
The Unwelcome Blessing: A Christian Therapist on Depression and Coping

He will help you because you are very, very important to Him. All you need is just a little help. Explore self-help and coping resources on dealing with depression, watch video testimonies of real people who suffered from major depression and with God's help found a way to overcome it. And if you feel like that's not enough, don't hesitate to ask for help. Call and get help , advice and prayer support.

Most of us look toward the holidays with anticipation, but for some, holidays are anything but joyful. Christian comedienne Chonda Pierce suffered from depression that temporarily took the laughter away. Justin Wren struggled with low self-esteem and depression even after achieving his dream of becoming a fighter. The Club Prayer Center brings your concerns to God in prayer. If you need ongoing support, we encourage you to contact the pastor of your local church. If you don't belong to a local church, please check out our church finder. I am the only mother they have. And they do not deserve a mother who stays in bed for days at a time.

My daughter Elaina wrote on a piece of scratch paper and gave it to me about a year ago. I hung it on my wall. But I know that when I struggle, I need him most. So I pick up something like the book of Psalms, and I read a little bit. My friend Katie said something very wise. For the last three months, I go to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy once a week.

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Talking is still a primary focus of this type of therapy, but the idea is working through my bad habits to assert better patterns in my life. Every week I leave therapy with a couple of action points to work on.

When Mom’s depressed; Addressing depression for the sake of my kids

It has helped me immensely as I battle depression to establish healthy behaviors back into my life. I understand that something in my brain is lacking, and depression ensues. I see a psychiatrist every other month. But that day is not today. I also am forcing myself with the help of my therapist to get outside and exercise. I take VItamin D, and other essential vitamins. Split up your life into three parts: Spiritual, behavioral, physical and make small measurable goals. I struggle with depression also.

With no friends or family in our state live in TN and all family and friends are in MI it is tough. I lean on Jesus and Our Father so much. I will pray for you too Gillian, and hopefully we can rise again to be the strong, leading women we are meant to be. Thanks for sharing your struggles with me, Cindy.

Thanks for having the courage to share this! I encounter far too many people in the church who suffer silently with depression. Check out 2 Corinthians 1. Thanks as well for reminding your readers that God sometimes answers prayers through directing us to evidence-based treatments for our afflictions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication. I agree about scripture having several examples of people who struggle with mental health issues. Thanks for this, Gillian…it is so important for us all to remember that being a Christian and having depression are NOT mutually exclusive…and that having depression does not indicate a lack of faith.

Katie, I love this statement!

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Can I add it in the post and credit you? I have struggled with depression off and on and this is what I have found out about ME: I need to be careful of the types of music I listen to, including the music in stores we do not usually pay attention to. Even some Christian music if it is not actually worship music can bring me down.

I also have learned to read my bible out loud to myself especially Psalms. I think of your courage and joy. I think of how you authentically care for people, how you invest in friendship and are quick to laugh. Your choice to shine a light on the dark corner of depression, despite the embarrassment and misunderstanding of our culture…. Beautiful character is being built here, and I believe Beast Depression is getting smaller and smaller.

I am always pleased to see someone willing to talk about being a mom and a Christian and depression all at the same time. As a mom, Christian and writer, though not as well-practiced at it as you are! I have learned my triggers and my helps.

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And even when I refuse the help God so graciously provides, I know that He is patiently carrying me through my bouts as well. Kudos to you not only for sharing, but also for continuing to use the resources God has placed around you to help in your ongoing struggle.

Author and Speaker

Blessings and prayers to you. Gillian, you are a great example to your daughters and to other people who struggle with depression.

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You know that has been a struggle for me, too. And I can echo your advice to reach out for help! There are so many tools available for all of us now. Thanks for writing about this. Thank you for this. I think your strategy for setting small, reachable goals in certain areas makes such good sense. I think when life becomes overwhelming, change feels like an immense task. I also loved my Christian counselor based at the Vineyard in Evanston — totally worth it to pay her to be my best friend.

Blessings Restored Redux | Diospsytrek's Blog

Thank you for being honest about this — a difficult topic in the Christian community. I have not kept an accurate count but there are probably about copies in circulation. Currently, it is only available from Amazon.

At one time it was in several other independent Christian bookstores that have since gone out of business. Facebook has this app that reminds you of things you posted on this date in years past. I mentioned the class several times on Facebook over the following month and I gave copies of the workbook to several people including the pastor at Northland in charge of counseling. I got remarkably little feedback on the book and only three people expressed any interest in the class.

Time passed and distracted by other things, I gradually lost interest in the project. So anyway, here we are four years later and a copy of the workbook sits next to my printer where it has been for the past four years. To my knowledge, coping with a psychological problem like a mood disorder had never been addressed in a step format. I was hopeful of using that first go to try out the format, get feedback and make modifications before I formally published it.