
X-Men: Phoenix Warsong: Phoenix - Warsong

Jake is startled by the entrance of the three Phoenix hosts and Celeste takes a liking to him. When time starts back up in the dome, the trio assist Jake in dispatching the car-cops that surround him. The Cuckoos then head further into the facility; where Phoebe is drawn to a mechanical representation of Dr. Sublime, who welcomes them to a secret room.

There they are introduced to a multitude of Cuckoos clones suspended in stationary tubes. Sign In Don't have an account? X-Men Phoenix Warsong Vol 1 2. Marc Silvestri Joe Weems. Warsong, Part Two ". X-Men Phoenix Warsong 1. X-Men Phoenix Warsong 3. The fire has her hooks in you.

Woke you up too early. The pilot tells the girls that they are unidentified fliers and reminds them that this is a restricted military zone. If they do not surrender, they will be dealt with accordingly. Celeste screams at the presence of the large Sentinel, but Mindee and Phoebe fly on without a care. Below, Cyclops is shocked that the Cuckoos can fly. No, says Emma, before telling Hellion to cut it out. He is the only telekinetic there, so he better set the girls back down or else. Realizing that he is telling the truth, Emma switches back to her flesh form and tells the Cuckoos that they are bad girls.

Mindee and Phoebe made her. She then uses her telepathy to forcefully disable the Cuckoos, who scream in pain and fall to the ground, though the Sentinel catches them.

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The three Cuckoos wake up to find themselves in darkness. Each is in her own windowless and door-less cube. Celeste is confused and calls out to her sisters. In their respective cubes, Mindee and Phoebe do the same. Emma telepathically tells the three that their sisters cannot hear them.

Emma tells the girls, who each think they are alone, that she will dive into their brains to find out what is happening, unless they tell her. Emma tells the girls not to be stupid. They are not strong enough for this. She will break them. Phoebe tells Emma that they will break her. Emma suddenly realizes that the Cuckoos are now in her head, and fights them off. She tells them to get our. Coolly, Mindee asks Miss Frost what is wrong. Suddenly, they are pitched into total darkness. Mindee calls out to Miss Frost, but Phoebe tells her that she is gone.

The three girls realize that they are back in their room and on their bed. Celeste begins to cry as she can feel her sisters again. Phoebe tells Celeste to shut up. Suddenly, Celeste can no longer speak telepathically to Phoebe and has to resort to talking out loud.

X-Men Phoenix Warsong Vol 1 2

Why did she pull her mind away? Miss Frost, let them go! Phoebe tells Celeste that she closed off her mind because she is tired of her whining. Still crying, Celeste tells Mindee not to go too.

X-Men: Phoenix Warsong #1

Mindee tells Celeste that something has happened to them, but Celeste pretends nothing has happened. They have no idea what they are capable of. Phoebe gets up and walks away, stating that they will find out. They are not used to that and fought back hard. They are free now, but still apart and confused. They will come to them vulnerable and the X-Men must use that to break them. You really are a psychopath. Emma pleads with Kitty that they have to find out where the Cuckoos new powers came from. Kitty reminds Emma that secondary mutations are nothing new and come during a time of great stress.

Beast agrees and tells the group that the tests he has been able to fun so far reveal no outside energy signatures from the girls. Cyclops asks Emma what she thinks is going on. Emma admits that she had a dream where she killed them all. She burned the whole world. Cyclops pauses, and then tells Emma that it is over. No, says Emma, confidently. Jean is gone, reiterates Scott. Emma will not bear her burden. They are my girls, says Emma. If Emma could not control it, how could the Cuckoos? Hold on, says Kitty. She cannot believe this.

Does Emma have any evidence other than this dream that these girls have anything to do with the Cuckoos?

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Emma, sweating, whispers for the X-Men to hush. Beast asks Cyclops what the plan is. Cyclops tells him that the Cuckoos are as confused as they are. Let them come to him. See what they have to say. However, they should be ready for anything. Beast runs some tests on Celeste, who tells him that she has no clue what is going on. It is like when Esme left, or when Sophie died, but only worse. No one is dying, consoles Beast, just changing. He has done it a few times himself. This is different, says Celeste.

There are no new psionic signatures or ectoplasm energies or alien symbiote or lighting-bolt forehead scars. This is just an average secondary mutation. But, I can feel, says Celeste. That is normal, replies Beast. But we are not, retorts back Celeste. Nothing can touch them when they are together. Now that Mindee and Phoebe have pulled away, everything is confusing. Beast explains that there is a technical term for that.

It is called growing up. Unhappy, Celeste tells Beast that he does not understand. At first, she thought it was Phoebe, but now she realizes that it is in her too. Something wrong and dark is growing. Beast tells Celeste that almost everyone he knows feels that.

He beckons Celeste to go into his mind to see for herself. He explains to her that Jean trademarked the feeling when she became Dark Phoenix. Celeste pulls back, and Beast tells her that she will learn to fight it and to control it. Here is another dirty secret: Emma will help her. Celeste looks at Beast and asks how Emma can help them when she has the same problem? As the sun rises, Wolverine squares off against Phoebe in a jousting exercise, while the gold and blue Sentinel watches. Wolverine bids Phoebe a good morning and gives her five points for coming to class early, but deducts ten for showing up in her pajamas.

Annoyed, Phoebe holds her stick and tells Logan that she thought he taught combat, not comedy. Wolverine lunges at her, but Phoebe takes off to the sky. She is picking up on something else. There is all kinds of information that she is starting to see.

X-Men: Phoenix – Warsong - Wikipedia

While Phoebe babbles, Wolverine slaps her with his stick and she falls down. You come here to talk, or fight, asks Wolverine.

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  • X-Men: Phoenix - Warsong #1 (Nov 2006, Marvel)?

Angry, Phoebe flies right at Wolverine. At the main plaza, Emma sits on a stone bench and greets Mindee. Mindee tells Emma that she is afraid of them.

No, scared for you, replies Emma. Mindee demands that Emma tell her about what is happening to her. However, it is clear that she cannot control it. Emma realizes that Mindee wants a fight, and tells her pupil not to do this. Emma stands up and the two begin a rather silent psionic struggle.