
Thank You for Leaving Me (NEW REVISED EDITION): Finding Divinity and Healing in Divorce

Shattering because it is perpetually coming into being and shattering out of existence. Light - because we are Light, both a particle and a wave, a waving. Healing can only occur when we let go of our attachment to being 'made' and allow ourselves to return to the Source and be 'unmade'.

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A daily guide to making your life work. It will take you on a journey of discovery of yourself. It is designed for you to follow each day with a celebration of self-acceptance and will help you prioritize and identify your beliefs and emotions while providing inspiration. When you set your intention on what you wish to create success will follow through determination and persistence.

This will inspire you to discover your true purpose, and to live the life you were meant to experience. Published in German and Italian language. Everyone has a team of Angels from the higher realms that are always available to you for guidance, protection and healing. If you sometimes wonder why they may not be showing up when you call, you could simply have energetic blocks to your higher awareness.

This book is ready to help clear and release those blocks. Learn to be in harmony with the Universe, discover your spiritual power using Angels, and learn how to tap into celestial powers to activate them in your daily life. Gianni Passarella is an Italian author, spiritual counselor and a Professor of sacred scriptures of ancient Semitic languages.

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Published in Italian and German language. Say goodbye to the illusion of being perfect, welcome the ability to wash away regret and replace it with courage to stand for who you are—in good times and bad.

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In telling her fascinating personal story with honesty rarely revealed in books by successful people most of them men! In this groundbreaking look into the world of "classical" music, David Jacobson interweaves his educative experiences at the Curtis Institute of Music with his quest to understand how performers such as Jascha Heifetz, Nathan Milstein, Vladimir Horowitz, and Glenn Gould achieved such unsurpassed levels of musical expression and technical skill.

What were their "secret" techniques and musical insights? He explains in clear, precise, non-technical language, supplemented by color diagrams, photographs and annotated musical examples, the methods, paradigmatic shifts and musical approach of these masters which are essentially the same, yet, fundamentally different from what is taught by contemporary music teaching systems--such as those of Ivan Galamian and the Suzuki method which is critically examined --for string playing, orchestral instruments, piano and voice.

Important reading for anyone concerned with the future of classical music and the training of classical musicians. Marriages may come and go, but parenthood is forever. But what if you could have both—a great family life, and a happy lifetime love? After a break-up cookies, chocolate, and the charity of friends could not console, Dr. The only fact-based book to take men and women from before-you-meet until you commit, Love Factually blends heart, soul--and evidence.

In a genre long on opinion and short on proof, Love Factually puts all the evidence in your corner for the most important and daunting task of our lives: In Pursuit of Health and Longevity: Wellness Pioneers Through the Centuries. Wellness Pioneers Through the Centuries by Carl Samra For Cal Samra health, physical fitness, and longevity have been of longstanding interests during his years as an Associated Press and newspaper reporter, and as the lay executive director of the Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research, a medical research foundation.

He owes his health and longevity to the teachings of the many health pioneers, from long-ago centuries to the present, featured in this book and rediscovered their admonitions on health and longevity which have often since been forgotten or ignored.

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What if most difficult experiences are actually rich with hidden purpose? Shinya's groundbreaking book The Enzyme Factor , he introduces his theory of stem enzymes and how they effect health and longevity. In The Rejuvenation Enzyme Dr. Shinya introduces the idea of a new category of enzyme, capable of reversing the damage done in aging by cleaning up senescent or "zombie" cells. Also included is a full Rejuvenation Weekend plan for switching on your rejuvenation enzyme and revitalizing your health.

John Gray, New York Times and world bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, reveals that the key to creating and maintaining successful relationships between men and women lies in accepting our differences. Writing with the compassionate understanding that is his trademark, Gray draws on his wealth of experience from over thirty years of work in couples therapy, his two mega-selling books, as well as his hugely popular international workshops and seminars.

In Men, Women, and Relationships, he demonstrates that only through respecting, appreciating, and responding to our natural differences can we achieve real happiness and fulfillment in our relationships. Divorce, or the end of any relationship, is a traumatizing event and can leave us bereft, feeling unmoored and empty.

This book offers hope and healing for turning this painful time into one of renewal and rediscovery. No matter the particular reasons your relationship shifted, the larger messages in this book will meet you where you are and get you where you now wish to go. I could not put this book down! Our time on Earth may be finite, but nowhere is it written that our last 10, 20 or 30 years must be spent in decline and misery! For most of us, our mental picture is not too pretty of life beyond. And over 80, 90 or ? It includes extensive scientific research proving how vital our current thoughts, emotions and attitudes are to our ability to experience a long, healthy future, plus real-life examples of seniors living happily in their 80s, 90s and beyond.

Current Books We are Featuring. July , pages, ISBN Write and Grow Rich: October , pages. Anatomy of Hatha Yoga: Fascinating Woomanhood by Hellen B. Farhana very authentically shares her ability to move from the shock of having to go through a divorce to riding the tides of change with ease and grace.

Thank you for being so real. In gratitude, Susanne Alexander-Heaton. Feb 11, Julie rated it liked it Shelves: There are so many things I want to say about this book. This book has a lot of heart. I must admit that the writing threw me off a bit. It's not particularly well written and that's where the There are so many things I want to say about this book.

See a Problem?

It's not particularly well written and that's where the 3 stars come in. She jumps around a bit It's her first attempt I believe at writing and if she wrote another book I'd probably give it a go - since her heart is in the exact right place and I'm figuring her writing style will come into it's own. Something I forgot to mention.

I'm a music buff, and on the top of a page there is a quote from Sheryl Crow. It's not a Crow quote or lyric, it's an Ace of Base lyric. Aug 23, Marsha Witt rated it it was amazing. I'm glad I finally read it. I'm not sure if I would have accepted it when I bought it. But now I can say with certainty this book has helped me.

This book has blessed me. I recommend this book to all people going through a divorce or separation. She bared her soul in this book, mistakes and blessings were shared. Aug 06, Joyce Ross rated it it was amazing. Farhana Dhalla's writing is fresh and fun. I've been divorced twice and reading "Thank You for Leaving Me" was akin to great conversation with a good friend--a friend who knows me, warts and all, and still loves me. Whether you're recently separated, never married, or divorced for years, Farhana's insights and prose will brighten your world. Sep 17, Debbie Welsh rated it it was amazing.

Very helpful little book for assessing your life Loved the raw, and honest truth in this book. Highly recommend for anyone who is going through a breakup, divorce, or recently lost a job.

Thank You for Leaving Me

Nelia rated it liked it Jun 13, Mohit rated it liked it Jan 25, Jo-Ann Devereaux Moran rated it really liked it Apr 24, Lhendup Dorji rated it it was amazing Apr 26, Neelam rated it really liked it Mar 04, Shermeen rated it really liked it Nov 05, Nicole M rated it it was amazing Nov 30, Jan 11, Annie Syed rated it it was amazing. Thrussell rated it it was amazing Jun 13, Sashie rated it liked it May 22, Jessica rated it it was ok Jan 27, Feb 01, Lori Finnila is currently reading it.

Makes u think about your life.

Toxic Loneliness Healing the Codependent Mind and Ending Family Karma

Sangeeta rated it really liked it May 26, Danielle Hall rated it it was amazing Dec 09, Jessica rated it liked it Jun 17, Nghi Le rated it liked it Sep 28, Erika Boyer rated it it was amazing Jan 27, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. My marriage was empty. We laughed and got along in public but we were non-existent to each other in our private life. When it ended, the pain of being alone and the shame of all the lies I didn't see and the ones I did see but pretended I didn't. My career came to an abrupt end as I felt a loss of all credibility.