
The Lady Has a Scar (Hank Janson Book 14)

If he smelled rotting fish I felt nauseated and if he exhausted himself I had to gulp whiskey to revive myself. Because I could identify myself so thoroughly with Hank Janson, my readers were probably also helped to identify with the topics hero, which is what many readers like to do.

Books by Hank Janson (Author of Torment)

But very few would have the emotional intensity and dimension and overall zing of the Hank Janson novels. Janson varied professions from one series of topics to another, there were continuing characters and plot devices that linked different volumes together, and some of the Jansons were stand-alone efforts with a one-time-only cast and unusual settings, including a trilogy of topics set in the Persian deserts and a volume of science fiction.

It was, as it happened, a fortuitous move. Seven Hank Janson titles were entered as evidence of this outrage, including Killer the topic that had supposedly inspired the recent murder , Accused, and three topics about the Persian slave trade.

Prosecutors interpreted for the jury the contents of the topics, including a lengthy discussion of the topic titled Accused, a Postman Always Rings Twice see James M. In what many would later describe as an unfairly tried case, the seven accused were found guilty on all counts and sentenced to fines and six months in prison. Stephen Frances, who denied having written the titles that had caused the trouble for was it not the case that Frances never wrote them, but dictated them into a machine? Evidence suddenly turned up that another writer, now conveniently dead, had been paid for the Jansons, and Frances was cleared of the charges.

Group pool

The British pulp scholar Steve Holland has speculated that the receipts for the other writer may have been for payment for his services as a typist. Eventually, Stephen Frances went back to writing under his breadwinning byline, until when yet another developer would take over the name, and future Janson titles would be assigned to a variety of cheaper writers. Hank Janson topics continued to be written until the s, at which time the series had become near pornographic in content.

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Stephen Frances continued writing, his works including some well-regarded historical novels, and continued to live in sunny Spain, where he died of a lung disease at 71, the exiled king of British hard-boiled fiction, by then largely forgotten. Jakes, John pulp fiction writer.

The Lady Has a Scar

Richard pulp fiction writer. Janson, Hank Stephen Frances pulp fiction writer. Only me Family, Friends All my contacts All identified users.

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Books by Hank Janson

Prosecutions under Britain's then-harsh obscenity laws dealt them a severe blow, however, and today they are highly sought-after by collectors. This re-titled edition published by George Turton in This re-titled edition published by Roberts and Vinter E in Cover art is not credited. First published as "Vengeance" by New Fiction Press in Cover art by Michel Atkinson. Cover art by Michel Atkinson". Originally published as "Pursuit" by New Fiction Press in Co-written by Stephen D. Frances and Geoffrey Pardoe.