
Klokking Twelve: Snapshots of a Life

This situation lasted another ten years. I see myself in the eyes of the students. I feel their eyes are a mirror that comforts and reassures me. I feel there is a value there, the value of that contact, a contact with a life in process. It is actually a very complex experience, which I live moment by moment; no two lectures are alike. On writing and other writers: Admittedly, they were all about a decade older, but each had something to show for himself, some form of evidence that he was really talented.

And what had I written, apart from one short story that proved nothing? This scared me even more and I stopped writing. I had health problems and underwent a serious operation, and I felt I might be dying, and suddenly I had this sensation of abrupt awakening: So, based on my relatively recent experience in America I wrote The Journey , and as I did so, for the first time I was learning; nothing teaches you to write better than writing. He would ring the bell, and when I opened the door he would find us laughing.

They call the passengers for boarding. Her husband holds out his hand to say goodbye, she clutches at his hand, beginning to weep. Weeping breaks into sobbing. Her husband entreats her to cancel her trip and go back home with him. She shakes her head, dries her tears, and proceeds with her son onto the plane. This when words fail to express the deep sadness at the loss of a great writer and activist. Mourid and Tamim, may you find solace in your shared memories. Reblogged this on farida66 and commented: Dear Tamim and Mourid Even though the time in Aarhus at my hospital was short I enjoyed very much our mutual talks about life.

My very best thoughts to you both. RIP from Nepal on the demise of Radwa. Much love to you my dear friend. I am always here if you need to talk. Go slow and revel in gratitude you are the expert here! I understand it is so hard to not have the physicality of Taz and my heart goes out to you.

But new wonders are going to open up for you. I am so sorry for your grief, angst, hurt in this very sad time. All my good energy goes out to you. What a wonderful tribute to Taz. I believe she will help guide us all through you. Please know that I feel deeply for your loss. Beautiful Pam, thanks for sharing. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Strength is with you. You are LOVE who has also touched millions and continues!! Pam, we were all hoping for the best.

Now we are all showering love on you. We are so sorry for your loss. Taz will always be with you now, and forever. God bless you for the work you do and the light you have shined down upon us. All of a sudden, I felt such a strong connection to you and a deep pain for your loss. I am a just a woman from a small town in Ohio, who loves your books, your newsletters, and all that you do to shine your light in the world. Thank you for sharing. You are rearranging the stars. Oh Pam, my heart exploded and sank, when I read your last post.

Oh Taz please now send some major unmistakable SIGNS to your dear mom Pam, that you are doing great, still around, having a blast with your grandmother and guides, finding the purpose for your apparent leaving us. Maybe you can coauthor a channelled book on travelling the spirit life, with your mom?

Dear Pam, please know you are surrounded by love from your friends near and far. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos of Taz, also. We care about you…. I can see you in her, and her eyes are just beautiful.

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We your followers are so lucky to have you inspiring us at this dreadfully sad and hard time for you, by your incredible example of strength, courage and grace at a time of huge grief. I am so grateful that you are inviting us into your world and sharing your precious memories of beautiful Taz with us. One day I hope I have the chance to give you a hug in person, but in the meantime I will hug you in my mind and send my love across the world to you via cyberspace. So very sorry for your loss — she was a beautiful human and remains a beautiful spirit who will be with you always xxxx Sending Love to you and all who knew and loved Taz.

The grace and clarity and ability to find joy through the immense love in the face of such sadness. Dear Pam, What a natural beauty! Her beautiful self shines in these photographs. Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments in time. In the face of the worst one could imagine, your love and light shine through with brilliance.

I bow to you. Con mucho amor, Jennifer Faith, Ajijic. The pictures are simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with all of us. So very brave and loving of you. Be kind to yourself. She was beautiful and it looks like she lived life to the full. Thinking of you all at this horrible time. Beautiful soul-you are an inspiration to all who follow you. What a brave woman you are. I thank you for your courage in sharing such a difficult time in your life. Love and prayers to you. Dear Pam, Thank you so much for the beautiful and amazing pictures of your beautiful and amazing daughter.

I am truly moved to tears again at the loss of Tasman from your physical life. Yes she is in Spirit and close but the inability to hug and dance together is an unrelenting ache. Sending all my love. Dearest Pam and family.

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Such beautiful photos, such a beautiful soul. Take one moment at a time to heal through this. Sending you and your family strength and hugs. I have been trying to respond to your last email since I received it. Not knowing what to say has kept me silent. What a life you exposed this beautiful girl to! And what a gift that you experienced them together! Yes, in these pictures her beauty and light shines through. Those gifts will live in all those she touched.

Your decision to share her life with others through organ donation is a beautiful tribute. My dear, dear Pam: You know me, not in person but yes in spirit. I remember when I knitted two scarves, one for you, one for Taz. I know God will bless you and I know you will hear from your beloved daughter. My heart goes to you. You know how much I love you and your loss has affected me in so many ways. Again, God bless you. Dear Pam, I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter. Your books have transformed my life. By absorbing your words and following your ideas, my spirit has been set free.

I wish I could give you back some of the enormous good you have given me. This will have to suffice: I send you all my love and support.

My magical Taz: snapshots of a life of incomparable goodness, grace and gusto

I love this photo story. As you wrote, there are absolutely no words. My heart is full of love, support and healing for you. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your daughter….. With so much Love, Kim. This is the unimaginable. I am so very sorry for your loss. When I opened your email this morning, I had to go back 3 times to grasp what I was reading.

My thoughts, prayers and healing energy are sent to you. My Gods good grace lift you up and carry you during this sad time. Dearest Pam, Thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful daughter. What a gift you gave her, and what a gift she gave you! How blessed you both are. I know she is with you always.

I read this email with great sadness.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Dear Pam I never met you in person but feel connected through reading all your books and blog. What a beautiful life you created and I cannot imagine how you are feeling. You have given me the gift of joy so now I would like to give the gift of being there for you in your grief. Sending all the light, love and peace you can take. Thank you for sharing this beautiful woman with all of us. She is a gift and an important symbol that life and breath are continuous gifts and opportunities.

Honor those that have moved on and up ahead of us, and taking the next step towards them. Thank you for sharing beautiful memories of Taz.

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All of her pictures are just so beautiful. I can feel her grace and dignity from that. I am sending you love and prayer from Japan I hope Taz had visited to Japan. We are looking forward to reading your 20th book! I can not imagine enough this time for you. So just pray for you,Taz and you mother. You are a wonderful mother, soul, survivor. I am grateful to know this wonderful girl Taz! May you all be blessed with the compassionate love And divine light to go forward!

Holding you to the light in love. Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures of your precious daughter. So damn sorry for this Pam. I have run out of platitudes. This sucks and sucks again. Looking forward to you sharing your albums of a different kind that the two of you will be co-creating together. I think the two of you are going to amaze us all. What a beautiful soul to share your life with. Thank you for sharing this most difficult of losses with us and for the wisdom and understanding that love never dies. Take good care and know that so much love is sending your way.

Pam, I wish I had known your daughter. From your descriptions of her, and these gorgeous pictures, all of us followers of yours can see that she was truly remarkable. She was and is a beauty, and clearly had an infectious zest for life, but more importantly, a light shines out of her eyes. That light will continue, even as she is lost to us in this life. What a gift she was to the universe! Check out my website http: Custom made to your size etc. Belts could be handles, etc. Sneakers are on the bottom of a Zumba bag. My tagline is… carry your memories with you. My mother and I lost my sister aged 18 and it is a miracle we made it through.

I pray angels appear in your life as they did mine. You are so very loved Pam, take care of your gentle soul right now. Pam, pictures are great! They are showing such a huge joy, love and goodness…Please, never give up believing, keep it alive. I am filled with both joy and sadness. You were blessed to have her but I am so very sorry she had to leave so soon, though I feel she will always be with you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

This year I have the incredible gift from my husband to meet you in Denver! I was also born in October 6 and send a lot of love for you and lights to you daughter. Way too short a life, but such a life! And, she is so very beautiful. Thank you for a look into the life of such a spirited young woman. I know you are proud. I have no doubt that she was and still is a very big presence in your life. Sending love, peace and guidance to help to heal all hearts involved. Remarkable in every way-beautiful Taz, her life story, the unbreakable bond between you, and your joint impact on the world.

As she and your mother go to the light, you continue to carry the light here on earth. Much gratitude for you and your family. Dear Pam, my heart goes out to you and your loved ones, bless to all them years you were connected in togetherness, wish you all strength, love and light With metta, Judith. What a beautiful tribute for your sweet daughter. It brings anew my own loss of my son at Blessings and love to you. I am just catching up as I have been out of the loop and was in need of my Pam Grout fix.

I am so very sorry…. My heart is broken for you and your family and friends who loved your sweet Daughter. Wishing you peace, love and light. Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing these pictures of Taz. I wish you love and light and I will support you with my heart in this difficult moment.

Elizabeth from Paris Courage. I feel so very heartbroken for you, I lost my teenage brother many years ago now and not a day goes by when I dont think of him. You and your beautiful daughter are in my thoughts. Sending you so much love X. Pam, please find some comfort in knowing that your love and support and enlightment gave Taz the perfect environment to become the most beautiful version of herself possible.

And because of that, she was able to touch so many lives and share her light. I know you will miss your adventures with her here in this dimension, but she will never be far from you. Pam, your light has changed the lives of many. Know that those whom you have lifted up are here and with you in light and love. May the wonderful memories of your daughter fill your heart so that emptiness cannot abide there. We share your heartbreak and loss of the beautiful Taz. I have been a reader and follower who so wished your premise was true but continue to doubt that we can shut out the pain in the world and be free spirits.

You practice what you preach and raised Taz to love life and live it to the fullest. She was a lucky girl too — growing up with you and all the adventure you offered her. If only we could give our children what you gave to Taz. Condolences too on the loss of your mother.

Losing both in such a short span of time is overwhelming. Thanks for sharing Taz with us. Such a beautiful woman and daughter. You are Blessed to have each other and have traveled together so much. Seeing you surrounded in love and light. You and Tas are a great inspiration to all who know you. Thank you for your presence in my life and I feel so blessed to have known Tas even though it was short time. I shall forever be inspired by the way she lived her life and the way she loved and gave such sweet hugs.

I wish there were words to write. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your beautiful, amazing, just like her mom, daughter. There are no words…only tears. May your heart be wrapped in a cocoon of love. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Camp Nashville is a zany scavenger hunt of Music City, complete with prizes. It's funny, uplifting, delightful and profound. I am ordering six copies for my daughters and their friends.

You rock, the book rocks, and so, of course, does Cosmo K. Augustine, producer for Oprah and Friends. It's called George Clooney Slept Here. It's all about resorts, spas and hideaways frequented by the unapologetically wealthy. And it's easily found by clicking here. Pam Grout 1 New York Times best-selling author. Let me be the first to congratulate you! The dazzling Tasman Grout We first met on October 8, With her best grade school friends from the hood.

I was never a prim and proper mother. She was quietly fearless and had a heart bigger than the sea for which she was named. She has the coolest friends. Who do the coolest things. In her beloved Barcelona Children adored Taz. What a beautiful soul! God be good to her! Thoughts and Prayers Pam… Reply. What a testament of love. All my love Reply. You brought all your magic through to birth such a beautiful soul and child.

You gave her so many rich experiences! This is so beautiful it brought me to tears. She such a beautiful soul. Sending you tremendous love and light during this difficult time. This organization is here to help you.

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So much love, Pam! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful spirit. Oh, I also voted today!! I join in prayer with yours and all the communion of saints to thank God for Taz. O Pam, What an awful news. She is a amazing soul. Thank you for sharing her pictures and your beautiful memories with us. Sending you lots of love and light, Caroline from the Netherlands Pam Grout schreef op Much love to you Pam.

Behind on emails so just now seeing this heartbreaking news. Sending tons of love and light your way. From a long-time reader of your books and blog. You never completely loose the pain in your being, but the love you still have for each other will always keep your joy very much alive Reply. Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos of Taz. Gratitude for sharing your experiences with us.

What a gorgeous girl. My heart breaks for you. Much love, Marie Reply. She is beautiful Pam. The Divine Light shows thru her brilliantly. Dear Pam We know that prayers have wings. Hugs from around the world, around the Universe, the Milky Way and beyond……… Reply. What a beautiful soul. With love, Shoshanna Reply. Sending you much love, Karen Wiand Reply. My sincerest deepest sympathy what a strong and amazing person you are.

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God bless you X Reply. Thank you Pam Those magnificent deep beautiful eyes Reply. She was a beautiful shining light, I am so sorry for the loss of your lovely daughter Pam. Thank you so much for sharing! You are such an inspiration! Love and Light to you both Reply. Know that I surround you in love and blessings of comfort and strength. May you be filled with the deep peace of the Presence, Pam. Please let me know if I can be a support to you in any way. Enfolding you in love, Jane Simmons Reply.

Love, love, love it! I am sorry for your loss.

Big silent hug for you and your family. God bless you, Pam. Much love Peg Reply. You blessed each other. Much love to you. A breathtakingly beautiful tribute. There are no words. A hug to you dear Pam xo Reply. Sorry for your loss Reply. We love you Pam. Sending you love on the airwaves… Reply.

Enjoy all those wonderful memories. Sending you love and support. We care about you… Reply. Much love, Monica Reply. She was a beautiful person just as you are… love you Pam Reply. Dear Pam, I have been trying to respond to your last email since I received it. You continue to be in my prayers. Let love surround and hold you. With so much Love, Kim Reply. Much, much love, Reply. Dear Pam, I read this email with great sadness.

Much love to you all. So beautiful to see. Thank you for sharing photos and memories of your beautiful daughter with us. Heartfelt love and prayers for you dear Zoam.

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Wow you gave her a fabulous life! I felt the specialness in that, Pam. So did the entire Universe! There is great love for you here. Thank you so much. Sending love to you and your family. Xo Love, Lacy Reply. They are showing such a huge joy, love and goodness…Please, never give up believing, keep it alive Reply. All my love for you and your family. I am very sad. Thank you so much for sharing. Big hug to you, Judy Crossley Reply. Oh dear, god — no! No words, really to express how deeply sorry I am for your loss. Sending you love and light Reply. Sending you so much love.

Dear Pam, my heart goes out to you and your loved ones, bless to all them years you were connected in togetherness, wish you all strength, love and light With metta, Judith Reply. Elizabeth from Paris Courage Reply. Sending you so much love X Reply.