

Sacred Pathways

I could understand what he was talking about and he seemed to know what he was doing. When he learned what had been prescribed for me in Virginia, his jaw dropped. Apparently this doctor knows just one or two medicines and is prescribing the same one for virtually everything. It took some time, however, for the spiritual analogy to become clear. Over and over again we give Christians the same spiritual prescription: All you have to do is develop a thirty- or sixty-minute quiet time and come to church every Sunday morning.

Because it's simple, it's generic, and it's easy to hold people accountable to. But, for many Christians, it's just not enough. Tozer warns, 'The whole transaction of religious conversion has been made mechanical and spiritless. We have almost forgotten that God is a person and, as such, can be cultivated as any person can.

Spiritual Pathways Support Group

It's one thing to witness spiritually empty people outside of church; what concerns me is meeting more and more Christians inside church who suffer this same spiritual emptiness. Ultimately, it's a matter of spiritual nutrition. Many Christians have never been taught how to 'feed' themselves spiritually. They live on a starvation diet and then are surprised that they always seem so 'hungry.

One of the most refreshing things that happened to my marriage was breaking my wrist. It was a serious break, requiring surgery, and thrust Lisa and me out of our routine. We did most everything together, in part because I needed so much help. Since my exercise was limited to walking, we took near-daily walks. We answered email together initially, I couldn't type. For a while, Lisa even helped me get dressed. Okay, you try tying your shoe with one hand! Being out of our routine, Lisa and I discovered a deeper and newer love.

The romance was always there; it had just been buried under the accretions of always doing the same thing.

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I've found that many people face the same dilemma in their walk with God. Their love for God has not dimmed, they've just fallen into a soul-numbing rut. Their devotions seem like nothing more than shadows of what they've been doing for years. They've been involved in the same ministry for so long they could practically do it in their sleep.

It seems as if nobody in their small groups has had an original thought for three years. They finally wake up one morning and ask, 'Is this really all there is to knowing God?

1. Worship Pathway

I was leaving the house between 5: That left an hour to have dinner with my family, an hour to spend some time with my children, half an hour to get the kids in bed, and about another hour to pay the bills, take out the garbage, catch up on my wife's day, and take phone calls. If we had an evening meeting, everything was crunched even tighter.

To have a sixty-minute quiet time, which had been a cherished staple of my spiritual diet, I would have had to get up at 4: I was able to fit in some daily Bible reading before I left the house and a time of prayer during my morning commute, but I felt I was cheating. Vacations and weekends offered the opportunity to resume this discipline, but the workweek demanded something else.

Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary

This struggle to find a new 'spiritual prescription' became a great blessing because I began to find new ways to nurture my soul. Perhaps the primary lesson I learned was that certain parts of me are never touched by a standardized quiet time. My discipline of quiet times was and is helpful; however, I came to realize that it was not sufficient. Other parts of my spiritual being lay dormant. Log In to sync your basket across devices. About Excerpt Meet the Author Reviews. Her focus is on stress management and all levels of well being.

Let Martina help you find deep relaxation and ways of dealing with your every day stressors. Patwant offers healings, teachings and yoga classes that are powerfully transformative and healing. She is also the author of the beautiful poetry and meditation anthology Prada Apana.

Spiritual Pathways

As a second generation astrologer Heidi has stardust in her blood. She is closely following in her Grandmothers footsteps and has found that Astrology is the tool that gives deep insight into the soul within the chart and the intricacies of its essential nature. Time to Think Coach. Brining Quantum Touch and Emotional Freedom Technique to her healing and coaching practice Cecilia is able to help you heal from past emotional traumas and remove the resulting energy blocks.

Brett Simpson aims to help those going through cancer to understand what to expect and to process their journey. This is a holistic and multi-faceted recovery process. During our sessions Kate has facilitated and supported significant shifts in my being. These shifts have led to a healthier, happier me on all levels - spirit, mind, body and emotional being.

She has helped me clear and release major blocks and patterns on all these levels, allowing a calmer, more connected and balanced me to emerge.

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Her energy work is brilliant, her intuitive counselling cuts right to the core, and her communication to me of the issues at hand and how best to approach them is excellent. Her integrity, both in her personal as well as professional capacity, is unquestionable. From time to time I have needed to simply have a telephonic session, often to understand these processes. These have been equally helpful, and an invaluable source of support.

I highly recommend Kate Spreckley of Spirit Pathways for anyone seeking facilitation, guidance or support in creating a healthier, more harmonious relationship in themselves between spirit, mind, body and emotional being. It has impacted all aspects of my life in the best possible way, including my relationship with myself, my relationship with others, and to my work. The deep healing and positive, enduring changes it facilitated in me on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level are nothing short of radical.

I now have an amazing set of tools to manage and navigate the challenges of life. I have stripped away all that needed to be shed, and rebooted. Through the journey of her brilliantly constructed process, I remembered, reconstituted and fully aligned with the divine soul self that I am. I have redefined for myself what it means to be a being of power, a power that has pure light and love at its core.

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It has fully restored my trust and faith in my spiritual source, in myself, and in my divine path.