment of its devastating effects is central to the Fragmenta, to Petrarch's poetic project, and is no less challenging than Orpheus's undertaking.

Death, like Laura, is a signifier of absence that incessantly recedes towards an unreachable signified. In the last poem, , while professing to close wounds and tantaliz- ing the reader with completion the last word of the collection is "pace" , Petrarch recasts old themes: The poet, who has blas- phemously displaced the wounds of Christ on the cross with his own gap- ing body and transformed Christ into a figure for his erotic torment, 29 is forever subjected to the woman who has crucified him "con saldi chiodi fisso" nailed there firmly' [ The text, seem- ingly unfinished, arrives to its readers in its pure materiality as a dismem- bered corpus, entrusted with a story which can fall apart as soon as it is assembled.

Staking his claim to life eternal, Petrarch evades the narrative replica- tion of his earlier, spiritual death through sin, the effects of eros on his identity, and, at the same time, he eludes his secular undoing by the liter- al binding and unbinding of a disseminated manuscript. In order to fulfill an aberrant fantasy and transcend his post lapsarian sexual and mortal body the sight of putrefaction, decay and corporeal incompleteness Petrarch tenders his limbs to public viewing, turning himself into a poetic spectacle like Christ and Laura , and makes a reliquary of the woman who has caused his agony.

In the way in which the saintly bodies or fragments — 36 — Mourning Laura thereof revered in shrines will be restored to eternal wholeness and har- mony in Paradise, the idol of Laura is the vehicle whereby the poet's own dismembered body and the extension of his self into a fragmented extra- corporeal existence the Fragmenta will be collected in the "real" world beyond, as a vehicle of his future worldly fama and his secular salvation. NOTES 1 An eloquent example of Petrarch's denunciations of his vernacular poetry designated as nugae or nugellae is in a letter addressed to Boccaccio SenilesXNll, 3 , where he declares that his vernacular texts do not merit serious attention.

All references to Petrarch's poetry are from Giovanni Ponte, ed. Mursia, ; the source of all translations is Robert M. I will refer to the lyrical collection as Fragmenta from the Latin title given by Petrarch, Rerum vulgarium fragmenta or as Rime sparse from the first verse of sonnet 1. All further references to the Rime sparse will be included in the text with poem and line number. See, for instance , ; , ; , Petrarch's 'Chiare fresche et dolci acque'.

Petrarch's Poetics," Diacritics 5 On the monumental influence of Petrarchismo in defining the standard of female beauty in the visual arts, see Elizabeth Cropper "On Beautiful Women, Parmigianino, Petrarchismo and the Vernacular Style. Sara Sturm-Maddox reviews the distinguishing elements of the physical description of Laura as well as her confined repertoire of actions.

Johns Hopkins UP, The Petrarchan lyric, according to Mazzotta, suffers a loss of referential function and becomes and exercise in poetic self-objectification, "The Canzoniere and the Language of the self". For instances of her post mortem utterances, see poems , , , , , In and , she offers the poet assurance that she is waiting for him in Paradise.

Gianfranco Contini's edition uses Canzoniere Torino: Einaudi, ; Piero Cudini's edition Milano: Rizzoli, , Giovanni Ponte Milano: Mursia, , Robert Durling use Rime sparse, a title more suggestive of the scattered nature of the poems. Barolini, "The Making of a Lyric Sequence: Time and Narrative in Petrarch's Rerum vulgar inm fragmenta? Sara Sturm-Maddox discusses the "cosmic disturbances associated with the death of Christ" presented in 3. Text and Subtext in the "Rime sparse" Columbia: He borrows, for instance, from the Aeneid and the Metamorphoses in his portrait of Laura: On the Ovidian subtext see Peter Hainsworth.

Text and Subtext in the 'Rime sparse. U of Missouri, esp. Greene The Light in Troy: Imitation and Discovery in Renaissance Poetry. Yale UP, The Aeneid and Metamorphoses rehearse the myth of the origin of Rome but support diametrically antithetical attitudes towards it.. On Ovid's revision of Virgil, see Daniel Javitch: Remo Bodei, Ordo amoris Bologna: Il Mulino, AMS Press, , Clarendon Press, , 6. I will include all page numbers in the main text. All translations are my own. Carlo Calcaterra Nella selva del Petrarca Bologna: Editore Licinio Cappella, presents a useful discussion or Augustine's influence on Petrarch "Sant'Agostino nelle opere di Dante e Petrarca" and argues that the influence of the saint went beyond the Secretum; Adelia Noferi L'esperienza poetica del Petrarca Firenze: Le Monnier, , ; offers a suggestive correlation of the lyrical poetry and Secretum; N.

Storia e racconto nel "Canzoniere" del Petrarca Bologna: Il Mulino, place the Rime at the center of the literary project that inspires dia- logue. See also Umberto Bosco, Francesco Petrarca. Laterza, , All translations are mine. For the gloom and pessimism, as well as obsession with death, which followed the outbreak of this catastrophe epidem- ic, see Millard Meiss, Painting in Florence and Siena after the Black Death Princeton: Martinelli, "Feria sexta aprilis: Cappella, , Durling's seminal discussion of sestina 30 in "Petrarch's 'Giovane donna sotto un verde lauro.

Time and Narrative in Petrarch's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta. Robertson, A Preface to Chaucer Princeton: Princeton University Press, , 99 is essentially idolatrous in nature. The jewelled cross has also escha- tological significance. In his article on poem 30, Durling points out that the New Jerusalem is described in Apocalypse 21 as being "decorated with 12 kinds of pre- cious stones, including topaz.

Also, see Robert M. The Myth of the Poet. University of Chicago Press, offers a brilliant and provocative reading of Renaissance representations of Christ, the centrality of the mystery of the Incarnation and cultural repression of Christ's sexuality. For Christ to redeem humanity by his death he had to be thoroughly man in every aspect, thus the insistence with which artists represented his genitalia which he connects to the debates about his circumcision.

The night before the violent destruction of his flesh Christ designates the ontological presence of his body in its manifestation as the Eucharist. The Eucharistie body and the resur- — 40 — Moukninc; Laura rected body, each of them incorruptible, underwrite the ontological alliance of body and soul and the exclusion of the flesh, which is understood to fill out the body imprecisely. Petrarch, unable to disengage from his earthly love and appro- priates the terminology of Christianity for his own cult of Laura and for his audi- ence's reverence of the Fragmenta.

On the sociopolitical significance of the body and on the centrality of the body in the Middle Ages, seen as a period in which incarnational aesthetics governed thus not a purely metaphysical period see Jacques Le Goff, 77? University of Chicago Press, Storia della morte in Occidente dal Medioevo ai giorni nostri. Over Her Dead Body. The Body and Society: The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity, Nella selva del Petrarca.

Editore Licinio Cappella, The Figure of the Poet in Renaissance Epic.

Vincent on his retirement from the chair of Italian at Cambridge. Foster — 41 — Isabella Bertoletti and U. The Light in Troy: London and New York: Italian Studies 34 The Languages of Literature in Renaissance Italy. Oxford and New York: The Body of Beatrice. Il Canzoniere petrarchesco e Sant'Agostino. Marin, Louis "The Figurability of the Visual: Petrarca e il Ventoso.

Painting in Florence and Siena after the Black Death. L'esperienza poetica del Petrarca. A Preface to Chaucer. Roche , Thomas P. Petrarch and the English Sonnet Sequence. Storia e racconto nel "Canzoniere" del Petrarca. Text and Subtext in the "Rime sparse. University of Missouri Press, Petrarch's 'Chiare fresche et dolci acque. Come molti intellettuali del suo tempo anche Ada Negri accolse con entusiasmo l'avvento del Fascismo, che reputava l'erede naturale dei po- stulati del primo Socialismo in grado di risarcire il popolo dalle illusioni del sistema liberale.

Guglielmotti spiega l'adesione della Negri al Fascismo come una scelta inevitabile: La lettura dell'epistolario Negri-Mussolini consente di precisare meglio la natura del rapporto della scrittrice lodigiana con il regime fascista non tanto quale scelta programmatica di tipo politico-ideologico, quanto piut- tosto quale scelta "sentimentale" dovuta all'amicizia che la legava al Mussolini socialista 2.

Un'amicizia sicuramente ricambiata dal Duce anche in considerazione del fatto che tutta la macchina propagandistica fascista che operava per il consenso necessitava di figure pubbliche di richiamo, come Ada Negri, la quale, con il suo passato socialista, rappresentava quasi una conferma dei proponimenti della dirigenza fascista 3. Per comprensi- bili ragioni di politica editoriale questa amicizia fu opportunamente cen- surata nell'immediato dopoguerra dai curatori dell' Opera omnia negriana Milano, Nel volume Poesie, alla poesia "Per la morte di un gio- vane" fu, infatti, depennato il sottotitolo che recitava "In memoria di Sandro Mussolini"; mentre il racconto "Libro di Sandro" di Erba sul sagra- to fu completamente eliminato.

Io null'altro posso fare che pregar Dio, per l'Italia e per Voi. Vostra devotamente Ada Negri 6 Oppure la lettera del ' Nulla domando alla vita, per me: Dio Vi accompagni, Duce: Lo stesso epistolario svela, tuttavia, l'ipoteca utilitaristica che com- prensibilmente gravava sul rapporto: Negri 16 , ai con- tributi in denaro Da parte sua, la scrittrice era consapevole del peso che l'amicizia di Mussolini poteva avere sulla sua fortuna editoriale come testi- moniano alcune lettere, nelle quali l'editore Mondadori chiedeva l'autoriz- zazione ad utilizzare le parole del Duce per pubblicizzare i volumi della Negri Una lettera, in particolare, esemplifica l'aspetto strumentale del rapporto: E quell'ignobile stroncatura promette di continuare in altro numero.

Io domando al Duce d'Italia: E giusto che un poeta il quale ha ricevuto riconoscimenti nazionali e del Governo sia in un giornale militante trat- La scrittrice faceva riferimento all'articolo di Biondolillo, nel quale il critico attaccava ferocemente tutta la poesia della Negri, la cui seconda parte, annunciata, non fxi mai pubblicata La scrittrice parve, dunque, rifugiarsi nella letteratura come un campo di esperienza alternativo a quello della cultura di regime: Una scrii irk i faS [STA?

Con l'oro l'ottenne delle fedi che alle mani delle tue donne amor commise, se in pio rito innanzi all'altare. However this strategy did not reduce the number of smuggling incidents enough; hence proving to be insufficient. The recent events clearly show that we must step up our common action to combat the criminal organisations exploiting migrants.

Comodini Cachia said that sporadic action is ineffective and called for a better coordination amongst Member States. This will require a mechanism that brings together representatives from the policy law enforcement intelligence and diplomatic areas ensuring a common approach to address the problem. In his conclusive statement Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos supported these views and said: If decisive and coordinated EU action is not taken the flow [of migrants] will continue.

The European Commission is determined to take action. Avrampoulos joined Comodini Cachia in calling for more coordination and solidarity from EU member states. He also stressed the need for more cooperation with Turkey and African countries and urged Member States to step up their efforts to enforce EU asylum rules and resettle refugees.

During this debate MEPs also discussed the new routes used by smugglers the role of the EU border agency Frontex legal channels of migration to the EU and a comprehensive approach to migration. Spanish police say they have arrested two Cameroonian migrants on suspicion of killing up to 10 other migrants by pushing them from a boat into stormy waters in a fight over a prayer session.

The two were arrested after several of the 29 survivors of the African migrant boat crossing to Spain from Morocco told how a fight broke out when a Nigerian religious minister began praying that the boat would not sink police said. The Cameroonians blamed the worsening weather on the pastor police said. The pastor and other Nigerians praying were among those allegedly pushed over board. Police say there were some 50 people on the boat but that around 10 other migrants also died when they fell into the sea on December 3. President MarieLouise Coleiro Preca focused on poverty migration and international terrorism when she greeted ambassadors accredited to Malta for the exchange of New Year Greetings today.

She said the economic situation continued to show signs of cautious recovery last year. A solution must be sought urgently to this social scourge that is affecting the wellbeing of one in four Europeans and 1. Turning to terrorism she regretted that during bloodshed continued to spill in Libya Syria and Iraq with conflicts in the latter two giving rise to the emergence of the Islamic State. One consequence had been the increase in the number of migrants. In her address the President condemned violence "from Gaza to Syria; from Iran to Afghanistan; from Pakistan to Libya; from Ukraine to Nigeria and now in Paris horrific scenes pools of blood human slaughter that terrify and sadden all those who believe in human dignity.

She looked forward tot he Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Malta this year hoping this event will lead to a roadmap that will kick start the shaping up of the Commonwealth of tomorrow hat have an effective voice and be a useful catalyst to influence change. Referring to the terrorism in Paris President Coleiro Preca said this was an attack on freedom and on democracy. Records revealed by Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela show that a whopping asylum seekers managed to escape from the Safi and Lyster Barracks detention centres between and Abela was responding to a series of parliamentary questions by Labour backbencher Anthony Agius Decelis pertaining to detention centres between and the final full year under a Nationalist administration.

The tabled papers show that irregular immigrant escapes were recorded in that same time period the largest getaway being on 4 May when 43 immigrants all made a dash for freedom. Interestingly a significant plummet in immigrant escapees was recorded in the numbers dropping to 12 when compared to the escapees in The escape numbers remained relatively low in and Abela said that no records could be found regarding how many escapees were eventually caught and returned to their detention centres.

However the records definitely indicate that the vast majority of irregular immigrants who attempted to flee their detention centres succeeded in doing so. Indeed only 46 asylumseekers were foiled in their freedom attempts between and with none at all recorded in and In response to another parliamentary question Abela revealed records showing that disciplinary steps were taken against 44 detention service officers between and most commonly for absenteeism leaving the workplace and insubordination.

However no information on disciplinary steps taken against officers involved in violence against asylum seekers was tabled. This the home affairs minister told parliament was because no records were ever kept over cases of alleged violence against irregular migrants by detention services officers. Moreover no records were ever kept of any disciplinary action that may have been taken against such officers in the past. This means that no recorded information of allegations made against detention service officers investigations that may have been carried out and the outcome of said investigations.

The report carried out by retired judge Geoffrey Valenzia painted a grim picture of the conditions in detention centres and shed a particularly bad light on the track record of detention service officers. The inquiry revealed that Kamara had successfully escaped his detention centre only to be recaptured by detention service officers who proceeded to handcuff him dump him inside a steel cage at the back of a detention centre van and brutally beat him to death.

According to forensic expert Mario Scerri Kamara died from a heart attack as a result of blunt trauma. According to the former head of the detention services the soldiers that were deployed at the detention centres were the worst of the worst…soldiers refused by the army.

Lieutenant Colonel Brian Gatt shockingly admitted that such soldiers included an officer who had usury problems and another who had been charged with shooting at a yacht during training. I had a sergeant in Hal Far who used to prey on migrant women entering their rooms during the night and taking a woman back to his office with him Gatt told Valenzia. Even condoms were found in the room. The inquiry found that there was a kind of inappropriate relationship going on between some members of staff and migrant women being detained. It could have been consensual but given the context you question this consent…how real it is… because they are detained and there is a soldierdetainee relationship which renders the relationship inappropriate.

Even this particular sergeant was never suspended but simply transferred to another section. It also revealed that the detention services were severely understaffed especially with regard to female officers stationed with migrant women. At the time there was only one female detention service officer. This meant that male officers would walk straight into female migrants taking a shower for the head count and accompany pregnant migrants to hospital at times and sometimes even stay with them while they were being examined by the doctor.

It is one of the most constructive and thorough reports to date joining so many other reports in unequivocally condemning a policy that seeks to deprive migrants of their very humanity by locking them away out of sight out of scrutiny and out of human rights protection the eight NGOs said in a joint statement.

Yet we are not shocked at any of the statements or findings in the Valenzia report. We are not shocked to read of sexual relations between a small number of Detention Services personnel and detained women. We are not shocked because we have been witnessing such incidents for several years. The MOAS migrant rescue mission is still millions of euros short of being able to set sail again but major benefactors could help get the show on the road by May. Founder Chris Catrambone told Times of Malta that a number of possibilities were being considered.

In the mission was completely funded by Mr Catrambone and his wife Regina. We have shown that operations like this can be done and can be done with a certain level of success. Although wary of commenting further as he did not want to scare potential donors away Mr Catrambone said one possibility being explored would be partnering up with other major humanitarian entities. Ivan Martin Many of these he said had previously been unable to offer maritime rescue services and could join forces with MOAS.

In fact Mr Catrambone said he had aspirations for the mission to branch out and see more newer boats carrying out wider operations. We need to give people dignity when they reach our backyard. The Migrant Offshore Aid Station operated for the first time last summer using a 40metre ship equipped with two camcopters and a professional crew including rescuers seafarers paramedics and humanitarians. Our focus is on saving lives and on giving survivors the dignity they deserve. We provide even the most basic forms of aid like blankets and baby formulas to the survivors of these terrible wrecks Christopher Catrambone said.

One boy an elevenyearold was sent to face the journey alone because his parents could only pay a oneperson passage. Among several difficult rescue operations Catrambone said on one occasion there had been people — crew excluded — on board the Phoenix. She called for a successful holistic approach to migration where any approach must start with saving lives. Inaction risks further tragedies in our seas. EU States cannot shirk their responsibility just because they are not geographically in the Mediterranean she said.

Zammit Dimech recently appointed spokesperson on migration reiterated the call for a European solution: Too many people have lost their lives crossing the Mediterranean. This is a European issue that requires a European solution. As a privatelyrun mission MOAS needs to raise funds to continue its operation. Although it is currently not in operation the team is working hard to raise funds. Our focus is on raising funds and finding the necessary partners to be able to ensure sustainable operation this year.

Men had residence documents issued by Italian authorities and availed themselves of their right to free movement A police raid early this morning at 6: Police said that the men had official documents issued by the Italian authorities and had travelled to Malta via catamaran from Sicily. Because they were living close to the Hal Far open centre it is understood that the migrants living at the centre may have also provided them with food.

Five men were of Ghanian nationality and two others were Togo nationals. Another man was a Spanish national. Their documents were verified by the police. They are currently in police custody. The recent announcement that this year the Maltese government will be launching a national policy on the integration of migrants is very welcome.

The commemoration aims at increasing awareness of the phenomenon of migration as contemporary movements represent the largest movement of individuals if not of peoples in history. Indeed in our time one person in seven is an international million or internal migrant million. Not all of them escape lifethreatening conditions but many of them do. Having faced ever new and challenging situations during its millennial history the Church knows that migration poses fresh challenges not only on account of its magnitude but also for the various social economic political cultural and religious problems it gives rise to.

Church without frontiers Mother to all. This role includes the duty to make efforts to ensure that the dignity and the centrality of the human person is protected to actively promote more creative and concrete forms of solidarity acceptance and protection and to encourage effective dialogue between peoples. With this in mind the Church continues to strive to understand the causes of migration to work towards overcoming its negative effects and to maximise its positive influence on the communities of origin transit and destination.

As the surge in the number of recent conflicts has produced new waves of asylum seekers and displaced people there is an increasingly urgent need to intensify the efforts to promote a gradual reduction in the root causes of migration that cause entire peoples to abandon their homelands. States and their people cannot risk becoming indifferent to human tragedy Forced migration due to persecution conflicts terrorism and other tragedies takes the form of fleeing for salvation often involving dangerous or lifethreatening journeys which may nonetheless offer the only option for reaching a country where protection and the possibility of a dignified life can be found.

The Church is therefore appealing to States to respond effectively to the recognition of the need for protection to restore human dignity to those who need it and to treat the causes of forced mobility by cooperating in a spirit of international solidarity. In the social doctrine of the Church the theme of human dignity derives from the recognition that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God.

Religious ethnic social or cultural variables citizenship or lack of it do not change this fact that gives any individual an inherent and immeasurable worth and dignity to the point that each human life is considered sacred. Emigration when it is a response to the need of survival from extreme poverty and hunger from threats to life from generalised violence and similar conditions cannot be prevented. States and their people therefore cannot risk becoming used to or indifferent to such human tragedy.

The principle of human dignity implies that the vital needs of the person have to be assured. Pope Francis said that migrants and refugees are not pawns on the chessboard of humanity. They are children women and men who leave or who are forced to leave their homes for various reasons who share a legitimate desire for knowing and having but above all for being more. In this context the recent announcement that this year the Maltese government will be launching a national policy on the integration of migrants is very welcome.

Such a policy should prove to be another important step in the solidarity response our small nation has endeavoured to design build and sustain over the past years to provide international protection to those who need it and reach our shores. Another 20 reported dead and thrown at sea during crossing. The migrant was among a group of eight who were transferred to Mater Dei Hospital. Three of the migrants were in critical condition.

A spokesperson for the health ministry has also confirmed that ebola tests carried on three migrants at Mater Dei Hospital came back negative. The third result was confirmed late in the evening. A dinghy carrying 87 subSaharan migrants arrived at Haywharf this morning at around 10am after it was intercepted by the Armed Forces of Malta off the coast of Malta. The migrants who are claiming to be from Burkina Faso Mali the Ivory Coast and Guinea are all male and are believed to have departed from Libya before being intercepted off the east coast of Malta.

According to information relayed by the migrants the dinghy had originally been carrying around people on board but 20 are feared dead. In a tweet Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that the dead are said to have been thrown at sea during the crossing. Addressing a press briefing this afternoon at Mater Dei Hospital Charles Mallia Azzopardi who heads the Ebola Response Unit explained that even though the risk of Ebola is extremely low all precautionary measures were taken. Azzopardi explained that 84 migrants have been quarantined at Hal Far detention centre to be treated for Ebola.

An additional three migrants have been hospitalised where they were certified to be suffering in critical condition due to severe dehydration. They were also tested for Ebola. Mallia Azzopardi explained that Ebola screening was carried out after one of the migrants declared that he is from Guinea.

In addition he explained that authorities could ignore claims by the migrants that 20 others had perished. The migrants who arrived this morning at around 10am after spending an unspecified amount of days crossing the Mediterranean Sea appeared weak as they disembarked off the AFM vessel. Despite arriving at Haywharf at around 10am safety precuatons meant that the disembarkation had to wait until For the first time since the deadly Ebola outbreak across West and Central Africa the migrants were screened by health authorities.

AFM personnel wore full Ebola protective suits while a decontamination tent was also set up. A spokeswoman for the home affairs ministry underlined that these were only precautionary measures and that there was no cause for alarm. Members of the media are also being kept away from the ordinary safety distance as a precaution. Migrants were provided with blankets and water while on board the AFM vessel. An AFM vessel has towed the migrants' dinghy to shore while additional vessels have been deployed in search for any bodies in the area. AFM personnel remained in constant contact with the Italian military and the health authorities on safe distance procedure.

The AFM had been monitoring the situation for the past hours and after ongoing communication with their Italian counterparts it was decided that due to their safety the migrants should be brought to Malta. Migrant dies after rescue another two critical Ebola tests are negative 20 migrants reports to have perished at sea Video Mark Zammit Cordina Photo: Mark Zammit Cordina Photo: Mark Zammit Cordina Last updated 5.

A migrant has died at Mater Dei Hospital hours after being rescued this morning. The man was in a group of 87 migrants picked up from a drifting dinghy some miles off Mellieha. Three were found to be in critical condition having swallowed sea water after suffering dehydration. They were rushed to hospital where one of them passed away.

Another five migrants were also taken to hospital for urgent medical care. The migrants all men said their group had originally consisted of people but 20 perished during the voyage. No bodies were found on the boat or at sea.

A wall of numbers

They said they started their trip from Libya and had been at sea for days. After rescue by a patrol boat the migrants were taken to Haywharf the AFM maritime base where they were received by AFM personnel in biohazard suits because of the risk of Ebola. Disembarkation started about three hours after the patrol boat arrived with officials having awaited the arrival from Mater Dei Hospital of a decontamination tent which was set up purely as a precaution.

A Health Ministry spokeswoman insisted that there was no cause for alarm. The migrants have now been moved to Safi Detention Centre where they are being held in quarantine monitored by the AFM and public health authorities. Those in hospital were immediately tested for Ebola. The tests were negative. Ebola has a threeweek incubation period and the risk that the migrants carry the disease is low especially considering that the migrants spent time in Libya before heading over to Malta the spokeswoman said.

The rescue was the first in several months and came at a time when the number of migrants in detention had slipped to a low of just At one time there were over Concern on petrol prices increases by 10 points Despite a lull in migrant arrivals before last Thursday concern on immigration has risen by four points since November. Despite decreasing numbers immigration has overtaken traffic which was the top concern in the November survey.

Respondents were asked to mention the two main problems facing the country. The biggest percentage point increase over November was registered by respondents mentioning petrol prices as a major concern. Concern on petrol prices is just two points lower than that on the cost of living. Despite the absence of any boat arrivals in the past months concern on migration has gone up by eight points since March The survey shows that concern on traffic has gone down from the record levels registered in November but remains substantially higher than in March.

This suggests that most Maltese do not consider unemployment much of a problem reflecting statistics showing an increase in employment figures. Concern on the environment mostly on development issues has remained stable at five points slightly higher than in November but three points lower than in March Labour voters are more likely to be concerned about traffic and immigration but are less likely as PN voters to be concerned with petrol prices.

Immigration tops the concern list of both PN and PL voters. Concern on traffic is also six points higher among PL voters. One reason for this could be that PL voters are less likely to mention problems which can be blamed on the government of the day. Problems like roads traffic and to a certain extent migration are not directly attributable to the present government. But the percentage rises to 18 points among PN voters. This suggests that PN voters are more susceptible to PN propaganda on this issue.

Respondents with a post secondary level of education those who continued studies after secondary level but did not go to university are the most likely to be concerned by rising petrol prices. Disgruntlement among this category may be bad news for the government. For it was within this category that a major shift towards the PL occurred before the general election. Methodology respondents were contacted by telephone between Wednesday 7 and Tuesday 13 January. The survey was stopped when a quota sample was reached. Respondents were told that MaltaToday was conducting the survey. Its results were weighted to reflect the age and gender balance of the population.

Respondents were asked how they voted in the and elections. The minister referred to the recent terrorist attack on the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli and said that instability in the Mediterranean led to a threat to European security. The ministers also discussed migration flows particularly in view of the challenges posed by the emerging trend of smugglers using larger vessels to transport migrants.

Mr Abela emphasised Malta's role on the issue of irregular migration starting from search and rescue and stressed the need for EU states to work together including in the return of irregular migrants. He also underlined the need for relocation of beneficiaries of protection.

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The ministers agreed to intensify the implementation of already agreed measures while also identifying additional measures that would contribute to the fight against terrorism. The training is aimed at facilitating social inclusion and employability and it will focus on teaching residents how to use the internet prepare a CV and look for jobs. Education projects within the Open Centre had started over four years ago and they included courses in Cultural Orientation English Language First Aid and Food Handling and Hygiene which aimed to provide migrants with the necessary skills to enter the workforce.

The Marsa Open Centre is a transitory place for asylum seekers and refugees needing temporary assistance until they are able to move in the community and access mainstream services. Bugri said that the centre which has a bed capacity of residents is focusing on offering residents with the necessary support including educational courses and health and psychological support to be able to integrate with society. The FSM believes that education is an important tool for the personal development empowerment and social inclusion of migrants into Maltese society and in Europe at large he added.

Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth Jose Herrera said that integration for good quality of life is "essential". He added that it is a two way struggle with society and the government being obliged to do their best to integrate migrants into society and migrants needing to try their best to follow courses to enter society. We need to look into the respective niches of our society and address these on a case by case basis in order to address their individual requirements.

Our immigrants are but one niche which we are targeting. Italy's Mare Nostrum operation which ended some weeks ago had served as a deterrent to terrorists wanting to enter Europe by posing as irregular migrants Italy's under secretary responsible for intelligence Marco Minniti told a parliamentary committee yesterday. Mare Nostrum had been blamed by critics in Italy for encouraging the flows of migrants from North Africa and increasing the risk of Islamist terrorist being among them.

Ansa however also quotes a report appearing in unidentified Libyan media saying ISIS is focusing on Libya as a means to get to Europe among irregular immigrants. ISIS is reported to have said If we can take advantage of this channel the situation in these countries will turn into a living hell. The report has yet to be verified as authentic. Executive Director Kenneth Roth urged governments to recognize that human rights offer an effective moral guide in turbulent times and that violating rights can spark or aggravate serious security challenges.

The shortterm gains of undermining core values of freedom and nondiscrimination are rarely worth the longterm price Roth said. The horrific attacks of January 7 to 9 in Paris on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo police officers and people in a Kosher supermarket that left 17 people dead heightened concerns about terrorist attacks in Europe as well as new counterterrorism measures that restrict freedom of movement association and expression.

The antiSemitic nature of the supermarket attack a subsequent wave of Islamophobic violence in France and rampedup rhetoric from rightwing parties in a number of EU countries underscored rising intolerance in Europe and its manifestation in violence and discrimination against Muslims Jews and other minorities Human Rights Watch said. A May gun attack at a Jewish museum in Brussels that killed four people was part of a disturbing pattern of antiSemitic violence and hate speech in the EU in Other EU member states criticized Italy for rescuing tens of thousands of boat migrants in the Mediterranean.

Its massive naval operation was replaced by a much more limited operation by the EU external borders agency Frontex at the end of the year. This raises concerns that the death toll in will surpass the estimated people who perished in the Mediterranean in HRW said. While the EU is a key humanitarian donor to the Syrian crisis with the exception of Germany it showed little willingness to resettle significant numbers of refugees from Syria.

Asylum seekers generally faced significant gaps in protection including substandard reception conditions in Italy Greece France and Bulgaria and routine detention of migrants and asylum seekers including children in some cases. There were reports throughout the year of summary returns and excessive use of force by border guards in Bulgaria Greece and Spain. Computer literacy courses are being offered to migrants living at the Marsa Open Centre in a bid to help them enter the local job market. The courses are being coordinated by the Malta Communications Authority in collaboration with the Foundation for Shelter and Support of Migrants which runs the Marsa centre.

Ahmed Bugri who heads the foundation said some students were currently participating in ICT courses which ranged from a basic introduction to IT skills to advanced ecommerce. Computer literacy Dr Bugri said was an essential tool for helping migrants enter the Maltese work force and improve their quality of life. This he added would ultimately benefit Maltese society at large. Educational programmes at the Marsa centre started four years ago and include courses in cultural orientation food handling which is aimed at helping migrants enter the tourism sector and English language. We all have the responsibility to help migrants form part of our society.

This needs to be reinforced if the situation is to improve he said. Dr Herrera was making a call for renewed efforts to educate migrants on what it means to be Maltese in an attempt to bridge the gap between Maltese society and the migrant population. I am sure that if we teach migrants about Maltese culture — what it means to be Maltese who our forefathers were what a festa is how our political system works and so on — we will bridge the gap that is stopping many migrants from integrating he said. Dr Herrera was speaking during a press conference unveiling new computer literacy courses being offered to migrants at the Marsa Open Centre.

Home Affairs Minister calls for integrated approach to counter terrorism. Abela emphasized the need for more information exchange between member states and the better use of existing tools to rapidly trace firearms. He also referred to the recent terrorist attack that occurred at the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli Libya highlighting the need for an integrated approach to counter terrorism.

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Instability in the Mediterranean leads to a threat for European security he said. Abela said Malta was open to discuss necessary actions on the Schengen Code but no rushed decision should be taken. Over lunch ministers discussed migration flows particularly in view of the challenges posed by the emerging trend of smugglers using larger vessels such as ships to transport migrants. The recent terrorist attack on the Corinthia hotel in Libya reminds us of the fragile situation in this neighbouring country. The Maltese ownership of the hotel marks an additional level of proximity Agius said.

Above all he pointed out how this would undoubtedly have an adverse effect on Malta. El Senussi also pointed out that Malta is a sincere friend to the Libyan cause and can promote solutions thanks to its credibility Agius said. The issue of terrorism within and outside of our borders has also been tackled by the Maltese MEPs. PN MEP Robert Metsola suggested that a new passenger name record system would help increase citizen safety since this would lead to a higher degree of harmonisation and sharing of information between Member States.

During the January debates of the European Parliament plenary session Dalli said that whilst the EU has at times focused a lot of energy on its Eastern borders such focus came at the detriment of relations with its Southern neighbours. She said that it was is time to reverse these trends to promote a better wellbeing for the Libyan citizens.

Some people are believed to have been displaced as a result of the ongoing conflict. With particular reference to Libya MEPs commended the UNchaired Geneva conferences as a positive first step that would hopefully lead to the reconciliation between the different factions present in Libya. Whilst political debates are of outmost importance the peacekeeping initiative led by the United Nations is also highly significant with Italy agreeing to spearhead such an initiative under the guidance of the United Nations.

The Maltese EP office said that improved conditions in Libya would also impact Malta Italy and other Mediterranean countries due to the relevance that this crisis has on immigration. A strong government and legal enforcement force is necessary to nip the rising of a new phenomenon that of ghost ships. With ghost ships hundreds of migrants are being forced on boats which are no longer seaworthy and are allowed to drift in the Mediterranean without any crew present to guide these boats towards a safe port.

Lebanon reinforces restrictions with new visa rules Today marks the day where new restrictions come into force for Syrian refugees.

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The unprecedented move by the Lebanese government means that Syrian refugees will have to fulfil certain criteria in order to be given a visa and enter the country. Before this move Syrians were automatically allowed to stay in Lebanon for up to six monthsThis step is aimed to curb the influx of refugees into the country with the registered refugee population standing at a whopping 1. There are a further unregistered refugees who will be greatly effected by these measures.

It is in fact unclear exactly what these new restrictions will mean for Syrians already in the country and for unregistered refugees. The United Nations High Commissioner for refugees has expressed concern at the lack of clarity of these new rules. Groups supporting and opposing the antiIslam group have held rival rallies across Germany The Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West" or Pegida have held protests throughout the country since back in October and their rallies have gained both popularity and supporters over time.

The group has been condemned by senior German politicians and it has also garnered counter demonstrators who favour a message of peace and tolerance. The Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel has condemned the group however the group seems to be gaining in popularity as time goes by. A poll of just over people carried out by German magazine Stern revealed that a shocking one in eight Germans would join an antiIslam march if Pegida organized one near their homes. The organiser for Pegida Kathrin Oertel has said that the country has once again been plunged into an era of political repression: Reuters Chancellor Angela Merkel said yesterday she had a duty to protect the right to demonstrate in Germany regardless of the issue and offered federal security support after an antiIslam march was cancelled because of a terrorist threat.

Police in the eastern city of Dresden banned all outdoor public gatherings yesterday including one by the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West Pegida a group that attracted people to its rally last week. The weekly Pegida demonstrations began last October as a local protest against the building of new shelters for refugees and have been growing in size. However countermarches have taken place across Germany with far larger numbers and Merkel has condemned the group in unusually strong language as racists with hatred in their hearts. But at a press conference yesterday she defended the right to protest: Such a precious principle has to be protected.

That is why everything will be done German Chancellor makes statement after antiIslam march was cancelled following threat She offered federal help if requested to the regional state authorities who are responsible for policing. Pegida leaders said yesterday they would not allow themselves to be muzzled and would plan a rally for next week in conjunction with security officials. Security authorities said last Friday they had specific warnings of a risk of militant attacks on central railway stations in Berlin and Dresden.

The leader of a German organisation against the perceived "Islamisation" of Europe stepped down after online posts surfaced in which he used derogatory language to refer to refugees and posed looking like Adolf Hitler. It followed German media publishing the comments where he called refugees "cattle" and "filthy" and a photo showing him with a Hitler moustache and hair combed over like the Nazi Fuehrer.

Mr Bachmann did not comment directly on the picture but apologised for the antirefugee comments which he made online in September a month before the group staged its first protest.

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The group has staged weekly demonstrations in the eastern city of Dresden that reached their peak last week drawing people. This week's planned rally was cancelled after police said authorities had monitored a Tweet calling for one of the organisers to be killed.

PEGIDA's spokeswoman Kathrin Oertel said the Hitler picture had been satire but Mr Bachmann's comments about refugees and others he made about German politicians had not "contributed to the trustworthiness" of the group. Bild newspaper quoted Mr Bachmann as saying he had posted the Hitler picture on his Facebook page apparently some time ago as a joke.

If it was a joke nobody was laughing. A protest staged by a separate group in the eastern city of Leipzig met violent counterdemonstrations yesterday. Police said some among the counterprotesters tried to break through barriers protecting the route where about supporters of the group calling itself LEGIDA were marching. Sulla nave ci sono circa persone.

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