
Age Does Not Define Me: I do!

Your “Age” Is Defined by Your Attitude…Not a Number.

I was a broke graduate student, so I said yes. Suddenly I had clients. When I graduated, Josh approached me with a proposal to join him in business. Josh said, remote work is the norm.

Much of what I learned were business norms, were completely non-existent in WordPress. I communicated all of this to Josh. For me, it clicked at the inaugural WordCamp US. I showed up to the event looking like a deer caught in the headlights and was welcomed with open arms. I got to put faces to all of the names I had learned in the last half-year, and surprise: I scoffed at the idea that I would have anything to contribute on Contributor Day, and then found out that the polyglots team could totally use an immigrant that speaks 4 languages.

More importantly, I became completely inspired by the mission of WordPress.

I realized that, by total accident or perhaps completely on purpose , I had become a part of something bigger than myself. I had to stick with it, no matter how hard it was. In the year after that, I also began to find a small niche for myself.

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Move forward a year, and results started rolling in. I spoke at 4 WordCamps and many other shows. Josh published his Year In Review, where he outlined the explosive growth that Caldera Forms experienced at the end of the year and acknowledged the benefit of having partnered with me. This year, , has consisted of taking on the next step in that process: What a great topic to launch ! I have had a lot of conversations already this year with people in different seasons of life, and I had struggled to convey how exciting it is to be where God has us!

Each season brings their own struggles and hardships, but they can overflow with contentment and joy as we walk in the steps God has prepared for us. Growing up is awesome!

  • Please Don't Define Me By My Age.
  • Your Age Does Not Define You (So Stop Worrying About It).
  • My disability.
  • What I Do Does Not Define Who I Am.
  • About Nadine Brandes!
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There is a depth with the Lord I never thought possible, and it almost makes me giddy knowing that the best is still to come! Let us rejoice in our seasons, in the hard times that bring strong roots in Christ and joy in trusting Him!

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And that perspective is beautiful and life-changing. This is such an encouragement. Thank you for this blog! I love hearing that was such a great year for you. What a blessing to grow in Him and see Him working in your life! And poor me is like what? Yes, I remember the frustration of that age. Being an adult, but not treated or listened to as one. But all of it comes one step at a time.

And there are others out there who will help you take those steps and teach you.

  1. Does Your Age Define You? - Feasting Is Fun;
  2. More From Thought Catalog.
  3. What Boys Really Want?
  4. Define Quotes (83 quotes)?
  5. How I learned.
  6. Think of it like this: But they grow into that, step-by-step. He will help you with each and every year you dominate. Aah, I do so love this post!! This post was so awesome, Nadine! But I also love it because now is the time when I can start expanding my horizons and seeing what the future has in store for me: Thanks for this wonderful post, Nadine!

    You hit the nail on the head. And I love your view of the future. It is so beautiful and bright and filled with good things. Keep that perspective and you will see the good in every tomorrow. It was so awesome to read this post! So glad it was encouraging. Not that my learning challenges have gone away.

    I still face the same learning challenges that I did as a young boy. For instance, while driving, I use visual cues — the rings on my fingers and a missing knuckle — to tell left from right. And I depend on technology to help with my writing. I am now a teacher.

    Dedicated to your stories and ideas.

    And as an associate professor at Tarleton State University, I work with students and their parents to focus on their abilities and not their disabilities — just like my teachers did. My experiences and challenges have enabled me to listen to my students more. I model every day the value of building relationships and collaborative learning.

    My school days taught me learning occurs best when done together. I give back to my community in many different ways. I have the opportunity to train educators to help make a difference. The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act before it have given me and others like me the opportunity to thrive. Pets in Victorian paintings — Egham, Surrey.

    The history of pets and family life — Egham, Surrey. Available editions United Kingdom. James Gentry , Tarleton State University. I have learning challenges. My disability Born in , I suffered a head injury as a young boy while roughhousing with friends. I did not like school. I decided it was about one thing — learning to read and write. I was poor at both. The author, James Gentry, when he was in 2nd grade. CC BY At the age of six, I was diagnosed with dyslexia or a minimal brain dysfunction; with learning disabilities.

    Define Quotes

    I began to develop a more positive perception of myself. How I learned I wanted to join my peers as a learner, reader, thinker, writer and everything else educational. But it was hard for me to know left from right. I remember the thrill and joy of sticking and unsticking my shoes. I was elated with my success. It worked every time.

    My disabilities do not define me. I am Jim

    College and beyond Learning with learning challenges is never easy. The author, James Gentry, at his graduation. I could be a writer. Making a difference Not that my learning challenges have gone away. But I have learned to use visual cues.