
DRG-Fallpauschalen und deren Auswirkungen auf Investitionen (German Edition)

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Krankheiten codieren, Fallpauschalen berechnen MediLearn. Neu angepasster Landesbasisfallwert i. Seminar "Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement im klinischen Alltag" am Helios kauft das St.

Klinikum Dortmund will mit Einstellungsstopp sparen Der Westen. Helios plant Outsourcing Westdeutsche Zeitung. Erhebliche Kostenersparnisse durch Digitalisierung und Gesundheitskarte? Speicherung und Weitergabe von Patientendaten: Krankenhaus Delmenhorst braucht sofort Geld Weser Kurier.

Nur einige Punkte, die Teilnehmer beim Kodierworkshop erwarten. Verschwendung bei Bundesversicherungsamt und Krankenkassen Krankenkassen Direkt. Sparen Kliniken auf Kosten der Kinder? Massive Klagen aus dem Gesundheitswesen All-In. US-Gesundheitsbranche im Aufwind Yahoo. Kodiergrundkenntnisse erforderlich Medizinische Dokumentation Kuypers. Senat des BSG jus publicum. OPs sind in der Schweiz viel teurer als anderswo 20Min. Weihnachtsgeldverzicht gefordert Badische Zeitung.

Increased registration of hypertension and cancer diagnoses after the introduction of a new reimbursement system PubMed. Sparobjekt Palliativmedizin im Krankenhaus: Kliniken des Landkreises Biberach: Privatisierung folgt Neubau und Gehaltsverzicht Hessischer Rundfunk. Offenbacher Klinikum soll verkauft werden Frankfurter Rundschau. Wer ist schuld am Defizit? Krankenhaus Leutkirch und Isny: Grades Medizinrecht RA Mohr. Abgrenzung von Verbringung und Verlegung: Die Dosis macht das Gift Cicero.

Health insurance system and healthcare provision: Krankenhausmarkt im Fokus des Kartellamtes Handelsblatt. In zwei Abschnitten z. Ich wurde von Pflegern in der Klinik geschlagen Bild. Krankenhaus 14 Nothelfer Weingarten: Mediclin mit Umsatzplus Baden-Online. Alle warten auf die Fusion Nordseezeitung. Helios-Krankenhaus Diez derzeit nicht wirtschaftlich zu betreiben Rhein-Zeitung.

Die Dokumentation verursacht neuen Aufwand. Nicht mehr genug Geld: Winners of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Colossal. Urteil zum Terminbericht vom Comparing hospital mortality - how to count does matter for patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction AMI , stroke and hip fracture BiomedCentral , PDF, kB. Wie geht es weiter mit dem Krankenhaus Alsfeld? Ubbo-Emmius-Klinik Aurich und Norden: Wunddrainagen - Im Zweifel bitte nicht! Die Kodierung "schreibt" die Rechnung: Personalnotstand in Chefetagen deutscher Kliniken Rochus-Mummert. Zusatzentgelt-Tabelle mit Kodes und Handelsnamen.

Thieme E-Journals - Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement / Abstract

Antrag auf Vollprivatisierung gescheitert RP-Online. Psychiatermangel in der Schweiz: Grundseminar in zwei Abschnitten z. Update des Fallpauschalen-Kataloges Bericht des deutschen Herzschrittmacher-Registers 10 mit neuem Teil 2 zu implantierbaren Cardioverter-Defibrillatoren Pacemaker-Register. DRG - Verlierer Patient? Electronic text books download City on Edge: Free downloadable book texts The new Grant White Shakespeare: Download books online for free Wolves: Amazon kindle ebooks download Flower by Flower: Free textbook audio downloads Monkeys!: A picture book of monkeys, chimps, and other primates!

Free download ebooks online Chest Pain: Links to global assay metadata management, data warehouses, and an electronic lab notebook system are in place. Automated transfer of relevant data to data warehouses and electronic lab notebook systems are also implemented. Evidence to support the use of vildagliptin monotherapy in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This paper reviews the data supporting the use of vildagliptin in monotherapy.

Consideration based on baseline glycated hemoglobin levels and age is given to patient segments where metformin is not appropriate. In addition, although prediabetes is not an indication, this manuscript briefly reviews some of the existing data showing that the mechanisms at work in diabetic populations are active in patients currently classified as prediabetic, with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose.

Finally, the rationale for vildagliptin dosing frequency in monotherapy is discussed. In summary, this review aims to define where in community practice the use of vildagliptin as monotherapy is most desirable, focusing on segments of the population with type 2 diabetes mellitus that might receive the greatest benefit from vildagliptin in the management of their disease. Interview by Elie Dolgin. Neuroscience, in recent years, has started to look like a graveyard for drug development, with many large pharmaceutical companies either eliminating their brain disorder programs or cutting back heavily on such research.

Novartis seemed to have made exactly this kind of drastic change two years ago when the company announced plans to shutter its neuroscience operations at its global headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. But the company made it known then that its intention was to ultimately set up a new neuroscience division at the company's US base in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The US site was initially picked to take advantage of the local academic strength in the field of psychiatric genetics. Now, it seems that Novartis is also looking to add stem cell technologies to the mix with the appointment in August of Ricardo Dolmetsch as the company's global head of neurosciences-the first new hire for the company's reincarnated division.

As a professor at California's Stanford University School of Medicine for the past ten years, Dolmetsch made his name using induced pluripotent stem iPS cells to study a rare form of autism known as Timothy syndrome. Elie Dolgin met with Dolmetsch at the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research in the Technology Square area of Cambridge to discuss how he plans to succeed where so many others have failed. Das Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende ist verabschiedet. This includes transparent delegation of tasks, competences, and responsibilities to individual officers and down hierarchical lines and mutual agreements on the rules for cooperation between lines and between lines and officers.

Sie stellt sicher, dass Anweisungs-, Auswahl- und Ueberwachungspflichten nachgewiesen werden koennen. Ziel ist es,mit automatischen Bremseingriffen den Fahrer zu entlasten und damit mehr Komfort zu bieten. Energy data flow control within the deregulated internal energy market. Harmonization of data formats and designations; Energiedatenfluesse in Europa. Harmonisierung von Datenformaten und Bezeichnungen. The functions and the co-ordination of activities of transmission utilities and transmission network users power resellers, industrial users and power plants operators in the deregulated internal energy market are explained referring in particular to the rapidly increasing volume of data interchange and its growing complexity.

For improving the situation in the current power supply and trading environment within the EU, a major task is to achieve interoperability of the systems, while maintaining the present level of systems reliability. Die Bewaeltigung dieser wachsenden Anforderungen an die Datenstroeme traegt wesentlich dazu bei, dass der europaeische Elektrizitaetsmarkt weiter entwickelt werden kann, ohne dass dies zu Einschraenkungen der Systemzuverlaessigkeit fuehrt. Informationen ueber die Schachtanlage Asse II The newly published ''Atlas Asse'' provides an overview of the challenges and tasks of the Asse decommissioning project.

On about pages you will find a selection of reports, graphics and reports, which have been published since with the first publication of the magazine ''Asse Einblicke''. The atlas also provides orientation for those who have so far dealt little or little with the complex topic.

Auf etwa Seiten findet sich eine Auswahl von Reportagen, Grafiken und Berichten, die seit mit dem ersten Erscheinen des Magazins ''Asse Einblicke'' veroeffentlicht wurden. Der Atlas verschafft Orientierung auch fuer diejenigen, die sich bislang wenig oder kaum mit dem komplexen Thema beschaeftigt haben. Exodus to the Virtual World. Es gibt immer etwas zu tun. Data warehouse solution for energy management tasks of a power generation corporation in a competitive market; Data-Warehouse-Loesung fuer die Energiemanagementaufgaben eines Stromerzeugungsbereiches in einem wettbewerblichen Umfeld.

Bereich Energieuebertragung und -verteilung; Nobach, U. Bereich Energieuebertragung und -verteilung; Hoenes, R. Liberalization of the energy market gives new requirements to the organization of the departments of utilities and their IT-solutions. The authors explain by using the example of the new energy management system for Neckarwerke Stuttgart AG, how a modern Data Warehouse-platform is created for the operative and economic tasks for electricity supply and district heating in a competitive market. Die Verfasser erlaeutern am Beispiel des neuen Energiemanagementsystems fuer die Neckarwerke Stuttgart AG wie mit einem modernen Data Warehouse die Plattform fuer die Loesung der operativen und der wirtschaftlichen Aufgaben der Strom- und Fernwaermebeschaffung in einem Wettbewerbsumfeld geschaffen werden kann.

Neue Medien in der Lehrerausbildung. Zu angemessenen und unangemessenen Zielen und Inhalten des Lehramtsstudiums. Folgerungen aus der aktuellen lern- und professionstheoretischen Diskussion.

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Publication on the occasion of the 30th year of the pilot station on 5 November ; 30 Jahre Pilotstation des Umweltbundesamtes. Festschrift anlaesslich der Feier zum 30jaehrigen Bestehen der Pilotstation am 5. It carries out the following tasks: Development of fundamentals for fully automatic multicomponent measuring networks for monitoring of air pollution; prediction of pollutant concentrations on the basis of emission cadastres and meteorological factors; development of fundamentals for dispersion calculations; investigations of atmospheric oxidants, heavy metals and pollutant reactions motor car exhaust ; validation of measuring methods.

Dank der Anwenderfreundlichkeit des Verfahrens und der vorhandenen Software ist es inzwischen auch in der Praxis etabliert. Dieses Buch liefert eine From competence in electronics to competence in mechatronics; Von der Elektronik- zur Mechatronikkompetenz. AFT has installed a new dynamic test rig for refining running gear and power train acoustics. The company is particularly active in the cutting-edge sector of mechatronics.

Requirements for internal contamination monitoring units; Anforderungen an Inkorporationsmessstellen. For the evaluation of internal contamination by officially authorized monitoring units according to section 63 6 of the German radiation protection ordinance, a directive will be prepared in order to define uniform requirements for the laboratories in charge of incorporation monitoring by appointment of the relevant authorities. These requirements refer to equipment, to performance of measurements, to interpretation of measured values, to quality control as well as to documentation and to delivery of results.

The duties of such laboratories comprise measurements of radioactivity, evaluation of intakes of radionuclides and of the resulting internal radiation dose, but also transmission of results to the employer, to the central dose registry, and under certain circumstances to the authorities.

Among the requirements to be met by the laboratory for incorporation control are a sufficient measuring efficiency, the implementation of in-house checks, and the participation in intercomparison programs. For the accomplishment of such duties the laboratory needs appropriate apparatus, rooms, facilities, and staffing. Diese beziehen sich auf deren Ausstattung, die Durchfuehrung der Messungen, Auswertungen und Qualitaetskontrollen sowie die Aufzeichnung und Uebermittlung der Ergebnisse.

Zu den von einer Messstelle zu erfuellenden Anforderungen gehoeren eine ausreichende Messeffektivitaet, die Durchfuehrung von Eigenkontrollen. The sponsor was involved in all stages of the study's conduct and reporting. Swallow, Peeples, Zichlin, and. Combination treatment in the management of type 2 diabetes: Thus vildagliptin has been shown both to improve insulin secretion and to suppress the inappropriate glucagon secretion seen in patients with T2DM.

Vildagliptin reduces HbA1c when given as monotherapy, without weight gain and with minimal hypoglycemia, or in combination with the most commonly prescribed classes of oral hypoglycemic drugs: However, given the multiple pathophysiological abnormalities in T2DM and the progressive nature of the disease, intensification of therapy with combinations is typically required over time. Recent guidelines imply that patients will require pharmacologic combinations much earlier to attain and sustain the increasingly stringent glycemic targets, with careful drug selection to avoid unwanted adverse events, especially hypoglycemia.

The combination of metformin and vildagliptin offers advantages when compared to currently used combinations with additive efficacy and complimentary mechanisms of action, since it does not increase the risk of hypoglycemia and does not promote weight gain. Therefore, by specifically combining these agents in a single tablet, there is considerable potential to achieve. Assessing the general safety and tolerability of vildagliptin: Analyzing safety aspects of a drug from individual studies can lead to difficult-to-interpret results. The aim of this paper is therefore to assess the general safety and tolerability, including incidences of the most common adverse events AEs, of vildagliptin based on a large pooled database of Phase II and III clinical trials.

Overall AEs, SAEs, discontinuations due to AEs, and deaths were all reported with a similar frequency in patients receiving vildagliptin The incidences of the most commonly reported specific AEs were also similar between vildagliptin and comparators, except for increased incidences of hypoglycemia, tremor, and hyperhidrosis in the comparator group related to the use of sulfonylureas. The data further emphasize the value of a pooled analysis from a large safety database versus assessing safety and tolerability from individual studies.

Use of subatmospheric VAC therapy to improve bioengineered tissue grafting in diabetic foot wounds. The use of bioengineered tissue and topical subatmospheric pressure therapy have both been widely accepted as adjunctive therapies for the treatment of noninfected, nonischemic diabetic foot wounds. Future descriptive and analytic works may test the hypothesis that combined therapies used at different and often overlapping periods during the wound-healing cycle may be more effective than a single modality. For permission to use where not already granted under a licence please go to http: Article first published online: Clinical studies with oral lipid based formulations of poorly soluble compounds.

Several drug products intended for oral administration have been marketed utilizing lipid and surfactant based formulations. This review summarizes published pharmacokinetic studies of orally administered lipid based formulations of poorly aqueous soluble drugs in human subjects. Special attention has been paid to the physicochemical characteristics of the formulations, when available and the impact Background Glivec imatinib mesylate , produced by the pharmaceutical company Novartis , is prescribed in the case of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, one of the most common blood cancers in eastern countries.

Methods The research primarily focused on journal, newspaper and magazine articles relevant to the time frame of the lawsuit from to as well as news searches through Google, Factiva, ProQuest, PubMed, and YouTube where press articles from court verdicts were obtained by using the following keywords: Results This case illuminates how India is interpreting international law to fit domestic public health needs.

Conclusions The Novartis case arguably sets an important precedent for the global pharmaceutical industry and ideally will help improve access to lifesaving medicines in the developing world by demanding that patient health needs supersede commercial interests. Hoffmann-La Roche [2] and institutes affiliated with University of Basel [3]. In , the first annual microplate conference MipTec was held in Basel, and the MipTec was held a few days ago in Basel [4]. ACTH stimulation test in the captive cheetah Acinonyx jubatus. Serum cortisol response was assessed in 8 captive cheetahs, of varying ages, after the intravenous administration of microg of tetracosactide Synacthen Depot, Novartis , Kempton Park while maintained under general anaesthesia.

In addition, 8 cheetahs were anaesthetised and given an equal volume of saline in order to establish baseline cortisol concentrations at similar stages of anaesthesia. Patients with Crohn's disease CD often develop malnutrition due to disease activity. We aimed to assess the effect of two different enteral supplements of Impact R Powder IP; Novartis , Switzerland on leptin levels and nutritional status in active CD patients during prednisolone Leptin levels, nutritional, clinical and biochemical markers were studied at inclusion, after 5 and after 9 weeks of the study.

Leptin levels, body mass index BMI and total The federal government has decided to set up a ''Commission to review the financing of the nuclear power phase-out'' KFK on October 14, On April 27, , KFK has submitted its final report. Proposed is the following fact: In the future, the one who have the financial security obligation, which also has the duty to act in the chain of nuclear waste management. Concretely, the tasks of storage and disposal of radioactive waste and the necessary resources be transferred to the state as security.

For the remaining tasks, ie in particular the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants and the packaging of radioactive waste for interim storage, the tasks and financial assurance should remain with the company. For the storage and final disposal a public fund should be established. For a full deposit totaling The liability of operators for interim storage and final disposal end with the complete transfer of funds and payment done of the full risk premium.

For the decommissioning of nuclear power plants and the packaging of the radioactive waste it will then remain in the system of commercial law reserves. Although in terms of storage and final disposal shall be a departure of the system of the commercial law reserves. However, operators are being released from liabilities - at a time in which over decades and decades arising expenses are only partially quantifiable.

April hat die KFK ihren Abschlussbericht vorgelegt. Vorgeschlagen wird darin Folgendes: Kuenftig soll derjenige die finanzielle Sicherungspflicht haben, der auch die Pflicht zur Handlung in der Kette der nuklearen Entsorgung hat. Konkret sollen die Aufgaben der Zwischen- und. A comprehensive review of everolimus clinical reports: As new immunosuppressive agents are introduced to the market, clinicians are faced with the daunting task of sifting through the published literature to decide the value that the agent will add to their own practice.

We often must extrapolate information provided through study in other solid-organ transplantation populations than our specific area of interest as we interpret the results and outcomes. With these challenges in mind, this compilation of published work for the newest mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor everolimus Certican; Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Hanover, NJ Zortress; Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Switzerland is intended to provide a concise but thorough presentation of available literature so that the reader who may be unfamiliar with the agent can make their own judgment.

Both Ovid and PubMed search engines were queried with a particular focus on high-impact articles noted in the Web of Science or Citation Index. Work described solely in abstract or case report form was excluded, as well as meta-analyses or those that were editorial or commentary in nature. Included were publications presented using the English language that described adult human subjects who received a heart, lung, kidney, or liver allograft. The goal of this strategy was to allow for the inclusion of pertinent literature in an unbiased fashion.

Tables are provided that outline trial specific information, leaving a discussion of major outcomes to the text of the review. Experience with DPP-4 inhibitors in the management of patients with type 2 diabetes fasting during Ramadan. A large proportion of Muslim patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM elect to fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

For these patients hypo- and hyperglycemia constitute two major complications associated with the profound changes in food pattern during the Ramadan fast, and efficacious treatment options with a low risk of hypoglycemia are therefore needed to manage their T2DM as effectively and safely as possible. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 DPP-4 inhibitors modulate insulin and glucagon secretion in a glucose-dependent manner, and consequently a low propensity of hypoglycemia has consistently been reported across different patient populations with these agents.

The objective of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the currently available evidence and potential role of DPP-4 inhibitors in the management of patients with T2DM fasting during Ramadan whose diabetes is treated with oral antidiabetic drugs, and to discuss the mechanistic basis for their beneficial effects in this setting. Trend of the strategy of European and American chemical industry in the restructuring; Obei kagaku sangyo no saihen ni miru senryaku no doko.

The business of life science is the cover products which connect directly with life such as medical supplies, functional food, nutriments, agricultural chemicals or seeds. The wave of the reorganization of enterprises in the life science field also spread to the integration of the medicine specialty enterprises, and new association trees mainly on medical supplies such as Novartis in Switzerland, Zeneca, Astra Zeneca and Glaxo Wellcome in England were born.

Many major chemistry manufacturers are also agricultural chemical manufacturers. Though agricultural chemicals were being shifted to one which being effective at the low use owing to the environmental problems, with the advance of the popularization of gene recombination crops, sales decreased on the agricultural chemical business more, and participation and restructuring to the seed business were accelerated. In this paper, the outline of business restructuring and strengthening the basic strategy in the main chemistry enterprises in Europe and the U.

High-throughput flow injection analysis mass spectroscopy with networked delivery of color-rendered results. Three-dimensional spectral mapping of well combinatorial chemistry racks. For the last two years, the mass spectroscopy section of the Novartis Pharma Research Core Technology group has analyzed tens of thousands of multiple parallel synthesis samples from the Novartis Pharma Combinatorial Chemistry program, using an in-house developed automated high-throughput flow injection analysis electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy system.

The electrospray spectra of these samples reflect the many structures present after the cleavage step from the solid support. The overall success of the sequential synthesis is mirrored in the purity of the expected end product, but the partial success of individual synthesis steps is evident in the impurities in the mass spectrum. However this latter reaction information, which is of considerable utility to the combinatorial chemist, is effectively hidden from view by the very large number of analyzed samples. This information is now revealed at the workbench of the combinatorial chemist by a novel three-dimensional display of each rack's complete mass spectral ion current using the in-house RackViewer Visual Basic application.

Colorization of "forbidden loss" and "forbidden gas-adduct" zones, normalization to expected monoisotopic molecular weight, colorization of ionization intensity, and sorting by row or column were used in combination to highlight systematic patterns in the mass spectroscopy data. Heterogeneity of asthma and difficulty in achieving optimal control are the major challenges in the management of asthma.

To help attain the best possible clinical outcomes in patients with asthma, several guidelines provide recommendations for patients who will require a referral to a specialist. Hurdles in implementing these recommendations include lack of their dissemination among health care providers and nonadherence to these guidelines; these hurdles considerably limit the implementation of specialist referrals, eventually affecting the rate of referrals. In this review, recommendations for specialist referrals from several key international and national asthma guidelines and other relevant published literature are evaluated.

Furthermore, we highlight why referrals are not happening, how this can be improved, and ultimately, what should be done in the specialist setting, based on existing evidence in published literature. Bloudek and Kish are employees of Xcenda, a consulting company contracted by Novartis to conduct this analysis.

Roy, Globe, and Kuriakose are employees of Novartis. Orloski is a contractor to Xcenda and provided medical writing support, which was funded by Novartis. Study design and concept were contributed by Bloudek, Roy, and Kish, assisted by Globe. Bloukek took the lead in data collection, along with Kish, and data interpretation was performed by Siegal, Jagannath, Globe, and Kuriakose.

Jacquelyn Bainbridge, PharmD author , has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. Operation management systems, beside fulfilling several other functions, work with the input they receive from plant management systems. This information concerns the analysis of plant characteristics, monitoring of the service life of heavily loaded plant components, preparation of balances, planning of maintenance and repair measures, purchase, and materials management.

The purpose of the congress was to point out developments and present and discuss practical examples from the following areas: Maerz in Wuerzburg stattfand. Betriebsfuehrungssysteme basieren auf dem Input von Anlagenfuehrungssystemen und uebernehmen weitergehende Aufgaben. Sie analysieren und verdichten Kennwerte, ermoeglichen den optimalen Einsatz aller Betriebsmittel und stellen vertiefte Informationen zur Vorbereitung strategischer Entscheidungen fuer das Management zur Verfuegung.

Dabei handelt es sich um die Analyse von Anlagenkennwerten, die Lebensdauerueberwachung hochbelasteter Anlagenteile, das Erstellen von Bilanzen, die Planung von Wartungs- und Instandhaltungsmassnahmen bis hin zum Einkauf und der Materialwirtschaft. Aufgabe der Tagung war es, Entwicklungen aufzuzeigen und praktische Beispiele aus den Sektoren Kraftwerk, Energienetze, kommunale Versorgung und Industrie darzustellen und zu diskutieren. Anforderungen an Lehrende in der Erwachsenenbildung.

Planning and projecting; Handbuch Waermepumpen. The special value of this publication for planning and projecting of heat pump devices lays in an information processing independent of manufacturers: Furthermore renewable energy sources to change heating systems are presented - which is from advantage during times of high energy cost. Main topics on overview: Fachkraefte der Baubranche erhalten so eine Faktenquelle zum Vergleichen moeglichst vieler Systeme und Moeglichkeiten. Zudem werden alternative Energiequellen zur Heizungsumstellung vorgestellt - was gerade in Zeiten hoher Energiekosten von grossem Vorteil ist.

Welches Europabild liegt ihr zu Grunde? Auf welchen intellektuellen und konzeptionellen Grundlagen beruht sie? Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einer Auseinandersetzung mit der Tradition, ihren konzeptionellen Grundlagen und deren wissenschaftshistorischem Kontext 1. Aus dieser kritischen Bestandsaufnahme und den Ergebnissen der Debatte um Globalgeschichte ergeben sich Ausgangspunkte und Aufgaben einer in Vielem auf den Leistungen der Disziplin aufbauenden, doch notwendigerweise auf einer anderen Konzeption beruhenden Rechtsgeschichte Europas in globalhistorischer Perspektive 2.

Neuer Kompass fuer die Wende. Does the energy transition keep what it once promised? Five years after the first index survey, the balance sheet is mixed: The energy transition index addresses these future topics with new indicators and calculation bases. Now it is up to the next federal government to set the right course so that the energy transition becomes a success story. The formulation of less, consistent and clear goals rank first. Fuenf Jahre nach der ersten Index-Erhebung faellt die Bilanz gemischt aus: Der Energiewende-Index adressiert diese Zukunftsthemen mit neuen Indikatoren und Berechnungsgrundlagen.

Jetzt ist es an der kommenden Bundesregierung, die richtigen Weichen zu stellen, damit die Energiewende zur Erfolgsgeschichte wird. Die Formulierung weniger, konsistenter und klarer Ziele steht dabei an erster Stelle. Progress report of the working pool of regional power supply companies ARE e. Generally speaking the present report deals with the regional power supply as part of the whole economy. In this connection it also addresses issues of economic development. The following topics are covered in its report on the activities of ARE since the annual meeting of ; energy policy, regional supply in the new Laender, European common market for electricity and natural gas, energy-economic law, special provisions under cartel law concerning public utilities.

The report concludes with a description of the organisation of ARE tasks and aims, members, executive board, management, committees, headquarters. Dabei wird sowohl auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung als auf die regionale Energieversorgung eingegangen. Dabei werden Aktivitaeten in den Bereichen Energiepolitik, Regionalversorgung in den neuen Bundeslaendern, europaeischer Binnenmarkt fuer Elektrizitaet und Gas, Energiewirtschaftsrecht sowie kartellrechtlicher Ausnahmebereich Versorgungswirtschaft behandelt.

Minimization of costs and fees in municipal sewage disposal. Legal bases, scope for action and reports of experience. Rechtliche Grundlagen, Handlungsspielraeume und Erfahrungsberichte. One of the many tasks of local government is to make provision for sewage disposal. In many towns, necessary investments, the installation of further technical systems, and reconstructions entail a rise in sewage disposal fees.

These measures, whose justification can hardly be denied for ecological reasons, and the resulting cost are more and more the object of long-term economic analysis and broad public debate. The brochure points out possibilities for minimizing the costs of, and fees for, municipal sewage disposal. Of course it is up to each municipal administration to decide in favour of or against their implementation orig. Die notwendigen Investitionen, technischen Erweiterungen und Rekonstruktionen fuehren vielerorts zu steigenden Abwassergebuehren. Die aus oekologischen Gesichtspunkten kaum in Abrede gestellten Massnahmen und die daraus resultierenden Kosten unterliegen in ihrer Entwicklung immer mehr einer langfristig orientierten wirtschaftlichen Betrachtung und einer damit verbundenen breiten oeffentlichen Diskussion.

In dieser Broschuere werden einige Hinweise und Moeglichkeiten zur Kosten- und Abgabenminimierung in der kommunalen Abwasserentsorgung aufgezeigt, deren Umsetzung selbstverstaendlich der Entscheidung der einzelnen Kommune unterliegt. Accessory components in gas-lubricated floating ring seals; Zusatzeinrichtungen an gasgeschmierten Gleitringdichtungen.

The present paper uses existing designs of floating-ring seal systems to illustrate their use as accessory components in gas-lubricated axial-face seals. These floating-ring seals may be used as pre-seals on the side of the axial-face seal facing the product. Here they are subject to high ambient pressure and small pressure differences.

On the side of the axial-face seal facing the sliding bearing they are used as post-seals, where they are subject to atmospheric conditions and small pressure differences. The authors present various purpose-specific designs of these seal systems. Theoretical calculation models are compared with measuring results obtained under conditions close to actual practice. Es werden konstruktive Loesungen fuer die verschiedenen Aufgaben dieser Dichtungssysteme vorgestellt. Theoretische Berechnungsmodelle werden mit praxisnahen Messergebnissen verglichen.

The importance of maintenance planning and control systems MPC systems increases with the complexity of the maintenance tasks and the efforts to achieve greater plant availability. Precisely in this area the computer-aided MPC system MAXIMO can ensure clarity of costs and performances, systematic material management, efficient execution of orders and integration and optimisation of organisation. These advantages are elucidated with reference to selected examples of the complex conditions, under which maintenance must be carried out in the German coal mining industry.

Diese Vorteile werden an ausgesuchten Beispielen der komplexen Bedingungen, unter denen die Instandhaltung im deutschen Steinkohlenbergbau durchgefuehrt werden muss, verdeutlicht. Influence of clouds on earth climate. Modellings, measurements, and data analyses within the framework of an interconnected project; Einfluss von Wolken auf das Klima der Erde.

Modellierungen, Messungen, Datenanalysen im Rahmen eines Verbundprojektes. At the beginning of the project there was considerable uncertainty as to the influence of clouds of all kinds on the energy budget of the atmosphere, the quantities and impact of aerosols, and, especially, the physics of high curl clouds. There was neither a possibility to model such cloud systems, nor did reliable measuring methods exist.

This interconnected project contributed to the solution of these problems with the aim to create a solid basis of work for future climate researches. Simultaneously, measurements were carried out, satellite data analysed, aerosol data by different authors compiled and evaluated, and numerical simulations of cloud sheets carried out. Es gab keine Modelliermoeglichkeiten fuer solche Wolkensysteme - noch existierten zuverlaessige Messmoeglichkeiten. Das Verbundvorhaben sollte zur Loesung dieser Probleme beitragen mit dem Ziel, eine solide Arbeitsbasis fuer zukuenftige Aufgaben der Klimaforschung zu schaffen.

Es wurden gleichzeitig Messungen durchgefuehrt, Satellitendaten analysiert, Aerosoldaten unterschiedlicher Autoren zusammengetragen und geprueft sowie numerische Simulationen von Wolkenfeldern durchgefuehrt. Power will travel on two roads. The virtual and the physical path of power in an open market; Der Strom nimmt kuenftig zwei Wege.

Rüdiger Kramme's Medizintechnik: Verfahren - Systeme - PDF

Der virtuelle und der physische Weg des Stroms im offenen Markt. Competition on the electricity market puts high pressure on costs and creates an avalanche of innovation which energy providers and system suppliers have to cope with. Systems for wholesaling and retailing of electrical energy and reservation of electrical grids must fulfill high demands not only in terms of technical innovations but also commercially.

ABB now offers solutions and systems, which give its users the decisive edge in the market. New products and solutions for known technical problems can create noticeable savings. This creates a number of new business tasks which must be coped with as well and whose solutions will directly influence the success or failure of every energy provider. Neben Innvationen bei der Technik werden vor allem im kommerziellen Bereich sehr hohe Anforderungen an Systeme zum Grosshandel und Weiterverkauf von elektrischer Energie sowie zur Reservierung der elektrischen Netze gestellt.

ABB bietet schon heute Loesungen und Systeme, die im freien Strommarkt den entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil bringen koennen. Neue Produkte und Loesungen fuer bekannte technische Probleme koennen zu deutlichen Einsparungen fuehren. Darueber hinaus entstehen eine Unzahl neuer Aufgaben im kommerziellen Bereich, die ebenfalls zu meistern sind und deren Loesung sich unmittelbar auf Erfolg oder Misserfolg jedes Energieversorgers auswirkt. Alte Thesen neu gelesen: Drei Perspektiven werden hier aufgezeigt: Es wird mithin keine immanente Auseinandersetzung mit dem gesamten Text und weiteren Arbeiten der beiden Autoren angestrebt.

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  4. Dank Internet wurde diese Art von Mitarbeit auf ehrenamtlicher Basis technisch vereinfacht, man spricht auch von Crowdsourcing 2. Crowdsourcing as a kind of voluntary collaboration has been made considerably easier by the Internet, from a technical perspective and there is now talk of crowdsourcing 2. Slowly but surely, this new form of generating and sharing knowledge is also finding its way into the cultural sector, e.

    The paper focuses on experiences concerning the editorial workflow, the technical realisation, the level of technical support required and public relations. The following topics are covered in its report on the activities of ARE since the annual meeting of ; energy policy, regional supply in the new Laender, European common market for electricity, energy-economic law, special provisions under cartel law concerning public utilities.

    Dabei werden Aktivitaeten in den Bereichen Energiepolitik, Regionalversorgung in den neuen Bundeslaendern, europaeischer Binnenmarkt fuer Elektrizitaet, Energiewirtschaftsrecht sowie kartellrechtlicher Ausnahmebereich Versorgungswirtschaft behandelt. Die Quantenelektrodynamik und ihre Renormierung, sowie das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik und der Higgs-Mechanismus.

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