
Alquimia del corazón (Spanish Edition)

After being nagged repeatedly by a friend to read this book, I got a copy from the library.

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I was instantly into the story and simply did not want it to end. It is one of the most profound, inspiring books I have ever read. Written in simple, almost childlike language, it brings you back from the craziness we create in our daily lives to the REAL things that are important. I won't spoil it for you by telling the plot! Anyone from age 10 to can enjoy reading The Alchemist.

The book was written in English in and I believe has been written in many languages and sold all over the world. It has pages and is a quick read - trust me, pages in not nearly long enough. I wanted a hardback copy to keep forever so I can re-read it the book is that incredible so looked on eBay. I did not realize until then how many other books had this title or were similar and its a good thing I had the authors name.

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When I saw the book I purchased the photo was excellent, the description was clear and understandable, the price was very fair and I was thrilled. Not only is it in the original brown hardback but it has a heavy cardboard sleeve to protect it.

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There are many books in this world - there are only a few that can make you stop and review your own life without trying to "fix" you or to "preach" to you to get their point across. With The Alchemist you will turn and look at yourself and your life and then you can decide if what you are doing is your destiny. La magica historia de Paulo Coelho, que trata sobre Santiago, un nino pastor andaluz que viaja en busca de un tesoro material, nos ensena la importancia que tiene el saber eschuchar lo que nos dice el corazon, a aprender a leer los presagios dispersados por el camino de nuestras vidas y, sobre todo, a seguir nuestros suenos.

El Alquimista, ahora por primera vez disponible en Espana en Norte America, ha sido aclamado en Espana y en America Latina como una de las novelas mas importantes de la decada. Esta edicion especial esta bellamente ilustrado y hace un gran regalo para un amigo especial. Otra, la del agua, que como la vida de Marieta avanza a trompicones mientras ella nos la cuenta.

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Siete pruebas basadas en el purgatorio de la Divina comedia de Dante Alighieri tienen las llaves para abrir las puertas. Decidida a seguir adelante con su vida, le da al amor otra oportunidad al convertirse en una novia por correo. Pero su nuevo esposo, Paul Lowder, no es todo lo que parece.

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Cuando Kathy se encuentra cara a cara con un bandido que roba diligencias, ruega por su vida y por sus posesiones. Una historia absorbente que nos habla sobre la culpa, la venganza, el peso de la conciencia y los fantasmas que nos persiguen y condicionan nuestras decisiones. Solo el amor de Roxana puede aliviar su soledad. Silvia le propone un juego que llama de las nueve palabras.

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El Alquimista / The Alchemist: Paulo Coelho: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books

Remove from wishlist failed. Adding to library failed. Free with day Trial. Resumen de "el Alquimista: Sapiens Editorial Narrated by: Dulcinea Paola Calasanz Narrated by: Kentukis Spanish Edition By: Samanta Schweblin Narrated by: