
One-A-Day From The Book of Mormon

This version has made it more fun for my children to look at, while I read it to them. They love the pictures! They are still too young to really understand the stories, but I am able to read it more, with them, and have the blessings of reading the scriptures, twice, daily! I hope to have all of my family and friends have the same book!

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As a single mom who had fallen away from the church, it finally took the missionaries and some dedicated church members, nearly 2 years ago, to inspire me to start reading The Book of Mormon with my 2 young sons. It was a huge leap of faith for me because at that time in my life I wasn't sure I even believed in a God anymore. We started reading from the original blue Book of Mormon that the church puts out and committed to reading a chapter each night. Although I had read The Book of Mormon in the past, I found I now had the hardest time not only comprehending the teachings myself, because of the knowledge I had lost, but an even harder time trying to put it into terms in which my sons could understand.

As a result, over time, we lost interest in our daily reading regimen. Last year, my new home teachers surprised us with "The Book of Mormon for Latter-Day Saint Families", and it has truly transformed our lives! Me and my sons get excited to follow along with the stories, look at the pictures and read the notes at the bottom of the page which help expand on the teachings, explaining things we never understood before. We can not only follow along SO much better, but we now actually comprehend the teachings and the history of the people! Anytime there are things we read which we aren't sure on the meaning of, we can look at the detailed footnotes and definitions at the bottom of the page which make it SO convenient, especially when dealing with the attention span of a 7 and 8 year old and trying to keep them attentive during reading.

Our reading has gone so well with this new book we have finally made it to the book of Third Nephi which was perfect timing given the recent celebration of the Easter holiday, allowing us to read of Christ's resurrection, bringing a special new meaning of the true spirit of Easter for my broken little family. Where once I had lost my testimony, I have found it again stronger than ever! I have been able to help be an example to my sons and help teach them the principles in this book that will help them build foundations for good in their own lives.

I wish every investigator of the church, convert or struggling member could have the chance to receive one of these books as I did We love reading our scriptures this way! We have bought them for all of our siblings when they get married.

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And so many of them have told us how much they love them as well! It is a great way to read the scriptures as a family! This Book of Mormon has changed our lives. Our family of eight had read the Book of Mormon once, then we bought this as our reward. The reward we received wasn't the beautiful book with definitions for all those words that your kids and you say, "what does that mean", but the enhancement of our nightly reading and understanding, and the desire that our family has to read it every night. I promise you ,it will help your families understanding and increase the knowledge your kids have of all the stories in the Book of Mormon.

Best book I have ever bought in my life. A treasure in our home. Beautiful pictures, with titles before every six verses or so explaining who's talking to who and what to listen for. This was the key to making family scripture study work well in our family. Not only does our 2 and 8 year old enjoy using all the helps, pictures and large print, even mum and dad love it.

Everybody who has seen our Book Of Mormon sitting on the kitchen table has gone and got one too. I have a very active 2 year old grandson who wanted to sit down with this book and just look at all the pictures. It became apparent that he was looking for all the pictures of Jesus. It was a heartwarming experience. We use this for our family scripture study with our young ones. Great resource for definitions, history, and pictures. A must for anyone with children. The New Testament for Latte Church History for Latter-d After my lecture, the king made his way directly to me, but this time without his linguist.

I responded with a question: I then asked if he knew about the ministry of Jesus Christ to the people of ancient America. He organized His Church and asked His disciples to keep a record of His ministry among them. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is a companion scripture to the Holy Bible. At this point, the king became very interested.

I turned to the mission president accompanying me and asked if he had an extra copy of the Book of Mormon with him. He pulled one from his briefcase.

I then presented the copy of the Book of Mormon to him. His response lodged in my mind and heart forever: Conversion is an individual matter. The Savior ministered to the Nephites one by one. Each individual receives a witness and testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. My brothers and sisters, how precious is the Book of Mormon to you? If you were offered diamonds or rubies or the Book of Mormon, which would you choose?

Honestly, which is of greater worth to you? Let me say that neither I nor eight-year-old Riley knew anyone was taking our pictures.

Book of Mormon: Uplifting Verses

Nowhere are those truths taught more clearly and powerfully than in the Book of Mormon. Looking at the Book of Mormon through these lenses has been an insightful and inspiring exercise! I recommend it to each of you. During these six months, I have invited various groups—including my Brethren in the Quorum of the Twelve, missionaries in Chile, and mission presidents and their wives gathered in Argentina—to consider three related questions that I urge you to think about today:.

First, what would your life be like without the Book of Mormon? Second, what would you not know? And third, what would you not have? Enthusiastic answers from these groups came straight from their hearts. Here are just a few of their comments:. I would be just like I was before I found the Church, when I was searching for knowledge, faith, and hope. Because of the Book of Mormon, I know that there really is life after death. That is the ultimate goal for which we are working. This last comment made me reflect on my life decades ago as a young surgical resident.

Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

One of the sobering responsibilities a surgeon bears, on occasion, is to inform the family when a loved one passes away. In one hospital where I worked, a special room was built with padded walls where family members could receive such news. There, some people manifested their grief by banging their heads against those padded walls. How I longed to teach those individuals that death, though difficult for surviving loved ones, is a necessary part of our immortal existence. According to the record, the people lived in unity and prosperity for nearly years following Christ's visit.

Then, over time, many people began to abandon Christ's teachings. Wickedness prevailed among them, and a war of extermination resulted in the destruction of an entire nation.

The Book of Mormon tells how these events were meticulously recorded on metal plates. The responsibility for maintaining and adding to this record, begun by the first people who left Jerusalem, was passed along from generation to generation.

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One of the last record-keepers was an ancient American prophet named Mormon who abridged the centuries of records into a more concise account on gold plates. This abridged record was passed from Mormon to his son Moroni pronounced Mo-RONE-eye , the last known survivor of his nation, who, near the end of his life, buried the plates in a hillside located in what centuries later became upstate New York.

Latter-day Saints believe that it was to this hillside, today called the Hill Cumorah , near Palmyra, New York, that Moroni returned in as an angel to lead the teenage boy Joseph Smith to the hidden plates. Early Church history records that Moroni eventually gave temporary custody of the gold plates to Joseph Smith, who permitted three men to see them and another eight men to handle them. These witnesses' written testimonies follow the Book of Mormon's introduction.

Joseph translated the plates in about three months after which he returned them to the angel Moroni. In the Book of Mormon was translated into Danish, its first translation to a non-English language.