
To Love Again

Appreciate the kind gesture, the words of encouragement, and the favorable circumstances that unfold in your life. Making a small gratitude list as you start or end the day can help you move from focusing on resentments to focusing on thankfulness. Once again, transform bitterness toward others to gratefulness that others have found love in their lives. If others have found love, let that be a message of hope and possibility for you.

We are each on our own journeys to better understanding ourselves and loving better. The way to be happy in and out of relationships is to let go of expectations and conditions. Be open to meeting new people, be open to being vulnerable, and be open to falling in love again.

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Set the intention for love to enter again. I know the feeling well. Seek to be your most honest self. Being vulnerable means being honest about your shortcomings and sharing your feelings. You want to tell the same sad story repeatedly to friends—a love gone wrong, a love soured, a love that fell apart. There are many perspectives and stories in every relationship. Are you holding onto a story of resentment and bitterness? Are you willing to see a different story?

How is fear holding you back? Is it keeping you stuck from living the life you want or the love you desire? Call fear out for what it is. What is the worst that can happen if this fear came true? How likely is it that this fear will come true? Have you overcome fears like this in your past? When you confront fear and acknowledge it for what it is, you can have an honest conversation with fear. Ultimately, a partner is a mirror and guide to help you complete the journey to your truest self. Even if you break up with them, they can be a conduit to healing and being made whole.

Couple with flashlight hearts image via Shutterstock.

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Vishnu is a writer and coach who helps people overcome breakups to rebuild their lives and live with purpose. He blogs at www. This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. When Cailin's family is destroyed and their farmland seized, she marries Wulf Ironfist, a Saxon of enormous strength and power--a gentle giant who opens the door to a world of heady sensuality.

But her happiness is short-lived. For an unknown enemy drugs her as she labors in childbirth--and she awakens to find herself sold to a slave merchant and transported to Byzantium, not knowing what happened to her child. Paperback , pages. Published November 27th by Ivy Books first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about To Love Again , please sign up.

Lists with This Book. Jul 19, Naksed rated it liked it Shelves: To Love Again has all of Bertrice Small's tropes but none of her heart, imho. If you haven't read her before, and you are looking for an over the top, swashbuckling romance set in ancient times, I am sure you would find it satisfying. But if, like me, you prefer Small's novels when they are more contained or at least more emotional, amidst all the swashbuckling adventures of its protags, like they ones she wrote about the O'Malley, Leslie, or Wyndham family members and their descendants, this wo To Love Again has all of Bertrice Small's tropes but none of her heart, imho.

But if, like me, you prefer Small's novels when they are more contained or at least more emotional, amidst all the swashbuckling adventures of its protags, like they ones she wrote about the O'Malley, Leslie, or Wyndham family members and their descendants, this would probably just be okay. The best thing about this book is how insane it was.

We have characters named Wulf Ironfist and Ragnard Strongspear. We have Byzantine brothels putting out the equivalent of Ancient Porn and not the garden variety sex show either but totally and utterly depraved sexual acrobatics choreographed with the type of tortured attention to details to rival any Cirque du Soleil show, and with audience participation to boot, basically turning into one gigantic orgy.

We have murders, including infanticide, debauchery, pedophilia, rape galore, dub-con, slavery, and a slew of cartoonish villains who for the most part don't even get a proper comeuppance. In the middle of these completely wacky scenarios, the unperturbed in the least author regales us with the kind of Ancient World historical trivia that you would read about in the sixth grade at the school library when you had a essay due for Latin class. Long-winded description about cultural festivals, marriage, birth, and funeral rites, the breeding of race horses, the agricultural cycles of a farm in rural Ancient Britain, the political and religious tensions in Ancient Byzantine, etc, in between all the rapes, orgies, and murders.

It's not that I mind historical romances sprinkled with actual historical facts. After all, I am convinced Small could have written a straight historical fiction about Medieval England or Scotland given her obvious meticulous knowledge and passion for that era. I just find it hilarious that the book switches tone from the most OTT bodice-ripper to entire paragraphs devoted to the significance of tidbits like the crepunda, little toys made of gold given to a newborn Roman baby upon his name giving celebration.

The protags of the story also left a lot to be desired because they were both so TSTL and after a while, as they fell from one trap into another, continuously set up by their evil and numerous nemesis, despite h proclaiming ad nauseam that her "inner voice" was warning her of impending doom, I started to root for the nemesis! It was a mostly amusing read, without any emotional connection to the story, and soon to be forgotten, I wager.

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Three "it was just okay" stars for me. Jun 26, Vivisection rated it liked it Shelves: Do you really need more? Jan 14, Rebecca everyday reader rated it it was amazing Shelves: A long and many detailed story of a girl who became a strong woman against many odds. Her family was brutally murdered, but she fell in love and got married and became pregnant with her first child. Her daughter was taken away, she was sold into slavery in Byzantine and fell in love again.

Even though she thought she would never see her husband again, or their child, he found her by chance and they returned home to Britain to reclaim their daughter and their home. Nov 10, Anna Bowling rated it really liked it Shelves: Bertrice Small is the author who got me into historical romance both reading and writing. I first read this standalone epic when it was originally released, so this reread was both familiar and new.

Cailin is a trademark Small heroine; intelligent, strong, beautiful, and resilient. As the title implies, she does find love not once, but twice or three times, depending on how one counts with two love interests, who each have their own unique appeals. With lots of drama, treachery, and lush his Bertrice Small is the author who got me into historical romance both reading and writing. Oct 24, Listiyani rated it liked it Shelves: It's really hard to be Isabella.

In her life which sound so perfect turn directly after Amadeo gone. The story write so nice but, I don't like the ending part. It sound like not finished, or force to finish. Oct 09, Dawn rated it really liked it Recommended to Dawn by: I read this many years ago early 80's , so I could not give an accurate review.

Aug 19, Eva suryaman rated it liked it. Sad story but touching, that is love. Thanks to Mas Ade yang udah ngebeli-in buku ini. Baik hal-hal yang baik, maupun hal-hal yang buruk" Waktu terus berjalan membawa perubahan demi perubahan di dalam kehidupan. Apa yang kemudian membekas di hati kita adalah bagaimana cara kita menyikapi setiap peristiwa tersebut. Hidup yang tampak sempurna dalam sekejap dapat berubah bagaikan di neraka. Isabella dan Amadeo, pasangan suami istri pemilik Thanks to Mas Ade yang udah ngebeli-in buku ini.

Isabella dan Amadeo, pasangan suami istri pemilik House of San Greogorio, sebuah rumah mode terkenal di Roma. Kehidupan mereka tampak sempurna.

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  • To Love Again.

Mereka saling mencintai, bisnis mereka yang sukses dan kekayaan yang berlimpah. Isabella memasuki tahap paling sulit dalam kehidupannya. Rasa kehilangan yang dalam menjadikannya seorang yang paranoid. Dalam ketakutannya, Ia kemudian membawa anak mereka, Alessandro bersembunyi di New York. Beruntung ia mempunyai orang-orang terdekat yang sangat menyayanginya, Bernardo, Natasha dan Corbett.

Manusia adalah mahluk sosial yang selalu butuh tempat untuk berbagi. Isabella pada akhirnya jatuh cita pada Corbett, namun sikap paranoidnya telah membutakan matanya akan suatu kenyataan yang ditemuinya dan mengalahkan akal sehatnya. Berlatar belakang suasana romantis kota Roma dan New York yang spektakuler, alur ceritanya terasa biasa saja cenderung mudah ditebak tanpa kejutan-kejutan yang berarti.

Tapi kemampuan Steel dalam membangun dan menghidupkan cerita membuat buku ini cukuplayak untuk mendapat 3 bintang. Apr 05, Daniel Rios rated it liked it. Sep 10, Manik Kumar rated it liked it. And funny is it can be anyone a business rival, an employee or family members!

Oct 12, Julie rated it it was ok. Jan 11, Kimberley rated it liked it. Written with the poise and culture that Steel is known for , To Love Again is an unforgettable journey of a woman who had it all: But, sometimes that can be a bad thing. Notoriety makes you noticable.

To Love Again

And when the wrong person or persons notice you, it can all fall apart. What can a woman do who is used to servants, nannies, and other amenities she can now no longer tru this is more like the Steel I know! What can a woman do who is used to servants, nannies, and other amenities she can now no longer trust. She starts anew in a new country, in hiding until the fragile bird who is used to being noted for her beauty can no longer hide in the gilded cage. Feb 25, Mudpie rated it really liked it.

I read this in the early 90s and this book has remained in my mind even now. The kidnapping was awful, and what happened after was even worse for Isabella and her son. I confessed upon rereading, the kidnapping bits and trial hit me even harder than I remembered. Isabella was kind of stubborn and rash when she found out about Corbett and the business. If she can forgive Natasha why not Corbett?

Jun 22, Massanutten Regional Library rated it liked it Shelves: Joyce, Village patron, June , 3 stars: Loved the theme of the book but was disappointed that she felt she needed to take the Lord's name in vain throughout the book. It was inappropriate and took away from the story line. It has been a long time since I have read a book by DS and I have make many attempts to read this book. Well, I would say no regrets.

I enjoyed reading it.

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It's a love story with some excitement now and then. Easy to read book. I finished it in 4 days. Nov 21, Rashmi Duggal rated it liked it. The typical Danielle Steel- a blissful life, a tragedy strikes and a happy ending. But in between such beautiful glimpses into the world of fashion, perfect description of style, which makes each book a different web of emotions.