
Emotional and Ethical Challenges for Field Research in Africa: The Story Behind the Findings

Newsmaking Cultures in Africa. Ethical Decision Making in Social Research.

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Ethical Issues in Research 24

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  • Introduction: Why Stories Behind the Findings? - Edinburgh Research Explorer;
  • Susan Thomson Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies;
  • Zero to Ten. Counting Sea Creatures..
  • Emotional and Ethical Challenges for Field Research in Africa: The Story - Google Книги.
  • La giustizia penale internazionale (Farsi unidea) (Italian Edition).

My profile My library Metrics Alerts. Verified email at colgate. Articles Cited by Co-authors. Title Cited by Year Whispering truth to power: Everyday resistance to reconciliation in postgenocide Rwanda S Thomson. International Journal of Transitional Justice 5 1 , , Clark-Kazak AB - Nacibazo, 'no problem': Berckmoes AB - Academic integrity and ethical responsibilities in post-genocide Rwanda: E49 a Clark-Kazak a Nacibazo, 'no problem': Berckmoes a Academic integrity and ethical responsibilities in post-genocide Rwanda: Set language NL EN.