
When Your Labour Needs Deliverance

Criminals in the House of God. The Mystery of First Fruit Offering. Deliverance of the Brain. Dealing with the Satanic Exchange. The Wealth Transfer Agenda.

More by D. K. Olukoya

Kill Your Goliath By Fire. Destroying the Evil Umbrella. Power against the Mystery of Wickedness. Drawers of Power from the Heavenlies. The A-Z of Complete Deliverance. The Way of Divine Encounter. Divine Prescription for your Total Immunity. Dealing with Destiny Thieves. Power Against Coffin Spirits. Bringing Down the Power of God. Pray your way into Your Foundation and Your Destiny.

Silencing the Birds of Darkness. Power Against Unclean Spirits. Open Heavens through Holy Disturbance. Battle Against the Wasters. Connecting to the God of Breakthroughs. The Mystery of the Mobile Temple. Wealth must change hands. Prayers to End your Dry Season. Killing the Serpent of Frustration. Dealing with Local Satanic Technology. Secrets of Spiritual Growth and Maturity. Prayers to Move from Minimum to Maximum.

The Evil Cry of your Family Idol. Release from Destructive Covenants. Handling the Sword of Deliverance. Beat the Best and be the Best. The Spirit of the Crab. Prayer is the Battle. Victory Over Satanic Dreams. Prayers to Move from Minimum to Maximum. The Evil Cry of your Family Idol. Beat the Best and be the Best. The Spirit of the Crab. Prayer is the Battle. Victory Over Satanic Dreams.

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Prayer Passport to Crush Oppression. Power Against Dream Criminals. Prayer Warfare Against 70 Mad Spirits. Raiding the House of the Strongman. Pray your Way to Breakthrough. Power to Shut Satanic Doors. The Madness of the Heart. Your Mouth and your Warfare. Praying by the Blood of Jesus. Deliverance of the Tongue. How to Find the Presence of God. Dealing with Hidden Curses. God of 24 Hour Miracles, Arise.

Power for Explosive Success. When You are Under Attack. The Problem of Bewitched Hands and Feet. Dealing with Spiritual Defilement. Power Against the Enemy Opposed to your Shining. Tied Down in the Spirit. Power to Recover Your Lost Glory.

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Power to Recover your Birthright. How to Pray When Surrounded by Enemies. Possessing the Tongue of Fire. Born Great But Tied Down.

Too Hot to Handle. Taking the Battle to the Enemy's Gate. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. The bible has described in vivid terms that God is aware of the high spate of demonic hostilities. Hence the Holy Spirit has released the prophetic revelations in this book in order to place us in good stead for a unique role in this end times.

This manual is the first of its kind. This is the apex of deliverance. We are the threshold of a revival of spiritual warfare. The sweeping and the far reaching effect shall be best described as awesome! Account Options Sign in. When Your Labour Needs Deliverance. Olukoya May 2, In our world today, there are many hard-working professional and skillful men and women that have nothing to show for their knowledge and hard work.

Some of these people have become frustrated and many have ended up as failures mainly because they are ignorant. In it, the author takes time to define labour and to talk about the powers that can make a person to become unsuccessful in his endeavors.

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  7. A conscientious application of the lessons in this book will transform you to a high achiever. This chapter, page turner accurately diagnoses and proffers fail-proof prayers for breakthroughs in diverse, challenging life-situations; ranging from Prayers for Spiritual growth, Profitable sales, Divine favour, Marital breakthroughs, Salvation of loved ones, Victory in Court, Success in Exams, Career Breakthroughs, Victory over Nightmares, Success in Ministry, Breaking Curses, Divine Healing leading to Divine health guarantees, Deliverance from satanic attacks and many more.

    Prayer Rain provides a way out for all those wallowing helplessly under satanic harassment. Knowing what to do and, and doing it right could make a difference between who sinks or swims in the river of life. Prayer Rain is a spiritual life-jacket.