
Taken by Her Greek Boss (Mills & Boon Modern)

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Lists with This Book. Mar 02, StMargarets rated it liked it Shelves: Cute courtship story between a buttoned-up computer geek heroine and the player-who-plays hero. Hero meets heroine when her waitress step-sister brings him home after his latest girlfriend had a meltdown at a party. Heroine warns the hero off of her beautiful, much-younger step sister and hero takes umbrage. In fact the "short, dumpy" heroine seems to invade his thoughts while he is making his billions, so he decides to throw a party so the heroine's step sister can meet people who could help her Cute courtship story between a buttoned-up computer geek heroine and the player-who-plays hero.

In fact the "short, dumpy" heroine seems to invade his thoughts while he is making his billions, so he decides to throw a party so the heroine's step sister can meet people who could help her acting career. He wants the heroine to come along, too. The stepsister does win a part because of the party and she moves to America. Hero checks in on the heroine since he knows she'll be lonely. When he discovers that her house has to be renovated, he offers her a temporary job with him, checking out a site for a potential boutique hotel in Borneo. This is where their relationship takes off after the hero has to figure out how to court someone who has no idea how the dating game is played or how hot he finds her.

She is very body-conscious.

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Knowing a good offense is the best defense, the heroine breaks up with him. She mopes around, but enjoys a visit from her step sis who insists she get her hair done and buy a new dress for a party she drags her to. Hero is there with a redhead on his arm. Heroine is jealous, so she goes out the next weekend with a producer from the party. Hero shows up on her doorstep later that night and confesses he's missed her and isn't interested in the redhead. They have sex and then the hero asks her to move in with him.

Taken By Her Greek Boss by Cathy Williams - FictionDB

Heroine wants marriage or nothing. So they break up yet again. Two months later she discovers she's pregnant. She goes in person to see hero at his office. When hero sees her again, he thinks she's ill and he realizes he loves her. He is ecstatic she is pregnant. They'll get married right away. Yes, it was that abrupt. Heroine's step sister was a sweetie. Heroine was her own person without being bitchy or strident. Hero didn't know he whether he was coming or going. I wish the ending hadn't been so abrupt or that there had been an epilogue.

Just a fun little story - if the body image stuff isn't triggering. He really did love her breasts. Feb 24, Kay rated it really liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. The two women are polar opposites; Lily is tall, thin and all over pleasant; Rose is short, curvy and not shy to speak her mind.

Helping Lily in her dreams to be an actress, Nick introduces her to all the right people and to her credit she takes it from there and lands her first movie role taking her to America. For the first time in her life Rose is on her own, and at a loss without her sister to take care of. That is until the roof literally starts to cave in on her. So he offers her a job researching and planning a new venture for him, a posh one of a kind hotel to be located in Borneo. As the research would involve staying at hotels and the pay more than generous enough to cover the repairs, Rose has no choice but to accept.

But when her research actually takes her and Nick off to Borneo for an extended stay, she finds it hard to concentrate solely on her job and spending far too much time watching her gorgeous boss. This was a delightful laugh out loud read. Though Nick is definitely an alpha take-charge hero, Rose keeps pulling the rug from under his feet.

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And when it comes time to head back to England, Nick finds himself on the receiving end of the gentle brush off instead of giving it. Williams has penned a wonderfully refreshing love story with characters that are believable and honest in their emotions. Apr 17, Jenny rated it really liked it Shelves: I give the book 3 stars and the dreamy cover 1 star.

When Rose agreed to work for Greek tycoon Nick Papaeliou she never expected to fall for him. In fact she hated him and avoided him at all costs.

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  • Taken By Her Greek Boss by Cathy Williams?
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Nick is shocked that Rose doesn't fall at his feet or treat him the way every other woman, hell every other person does. The heroine was very feisty without being annoying. She stood up to the hero and I loved that the hero was salivating after the heroine and she just blew him off becau I give the book 3 stars and the dreamy cover 1 star.

She stood up to the hero and I loved that the hero was salivating after the heroine and she just blew him off because he wouldn't commit. When Rose goes on a date with another man the hero is so desperate he even spies on her. I thought this scene was hilarious! The chemistry and passion between Rose and Nick was off the charts.

Overall book rating

Love Cathy's Greek men! Unfortunately the ending felt very rushed! Apr 30, Lisa Kay rated it liked it Shelves: At least Rose stands up to Nick and some of their dialogue was entertaining. Nick has a lot of moments where his is an asshat, but Rose calls him on it. And some where he is not, like when helping her sister for altruistic reasons. At the end he is just acting childish, and then, view spoiler [ when he erroneously jumps to the conclusion that she is dying, he has an epiphany. View all 4 comments. May 16, Roub rated it really liked it. Bueno para empezar el argumento no tiene mucho que ver con lo que vas a encontrar en este libro.

Superprotectora con Lily intenta de Bueno para empezar el argumento no tiene mucho que ver con lo que vas a encontrar en este libro. Jun 04, Maura rated it liked it Shelves: Nick is restless and recently broken up and he finds himself chatting with a young, innocent starlet and really enjoying the conversation.

He escorts her home and is virtually attacked by this woman's older sister, Rose. She's a bit frumpy, but she's a fireball - the first woman who didn't fall at his feet and give him what he wanted. When financial troubles hit Rose, Nick offers her a job working for him temporarily. She agrees Nick is restless and recently broken up and he finds himself chatting with a young, innocent starlet and really enjoying the conversation.

She agrees and is surprised, as time passes, how much she likes Nick, but his womanizing ways mean that she can never tell him. He's a heartbreak waiting to happen. And she's absolutely right, because when things heat up for them on location in Borneo, Nick's already thinking of how to extricate himself from any strings in their relationship. But Rose surprises him and ends things first. Now, Nick realizes what he's lost and has to find a way to get her back.

This was an okay read for me. Nick was one of those heroes I guess with a masochistic streak or else why would he keep going back for more of Rose's abuse? He definitely wasn't one of my favorite heroes with his kinda shady morality She was super prickly and prone to cutting off her nose to spite her face. Their banter for me wasn't all that funny, but it didn't annoy either. I do like how Rose refused to be what Nick expects - it kind of felt like a moment of triumph when she ended things before Nick could and then watching him scramble to get her back was pretty nice. I wasn't a huge fan of how juvenile things got with her deliberately dating someone to make him jealous and him stalking her and what not.

But it definitely increased the melodrama and kept me reading. So overall there were good and bad points about this story, so I did enjoy it.

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Feb 20, Alexis-Morgan Roark rated it it was ok Shelves: This book, which is eerily similar to another book by the same author, would have been better if she hadn't been pregnant at the end. Save that for the Epilogue. The hero was there, ready to love, and I believe they should have ended there I enjoyed the banter and snarky insults between the hero and the heroine. It was quite fun to watch. Then I got bored.