
Matt Archer: Legend (Matt Archer #3)

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We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Legend Back to Fiction - YA. Legend by Kendra C. Highley series Matt Archer 3. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item.

Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! In this series View all Book 6. Ratings and Reviews 0 3 star ratings 0 reviews. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Would you like us to take another look at this review? Product details File Size: June 15, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention matt archer next book best friend looking forward kendra highley young adult exchange for an honest wait for the next keeps getting battle scenes getting better and better really enjoyed must read archer books copy of this book love this series archer series series wait read the next put this book.

Showing of 39 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Here matt is struggling with the agenda of the knife spirits, his guilt, who he is, how he can reconcile what he is doing, and still dealing with school. Matt's friend feels like a second wheel and contemplates walking away which would hurt matt. Will is his support and friend. Matt has grown so much over the last two years and he is becoming more serious and less wide eyed and happy. His nightmares are becoming real and this petrifies him.

He sees that there is more to what is going on in the world than people think but doesn't quite get what it is. He doesn't get too much time to figure this out because he is dealing so much with his guilt, his status as a hunter, fighting monsters, keeping his best friend with him always and school. His peace comes in ella and his sister. Ella helps ground him.

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Mamie helps him feel loved and he sees how special she is. About matt trying to come to grips with what he is and what he is being used for. Trying to accept the guilt of death, the moral dilemma and keeping who he is. A wonderfully written fun book that will start to have you put the puzzle pieces together and what matt's role is in this strange new fight. This was the perfect way to end my vacation. I stayed up all night to read this book. Please make sure you read the other 3 books before reading this one.

Matt Archer: Legend

If you do not you will get lost in the story. I could not put this book down. I read it in about 4 hours. What I really like about this book is that you see how Matt Archer has grown up from the 14 year old he was when these books first started.

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You also see how the other characters around him has grown up. Like his best friend Will. I am not one who likes to put spoilers in a review. But I will put in a hint. You will never guess who shows up at the end of the book Highley is a great author for thinking up this series. I can not wait till the next book. I hope it comes out soon for I want to know what is going to happen next.

The Matt Archer story keeps growing, not just getting bigger, but maturing. There are serious changes in this book, some of which I saw coming, and a couple of which blindsided me but in a good way. Highley takes some narrative risks, and in my opinion pulls them all off. It's hard to say much about the plot without spoilers, but, trust me, you won't be disappointed. Matt himself has grown as a character, become more serious without entirely losing the sense of humor that makes him so engaging.

The supporting characters are very real, both the ones we know from previous books and the ones introduced in this novel.

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Highley has said that she plans of writing two more books to finish out the series, and I am really looking forward to them. If this is the first you've heard of Matt Archer, I strongly recommend starting the series at the beginning. It is action-packed, exciting, adrenaline-pumping, funny, sad — you name it, I felt it. There were quite a few laugh out 4. There were quite a few laugh out loud moments.

Matt Archer: Legend (Matt Archer #3) by Kendra C. Highley

A few that stood out were when Matt called Brandt a squib, when Johnson claimed Mamie would smite them, and when Matt narrates: I loved the name Matt gave to his knife-spirit. I can totally see her as a Tink. Penny and Ella are great matches for Will and Matt. So happy what happened with Will happened. The battle scenes had me on the edge of my seat. As I said, I could not put this book down. It was just too much to let go, even for a moment.

Well, there were quite a few errors mainly typos in my copy of the book. Would I recommend it: Absolutely, but with one caveat: Legend departs from the middle grade and is now more suitable for YA audiences as well as adults, obviously. There is an almost sex scene and the language is definitely not middle grade. Still, a wonderful story! Will I read it again: I am loving this series. It will be read very soon! Aug 12, books are love rated it really liked it. Here matt is struggling with the agenda of the knife spirits, his guilt, who he is, how he can reconcile what he is doing, and still dealing with school.

Matt's friend feels like a second wheel and contemplates walking away which would hurt matt. Will is his support and friend. Matt has grown so much over the last two years and he is becoming more serious and less wide eyed and happy. His nightmares are becoming real and this petrifies him. He sees that there is more to what is going on in the world than people think but doesn't quite get what it is.

He doesn't get too much time to figure this out because he is dealing so much with his guilt, his status as a hunter, fighting monsters, keeping his best friend with him always and school. His peace comes in ella and his sister. Ella helps ground him. Mamie helps him feel loved and he sees how special she is. About matt trying to come to grips with what he is and what he is being used for. Trying to accept the guilt of death, the moral dilemma and keeping who he is. A wonderfully written fun book that will start to have you put the puzzle pieces together and what matt's role is in this strange new fight.

Holy crap do I love these Matt Archer books!!! With every installment I'm shocked by the "more-ness" of it all! Kendra Highley brings her A-game every time, but then manages to step it up even There's more crazy military action, more freak-tastic monsters, more high school drama in a good way and more twists and turns than your fav roller coaster! In Legend, we see even more depth to the characters we've come to adore.

Will especially develops and some really exciting things Holy crap do I love these Matt Archer books!!! Will especially develops and some really exciting things happen with him in the latter part of the book. Some of which I had my suspicions while others totally threw me. Matt is his witty, hilarious self, but with more maturity and world-weariness that really adds to his complexity.

He's also given his knife spirit the nickname Tink which is so freakin perfect! The plot continues to thicken with more bumps and turns as we are given more insight into the origins of the monster issue. The action is crazy-sauce intense and plentiful! Just when you think it's all good -- wham! And then, right at the end, a huge bomb is dropped on us no, not a literal one! My jaw fell open. Just you wait and see what those last sentences hold!

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I'm stoked to tell you there's two more Matt books to come. I will be emailing the author daily for release updates I absolutely love this series! As a matter of fact, all t I absolutely love this series! As a matter of fact, all the characters continue to grow and change as the story gets increasingly more complex. The humor is still there to lighten the darker moments, and twice I got so emotionally involved that my eyes teared up during particularly moving moments.

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Another thing that I very much appreciate about this series is that Kendra has ended each book, so far, logically and after a satisfying story arc. While there are always new challenges for the team to face in the future, there have not been any super-frustrating cliff-hanger endings. I am, as usual, eagerly awaiting the next adventure. This book was given to me by the author in exchange for my honest review. I hopped on the bandwagon for this tour because well As I read each book, it just keeps getting better and better and who knew that could happen?

I always have to remind myself that Matt is only seventeen cause he's kind of sexy. He's such an amazing person that kids can look up to. He's strong willed and even though he has girl dr I hopped on the bandwagon for this tour because well He's strong willed and even though he has girl drama to deal with, he knows when to slow things down a bit. I really love him and Ella. Through this book, Matt goes on another journey with his knife spirit, Tink and even though she likes to control his moves, I kind of like her and can see where she's coming from in certain aspects.

As always, the book is filled with action, love, of course typical teen angst. Even though Matt and the others vow to protect the world from monsters, Matt still has to go to school like every other kid his age. You'd think they would home school him. And I hope there's more books to come! I've been a fan of this series since the first book, and this one is my absolute favorite. As much as I loved Matt as an innocent kid with a gift for slaying monsters, he's even more compelling now as a teenager with complex feelings about his role as one of the saviors of humanity. This book has a great blend of action, romance, and humor.

Matt's voice feels very real, both as an extension of his personality from prior books as well as a typical boy. Awesome job with the relationship between Ma I've been a fan of this series since the first book, and this one is my absolute favorite. Awesome job with the relationship between Matt and his best friend, Will, as well as his girlfriend, Ella.

Be warned, the book ends with a bit of a cliffhanger that made me very anxious to read the next book in the series. I am hoping Highley will release a sneak peek of chapter 1 before , because I'm not sure I can wait that long for my next monster fix! Apr 06, Kristen Otte rated it it was amazing Shelves: After finishing the second Matt Archer book, I jumped right into the third.

The third continues to build on the themes in the second. Matt is learning how to cope with his role as a chosen knife yielder and the sacrifices that go with it. Much like Harry Potter, Matt and the characters mature as the series continues and the themes get darker and more complex. Even with the darker themes, Highley still blends in humor through the novel, especially with the dialogue between the characters. I also After finishing the second Matt Archer book, I jumped right into the third. I also love how Matt continuously calls his aunt Badass Aunt Julie.

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My only complaint is the cliffhanger at the end! Unlike the first two books, Legend ends on a complete cliffhanger leaving you wanting more. Lucky for me, I'm late to the Matt Archer party and I get to move straight onto the fourth in series! Sep 01, Dawn rated it really liked it. I received a free ecopy of this book for an honest review.

He still has issues to work through but now his best friend, Will, is starting to have his own issues. Highley does a good job of continuing to develop the characters. There are a couple of surprises in this book, too, which I always like. I did a little skipping at the beginning of this book but only bec I received a free ecopy of this book for an honest review.

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I did a little skipping at the beginning of this book but only because I had just finished 2 and the author included enough history that this could be read on its own.