
Sin Cesárea (Spanish Edition)

Basil's life changed radically after he encountered Eustathius of Sebaste , a charismatic bishop and ascetic. A letter described his spiritual awakening:. I had wasted much time on follies and spent nearly all of my youth in vain labors, and devotion to the teachings of a wisdom that God had made foolish. Suddenly, I awoke as out of a deep sleep. I beheld the wonderful light of the Gospel truth, and I recognized the nothingness of the wisdom of the princes of this world. After his baptism, Basil traveled in to Palestine, Egypt, Syria and Mesopotamia to study ascetics and monasticism.

However, they also eventually differed over dogma. Basil instead felt drawn toward communal religious life, and by he was gathering around him a group of like-minded disciples , including his brother Peter.

Parto por cesárea

His widowed mother Emmelia, sister Macrina and several other women, joined Basil and devoted themselves to pious lives of prayer and charitable works some claim Macrina founded this community. Here Basil wrote about monastic communal life. His writings became pivotal in developing monastic traditions of the Eastern Church. Basil attended the Council of Constantinople He at first sided with Eustathius and the Homoiousians , a semi-Arian faction who taught that the Son was of like substance with the Father, neither the same one substance nor different from him.

However, Basil's bishop, Dianius of Caesarea, had subscribed only to the earlier Nicene form of agreement. Basil eventually abandoned the Homoiousians, and emerged instead as a strong supporter of the Nicene Creed. In , Bishop Meletius of Antioch ordained Basil as a deacon. Eusebius then summoned Basil to Caesarea and ordained him as presbyter of the Church there in Ecclesiastical entreaties rather than Basil's desires thus altered his career path. Basil and Gregory Nazianzus spent the next few years combating the Arian heresy , which threatened to divide Cappadocia's Christians.

In close fraternal cooperation, they agreed to a great rhetorical contest with accomplished Arian theologians and rhetors. This success confirmed for both Gregory and Basil that their futures lay in administration of the Church. Later, however, Gregory persuaded Basil to return. Basil did so, and became the effective manager of the city for several years, while giving all the credit to Eusebius. In , Eusebius died, and Basil was chosen to succeed him, and was consecrated bishop on June 14, It was then that his great powers were called into action.

Hot-blooded and somewhat imperious, Basil was also generous and sympathetic. He personally organized a soup kitchen and distributed food to the poor during a famine following a drought. He gave away his personal family inheritance to benefit the poor of his diocese. His letters show that he actively worked to reform thieves and prostitutes.

They also show him encouraging his clergy not to be tempted by wealth or the comparatively easy life of a priest, and that he personally took care in selecting worthy candidates for holy orders. He also had the courage to criticize public officials who failed in their duty of administering justice. At the same time, he preached every morning and evening in his own church to large congregations. In addition to all the above, he built a large complex just outside Caesarea, called the Basiliad, [36] which included a poorhouse, hospice, and hospital, and was compared by Gregory of Nazianzus to the wonders of the world.

His zeal for orthodoxy did not blind him to what was good in an opponent; and for the sake of peace and charity he was content to waive the use of orthodox terminology when it could be surrendered without a sacrifice of truth. The Emperor Valens , who was an adherent of the Arian philosophy, sent his prefect Modestus to at least agree to a compromise with the Arian faction.

Basil's adamant negative response prompted Modestus to say that no one had ever spoken to him in that way before. Basil replied, "Perhaps you have never yet had to deal with a bishop.

Valens was apparently unwilling to engage in violence. He did however issue orders banishing Basil repeatedly, none of which succeeded. Valens came himself to attend when Basil celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Theophany Epiphany , and at that time was so impressed by Basil that he donated to him some land for the building of the Basiliad.

¿Qué es un parto por cesárea?

This interaction helped to define the limits of governmental power over the church. Basil then had to face the growing spread of Arianism. This belief system, which denied that Christ was consubstantial with the Father, was quickly gaining adherents and was seen by many, particularly those in Alexandria most familiar with it, as posing a threat to the unity of the church. The difficulties had been enhanced by bringing in the question as to the essence of the Holy Spirit. Although Basil advocated objectively the consubstantiality of the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son , he belonged to those, who, faithful to Eastern tradition, would not allow the predicate homoousios to the former; for this he was reproached as early as by the Orthodox zealots among the monks, and Athanasius defended him.

He maintained a relationship with Eustathius despite dogmatic differences. Basil corresponded with Pope Damasus in the hope of having the Roman bishop condemn heresy wherever found, both East and West. The pope 's apparent indifference upset Basil's zeal and he turned around in distress and sadness.

  • Cesarea | Spanish to English Translation - Oxford Dictionaries?
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  • Basil of Caesarea - Wikipedia!
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  • Basil of Caesarea.

Basil died before the factional disturbances ended. He suffered from liver disease; excessive ascetic practices also contributed to his early demise.

¿Qué es un parto por cesárea?

Historians disagree about the exact date Basil died. The principal theological writings of Basil are his On the Holy Spirit , a lucid and edifying appeal to Scripture and early Christian tradition to prove the divinity of the Holy Spirit , and his Refutation of the Apology of the Impious Eunomius , written about in , three books against Eunomius of Cyzicus , the chief exponent of Anomoian Arianism.

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