
Child Development through Middle Childhood: A Cultural Approach

Family, Peers, and School , Springer. She lives, teaches, and writes in Honolulu, Hawaii. Maynard and her research, please see www. We don't recognize your username or password. The work is protected by local and international copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning. You have successfully signed out and will be required to sign back in should you need to download more resources.

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If You're a Student Buy this product Additional order info. Description Help students understand how culture impacts development- and why it matters. A better teaching and learning experience The teaching and learning experience with this program helps to: Understand Culture and Diversity — Extensive cultural coverage is woven into the narrative and on vivid display in images. Learning objectives are listed at the start of each chapter as well as within the chapter along every section to help students better organize and understand the material.

Series This product is part of the following series.

The vast majority of instructors believe that integrating culture is essential to a complete understanding of child development, and go through considerable effort to bring culture into their course. Students simply find culture fascinating. Arnett and Maynard save time for instructors and meet students where they are by including culture on every page, integrated throughout the narrative.

Thinking Culturally questions throughout the text prompt students to use their understanding of the role culture plays in development to solve real world problems they might face in their own lives and careers. Cultural Focus features offer in-depth coverage of development in a non-U.

Arnett & Maynard, Child Development through Middle Childhood: A Cultural Approach | Pearson

Infographic Maps in every chapter provide a quick and effective way for students to visualize cultural, socioeconomic and geopolitical variations in development, as well help students gain a better understanding of similarities and differences across the U. Questions included with each map encourage students to think critically about the information. MyDevelopmentLab engages students through personalized learning and helps instructors with course preparation, content delivery, and assessment. MyDevelopmentLab Margin Icons — Margin icons guide students from their reading material to view videos, simulations, and to read more about specific topics in the text.

MyVirtual Child - MyVirtualChild is an interactive simulation that allows students to raise a child from birth to age 18 and monitor the effects of their parenting decisions over time.

  • If You're a Student.
  • Child Development through Middle Childhood: A Cultural Approach, Books a la Carte Edition.
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MyVirtualChild helps students think critically as they apply their course work to the practical experiences of raising a virtual child. Table of Contents In this Section: Share a link to All Resources. Websites and online courses. Price compare rental, new and used discounted cheap textbooks for sale online at CheapestTextbooks.

The ultimate resource for buying cheap college textbooks. You are moments away from: Child Development through Middle Childhood: A Cultural Approach Paperback Edition: We recommend that you Buy Click here to find out why Buy vs Rent: We recommend you Buy This tool helps you determine if you should buy or rent your textbooks, based on the total cost of ownership including current sell back value. The Montessori Preschool Program. Work Among British Children in the 19th Century.

The Young Men of Truk Island. Gender and Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood. He received his Ph.

From — he was Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Missouri where he taught a student life-span development course every semester. His primary scholarly interest for the past 10 years has been in emerging adulthood. He coined the term, and has conducted research on emerging adults concerning a wide variety of topics, involving several different ethnic groups in American society.

He is the editor of the Journal of Adolescent Research, and is on the Editorial Board of four other journals. He has published many theoretical and research papers on emerging adulthood in peer-reviewed journals, as well as the books Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: For more information on Dr. Arnett and his research, see www. Maynard is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she has been on the faculty since She received her Ph. Her primary research interest since has been the impacts of cultural change at the macro-level, such as economic and sociodemographic shifts, on socialization and cognition in childhood.

She also studies the development of teaching in childhood and sibling interactions.

Child Development through Middle Childhood: A Cultural Approach, Books a la Carte Edition

She has published many articles on culture and human development in peer-reviewed journals, and an edited book Learning in Cultural Context: Family, Peers, and School , Springer. She lives, teaches, and writes in Honolulu, Hawaii. Maynard and her research, please see www. Cultural Approach is evident throughout.

It is straightforward, factual and descriptive without being overwhelming in the volume of concepts trying to be addressed. Sections connect to each other, using supporting features to link one to another. The author has gone out of the way to indicate where related concepts were discussed in previous chapters. A Cultural Approach chapter 7 only provides the student with an overview of the development of children in middle childhood while comparing the development to children from other cultures and countries.

The text is easy to read, making it easy for students to stay engaged and understand the content. This book appears to provide the element of culture which is absent from other text books. Help downloading instructor resources. Test bank questions for import into Moodle courses. Click here for installation and file use instructions. Click here for installation instructions.

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