
No One To Love

To anyone looking feeling alone or struggling right now: It gives me strength, hope, and comfort. I hope it will help you the way it does for me:. It takes a lot of courage and strength to share how you feel — especially when you feel like nobody cares about you! Thank you for being here. Remember that this is a temporary season of loneliness and isolation. It WILL pass, and you will feel happy and healthy again! You will find your way back to yourself — especially if you find your faith. My prayer for you is for healing, and for you to find your way home.

I Just wanted to thank you all for your comments — you helped someone tonight — me! I have my own business which aligns with my talents and passions but lately I struggle just to answer emails much less work on the projects my clients have paid me for. There have been sad and bad seasons before and then there were happy seasons, so I know I just need to get through this and circumstances will change eventually. I asked for a prescription. Making me feel better already. I think that and knowing that this too shall pass might get me through.

I hope you find something to help you get through. After reading this I cherish the small tears hovering gently in the corner of my eyes as proof that I am alive and fully feeling my emotions. While we explored the frozen majestic beauty of Alaska I truly saw the coldness in their hearts towards me. Thank you dear Blossom. If you have anyone in your life who is critical or harming you then you need to distance yourself from them.

There are psychopaths about. Most people, though, are not like that. They are just involved in their own family, lives etc. Join classes, go for walks, do whatever you enjoy. I often eat lunch alone in a hotel by the sea. I do not suffer from depression. Well maybe a little bit sometimes.

Actually the idea of a relationship causes me a slight degree of nausea. But nobody cares about me? The world is full of broken people. In which case, that person will literally be surrounded by people who do not care about that person. The good news is that it is possible to have a wonderful life even though no one else cares about you. You can care about yourself. I have lived for a long time with the fantasy that I was loved. I know that HE blessed me with gifts and abilities, including a nature that will fight for the rights of a stranger as if it were my own fight.

I KNOW the gifts he gave me benefit many every day, in a way that lasts a lifetime for them. I know there are people who will always remember me for what I did for them. I have always recognized my abilities and blessings, and how they have benefited the world around me, yet I cannot let go feeling that I am a disappointment.

While always accomplishing success, I was criticized regardless. Without the ability, I was blamed for horrid things others in my family actually committed. My word was not trusted. Their greed led to theft and abuses, that led my Mother to starve herself to death. The same mother who had abused me, allowed my father and siblings to abuse me, I still fought for her rights when it was she being abused regardless, for that is what God wanted of me.

My voice is resented by others, yet it is this voice that has served and rescued others in need, the voice that challenged wrongdoings. My blessed knowledge and successful ideas are dismissed. Those that say they love me, ignore my pleas to hear my words, or take my happiness into consideration. They recieve my love, yet I feel nonexistent.

I wonder what is the point…. Nowadays, i dont believe in god who keeps giving me sadness, fear, insecurity, regrets etc. I got pregnant, within a week my husband fought with me and not talked for about a week. But all of a sudden, my happiness went off. No one really cares me, everyone is acting including my parents. My parents are expecting an income from my side whereas my husband is stick on with his rules. Who loves my soul? I dont like my current job, i want to quit this.

I need to take care of my baby. Sometimes, i feel like to disappear from here. I dont want to live in this world. Without true love and caring, nothing makes me happy. Hi Halena, many a times myself I want to dissappear. I know that no one would even notice. I have been a rejection in this life since I could remember.

No One's Gonna Love You - Wikipedia

I thought before that all God wanted to do was to see my cry. I dont know how old you are but when I was 29, that was the very first time I learned that I was a somebody. You have to know that God does not bring suffering to us. We have an enemy who hates God so much. And because he hates God so much and you are the apple of Gods eye, well he hates you as well. Hates me and all of us here on earth. Jesus here knowing He was going to suffer and die yet did nothing wrong but to help us. He was used abused mocked beat spat upon alone. You will learn how special you are and how much you mean to him.

You are still here Halena. Learn what Halena wants to do. Enjoy doing the thjngs you like to do even if it is alone. Life has robbed me of so much. December I will be I have been abused in many ways. But now I know I am Gods babygirl. I am now doing little things to bring a smile to my face. Very loved by God. You are taking care of this presious baby you hold. While we live on thjs earth, we will go through many things but God promises a new home where we will never ever shed a tear. Where we will not be alone. Thats where I want to be. Thats where I want to go.

Thats your home too. You are special and you are chosen. I love this site. We all hurt and feel that no one cares about us. But look, we are not alone here. We have each other. Lift up your head. Walk knowing that Heaven is workjng on bringing us home. God is our strengh in time of trouble. I send a cyber hug to you. I am a single mother with now a 23 year old and no family.

You will make it. Discover the things you like and do them. I am at a crossroad in my life. I am not sure what to do with career. I have a challenging marriage. My personal life is suffering. I know God loves me and i read devotion everyday God loves me my holy sprit loves me Jesus loves me but everyone else could care less i care about all my friends yes my husband passed 6 years ago i now live in a small condo with my 2 cats by the way they love me my daughter says she loves me but never has anytime for me.

Hi Penny…i read your post. God will never leave us. He is never too busy for us. The animals I always say can teach humans. I have a daughter who has time for everyone else but me. I have a bjrd- Cocatiel. Sorry about the spelling. When I pray, I thank God for my bird. He loves my attention and loves me close to Him. Praise God that you too fill your life reading. I read the Bible and other things. I play my instruments and sing to God. I know He loves it. Continue to keep the Lord with you. I have no friends. They have forgotten me because I do not do Facebook.

I dont think I should put my life public just to say hello to you when you have my number and address. So my friends and I sadly lost contact. At least here we can see we are going through similar things though we feel we are alone. God bless you and may God be your constant companion. I love my Lord.

Why, No One to Love?

Ive been dealing with this depression for a long time,everyday is a struggle. Im numb,detached from feeling anything for anybody. Am i a bad person,no im not,i just gave the wrong people the benefit of the doubt,so happens it was family members. This is hopeless im feeling unworthy and upset as im writing this,this is not the way it supposed to be,i need to find my nirvana,a place where love is unconditional without judgement,no hard feelings no anger no bs no gender bs just plain straight men and women enjoying a peacful life without all this bs,racist bs,favortism and all the bad element going around infecting lives like a plague.

I read your heart and I can feel your pain and anger. To have people around you who do not value you as their life long partner or the best father in all the world, it has to hurt. Having to deal with unfair conditions, for sure anger settles. Why because you have given.

They all took and kicked you aside. Steve shake off the dirt. Wipe your tears away. Tell anger bye bye. Remember you are still here. You are loved by God and all heaven. Keep in mind no one will get away with anything. There are people who like you are in unloved homes or at home completely alone like me. Remember your heavenly Father made you. You are very special to Him. No one cares then care about you. Its hard but it can be done. Do things that you like to do that will dry the tears and bring a smile.

Just then your family will take notice and wife will change thinking she may loose you and children may change because they will miss their Dad not around. Get up and maybe just once or twice a month love you. I am doing little things like that. Going to the movies alone. Painting my toe nails. Doing my hair with more style. I never did those things before. Get yourself a nice shirt, socks, tie. Go to the Barbar. Play golf or basket ball.

I also joined the YMCA. I swim in the mornings and do my weights and cardio in the evening. I work out alone and come home to shower than sleep. Have my work items and gym items ready. Its been barely 3 weeks. Steve bring yourself the sunshine. I am still alone. No family or friends. I dont cry as much.

Do things you like. You are not alone. There are still wonderful people out there. They are either alone like me or stuck with not so nice people. When I see a person alone I do seek them out. I feed them and remind them that they are not alone and God sees them. I go to the gym but its hard. Many people go with their families.

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But I was try to be more intentional in seeking lonely people. I dont want the streets. I am always home. Thank you for responding. Maybe one way to cope with the feeling that nobody cares is to do the unexpected: Look for people who are lonely, unwanted, and feeling lost. Care for them in little ways, even with a smile and brief conversation.

Last night I attended at a big dinner and awards gala. I went alone, though I knew a few people there. Everyone else was dressed in ball gowns and crowns, sashes and dashes. I walked through the throngs of glamorous women, looking for the least, lost, and lonely. And they were everywhere! When I stopped thinking about how nobody cared about me or what they thought about me and started looking for others who needed rescuing from their discomfort, I got out of myself.

What do you think of reaching out to others who also feel lost, lonely, and alone? God led me here. I have been down and feeling like no one cares for me. All my life from the womb until now, life has just only done the job of reminding me I am nothing and am not wanted from anybody. I read some of these stories and realize we all have a story. I just want someone to love me. I want to matter to someone. I want to be important to someone. It seems that God does not want anyone to love me. My mom from the womb hated me. Then meeting a special love who was dying of cancer.

Got well and then just threw me away. Last boyfriend got dentures out of me and he was gone. I have no family. Church I dont seem to fit in. It hurts to see so many families and I alone. At work Im in a snake pit. It does not matter where I am. I just want to close my eyes and not wake up again. I dont know how much more suffering I can take. I have no one.

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  3. 7 Things to Remember When No One Cares!

I am here at this site. Typing letters I can barely see. I dont have courage to remove myself from the world. I feel insignificant, I feel I am in the way. People are not interested in me unless I am giving or doing something for them. I have been through everything you can imagine. Physical sexual emotional abuse. Death of a child. Debt helping people…close to 17, But who cares for me? I am not important to anyone.

I have no body. Anyway, if someone does take the time to respond, please dont be cruel. I am already low. With my pinky I am holding on to God. Im just waiting for s disease or accident to take my life out of here. I will not do anything to stay an extra lonely day here in this planet. I will be 48 in 3 months. They eventually abandoned me. Dont know what Im doing here….. Iam reading these comments.

Tori Kelly - Dear No One (Official Music Video)

When my husband died 3 months ago. Reason he was the one who watched out for me and cared for me. Not to many people knew we wetre alive and that hurt. I again looked around. Aftear funeral i cant even tell you how i was treated. I finally took myself out for supper last night. Got tired of waiting. Cant tell you how when i stoped given.

No one has ever been in love with me. What can I do to make it happen?

How phone stop ringing. I cant even tell you how it would off meant. For a call from someone. I am still going throw saddness. Miss my animals done rescue for 20 years. Cant believe how people are chargeing to do work on a home. I do feel lonely but i will not let people bring me down. I am worth riches. And if people dont think they can be in my shoes their wrong..

But i chose not to be like them. I cant bring my life back. Cant bring my husband back. My beautiful animals are home. But i sure can move forward. And if people dont want to be around me. That is their choice. But i have a choice if i want to go in sorrow over them.

People only bring you down if you let them. Yes i miss my husband being here with me. He didnt forget my birthdays. Are my favorite coffee. When i was ill he helped me. But now he is gone. Yes it hurts terrible. But i chose not to look forward at people think they are better then me. I chose to be around people. Who really want to be around me. And i can tell you its not many. So thats why im going to fill my life up with blessings.

Trust me when i look around.

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Their is people haveing a hard time to. Please everyone who is hurting love yourself. Find good things to make you happy. I understand this pain. Trust me i look around. But put 1 foot forward. Its time to smile again. I just want to say that the way people treat you during and after a bereavement is actually fairly common. In my experience people run around for a few weeks usually up to the funeral and then after that they just drift back to their own lives. I wonder if you have a bereavement support group in the area because what you need to do is find people who are in a similar situation to yourself who will be the only ones who really understand how you feel.

Hey sweetie try meetup. Also, team rwb is really fun if you support the military.. I eventually had to quit my long-term job to care for them.. I was alone with my dad when he died. Ten years later, I had to make the heartbreaking decision alone to place my mother in hospice, where she died within 12 hours. While going through these nightmares, I did not realize that my husband of 20 years was cheating on me. He left me for a 23 year old girl, and a mountain of debt. Before Mom was buried, I was hit with a massive lawsuit from two banks for unpaid loans that I knew nothing about.

My ex disappeared and the banks came after me. I won the lawsuit, but my best friend died shortly after. Then my only child a son accepted a job across country. My ex-husband then died, opening up a host of repressed feelings that took me months to resolve. Then, in short order, my other good friend died, my sister died also a complicated relationship , and then I went through the horrors of a late-night home invasion he broke down my door after cutting off my electricity and shooting out street lights. That is another story in itself.

I had the support of a good neighbor, but last week she told me she is returning to her native country. I will be totally alone. My son told me he is going to move again in a year or two, so it is not feasible to relocate where he is currently living. All my efforts to expand my social circle have failed.

I know I come across as a negative older woman who has given up. And I guess I have. Years of prayer and optimism have yielded no real relief. I just read your letter. Okay all i can say is your 1 strong women. I gave up on depending on any one. I am not interested in game playing. But i am learning to fill my time up. Yes you get so tired.

I know i have. And people can play some very sad games toward you. Since my husband died. It has been unreal. I finally had to start removeing certain people out off my life. Yes it was sad. But it was out getting out off hand. I would rather have 1 good friend. Then several who think they can get what they want. And yes it is a battle.

But their is good out here and im grabbing it. I cant change my past. But i can decide what to do with my future.

Let Go of the Past

And yes im scared. But im also looking to the future. Hurt i can write a book. Can not change past cant change people. If they dont have time for you move on. Find ways to make you happy. I dont depend on people. They can leave you down. When my husband died they couldnt even bring me a cup off soup. But boy they wanted alot. Please someone told me along time ago. Its like a piece off pie. When a piece goes missing. Find a way to fill it. All i can say is dont look back. And yes you can make it.

Yes its hard go slow and keep going forward. I do understand pain. There is naught can show A life so trustless! Proud be thy crown! Ruthless, like none, save the Sea, alone! And pray that a wreath like a rainbow May slip from the beautiful past, And Crown me again with the sweet, strong love And keep me, and hold me fast.

The light came through the window, Straight from the sun above, And so inside my little room There plunged the rays of Love. The daily actions of religious people have accomplished uncounted good deeds throughout history, alleviating suffering, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick. Religions have brought the comfort of belonging and companionship to many who would otherwise have passed through this life all alone, without glory or adventure.

They have not just provided first aid, in effect, for people in difficulties; they have provided the means for changing the world in ways that remove those difficulties. As Alan Wolfe says, "Religion can lead people out of cycles of poverty and dependency just as it led Moses out of Egypt". There is much for religion lovers to be proud of in their traditions, and much for all of us to be grateful for. The fact that so many people love their religions as much as, or more than, anything else in their lives is a weighty fact indeed.

I am inclined to think that nothing could matter more than what people love. At any rate, I can think of no value that I would place higher. I would not want to live in a world without love. Would a world with peace, but without love, be a better world? Not if the peace was achieved by drugging the love and hate out of us, or by suppression. Would a world with justice and freedom, but without love, be a better world? Not if it was achieved by somehow turning us all into loveless law-abiders with none of the yearnings or envies or hatreds that are wellsprings of injustice and subjugation.

It is hard to consider such hypotheticals, and I doubt if we should trust our first intuitions about them, but, for what it is worth, I surmise that we almost all want a world in which love, justice, freedom, and peace are all present, as much as possible, but if we had to give up one of these, it wouldn't — and shouldn't — be love. But, sad to say, even if it is true that nothing could matter more than love, it wouldn't follow from this that we don't have reason to question the things that we, and others, love.

Love is blind, as they say, and because love is blind, it often leads to tragedy: Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Give one another of your bread, but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together: There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game It's easy. We all been playing those mind games forever Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil. Doing the mind guerrilla, Some call it magic — the search for the grail. Love is the answer and you know that for sure. Love is a flower, you got to let it — you got to let it grow. We have come by curious ways To the Light that holds the days; We have sought in haunts of fear For that all-enfolding sphere: Deep in every heart it lies With its untranscended skies; For what heaven should bend above Hearts that own the heaven of love?

If you believe in peace , act peacefully; if you believe in love, acting lovingly; if you believe every which way, then act every which way, that's perfectly valid — but don't go out trying to sell your beliefs to the system. I am not that open to my parents that i share my personal feelings. No one wants to hear me out. This makes me lonely and sad. By the same token, these days could be the most formative of your entire life. When everyone abandoned me, I felt lonely too. Not only lonely, but angry, self-destructive, anxious.

Really, I was never alone. So I started working on building a better relationship with myself. Now, I can spend days alone and not feel lonely. I listen to myself. I give myself the love no one else can. I think these are hard days you are going through, but precious ones. If you can learn to feel loved alone in an empty room, you will be free. Not only will you be free from the pain of self-neglect, but you will also be free to truly love others without needing them to treat you in some specific way. That is real freedom. They need me to be someone else.

They go only by what they think they see, instead of what they know. You can find someone like that. You have to start with yourself. Life is a piece of shit. Nobody loves me even when I get a glimpse of loving myself they have to fuck with you. For instance, my dad passed away and all my siblings could do is talk about how I was the victim. Piss off in the oh gee loved yourself aspect.