
Insinuations - An Autobiography of Jack Dann

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Authors : Dann, Jack : SFE : Science Fiction Encyclopedia

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Catalogue Persistent Identifier https: You must be logged in to Tag Records. In the Library Request this item to view in the Library's reading rooms using your library card. Details Collect From N Copy: Commissions usually wake me from my sleep of procrastination. Anyway, I thought it would be fun, so I started noodling with ideas; and, somehow, I kept hearing the voice of my pal Harlan Ellison. That spoken by an inveterate anthologist.

Insinuations : an autobiography

Just about finished my PhD. And, eventually, there will be a nonfiction book on counterfactual fiction. A collection of my holocaust stories entitled Concentration is forthcoming: Most widely held works about Jack Dann. Most widely held works by Jack Dann. Wizards by Jack Dann Book 12 editions published between and in English and Czech and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide A collection of previously unpublished tales by some of the masters of modern fantasy explores the world of wizards, both good and bad, in stories by Neil Gaiman, Jane Yolen, Peter S.

Dann, Jack

Beagle, Tanith Lee, Tad Williams, and other notable authors. The dragon book by Jack Dann Book 18 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide A collection of fantasy tales about fire-breathing reptiles includes contributions by Jonathan Stroud, Gregory Maguire, Garth Nix, Diana Gabaldon, and Tamora Pierce. Wandering stars; an anthology of Jewish fantasy and science fiction by Jack Dann Book 14 editions published between and in English and Undetermined and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide For contents see Author card. The silent by Jack Dann Book 11 editions published between and in English and German and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide A novel on the horror of the Civil War through the eyes of Mundy McDowell, a year-old Southern boy struck dumb after seeing his parents murdered by Yankee soldiers.

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He wanders in and out of battles, observing bloody events and meeting other travellers, including a band of slaves. When a plot against him is revealed, he sets out on a mythic journey over a single lost year -- and finds the destiny that could have been.

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In the field of fire Book 3 editions published in in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide Science fiction and fantasy stories about the Vietnam War.