
I Wrote the Book On It

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Of all the problems that can arise during the reporting process—uncooperative sources, misinformation, lack of information, threats of lawsuits—none felt as insurmountable as this. Learning there was a man who planned to write the exact same book I wanted to write—who was already well underway—was devastating. Even worse, he was actually there for the event we both wanted to write about. Yes, memory is fallible, but he wrote about the expedition at the time as a young reporter.

I Wrote the Book

He had first-hand experience, while I had only reconstruction. I would never be on equal footing with the other author. It makes adversity sound so delicate. Like holding up a parasol during a sunny picnic to cast a weak shadow. This guy cast doubt on my project the way a world-ending meteor casts shade over the planet its about to destroy. Was I being overly dramatic?

I Wrote A Book But It Isn't Selling - How To Sell Your Book

It occurred to me later that perhaps the other author felt the same way about me, since he undoubtedly knew about my plans to write a book. Or maybe he was unconcerned. I was only a student at that point, after all. I tried to forget the other author.

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I finished grad school, edited my proposal, found an agent who helped me edit some more, and then, miraculously, a publisher bought the book. This was disconcerting as well as reassuring. I wondered if he was one of those journalists who never made the transition to digital. Maybe all his stories were on microfiche somewhere, or in the stacks of a library.

But I still wondered—what if his book comes out at the same time as mine? What will people think about two versions of the same event? With tests and evidence and hypotheses. With samples of earth that came from the flood, that were deposited far from where it began thanks to the violent waters. Their sources, in other words, were there for the event. Six to nine months of water from the Yellow River gathered ominously behind that accidental earthen dam in the Jishi Gorge. Its effects were felt as far as 1, miles downstream. The event happened 4, years ago, when the ancient documents say Emperor Yu controlled the floods.

Scholars of Chinese history say those stories are legends meant to legitimize state rule. The flood was certainly real, and the earthquake that caused it. We have evidence for those things now. How many people were there, and what size were the towns they lived in? All we have are the bones of three children found in Lajia, a village along the Yellow River. The children were crushed and preserved in rubble, killed by an earthquake but their bodies kept safe from the flood. Radiocarbon dating of their remains gave scientists the date for the flood of mythical proportions.

Were they family or friends? Did they care for each other, or only spend time together for safety or convenience? Did they go outside each morning and marvel at the sunlight glinting off the river? The knowledge they offer is such a limited fragment. But at least they were there for the event.

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The Bamboo Annals and the Book of Documents were written centuries after the flood. They had stories they wanted to tell for various reasons: There are almost no overnight success stories anymore, so be prepared to be in publishing for the long haul. I doubt you will sell a single copy.

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Why would anyone pay that amount for 50 recipes when they can get millions of recipes for free on the Internet? You have to offer your book at a realistic price, and offer real value to your potential readers.

Everyday I Write The Book (Live/Spectacular Spinning Songbook)

You need a great product at a competitive price. Guide your followers towards you, your books and your blog and or website. There are many ways to waste a lot of money when it comes to self-publishing and marketing books and ebooks. Yes, you will have to invest as in any business, but be very wary. Avoid vanity publishers in particular. They offer nothing for an awful lot of money. However, you will need to invest a little money in quality book covers, perhaps a professional proofreader, or an editor if your budget allows.

Also, while you can find many free ways to promote your books, a small investment in book promotion that can extend beyond your social reach can often be well worthwhile. With each book you write, you will improve. So if you truly want to be a writer who will be noticed, keep writing, improving and learning. Thank you for this post. I came across a few writers that seem really bitter and appear to be out on a mission to discourage anyone who will give them the time of day. Good to reiterate that success does not happen overnight, and takes a lot of focussed hard work.

I must be doing something wrong. Three of them have twenty or so reviews between them on Amazon, most of those reviews five stars.