
Le Mie Mani Da Mostro (Italian Edition)

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She has a degree B. You nasty little witch! He goes out, accompanied by Leporello and the peasants. Tell me, my dear, didn't I handle it neatly? Do you suppose an honourable man, a noble cavalier, as I believe myself to be, could permit such a lovely little face, such sweet beauty to be stolen by a clumsy oaf?

  1. Biography | Consuelo Murgia.
  2. See a Problem?.
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  4. In crisi by Consuelo Murgia!
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  7. Cómo encontrar su pareja perfecta (Spanish Edition).

You were not made to be a peasant girl. Another fate is called for by those roguish eyes, those lovely lips, those slender, perfumed fingers, so soft to the touch and smelling of roses. Io so, che rado colle donne voi altri cavalieri siete onesti e sinceri. I know that you cavaliers are only rarely honest and sincere with women.

True nobility can be seen in the honesty of one's eyes. Come now, let's not waste time. I want to marry you on the spot. That little villa there is mine, and there, my jewel, we will be married. There you will give me your hand, there you will tell me "yes". You see, it is not far; Let us leave, my beloved. My heart trembles a little. It's true I would be happy, but he may just be tricking me. There you will give me your hand. Il ciel mi fece udir le tue perfidie. Io sono a tempo di salvar questa misera innocente dal tuo barbaro artiglio! Heaven willed that I should overhear your lies.

I am in time to save this innocent from your dreadful scheming. What's this I hear? Io so, crudel, come tu ti diverti! Da miei tormenti impara a creder a quel cor; e nasca il tuo timor dal mio periglio! Ah, fuggi il traditor! Parte conducendo via Zerlina. I know, cruel one, how you enjoy yourself! Don't listen to what he says! His lips are lying ones, his eyes deceiving. Learn from my suffering to trust what I say, and let my misfortune make you afraid. Ah, flee the traitor, etc. Don't listen to what he says, etc.

She leaves with Zerlina. Everything is going badly. Entrano Donna Anna e Don Ottavio. Donna Anna and Don Ottavio enter. Do you have a heart, a generous nature? My relatives, my parents, this arm, this sword, my possessions, my blood, all I will give to serve you. But, Donna Anna, why do you weep thus? Who was the cruel one who dared to trouble your peace of mind? Non ti fidar, o misera, di quel ribaldo cor! Do not believe, unhappy one, in that faithless heart! The villain has already betrayed me! Now he seeks to betray you.

Her pallor, her tears fill me with pity! Non credete al perfido; restate! Do not believe the faithless one! Le tue colpe ed il mio stato voglio a tutti palesar! I passi suoi voglio seguir; non voglio che faccia un precipizio. People are beginning to gather around us. Be a little more prudent, you will become an object of gossip. Your guilt and my situation shall be known to all. Don't place your hopes, etc. Donna Elvira goes off. I must follow her. I don't want her to do anything rash. Excuse me, most beautiful Donna Anna. If I may be of service to you I await you in my house.

That man is my father's murderer! The parting words the villain uttered, his whole voice recalled to my heart that worthless creature who, in my apartment Is it possible that beneath the sacred cloak of friendship? But how was it? Tell me about the strange happening. Ma riconobbi poi che un inganno era il mio.

At first I mistook him for you, but then I realised that I was mistaken. I tried to free myself but he seized me all the harder. I screamed, but no one came! With one hand he tried to quiet me, and with the other he seized me so hard that I already thought myself lost.

The Mexican Wife

Or sai chi l'onore rapire a me volse, chi fu il traditore che il padre mi tolse. Vendetta ti chiedo, la chiede il tuo cor. Rammenta la piaga del misero seno, rimira di sangue coperto il terreno, se l'ira in te langue d'un giusto furor. Or sai chi l'onore, ecc. Vendetta ti chieggio, ecc. Ah, di scoprire il vero ogni mezzo si cerchi. Io sento in petto e di sposo e d'amico il dover che mi parla: Quickly I followed him as far as the street in order to catch him, becoming in my turn the pursuer.

My father ran out, wanted to learn his identity, and the rascal, who was stronger than the old man, completed his misdeed by murdering him! Now you know who tried to steal my honour from me, who was the betrayer who took my father's life. I ask you for vengeance.

Your heart asks for it, too. Remember the wound in the poor man's breast, the ground all around covered with blood, if ever in your heart your just anger weakens. Now you know who tried, etc. I ask you for vengeance, etc. Ah, I must get at the truth any way I can. I feel that as a friend and lover my duty is plain: I must either undeceive her or avenge her.

Dalla sua pace, ecc. Entra Leporello, poi Don Giovanni. Eccolo qui; guardate con qual indifferenza se ne viene. Upon her peace of mind mine also depends; what pleases her is what gives me life, what displeases her is what gives me death. If she sighs, then I, too, must sigh. Her anger becomes my own. Her tears belong to me. And there can be no joy for me if she is not happy. Upon her peace of mind, etc. Enter Leporello, then Don Giovanni. There he is now. Look at the indifference with which he comes. Altri canta, altri scherza, altri seguita a ber. E con lei chi viene?

They soon became intoxicated. Some sang, some joked, others continued to drink. At the height of it all, guess who dropped in? And who was with her? Aria Finch'han dal vino calda la testa, una gran festa fa preparar. Se trovi in piazza qualche ragazza, teco ancor quella cerca menar. Senza alcun ordine la danza sia; chi 'l minuetto, chi la follia, chi l'alemana farai ballar.

Ed io frattanto dall'altro canto con questa e quella vo' amoreggiar. Ah, la mia lista doman mattina d'una decina devi aumentar! The affair could not be going better. You began it, I will finish it. These lusty peasant lasses are too much on my mind. I want to amuse them until night comes. Aria So that the wine may set their heads whirling, go and prepare a wonderful party.

If on the way you meet some young lady, try also to bring her along. Let the dancing be spontaneous. They can do the minuet, the gavotte or the waltz, just as you like. And I in the meantime behind the scenes will be flir ting with this one and that one. Ah, to my list tomorrow morning you will have to add at least ten names!

Il tatto sopportar dovrei d'una man infedele? Ed hai l'ardimento di scusarti? Porre in fronte a un villano d'onore questa marca d'infamia! Ah, se non fosse lo scandalo, vorrei - Partono i contadini. Why should I let a hussy like you touch me? Don't speak that way, cruel man. I don't deserve such treatment from you.

You have the effrontery to make excuses? To remain alone with a man, abandoning me on my wedding day! To shame an honest working man in such a manner! Ah, if it were not for the scandal I would like to - The peasants leave. Non me lo credi? Vien qui, sfogati, ammazzami, fa tutto di me quel che ti piace; ma poi, Masetto mio, ma poi fa pace. Ah, lo vedo, non hai core! Pace, pace, o vita mia, ecc. Siamo pure i deboli di testa!

If I have been tricked by him? And then, what do you fear? Calm yourself, my love; he did not touch even the tips of my fingers. You don't believe it? Do everything you want to me, but afterwards, my Masetto, let us make peace. Aria Beat me, beat me, my Masetto, beat your poor Zerlina. I'll stay here like a lamb and await your every blow. Beat me, beat me, etc. I'll let you pull my hair out, I'll let you gouge my eyes out, and then happily I will kiss your wonderfully sweet hands. Ah, I see you have no heart!

Let's make up, my own true love. In happiness and joy we must pass the days and nights, yes, each day and every night, etc. Let's make up, my own true love, etc. We must be weak in the head! Ah, capisco, capisco, bricconcella!! Why do you grow pale? Ah, I understand, you hussy! You fear that I will learn how things went between you two.

Ah, non t'asconder, o Masetto! Entrano Don Giovanni con servi, e contadini. Su, coraggio, o buona gente! Vogliam stare allegramente, vogliam rider e scherzar. Where are you going? Do not hide here, oh Masetto! If he finds you, woe is you. You don't know what he might do. Don Giovanni enters, followed by a group of servants. Come, courage, my good people!

We want to have a good time, we want to laugh and joke. Alla stanza della danza conducete tutti quanti ed a tutti in abbondanza gran rinfreschi fate dar. Svegliatevi da bravi, ecc. Partono servi e contadini. Vieni un poco in questo loco, fortunata io ti vo' far. Vieni un poco in questo loco, ecc. To the ballroom now lead everybody and see to it that refreshments are served in plenty. The servants and the peasants go out. Zerlina is looking for a place to hide. Come over here for just a moment; I want to make you happy. Come over here for just a moment, etc. Don Giovanni prende Zerlina e vedendo Masetto fa un moto di stupore.

Venite omai con me. Don Giovanni pulls Zerlina away but coming face to face with Masetto, stops in amazement. Your beautiful Zerlina cannot, poor girl, stay any longer without you. Now come along with me. Temo pel caro sposo, e per noi temo ancor. Leporello apre la finestra. Banish, my darling, your anguish and fear. I fear for my beloved, and for us all.

Leporello opens a window. Let us go, my dear friends. He retires from the window. Scena quinta La sala da ballo nella casa di Don Giovanni Don Giovanni fa seder le ragazze e Leporello parla con dei ragazzi. Tornerete a scherzar e ballar. Leporello is chatting to some of the men. You will soon be joking again. Qui bisogna cervello adoprar, ecc. Tocca pur che ti cada la testa! Oh, briccona, mi vuoi disperar! This is getting worse all the time, etc. Now we'd better use our heads, etc. Go on and touch her, so I can lop off your head! Ah, flirt, you're driving me to distraction, etc. ALL Hurray for freedom!

Vien qua, Masetto caro, facciam quel ch'altri fa. Come here, my dear Masetto, let us do what the others are doing. Zerlina, come this way. Facciam quel ch'altri fa. Leporello balla con Masetto. Don Giovanni ballando conduce via Zerlina. Partono Don Giovanni e Zerlina. Let us do what the others are doing.

Consuelo Murgia

Leporello dances with Masetto. Don Giovanni, dancing with Zerlina, leads her towards an exit. Don Giovanni and Zerlina go off into another room. He leaves hastily after them. Ah soccorretemi, son morta! Don Giovanni esce colla spada in mano, conducendo per un braccio Leporello.

Ah save me, or I am lost! Don Giovanni, sword in hand, re-enters dragging Leporello with him. But I will punish him! Si cavano la maschera. They take off their masks. Trema, trema, o scellerato!

Don Giovanni libretto (Italian/English) - opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Ma non manca in lui coraggio. Non si perde o si confonde. Se cadesse ancora il mondo, nulla mai temer lo fa. Ma non manca in me coraggio. Non mi perde o mi confondo. Se cadesse ancora il mondo, nulla mai temer mi fa. Now the whole world shall know of the horrible, black crime of your arrogant cruelty! Listen to the sound of vengeance as it thunders all around you! Upon your head this very day its thunderbolt shall fall.

Four Italian Poets: Laura Accerboni, Fabiano Alborghetti, Mia Lecomte, and Sabine Pascarelli

A dreadful storm, oh Lord, its thundering over him. But he does not lack for courage. He is not lost or worried. If the world itself should end, nothing could make him afraid. A dreadful storm, oh Lord, is thundering above me.

Gli occhi di una mosca (Italian Edition)

But I do not lack courage. I am not lost or worried. If the world itself should end, nothing could make me afraid. Leporello fa per partire. You almost killed me. It was only a joke. I want to go. Leporello starts to go. Vien qui, facciamo pace, prendi! Oh, sentite, per questa volta la cerimonia accetto; ma non vi ci avvezzate; non credete di sedurre i miei pari, come le donne, a forza di danari.

Ti basta l'animo di far quel ch'io ti dico? Don't think you can get around me as you do with your women, not even with money. Have you the nerve to do what I tell you? Vedesti tu la cameriera di Donn'Elvira? You know that they are more necessary to me than the bread I eat! Than the air I breathe! He who remains faithful to one is being cruel to the others; I, who have an overabundance of sentiment, love them all. Since women cannot think clearly, they call my natural, kindly feelings betrayal.

Now then, what is it you want me to do? Have you seen Donna Elvira's little maid? Si cava il proprio abito. Fanno cambio del mantello e del cappello. Donna Elvira appare alla finestra della locanda.

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  • Non palpitarmi in seno! Now I want to try out my luck with her, and I thought, since it is almost evening, that I would whet her appetite all the more by presenting myself disguised in your clothes. He removes his cloak. Come on, hurry up! I can't stand being argued with! They exchange cloaks and hats. Donna Elvira appears at a window of the inn. Do not beat so within my breast! He is a villain, a betrayer, and it is wrong to feel pity. Si nasconde dietro Leporello e parla per lui, muovendo le braccia del servo opportunamente. I hear, sir, Donna Elvira's voice! He stands behind Leporello and speaks for him, making appropriate gestures with his servant's arms.

    I am really penitent. Idolo mio, vien qua! Non so s'io vado, o resto! Donna Elvira parte dalla finestra. My darling, please come here! Oh Lord, please protect my credulous heart, etc. What a nice little coup this is! Nowhere have I found as fertile a talent as mine! Donna Elvira disappears from the window. Don Giovanni va in disparte. Then skilfully try to lead her away with you. Don Giovanni hides to one side. Dunque pentito, l'amato Don Giovanni, al suo dovere e all'amor mio ritorna?

    That, penitent, my beloved Don Giovanni returns to his duty and to my love? Don Giovanni finge di uccider qualcheduno. Le finestre son queste; ora cantiamo. Prende un mandolino lasciato da Leporello e si accompagna. Canzonetta Deh vieni alla finestra, o mio tesoro, deh vieni a consolar il pianto mio. Se neghi a me di dar qualche ristoro, davanti agli occhi tuoi morir vogl'io! Non esser, gioia mia, con me crudele!

    Lasciati almen veder, mio bell'amore! Entra Masetto con contadini. Don Giovanni springs out of hiding and pretends to be waylaying someone. Fate seems to be on my side! These are the windows. Let us serenade them. He picks up a mandolin left behind by Leporello and begins to accompany himself. Canzonetta Come to the window, my treasure, come to console my lament.

    If you deny me some relief, I want to die before your eyes! You whose mouth is sweeter than honey, you whose heart cradles sweet desires! Do not, my beloved, be cruel to me! At least let me see you, my loved one! Masetto enters followed by a group of peasants. Non risponde; animo, schioppo al muso! Il servo son io di Don Giovanni. My heart tells me we must find him. I think someone moves over there. Now then, shoulder arms! I must be careful.

    I'm the servant of Don Giovanni. E pian pianin lo cerchino, lontan non fia di qua! In testa egli ha un cappello con candidi pennacchi, addosso un gran mantello, e spada al fianco egli ha. Ah, tell me, where we can find him? We are looking for him to kill him! I will join you to put an end to that rascal of a master. But listen a moment to my plan. Aria Some of you go this way, the rest of you go that way! And quietly, softly look for him, he is not far from here!

    If a man and a girl you see strolling in the square, if under some window you hear someone making love, fire away, by all means fire, for it will be my master. On his head he wears a hat covered with white plumes, over his shoulders a great cloak and at his side a sword. Se un uom, ecc. Andate, fate presto, tu sol verrai con me. Ho pria questo moschetto, e poi questa pistola. If a man, etc. Some of you go this way, etc. Hurry, go and find him, but, you, come with me, Masetto. We will do the rest, and soon you will learn what that is, etc. The peasants go off.

    Now then, must we kill him? I have this musket and then this pistol, too. He hands the weapons to Don Giovanni for inspection. Eh basta, certo; or prendi, questa per la pistola, questa per il moschetto! Questa per ammazzarlo, questa per farlo in brani! Now this one is for the pistol, this one for the musket! This one is for killing him, this one for wanting to cut him into pieces! Where does it hurt? Aria Vedrai, carino, se sei buonino, che bel rimedio ti voglio dar! Dare te 'l posso se 'l vuoi provar. Saper vorresti dove mi sta? Sentilo battere, toccami qua!

    Come home with me, and if you promise to be less jealous, I will take care of you, my dear husband. Aria You'll see, my darling; if you are good, what a fine cure I will give you! It is a natural one, not unpleasant, and the chemist can't make it. It's a sure balm which I have with me. I can give it to you, if you would like to try it. Do you know where I keep it? Feel it beating, touch me here!

    They go out together. Let us stay hidden here until they go away. Sestetto Sola, sola in buio loco palpitar il cor mi sento, e m'assale un tal spavento, che mi sembra di morir. Ecco il tempo di fuggir! I'll go and see if the lights are moving away from us. Sextet Alone, in this dark place I feel my heart beating loudly, and such a fear assails me that I feel like dying.

    Softly, softly, I have found it! Here's the moment to escape! By now the shade of your father should have pity on your grief. Cheto, cheto, io vo' partir!

    Leporello, nell'uscire, s'incontra con Masetto e Zerlina. Only death, my treasure, can put an end to my tears. As Leporello is about to leave, Zerlina and Masetto appear and confront him. How did he get there? I can hardly believe it! Don Ottavio in atto di uccidere Leporello che si scopre e si mette in ginocchio. Quello io non sono, sbaglia costei! Don Ottavio draws his sword on Leporello who removes his disguise and falls on his knees. I am not he; she is mistaken! Let me live, I beg you!

    What ruse is this? What does it mean? If I save myself from this storm, it will truly be a miracle, etc. What a day, my stars, this is! What an unfortunate occurrence! Have mercy on me! You are right to be angry, but the fault is not mine. My overbearing master led me astray. Donna Elvira, have pity!