
Stone Throw From Wharton

Add on truffle fries. Chicken Salad 10 pasture raised chicken salad, butter-crunch lettuce, red onion, beefsteak tomato, pecans, cranberry mayo on butter croissant. The 7 Burger Grilled Chicken Panini Turkey Club 9 oven roasted turkey breast, red leaf lettuce, tomato, candied bacon strips, cranberry mayo on whole wheat toast.

The ENIAC Legacy: Past, Present, and Future

Cajun 11 Andouille sausage, grilled onions, red peppers and cheese on sour dough bread. Grilled BLT Wrap 9. Bread Basket — assorted house baked breads 5 hand cut house made fries 3 hand cut house made truffle fries 5 hand cut house made potato chips 3. We love food, so at Provisions we source only the best, freshest, local-as-possible ingredients for every item on our menu and in our market.

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Anyone who has ever put a meal together knows: We dare you not to fall in love with even our greenest offerings. She loves the land, her chickens and her kitchen. While both grew up farther south, they have enjoyed the green in Wharton county taking their small farm from two scraggly holly bushes to an abundantly producing Texas homestead. We fought hard to create the opportunity for everyone to be users of computers to enhance creativity and innovation. We achieved that goal. But the unintended consequences of our efforts have led to a wide range of negative outcomes, namely these devices being weaponized and propagandized.

We are not only combatting the black hats of our nation and the world who are out to capture our wallets and our minds, but are frequently under cyber-threat by hostile nations who already are shaping our political, social, economic systems for their own purposes. For each of us—professionally, academically, and personally—we need to begin reshaping our interactions with technology in the following ways:. Starting with the ENIAC, Penn has a historic track record in utilizing our knowledge, skills, values, and creativity to strive for an electronic world based on the motto engraved in our coins, E pluribus unum.

You build good will. We launched Jelly, and within 24 hours, we had more than double the accounts created in the first year of Twitter. The opposite is presenting yourself as bulletproof. If you do that, then the second you have a failure, people slam you for it. But if you recognize the value in vulnerability, you can build up some good will as long as you are open and honest about it but also working to fix it.

Wharton Club Of DC

You talked about how your decision to drop out of college and pursue book jacket design was essentially choosing apprenticeship over schooling. Do we place too much emphasis on degrees and credentials and not enough on promoting a learning culture within companies? It comes down to the individual.

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For me, that was a better way. For me, the immersive experience of focusing and working eight to 10 hours a day with a master in his field was just the perfect thing.

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It was what I needed. For other people, the structure of a school environment is better.


Teachers can — as long as they act as the guides, nudge them or keep them in bounds, so to speak — [help children] do miraculous things on their own. Business leaders, by contrast, like to think that they are building something lasting.

Wharton and Penn-Wharton Clubs around the World

In an economy marked by flux and constant change, is there a business lesson to be learned from Goldsworthy? Not all of his stuff is completely ephemeral, but a lot of it is. It disappears with the wind or the tides….

How has the process of launching your new venture, Jelly, been different from that of launching Twitter? You change what you measure. You change the measurement of success. We launched Jelly, and within 24 hours we had more than double the accounts created in the first year of Twitter.

Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone on the Power of the Creative Mind

When Twitter started, word of mouth was word of mouth — actual mouths. They tell their friends, and they retweet it and so forth. You just explode onto the scene. We could potentially have a service where we have hundreds of millions of customers and tens of employees. You have reinvented your professional and creative career several times.