
Thoughts of an American Taxpayer (Volume I)

When I wrote The Bluest Eye uppermost in my mind was that I wanted to read this book and no one had written it, so I thought that maybe I would write it in order to read it. Then I just hope I can bring other readers along and make the outrageous but hopefully accurate assumption that whatever is within, the intimacy that I find with the language is also something that the reader can enter. Me the writer, you the reader, this is a cooperative adventure. And I try to open it up so that you can step in. Nobody had ever written about how that kind of racism, even when it comes from within, hurts.

The rest of it was trying to write without what I call a white gaze. I was always talking within [my] community which is what everybody else who was a writer did. The New Yorker Race blogposts. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. Loading comments… Trouble loading? If not, then there is no help for you. You can work there and make enough to pay bills or you can be homeless.

I would work there too if I needed to. Can you imagine if all those people where unemployed? Walmart could afford to grant people full time status so they would have insurance and time off. I take care of many of these people in the clinic I work in and many of them ARE homeless. They make 7 bucks an hour and are only granted hours per week of work.

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The rest of the time, they are looking for a second job, or just trying to survive on the streets. When wages go up, so does everything else.

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Raising the minimum wage will NOT fix it! If Walmart paid their employees a living wage, your precious cheap crap you buy in their stores would go up by very little. Everyone deserves a living wage. And, yes, I have taken an economics class and there are a great deal of leading economists who are supportive of increasing the minimum wage.

Good for you that you worked so hard to get your degree. I did too…but not everyone has the ability to get a higher education. Not everyone is smart enough to get a higher degree. Not everyone is meant to. Someone has to serve you all that cheap crap you buy. If everyone had a higher degree, there would be a lot of out of work people with college degrees, or there would be a lot more college degreed people working in very low paying jobs.

The desire to rise above and make a better life for themselves and their children! We still, or for the time being anyway, have the greatest society in the world, and there are opportunities for everyone who are willing to work for them. Either way, those of us who have worked our asses off to have what we have, are the ones who pay for it. Either way, you can bet your sweet ass that And that honey is a FACT!! The greatest society in the world?

You must not read much about world economics and quality of life issues. There are several countries that are ahead of the US in quality of life — take Canada, Sweden, Australia, and Norway, for instance. Not everyone is smart enough to get a higher education. Not everyone is as lucky as your housekeeper who had your help. Again, not everybody is meant to have a higher education. You need people to be in service work and retail. Does that mean they should live in poverty?

Do you honestly believe Are you really that clueless? There are companies that do fine and pay their employees a good wage.

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Take a look at Costco In and Out Burgers. There are countries that are doing fine paying a much higher minimum wage than in this country…. Australia, for instance, pays a minimum of 16 per hour and they somehow escaped the economic recession felt in the rest of the world.

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They also provide grants for students to receive a higher education. Do you think the widening gap between the rich and the poor is the way we need to keep going? Having lived in a developing country, I can honestly say the US is moving more in the direction of the 3rd world where there is a lot of money at the top while the rest of the people have no food. We are quickly becoming modern day slaves to the rich slave master. Take a look at this upworthy video… http: I said If And as for those poor school districts, again…..

This government, rather than encouraging people to start at the bottom and work their way to the top, has become a society that rewards people for being lazy and immoral and has made them to believe that those of us who WORK for a living somehow OWE it to them to care for them too while they sit on their asses and do nothing to better themselves. If you think that there are so many countries so much greater than ours, pack your ass up and go there!!

My husband started at a minimum wage job, jut like everyone else and worked himself up to a 6 figure income even thought it took 23 years, and as a kid, I worked with my mother at an egg farm gathering eggs for 50 cents an hour. Wow…thanks for the reality check. I have seen the light! Keep watching Fox because it has obviously taught you a great deal. I just form my views from reading, working in public health, and working to help people who are in dire straits…people without cell phones or internet…many of them homeless and very sick.

They are just abusing the system and using our hard earned tax dollars. Those poor people really are horrible. Thanks for enlightening me. I should go into working for a for-profit entity so I can feel better about myself. Well there ya go! SMH… Like I said, put your money where your mouth is. I have a small window unit that I use sparingly.

I see them every day and am grateful for what I have. You are just mean. You have a degree and work in the healthcare field, but CHOOSE to work for low wages and barely get by because you are such a compassionate and wonderful person…. I get it now. It just is what it is. What more do you want? You obviously have no concern for people who are underserved and in poverty.

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I doubt very seriously anybody at Walmart finds it to be a rewarding job. I am fortunate and grateful that I have a choice…. Living in a third world country taught me how lucky I am and yes…it was a volunteer gig. I found myself being embarrassed to be an American because most of the natives and the ex-pats from other countries thought everyone in America resembles you.

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I consider you a disgusting excuse for a human being. Your mean-spirited posts demonstrate an incredible lack of empathy or compassion! You are the epitome of the tea party loser, who thinks only of themselves and spends their time blaming the victims. Socialism is why we have roads, public hospitals — many good things… So calling helping others socialism is not the insult you think it is, in your pitiful ignorance!

Raising the minimum wage has NEVER had the effect you predict study history but it would raise many out of the terrible poverty you look down on! I pity you your nasty mind — it must be a terrible place to live, filled with evil and anger and blame! Well said Liberal Tess. It is alrigjt fof them because well it is them but if it happens to you here comes the soap box and they want to portray you as lazy, druggie or living off the government. No maybe not it is because they are like a cancer when they come into a cummunity.

In rural areas they have a monopoly on the buisiness.

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Fastforward until today the largest employer in the US is Walmart and their employees work for minimum wage , provide no health insurance for them. Then depend on taxpayers to help pay their payroll. They are already set up to avoid the estate tax when a Walton dies. They will pay more to get out of taxes than if they would just do their civic duty.

If Walmart did not have congress on their payroll and had competition as lousy as their products are I believe if taxpayers would help build me a store help subsidize my payroll and on on I would put their sorry butt out of buisiness. If every Walmart shut down tomorrow it would bring a smile to my face the Waltons are socialist..

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I will never set foot in their stores. Buy somewhere else for Christmas watch the Waltons squirm kn their filthy greed. Why and how and the hell can you defend the owners of Walmart in this situation. Walmart is the scum of the earth. Your moral compass is in a Walmart toilet.

Tell me how they or you can justify that.? If I was in Congress the Waltons would be paying every cent back plus intrest. Where I live they come into a town and shut down all stores. Paint store gone, electrical store gone, plumbing store gone, appliance stores gone. Some of those people probably made 15 hr working in their mom and pop store but now has to feel lucky to take Walmarts crappy minimum wage job because uless they drive 75 miles each way Walmart is the only employer in town The only reason Target and K Mart are still open the few that are anyway is because Walmart allows them just to get caught monopoly which they are.

They swindle and weasel out of paying their fair share of taxes. Wal mart and you defending them makes me want to puke because you know it is those damn workers who are causing them to be the greedy slime they are. So your anger goes after the worker for not being like you, and my anger goes after the one who has the money to keep this from happening but rather I pay for it. Everybody cannot be a boss. You have to have workers , so what if all companies did this? You are Okay with helping pay their salaries? The man or woman who has nothing and work for Walmart and need help to live you are disgusted with but the family that is one of the wealthiest in the world you have no problem with them hording every penny they have and live off of taxpayers.