
The Lost and Found Collection

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From the moment I discovered those negatives at the flea market I knew it was my mission to create something that honors the history of film and pays tribute to the artists. Although it began with surfing, that name has now revealed itself to cover a much bigger theme of the lost art of photography; honoring subcultures from surfing to music to the outdoors. Talk about an amazing find!

Lost & Found Collection - Lost & Found Collection

May we ask how much the collection originally cost you at that flea market? I knew they were special. From the moment I held the first sheet of negatives to the sun and saw lightning bolt boards I just knew. These were all my heroes and they were the ones who exposed surfing into my life as a young kid growing up in LA.

I walked away with 4 sheets from but knew I had to go back and get it all. Growing up in LA and surrounded by family in the film business I ended up with a career in film editing.


I grabbed a camera and found the connections of people to the photographs. It also was about building special relationships and spending quality time with every subject and photographer. His life and story are endless as he and his wife Bebe gave so much back to all the local Hawaiian people as well as traveling surfers from around the world who had nowhere to go.

They had an open door policy, they would all gather for the holidays, meals and parties.


He raised his family as beautiful souls, teaching them all to respect others. He also helped other traveling surfers with that same mindset and encouraged them to save their money and buy land.

Lost & Found Ria Dunn:

And today every one of them who listened own some of the most beautiful properties across Hawaii. The archive had been lost for years yet serendipitously ended up at his feet on that magical Sunday. In , Doug released his documentary film, Lost and Found, showcasing his journey of discovery, the stories behind the photographs, and that amazing era of beach lifestyle and surf.

Reaction to the movie, photo catalog, and the iconic way of life these snapshots captured was nothing short of remarkable; and what Walker thought would be the end of that voyage turned out to be another beginning. Respected photojournalist Matt Wessen was brought aboard to help curate the collection, and longtime friend Bruce Goldberg joined the team as a business partner.


The trio envisioned sharing these historic pictures with the world — not only with the surf community at large, but also with everyone who can appreciate the beauty and significance of these film stills and the bygone decade whence they came. Presently, The Lost and Found Collection is immensely excited to be creating a large format coffee-table book as well as a traveling gallery exhibition in order to give these counterculture photographers a chance to showcase their previously lost artwork. The Lost and Found Collection is continually growing, day by day, and our team is proud to present this archive — a showcase graciously built by working shoulder-to-shoulder with the photographers and surfers toward our dream of giving back to the icons we revere.

Viewing the art of these photographers purely in the context of s beach culture is an amazing experience. Oneill for jack Oneill….

  1. Astonishing X-Men: Exogenetic.
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  4. Alabaster: Wolves.
  5. Studio Lernert & Sander — The Lost & Found Collection.
  6. Your email address will not be published. Last added items Subtotal: The man that started it all almost 4 years ago Doug Walker Big Mahalo To Doug for giving us the opportunity to sponsor the event.