
31 Days Of Life Balance Tips

This can help clear the mind, deal with stress, and make better decisions when returning to work. Offering vacation, sick days, flex time, parental leave and telecommuting can greatly contribute to a balanced work and life. While most people who take time off are legitimately sick, stressed employees sometimes take days off to catch up with personal obligations, and they usually feel justified doing so. This provides every employee with one extra day off every month — amounting to 12 additional days a year added on to their existing time off. This day is scheduled and coordinated among departments to ensure projects remain on track and no one is burdened with overflow work.

Employees can use this day however they would like. Some may sleep in and recharge their batteries to avoid burnout. Others may schedule appointments or run errands, while some simply enjoy an activity they love like volunteering, hiking, shopping, reading, etc. Several report that this extra day allows them to better focus when back at work, knowing they can take care of appointments and errands on their extra day without sacrificing any valuable vacation time. Decide if a meeting is actually necessary.

1. Set up a command center at home

It's pretty unlikely the corporate world or your tantrumingtoddler are ever going to understand or care about the unique pressures you are under. So it is your responsibility to make small changes today to make sure that your stress levels are manageable and that you are not leaving yourself vulnerable to exhaustion, anxiety and depression.

You have worked hard to get where you are and to achieve your dreams. Simply making rigid rules to stop work each night at a certain time might not be realistic if you are working to a deadline or are struck by creative inspiration. Something much more workable might be to make a rule that if you have to work late on Tuesday that you block out Wednesday night to spend time with your friends or family. Or sit down with your partner at the beginning of the working week to see what you both have on and how to schedule time together and time for yourself around both your schedules.

Remember it's not about making everyday perfectly balanced, some days are hectic and that's life. However there should be overall balance in your week so that the hectic times are balanced out by some well deserved time out. Perfectionism can be a crippling trait. Did you know that if you are a perfectionist you could be more likely to develop depression?

7 powerful women on their secrets to a work-life balance

The pressure to be perfect comes from the high standards we impose on ourselves and the high standards our society imposes on us. Ultimately there is no such thing as perfect so if you are trying to be perfect all the time you are setting yourself up to fail. If you struggle with the concept of doing a "good enough" job and leaving it at that it may be helpful to set yourself fixed amounts of time for a task and not go over the timeframe you set.

Prioritising can also be a really good way of managing perfectionism. Ask yourself what is the most important thing that needs to be done today and what can wait until tomorrow, the next day or next week and then go from there. There are tasks you have to do each day and hopefully most of them will give you some satisfaction or sense of achievement once you have completed them. But it's also really important to set aside some amount of time each day, no matter how little, to do something pleasurable or that you enjoy that's just for you.

Things such as having a cup of tea or coffee alone with your thoughts or with a friend can be both simple and pleasurable. Or maybe it's having a hot bath, calling a friend for a chat or reading.

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It doesn't have to require a lot of time or effort; it just has to be a regular time that you get each day to unwind. We all know it's good for us but we don't always do it.

How to make work-life balance work - Nigel Marsh

The stats are pretty impressive a brisk 40 minute walk can have the same effect as taking anti-depressant medication. The more focus you have at work, the sooner you can disconnect and more disconnected you can stay during your time at home.

4 modern-day tips to help you balance work life and home life

Simply Yoga , which is designed to re-energize you anywhere, any time with easy-to-follow yoga sessions ranging from 10 to 60 minutes in length. Physical movement throughout your day can improve focus, energy, and mood, helping you be the best you at work and home. Use TimeTune to track your work time, personal time, and distracted time work time spent on home and home time spent on work.

Once you know where your hours are going, you can make small adjustments to achieve better balance. Here are some ways to clear your mind and space: A lawyer weighs in What do rocket scientists, cab drivers, and football players have in common? You need to do this more in your life if you want to keep growing The purpose of life is right in front of you 30 behaviors that will make you unstoppable in The one habit that can transform your world forever.

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