
Brouillard au pont de Tolbiac (French Edition)

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timelapse Tolbiac

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Brouillard au pont de Tolbiac : Leo Malet :

Additional information required You'll need to sign in or register for free before bidding. The auction you are viewing has now ended Show current auctions. I find the plot too light, to much previsible. But the weakness of the scenario does not compensate for the elegance of the drawing. Jun 14, Arnault Duprez rated it it was amazing. Non che sia tanto migliorato adesso. Qui il nostro anti-eroe affronta il suo passato anarchista.

Si sa i compagni rimangono tali anche di fronte a cambiamenti e rinunce. Ci troviamo di fronte alla chiamata a soccorso di un vecchio compagno. In un caso torbido, vedi violento. Se volete leggere alcuni romanzi di Malet vi raccomando: Le vicende dell'ispettore privato Nestor Burma dalla pipa taurina , mi hanno conquistato e leggo sempre con piacere le sue avventure.

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Le storie di Nestor Burma non annoiano mai , i suoi casi sono complicati e intricati e lo vedono sempre coinvolto in prima persona. Amanti del giallo , letta la prima storia dell'ispettore Nestor Burma , non potrete fare a meno di farvi coinvolgere dalle altre. Jul 01, Alex Panagiotopoulos rated it it was amazing Shelves: This guy can truly create the best atmosphere for this genre. Dark, moody, sometimes delusional, the protagonist tries to get the pieces of his past life together again through a crime long forgotten, and with him we do too.

Absolutly superb adaptation, one of tardi's best. Really looking forward to reading more of Nestor Burma's cases through the great artist's eye. May 28, Luigi Dall rated it it was amazing. Fantastico romanzo noir parigino scritto con maestria e sapienza da un ex-surrealista, ex-imbianchino, ex-guardiano notturno. Fa parte dei Nuovi misteri di Parigi, un viaggio negli arrondissements a volte sordidi a volte spietati sempre poetici e immaginifici. Cheers to Fantagraphics Books for putting out this wonderful graphic novel based on Leo Malet's Nestor Burma mystery novel.

The artwork by Tardi is masterful and the illustrations beautifully adapt the noir mood of the story. I highly recommend to any fan of comics, graphic novels, or detective fiction. My first exposure to Leo Malet and I'd like to read more. Very difficult to come by his stuff in English. Aug 25, Dawn rated it it was amazing.

Read the English language version of this graphic novel. Wow, this really impressed me.

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  • Brouillard au pont de Tolbiac (Nestor Burma by Jacques Tardi.

I felt like this was a movie adaptation - the streets and buildings look incredibly accurate. I loved the mood and pace Pioveva di brutto e si sa che, appena cadono anche solo due gocce, i taxi si fanno subito piu' rari. Dev'essere che si restringono con l'umidita'. Non trovo altra spiegazione.

  1. Bestselling Series.
  2. El jardín de los perfumes (EPUBS) (Spanish Edition);
  3. Download E-books Brouillard Au Pont De Tolbiac (French Edition) PDF - Rzeczoznawca E-books.
  4. Brouillard au pont de Tolbiac.
  5. Nestor Burma - Brouillard au pont de Tolbiac by Jacques Tardi on artnet!
  6. Past Auction.
  7. Valid bid!.
  8. His attempts to make a living from writing pulp fiction in Simenon's footsteps failed to provide him with bourgeois security and self-assurance. But at least, in the 's to 's, he created a credible French answer to Philip Marlowe, Nestor Burma. By the s Malet was almost forgotten, and his bitterness was such that from anarchist he went to having far-right and fairly racist political positions.

    He also was a bit of a difficult character, not surprisingly given his circumstances, always at odds with the world around him. Jacques Tardi, who does seem to have a penchant for authors and figures of this kind, did a brilliant job of resurrecting Burma almost single-handedly, thereby strapping his author Malet from oblivion, with this graphic novel adaptation. Set in 's Paris and rigourously black-and-white like a true film noir, this particular adventure is probably the one into which Malet put the most of his own autobiography.

    As always with Tardi, an impressive amount of research went into the preparation of the artwork, thousands of photographs allowing him to recreate an urban landscape that by the time of drawing had already changed a great deal since the time at which the action was set. You have to read it several times and to look at it for a long time to fully appreciate it.

    If you like the genre and Paris, it is hard to find anything more compelling and endearing. A true classic, and no wonder a few other Malet adaptations from Tardi followed, and the series is now being continued by other draughtsmen, respecting rigorously the aesthetics created by Tardi. Not bad as a heritage of a comic album. Apr 30, George K. This book is one of a series renowned for the atmosphere of Paris locations. That it's got, but the plot and characterization is weaker.

    Brouillard au pont de Tolbiac (Nestor Burma

    Nonetheless, well worth reading. Tout ce qui concerne les gitans m'agace encore, c'est des balivernes. Elles sont toutes plus ou mo In French. Elles sont toutes plus ou moins de sang royal. Having been impressed by the graphic novel versions of Malet's books it was a logical step to reading the text version and using my own imagination to populate the streets of Paris with the characters he describes.