
The Best Book on Electronic Futures Trading (EFT Trading)

It lays the essential aspects such as what the futures are, how the exchanges are functioning, analysis of the markets and execution of the futures online or offline. This book on futures trading outlines basic and complex strategies which investors can use to multiply limited money in the market of futures. One is not even required to hire a financial advisor for further guidance.

Higher Probability Commodity Trading Book by Carley Garner

It provides fine level detail on the core principles of Diversified Trend following. It can be highlighted as a potential roller coaster ride with the positive and negative angles of trend following. One must have always observed a group of hedge funds or other exotic products which must have outperformed in all kinds of conditions and volatility.

CME Group Announces Launch of Bitcoin Futures

The traders will never reveal their strategies and proprietary trading algorithms. This book will reveal such tactics and its implementation with relatively simplistic models. This futures book aids in focussing on the wrong things such as buy and sell rules and the importance of trend following. The focus is not necessarily to follow stringent trading rules which have been traditionally established. One may have to take sufficient risks during choppy market conditions and take actions accordingly.

By analyzing the trend of performance and attribution on a year on year basis, readers will be able to build a deep understanding of how it to trade futures in large scale is and how to identify various problems and opportunities. This futures book will mold the subjectivity of the Japanese Candlestick analysis by providing the readers with standardized and straightforward coverage of 89 powerful candle-stick charts pattern. It will indicate about current trader behavior and how can one use each of these patterns to instantly improve the market knowledge and analytical abilities.

The important components covered are:. For millions or traders around the globe, candlesticks have become a key tool in creation and verification of trading signals and this is the only book one requires for integration of proven versatility and effectiveness in the technical trading program. It is an in-depth exploration of traditional as well as all-new candlestick charts expressing a logical, understandable and profitable component of the current trading program.

With respect to each of the candlesticks, the following components are covered up:.

#1 – A Complete Guide to the Futures Market

This encyclopedia is a deep dive understanding to various aspects of technical trading providing enhancement with new performance statistics for both bear and bull markets and 23 new patterns inclusive of a second edition devoted to 10 event patterns. Overall, it is roughly a page book containing 53 chart patterns plus 9 more event patterns which largely covers up all possible combinations within technical trading.

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Some of the event patterns are:. In a nutshell, this futures book provides raw information on how the good and bad patterns are and what does the movement of each chart depict.

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The various financial events such as Quarterly Earnings announcement, retail sales, stock upgrades and downgrades will have an impact on the share price of the firm which will also be reflected in the various kinds of chart patterns. This book will teach the readers on how to interpret the same in all kinds of scenarios and also during the normal course of business.

This futures book is predominantly targeted towards students pursuing a career in finance and would like to have a very strong base on Futures and Options. Current and aspiring professionals can also make use to have a broader perspective on the products. This top futures book is packed with numerical examples and accounts of real-life situation thereby effectively guiding the readers on the material and equipping them with essential knowledge and skills to combat the working world. It offers a clear overview of the topic without the use of calculus or any complex models.

Some of the components covered are:. It is also covering up some important aspects of being abreast with the changing requirements in the financial market such as:. This best futures trading book is a masterpiece on how to handle trading of commodities as well as Futures Contract in the world of derivatives.

CME Group Announces Launch of Bitcoin Futures

It offers an insight on how the trading psychology functions in a high-frequency computer trading world and how to avoid the latest pitfalls. It has the updated information on algorithmic trading, peculiarities of electronic trading and all aspects which a new or veteran trader is required to dominate the market using a step by step guide. The guide is written in a straightforward easy-to-read style which makes it interesting and exciting.

The author also exactly reveals how the commodities markets have evolved over a period of time and the consistent discipline to avoid choppy market conditions and manage the dangerous risks of the markets. Learn why traders use futures, how to trade futures, and what steps you should take to get started. News View All News. Open Markets Visit Open Markets. Bitcoin futures will be listed on and subject to the rules of CME.

Dollar price of one bitcoin as of 4: The BRTI combines global demand to buy and sell bitcoin into a consolidated order book and reflects the fair, instantaneous U. The BRTI is published in real time and is suitable for marking portfolios, executing intra-day bitcoin transactions and risk management. For more information on this product, please visit cmegroup. As the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, CME Group www. Through its exchanges, CME Group offers the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes, including futures and options based on interest rates , equity indexes , foreign exchange , energy , agricultural products and metals.