
The Ant and the Butter fly Chrysalis

With their strongly moral tone and fantastically endowed mythical creates, the fables are suited well to older readers, such as junior high and high school students as well as adults. This group of people may best understand the message. The audience I'd like to adapt this particular story to, however, is young children either at a school or a library. How El Bizarron Fooled the Devil. The Ant and the Chrysalis. The Bird of Happiness. The Dragon of Krakow. The Sacred Banana Leaf. The Woman Who Married a Bear.

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Introduction Many Australian members of the butterfly family Lycaenidae Blues, Coppers, Hairstreaks, Azures have an unusual association with ants: Distribution Members of the Family Lycaenidae are mainly found in the tropics. Other behaviours and adaptations Ants are normally predators of butterfly larvae caterpillars , however lycaenids have evolved a range of mechanisms to overcome predation.

Three types of glands and the substances they produce are: These are called pore cupola organs. This is called the dorsal nectory organ or 'honey gland'. These are called dorsal eversible organs or 'tentacular organs': They take the form of long cylindrical tubes that can be everted turned inside out , and are topped with a brightly coloured ring of spikes. When the tubes are retracted, a pale depression surrounded by hairs indicates their position.

Large blue

The function of these glands may be to attract or repel ants through the release of volatile chemicals, but this is not certain. Associations with ants include the following categories: Larvae that are not attended by ants, or only rarely associated with ants Larvae that are frequently attended by ants.

These are called myrmecophilous 'ant-loving' associations. Within this category, there are two types of association: Larvae that either prey on ants or are fed by ants.

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These are called aphytophagous 'non-plant-eating' associations. In this category there are larvae that prey upon immature ants or larvae that feed on the regurgitations of ants.

Lycaenid butterflies and ants - The Australian Museum

This category also includes species that prey upon, or feed on, secretions produced by bugs Order Hemiptera. Larvae that are preyed upon by ants. This is a much smaller category. For example, the meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus , preys on the larvae of azure butterflies Ogyris sp.

It has been found that large blue butterflies are three times less likely to survive in nests that have queen ants present. This discovery has been explained with a theory called the "queen effect". In most Myrmica nests, the queen ant will lay two main batches of eggs, and the females that hatch from these eggs will either become workers or virgin queens. Whether these females become workers or virgin queens is dependent on the status of the queen in the nest.

Aesop's Fables - The Ant and the Chrysalis

If the queen dies, worker ants have the largest of the female larvae transition into virgin queens. If the queen is present and healthy, she influences the nurse workers to neglect, starve and bite the female larvae which results in restricted growth and aids in the transition to workers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

  • The Ant and the Chrysalis - Colleen's Future File.
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  • The Hornometer!
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For a key to the terms used, see Glossary of entomology terms. Retrieved 27 December Retrieved 15 November Journal of Insect Conservation. The case of the Czech Carpathians". Journal of Animal Ecology. Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies: Insect Conservation and Diversity.

  1. The Five Sons of Charlie Gisby: A Family Saga.
  2. An Introduction to the Corpus Hermeticum!
  3. ?
  4. www.newyorkethnicfood.com - The Ant and the Chrysalis - General Fable collection?
  5. When I Could Stop Time.
  6. Communicative and Integrative Biology. Lycaenidae based on morphological and ecological characters: Lycaenidae inhabiting humid grasslands in East-central Europe".

    Lycaenid butterflies and ants

    European Journal of Entomology. Formicidae not necessary for the survival of the population of Phengaris Maculinea arion Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae in eastern Poland: Lower host-ant specificity or evidence for geographical variation of an endangered social parasite? Butterfly mimics of ants". Honeyguide Thick-billed honeyguide Greater honeyguide. Coelioxys Epeoloides Nomada Bombus Psithyrus. Cuckoo wasps Ammophila sabulosa Polistes.

    Phengaris alcon Phengaris arion Phengaris rebeli. Retrieved from " https: Use British English from November Articles with 'species' microformats Articles containing video clips. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikispecies. This page was last edited on 1 September , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Phengaris arion Linnaeus, Wikimedia Commons has media related to Phengaris arion. Wikispecies has information related to Phengaris arion.