
A Smattering of Gutenbergs Pygmies: Collection #1

Naaman 5, nab 8, Nabisco 5, n a di r 14, Nagasaki 14, Nagoya 10, nainsook 10, naivetd 16, nankeen kin 5, Nantes 10, napety 8, Naphtali 5, Napier 11, nard 7, nares 9, narrator 14, narrow-gauge 6, narrow-minded 17, nascent 12, Nadiua 6, Natchez 5, nationalization 14, natinnaligA 14, natty 8, naturalism 9, naturalistic 8, nauseous 12, Navarre S, navd 14, navigability 9, navvy 11, Nazaiene 10, Naza- lite 13, N. Xw Bruns- wick 16, Xewburgh Xewgate 14, Xew Guinea 5, Xew Lon ion 6.

Xewmarket 6, New Rochelle 7, next-door 15, Xey 5, nbliok 5, Xicaea 11, Xicene 8, Xiebuhr 6, nifty 8, Nigeria 10, niggardliness 8, niggardly Pierson 13, piggy 17, pigmy 15, pignut 5, pigsty 8, pigweed 5, pikeman 10, piker 15, pikestaff 11, pilaster 12, Pilate 16, pillbox 8, pillion 7, pillowcase 11, pilotage 6, pimiento 14, pimp 10, pimpemd 6, Pindar 14, piney 6, pinfold 8, ping 7, pinkish 9, pinky 13, pinna 14, pinon 8, Pinta XI. Radclifte 11, ralicle 7, r:. Rea it 9 reafSnn 9, reagent 9, realistically 10, realtcr S.

Rialto 11, ribaldn- Ric Grande 11, rioter 17, riser?

Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases by Peter Mark Roget

Robespierre 12, Robson 7, Rott. Rcchamlieau 13, Rochelle 7, rock-bound 9, Rockford 11, Rockland 16, rock-ribbed 5, rocksalt 11, rococo S, rcdeo FpaiTianship 16, sea-raew 17, seaniless S, seamy urchin 6, sta,-vrauL 6, seawards S. Selma 7, seltzer 6, seh-age vedge 6, femaphore 14, Semele 17, semiannual 11, semicolon 6, seiriconscicus 5, seminal 5, senuLffi- cial 16, Semiramis 6, Semite 13, semitone 8. Sennachenb 13, sennight 5, sensationalism 7, sensitivity 9, sensitize 9, sensuality Sertorius 5, servdity 13, serving-man 16, servitor 16, sesame 10, sessile 5, setback Silenus 15, Silesia, s 9, C, Silicate 15, siliceous 8, silk-stocking 6, sillines s 9, silo 9, durian 7, silva 10, silvan 7, silver-gray 8, rilver-plated 5, silversmith 9, Sim 9, simiaTi 5, SiinTns 15, sizDony George ghalese 5, sicgle-minded 6, singleness 17, singleton 7, singletree 7, Sing Sing 17, sangalarity 17, sinless 12, sinnositvS, Sion 17, sirdar 7, sirocco Sitka 7, sitter Siva 9, six-fcot 11, sixpenny 5, six-shooter S.

George 14, [ ] Part II: Stiny Points, storey 8, storied 5, stor:. Sumatra 12, Sumerian 16, summa 8, summation 6, sumptuary 5, sunbonnet 6, sundae 11, sun- fish 8, sunglasses 6, sunkist 13, sunshade 7, sun-up UfSzi 9, Uganda 6, Ukrai nian 15, ulna 6, ultramarine 6, ultramontane 6. Vaal 14, vacationist 11, vaodnate 17, vaccine 17, vacQlatioii 11, vacuity 16, vac- uole 6, vacuous 8, vagina 5, vagrancy 8, vaingbrious 12, vaingbry 15, Val 11, valedictory 9, valence 7, Valencia 17, Valendermes 7, valency 6, valerian 7, Val- kyrie 17, valorous 16, valour 17, valudessl6, vandalism?

Watts 11, wave- length 12, wavdet 14, Waverley 12, waxwork 5, waxy 9, wayfaring 8, waylaid 12, waywardness 7, wayworn 5, weak-minded 5. Winfield to bewray press 9, Winfield 10, wingless 13, winkle 13, Winnebago 14, Wiimepesaukee 6, Winston-Saleni 12, wintergreen 6, winter-quarter Xavier 9, Xenophanes 11, xylophone 6. Zambesi 15, Zangwill6, zany 11, Zanzibar 11, Zebedee 7, Zediariah9, zenana 5, Zend 10, zeppelin 13, zeta 7, zinnia 12, Zionist 9, zip 8, zircon 7, zodiacal 9, Zola 5, zoned adj. Band, bunghcle, buxglarious, buttexfat, by-road.

Daghestan, Damascene d , Dardandles, Darmstadt, daxnd, daystar, debauchee, deoeitfEilness, dedmeter re , decode, decor, decrement, deep-laid, deqp-set, Dda- goa, Ddian, deliquesoent, demonstrably, dentine, depiction, depOatoxy, deter- nunable, detonate, diabetic, diagnostician, diatonic, dicotyledonous, Diderot, digestibility, digitalis, dilettante, diluvial, Diptexa d , disallowanoe, disarrange- ment, discrete, disenabarkation, disingenuous, disjunction, dispeople, disposable, disproof, dispipportional, distension t , distillate, distrain, disulphide, dizen, dokse, dom.

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Humbert, humidor, hurry-scurry i,k , hydrocyanic, hydroscopic, hydroxyl, Hymettus, hyper- bola, hypnotist. Kennebec, Kerry, kickoff, Kiel, kingfish, Kiwanian, knee-high, Kreisler. Laborite, Lacedaemon, Laconian, lactose. Augustine, steaxnfitter, steam-xoller, steelyard, Steisxnetz, stept, Steme, St. Zedfkiah, zestful, zither, ZoUvexein, Zoroastrian. These serial numbers have been replaced here by esti- mated numbers of occurrences per 4?

But no attempt was made to estimate the number of occurrences of the top words; they are simply marked M. They are described in more feta:! Thorndike, - 1. The Legend of S! The 56 selections found by Hosic to be the commonest in school readers. Ten primers or frst readers counts by C. Ten second readers counts by E. Ten third readers counts by W. Thorndike, Arithmetics, Book One, Young and Jackson, Arithmetics, Book One, 35, words. Thwaites and Kendal, History of the United States, pp. The vocabularies of ten books in Ele- mentaxy French. The vocabidanes of ten books in Ele- mentary German.

Strong, Concordance of the Bible, about Bartlett, Concordanoe to the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, about , words. Lane Gopper, Concordance to Words- worth, about , words. Baker, Concordance to Ten- nyson, about , words. Neve, Concordance to Cowper, about Abbot, Concordance to Pope, about 90, words. Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, a sam- pling of Farmer, A New Book of Cookery, pp. Garden and Fhrm Almanac, 17, words. United States postal regulations in pop- ular form, 1, words.

The first word of each entry in the in- dexes of three mail-order catalogues. The 44, words of the Eldiidge news- paper count. The Anderson list of frequencies derived from a count of , words in buin- ness and private correspondence. Black Beauty, additional pages. Everyday Classics, Seventh Grade, pages.

Heart of Oak Readers, No. Lamb, Tales from Shakespeare, pp. Explanatory Notes 64, Tarr and McMnnv, Gecgraphv, pp. Alcott, little Women, pp. Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, Index. Beard and Bagiev, History of the American People, pp. BulSnch, Age of Fable, pp.

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Colvin and Stevenson, Farm Projects, pp. Dickens, Tale of Two Cities, pp. Flagg, Community English, pp. Hawthorne, Tanglewood Tales E. Popular Mechanics, May, , pp. Saturday Evening Post, , words. Andersen, Fairy Tales, pp. Austen, Pride and Prejudice, pp. B,, Southern Woodland Trees, pp. Brown, Rab and His Friends, pp. Bulfindi, Age of Fable Crowdl , pp. Honeers of Australian In- dustry, PP- Heart cf U-k Reik'r.. Keboch Liit cf weris in five textlocks in History not: Lamb, Ejsays cf Elia Crowell , pp. Popular British Ballads 'E. June 7, , 20, words.

Trollope, Barchester Towers Lane , pp. Boys and Girls of Other Lands, pp.

Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases by Peter Mark Roget - Free Ebook

Yonge, Book of Golden Deeds E. Arnold, Critical Essays 'E. Atlantic Monthly, June, , pp. Boswell, Life of Johnson, Vcl. Browning, Poems and Plaj-s, Vo!. Browning, Poems and Pla: Burke, Speedies and Letters on American Affairs. Byron, Poems and Plays, Vol. Colvin and Stevenson, Farm Projects, pp, Emerson, Essays, Society and Soli- tude E.

Holmes, Autocrat of the Breakfast Table E. Irving, Sketch Book U. Marshall, Readings in the Story of Hu- man Progress, pp. Poe, Tales of Mystery and Imag- ination E. The original records of the counts of 1,, words from the Encyclo- paedia Britannica, , words from the Ladies' Home Journal, , words from the Saturday Evening Post, , words from the Literary Di- gest, and , words from four text- books in Englidi and history, that were made by Dr.

Giinstead for the Ameri- can Classical League. The Lorge magazine count coluxim L in- duded nearly a million words from eadi of the following: Twelve issues of each magazine, spread somewhat evenly over the years through , were used. The count was made by counting sqparatdly every combina- tion of letters found.

For example, arm, arms, arm's, arms', arming, and armed were counted separatdLy.

Books by Charlie Trotter

The numbers in column L are iniluenoed by judgment only in such cases as the separation of adjectives in ing [] Part III: Such numbers computed on the basis of semantic count percentages are not starred. The Thorndike juvenile count gave addi- tional hdp in separating the occurrences of names of persons. The frequencies of such plurals as beginnings or drawings gave hdp in checking the use of semantic count per- centages for verbal substantives. The Lorge-Thomdike semantic count is described elsewhere.

The semantic count does not keep separate records of plurals, verb forms in ed, iitg, etc. Thorndike has been extended by Dr. Lozge with farther aid from W. The entries in the S cohmm use these extensions of the published count and additional records. If the additional record is The probable frequency cf ir. Thtst taken mostly from the 7erman-Liuu 1 t of approved reading for tl.

But the commonest 2. The number of occurrences for each of these 2, words in the J column is consequently an estimate. These estimates were made by any one of the following methods that seecaed suitable: In ntfllnug these estimates we kept in mind that the Tennan-Litna books were relatively rich in natural history, Greek and Norse mythology, and knighidy adventure, and fa- vored certain archaic words, and that the T count was distinguiidzed from the other three by the indusion of textbooks in arithmetic, geography, and history.

At the Back of the North Wind. Explanatory Notes Beyond the Pasture Bars.

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Biography of a Grizzly. Bird Stones from Burroughs. AnnaSewelL Book of Stars. Book of the Ocean, The. Boy of the First Empire, A. Champions of the Round Table. Qasde Myths in English literature and Art. Colonists and the Revolution, The. Pbld, Forest, and Farm. Florence Nightingale, the Angd of the Crimea. Good Stories for Great Holidays. In the Days of Giants.

In the Days of Queen Elizabeth. In the Days of William the Conqueror. Johnny BIossoul Dikken Zwilgmeyer, pp. Lyxbeth; a Tab of the Dutch. Littb Brother to the Bear, A. Little Captive Lad, A. Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Prince and His Ants, The. Progress of a United Fbople, The. Real Stories from Our Histoiy. Roose- velt and Lodge. Secrets of the Earth. Secrets of the Woods. Fina, Goddess of Love: Going by the general fanon, I interpret her as the mother of both NK and Gwynevere, but due to unknown circumstances, just up-and-left. Also wanted to try out and giving her a different look, skin-tone and facial wise compared to all the other gods and goddesses out there.

Velka, Goddess of Sin: Due to the fact that both Gwyndolin and Filianore are associated with illusions and magic, I interpret her as the mother of Filianore and Gwyndolin. Funnily enough, with her book of sins and outfit, she also gives the aura of a medieval judge. Caitha, Goddess of Tears: The third goddess associated with Carim, and one that I intentionally kept her eyes hidden.

Nahr Alma, God of Blood and Murder: Take Titchy Gren, make him more beast-like in proportion, now make him the size of Father Ariandel with the animalistic agility of the Orphan of Kos or Slave Knight Gael, and you have the God of Blood himself.

Johann Gutenberg

I interpret him as a kind of god that is shunned by the rest, and is mostly treated as an attack dog, and nothing more. All are available on on natrodgers.

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