
Sun Poisoned (The Sunshine Series Book 2)

She grows so much in this book, but as much as she grows sometimes i feel like she still is stuck in the past which is no way me saying that I am upset by it - its just an observation. Personally for me it makes sense for her character so seeing her break completely from who she was seems impossible. Anyways but she does grow, she is still awesome. I really like her and while there were times I felt maybe a little less than convinced of her emotions because its hard to really tell how she feels with the way the book is written i am okay with this, really i am.

I will admit though I know the next book is the final and i will have a damn hard time saying goodbye. Anyways but she was a very well rounded, awesome character - not your stereotypical main character girl. See i liked Myles a lot more in this book, he seems to come out of his shell a little more. While this book i felt really does gravitate towards Sophie and the gang which again no problem with that Myles did actually shine a little brighter in this book. He will not be my super Alpha hear me roar Main Man but I am okay with that. He is sweet, pushes when he needs to and over all quiet and understanding.

He really gets Sophie, really sees her and God my heart breaks for him sometimes but sometimes i was ready to throttle him myself. I love him The gang: Is awesome as always. That is all on them. I'm so sorry hide spoiler ] The ending: Check out more awesomeness by me here: Jun 22, Sarah Oxford rated it really liked it Shelves: I just didn't enjoy book 2 as much as book 1. This one I'd give 3. Sophie is one of my absolute favourite female lead characters in a New Adult book.

As well as her having the coolest hair and tattoos, I think it's because her monsters are so realistically portrayed. I love the way the author writes her thoughts, the way she says one thing when she means another. I love how intensely portrayed her feelings and sensations are. I felt her pain, deeply, I felt her disorientation, her confusion, her guilt.

It was all physical. That whole last section was brilliantly horrible and painful to read. The atmosphere of this book, the music, the alternative characters, it's all just such a relief from all the new adult copycat books out there. It does have that intensity of emotion but there's something raw and natural about it rather than overdone to elicit sobbing. There were a couple of things I was less keen on in book 2 compared to book 1. Firstly, although I was pleased to be learning more about what vampires are in this world I found the explanations fragmented, dotted all through.

I got confused and frustrated with Sophie for not demanding more explanation, for allowing herself to be only told so much. The pacing was a little strange too, it sort of bumbled along, then something happened but it was kind of anticlimactic and then the whole last section sort of bumbled along some more and then it ended. Don't get me wrong, for that last bit I was hooked, it was brilliantly gorey and tense, it's just that it just ended and I wanted more! The other thing that distressed me was the romance.

I wanted more of it and I hated any tension between the two of them. Miles is sweet but I still don't love him and I found his lying annoying! I think if I saw more interaction between them I might warm to him more. When we did see them interact I was very engaged with the story because my heart wants so much for Sophie to let him in. Her struggle was sad but beautiful as she was growing in confidence with herself. I absolutely love this series and can't wait to see where it's going and what's happening to Sophie, but this book felt like a filler.

I'm left with frustrations and questions, and I just wished I could just move on to book 3 now. I think my review sounds more negative than I intend. Please take it for what it is which is that actually I love this, I just wanted more, more, more!!!! Jun 11, Jason Luttrull rated it liked it. I knew that Sophie was moving to New York to pursue her dream in music.

And, that she and Myles were going to be a couple. But, I really was not anticipating the slight twists and turns that their relationship was going to take. Getting the full-time gig at Club Midnight proved to be a blessing and a curse for Sophie. She got to play music with her friends, Boo and Trei, and also got an invite to play with club favorite headliner Honus.

Sun poisoning symtoms and prevention

When Sophie spends a little time with Ava, she learns that she was attacked by Michael as well, but that she is infected with his blood. This infection causes excruciating pain, and there is no way for her to be cured, and she will eventually die. This is what Michael tried doing to Sophie at the end of Sunshine. Places where Michael cannot go. After learning this information, and realizing this is the reason why she is where she is now, is enough to damage a lot of the trust she had in Myles. When he gets her alone he attacks her again. This time it is believed that he will be successful.

Now that she is infected with his blood she has to choose between being turned in order to live, or allow the infected blood to kill her. But, she is not willing to make this decision until she gets a chance to talk to Jade one last time. I must say that Nikki did a better job on this one. There was a couple times, to me, where the story seemed to go a little off topic, like when Jack shows up.

What was the significance of that? But she was able to pull it right back together. There are a few unanswered questions, that made me feel a bit jaded when the book ended, in which I hope will be answered in a third book of the series, if there is one. We will have to wait and see. May 13, Mandy rated it it was amazing Shelves: I received Sun Poisoned from the author in return for an honest review. Sun Poisoned is the second book in the Sunshine series. The book starts not long after the first one has ended with Sophie living in New York with her two best friends and fellow bandmates Boo and Trei.

Sun Poisoned (Sunshine #2) by Nikki Rae

Sophi I received Sun Poisoned from the author in return for an honest review. Sophie should be happy everything is finally going her way. I found the story brilliantly written creating a beautiful story that touches on hard issues but with a unique twist. The story is full of action, suspense and intrigue never creating a dull moment.

I was drawn in right from the start I was unable to put it down even taking my kindle to the dog park to read and staying up late. I love the character even the supporting character have their own charm. Sun Poisoned is one of those stories that will steal your heart, leaving you wanting more. I know I can't wait to see what happens to Sophie next. Jun 04, Jessica's Book Review rated it really liked it. I really love Sophie and Myles. Sophie took a piece of my heart in the first book Sunshine and I have a soft spot for her, hoping she will finally be happy.

Life in New York is great for Sophie; she is having success with her band, lives rent free, and has Myles in her life. The book is more mysterious then the first book. There are new secondary characters you will meet in Sun Shine who play major roles, especially towards the end. The first half of Sun Shine was a bit slow but then it really picks up and everything comes together. The second half really picked up for me, I enjoyed reading more the vampire world. Nikki Rae writes great characters. I really love Sophie and Myles; yes this is a series about a human girl falling in love with a vampire but she makes the characters unique and special.

Totally different than any other vampire book out there. I look forward to reading book three in the series; the book does end with a bit of a cliff hanger leaving you wanting more! I give Sun Poisoned Sunshine 2 3. ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review. May 25, Shirley rated it it was amazing.

I loved this book! Sun poisoned picks up after the first book with Sophie, Myles and the gang living in New York. Sophie,Boo and Trei are doing what they love, Playing music at a club in Chinatown. This book was fantastic. I loved reading about how much Sophie is trying to change but also how hard it is to do that.

You really see her struggle with everything she has been through in her life and how she is trying to get over it but it's not easy. She wants to be able to let go and do "normal" cou I loved this book! She wants to be able to let go and do "normal" couple things with Myles like Kissing and letting him hold her while she sleeps but can't get over the trauma that Jack did to her.

She goes through a lot of emotional things in this book like dealing with lies, and death and cutting. But the way she handles them while of course are a little different because of the whole vampire factor but are still very realistic. She is a strong young woman and I find myself admiring her. Now let's talk about Myles. I really do love him. He is so sweet and caring and he is an amazing boyfriend, friend and support system for Sophie. He never pressures her into things and always understand when she tells him to stop because she is getting overwhelmed with the intimacy parts of their relationship.

But even with how great Myles is, we also learn that he has been keeping some important things from Sophie. He does it because he thinks it is for the better but it really hurts their relationship. They go through some trust issues and while I just want them to be happy I think that this helps make their relationship seem more truthful for the reader. Real couples fight and go through problems and I love that Nikki shows that. A lot happens in Sun poisoned.

Some new problems as well as old ones pop up in the story. It's full of laughter and heartbreak. As well as some important and life changing moments for our Heroine. This is one series that has me addicted and waiting for the next book. Nikki has started a fantastic series and I can't wait to see where she takes Sophie and Myles in the future.

I was giving an ARC copy of this book for an honest review Jun 28, Michelle Cornwell-Jordan rated it it was amazing. Sun Poisoned picks up where book 1 left off, with Sunshine picking up the pieces from the physical and emotional pain that had been her life. She has healed and living with her friends and Myles in New York city.

Playing her music, Sunshine appears to now be living the dream. Although even at the very beginning, there appears to be a cloud marring the happiness of life, with th Sun Poisoned The Sun Shine Series Book 2 is a mysterious journey through the twist and turns of the life of Sunshine. Although even at the very beginning, there appears to be a cloud marring the happiness of life, with the nightmares that have begun to come back to torture Sunshine.

I will say that the ending was a mouth dropping event and now I have been placed on pins and needles, wondering with nail-biting intensity, what will happen?

Review & Giveaway – The Sunshine Series by Nikki Rae

Will everything, or anything be okay? What of my favorite couple? I enjoyed Sun Posioned as much the first, the author has done a phenomenal job at taking a character who is hurt and broken in many places, and giving her such an inner strength, its astounding to witness and very inspirational. Also the fact that the strength of this character so far in the series is not due to any paranormal ability, but through Human resilience.

Sunshine, is an incredible young lady, that with the love of her family, friends and the desire not to be a victim, overcomes many of the challenges that had been thrown her way.

Because she is a fighter and will not allow who she is at the core to be stolen, by Human or Vampire predators. The book had a very steady, poetic flow, that keeps the reader interested and looking forward to the next chapter. Of course with the cliffhanger I am on edge and very much looking forward to the third book in the series! I fully recommend Sun Poisoned to those who enjoy Paranormal reads. The rating is for Older Teens through Adults for some intense imagery. Jan 11, Kitlina rated it really liked it. I didn't know if I should give it 4 or 5 stars but I went with four because I had some issues that I couldn't get over.

Don't get me wrong this is a great read. I loved the characters. I just didn't get Sophie half the time. She made such idiotic decisions in this book that I couldn't pass over. Why would you not talk to the person you love, have a heart to heart, let him explain, and explain yourself? She just shut off from the world and instead of getting better with her anxiety disorder she made it worse. I get it that Myles could have been more upfront with her, but she didn't even approach the subject long enough to give him time to respond.

The Stevie incident is in my opinion the faultiest plot device in the book and I do not appreciate what has been done to him and ultimately Jade just for the dramatic effect. I have other theories of why it was done but because the subject hasn't been broached in the book I'm not going to make a conspiracy theory right here.

Editorial Reviews

This could be the main reason why I deducted a star. I was really upset by this unnecessary tragedy. Myles was his adorable self as usual. I loved all the other side characters, especially Jade my heart broke for him. I would like to have more explanations in the following books about Michael, and why he can't be killed in my opinion nothing is indestructible, everything can die one way or another, cut his effing head off or something. The blood poisoning dilemma is not fully understandable.

I am terribly confused by that. I will definitely read the next book seeing that there are so many more things I need to learn about this world Ms. Nov 21, Shana Festa rated it really liked it. There is a tragic event that takes place in this book. I won't give it away.

I still haven't picked them all up! This event breaks not only me, but knocks Sophie back down about a million rungs on the ladder she's tried so hard to climb up.

I wanted to jump into the book and just hug everyone! If I tell you who else falls with her it'll give it away. So be warn There is a tragic event that takes place in this book. So be warned that you should have a box of tissues close by while reading. I had a lot of questions at the end of book one. And to be honest, none of those questions were answered. I still don't know why she can't remember her childhood it wasn't even touched on in this book I still have no idea about her real father again, he's not even brought up in this book But I think we are getting there.

And you know what, the answers may not mean anything when it comes to the conclusion. But I'm like a kid who wants to know a secret! I give this book a solid 4 stars. I didn't feel so overwhelmed with information. I felt that every tidbit that was given to me was essential information. We saw our main characters develop a little further and we met some awesome new friends!

I really can't wait to read the conclusion of this series. The writing only got better in this book and I have a feeling that it's going to be superb in book three. I want a happily ever after Aug 13, P. Warren rated it it was amazing. I found Sun Poisoned to be of a faster pace then its Predecessor Sunshine. This story is an emotional roller coaster. Be prepared for some big changes in characters. Im still not sure how I feel about Evan. I think my main issue with the book was its fast pace and some of the lack of background on what was happening with Sophie towards the end. I wanted it to slow down a small bit so I could process everything going on.

We went from one major even in the book to another major event to another very quickly. I needed time to be able to process what was going on. BUT other then that I really loved it. I like how the book plays out. I am on my seats edge waiting for Sun Damaged. Im hoping things that I thought might be broken aren't quiet as broken as they appeared. Now being a normal human being is the least of her problems.

Now she has to stay alive. And one lie will change everything. Where Myles knows more about her than she could have ever guessed. The monsters are closing in on all sides and the question is, will Sophie be able to defeat them before it all ends? This book is upper YA or NA territory. You can click on the link to read my review of that series.

Website Enter your URL then click here to include a link to one of your blog posts. Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. I'm an aspiring author and a book-loving homeschooling mom of three. Header and button artwork created by Tabitha. Check her site out HERE. January, ; June, ; March, Sophie Jean is pretty good at acting normal.

She can hide what her ex-boyfriend did to her. I tried to keep the review spoiler free for all of the books. This series was MUCH edgier, darker and deeper than that. Rae tackles some truly touchy subjects here — and she does it well. The second book was equally good — there was no middle book syndrome with this series. Happy New Year and it's time to get our reviews on! The first book in this series, Sunshine , was part of our R4R program just a few months back, in October. Goodreads info for Sun Poisoned: And one lie will change everything.

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