
Natural Weight Loss (Natural Health Book 20)

Why it gets harder to drop pounds after a certain age — and how to do it successfully

Mar 09, Jodi rated it really liked it Shelves: Like the authors' Trick and Treat book, this book has so many important things to say. Not just about weight loss, but also about health and about our health system.

This book explains that while it is our responsibility to make healthy choices, to make a choice first we have to understand that there is a choice. We need accurate information. Unfortunately the current food guidelines are based on myths and wishful thinking rather than science. The idea that traditional foods are causing all our mo Like the authors' Trick and Treat book, this book has so many important things to say.

The idea that traditional foods are causing all our modern diseases is ludicrous. The author writes about diet, that: Don't be fooled by the 'whole gain holiness! The same is true of legumes. Bran flakes are not a health food, but a faddish waste of money. We need to eat real foods and not things in boxes.

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This amount is a good one to start with and some people will feel best making it slightly lower or higher. MS patients may do better starting with around carbs a day before gradually going down to 60 or 70 grams a day. Going too low or too low too fast may make such patients more ill. Going from a high-carb diet to just 20 grams of carbs a day is too much of a shock, and not necessary. It is wasteful and puts a strain on the liver and kidneys. Good information is also given about the dangers of some vaccinations and soy products and of fluoride, why humans are not designed to run, why excessive exercise can be harmful and pain and injuries should not be ignored.

The author has been following a low carb diet since so he really knows his stuff. The whole book is contained and summarised in the first 36 pages which is helpful for those that just want the basic information fast.

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The authors advice and views tally very well with my own. I have a severe neurological disease with some similarities to MS and I have found that a very low carb diet of 20 grams or so of carbs a day, makes me feel unwell after a few months. It seems like maybe my liver and kidneys cannot handle the extra strain.

I have felt so much better staying around the 50 - 75 gram mark. It is also a far more pleasant diet to eat by far. This lower-carb diet also greatly helps my hypoglycaemia symptoms, makes me feel more satisfied after meals and not starving hungry right after each meal due to blood sugar surges and has treated my PCOS as well. I also do far better avoiding grains, legumes and dairy products too. I am using this style of diet, along with other supplemental nutrients and detoxification methods, to slowly improve my severe neurological disease - which had been slowly worsening for more than a decade.

I have only 2 major issues with this book. The first is the authors' assertion that we need to eat only 2 serves of fruit or vegetables daily and that claims we need 5 or more are unsupportable and quite silly. The sugar content of fruit is discussed, and the author claims that fruits and vegetables deliver few antioxidants. But the issues of taste, enjoyment, vitamins and phytonutrients are not discussed at all. What about the important detoxification aids and cancer-fighting nutrients present in brassica vegetables?

What about all the folate and other nutrients in leafy greens? What about all the bioflavanoids present in foods like capsicums? None of this is even mentioned. It is a very strange part of the book, not remotely up to the standard of the rest of the book. This section is so poorly done it risks detracting people from the rest of the book, which is of a high standard and well reasoned, argued and researched. Best to just skip the anti-vegetable chapter I think. What is weirder still about this book as opposed to Trick and Treat, is that it also contains some pro-high vegetable intake comments.

The author recommends eating unlimited amounts of green leafy vegetables or 'liberal amounts' of green leafy vegetables for example. Plus it is stated that we should get most of our 50 - 70 grams of carbs a day from vegetables, but that would be very difficult to do with just two vegetable serves a day! My second issue is the ignorant comments made about supplements not being necessary if you eat well. The author may be a diet expert, but he is not an expert on supplementation or the use of supplements in treating serious disease.

Dr Abram Hoffer explains that we need about 45 different nutrients in optimal quantities. He also explains that no nutrient works alone, and that an enzyme reaction that needs three different nutrients to take place, requires all three nutrients and so no one nutrient should be considered more important than the other. Some nutrients can be obtained in reasonable amounts in food, while others will sometimes or always require the use of supplements to ensure optimal levels.

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It is not true as some claim that the optimum levels of all nutrients can be obtained through diet alone. Supplements are necessary, for the following reasons: Storing foods for long times and heavily processing foods can dramatically lower nutrient levels in the food and may destroy some nutrients entirely; for example, oranges have been found to contain between mg of vitamin C and 0 mg of vitamin C, each.

Natural Health & Weight Loss

Supplements are necessary and eating well is also important. As Dr Sherry Rogers writes, 'What you eat has more power over disease than any medication your doctor can prescribe. Food is awesomely powerful. A person can need many times more vitamin C when ill than they need when they are well, and these higher doses just cannot be gotten from food. More helpful information on intelligent supplementation is included in books such as Detoxify or Die, Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone: Condensed tinned soups, low carb bread, vegetable margarine and tinned vegetables are also not healthy foods in my opinion, and I'm not a fan of promoting mircowaving of foods.

These two big quibbles aside, this is a very good book on diet although by far not as good as his Trick and Treat book in my opinion. That book is by far superior.

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Older adults who did high-intensity interval training HIIT , which entails short spurts of high-intensity exercise, not only lost weight but also had less DNA damage to muscle cells. And this helped trigger growth of new muscle. Rather, research now shows that a specific type of intermittent fasting, known as fasting-mimicking, can trigger weight loss as well as improve your overall health. People who followed this type of diet plan — where they consumed only to 1, calories five days out of each month but otherwise ate normally — lost, on average, six pounds, shed one to two inches of their waistline, and saw both their blood pressure and levels of IGF-1 a substance linked to increased cancer risk drop significantly, according to a University of Southern California study published last year.

How might it work? If you think your weight gain may have something to do with midlife stress aging parents, college tuition bills and managerial responsibilities at work, anyone? People who practice this technique — which involves paying attention to how hungry or full you feel, planning meals and snacks, eating as a singular activity without, say, also reading the paper or watching TV , and zeroing in on how your food really tastes — may be more successful at weight loss.

People who participated in an online mindfulness-based weight-loss program, for instance, lost more weight on average, about 4. Need some tips to get you started? Eat slowly put your fork down between bites, and chew your food well , try to have meals without any outside distractions, and follow the one-bite rule when it comes to favorite but fattening foods like desserts. Exclusive savings on hearing aids, accessories, and hearing products from HearUSA.

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