
The Coming Fourth Reich

Whatever the case may be, whatever the scenario may be, the circumstance will be designed to influence the masses to go along with the delivery aspects of giving their nation to the United Nations for its collective guidance of all nations, and those countries that do not cooperate and go along with this action will be gradually ostracized and possibly even punished in the future.

The ostracizing of the nations would include economic boycotts and a kind of a cut-off of any culture and economic relating, so that the nation loses any foreign trades to or from its borders, so that contacts with the nation would be considered outlawed.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Eventually, the hope would be that the nations would join with the United Nations of the world and become part of the New World Order. This Awareness indicates that in order for these countries to be thus coerced into this action, the leaders would need to be enticed into thinking something for themselves would come of delivering the country to the New World Order , and thus, those in leadership within each country would hope to gain something from the New World Order personally, and individually and collectively.

Meanwhile, the people of each nation would be hoping to see something worthwhile come from from their country being delivered to the United Nations and losing its own sovereignty. This Awareness indicates that it does appear that once entities begin to get closer to this day of reckoning, more questions will be asked, more skepticism and more suspicion will be spread among the people.

Rumors will fly, and even though the media of each country will promote the New World Order, there will be many people who will object and have grave doubts about this NWO and its real purpose. That during the presentation in Arcadia, a film was shown in which the United Nations armies were brought into a West African nation to bring peace. They encountered several hundred civilians and thus, opened fire on them with machine guns and rifles.

The masses, the several hundred women and children were all slaughtered by the United Nations troops who had come to bring peace, and they joked and laughed about their job and how they had completed that and now must go on and find others. The film itself has been brought back to put on television to alert the masses but no station would allow it to be shown, and thus, the film was presented at this meeting and was made available for individuals to purchase, but such does not allow the masses to know what really occurs with these mercenary United Nation troops who are basically working for the Nazis, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.

Upon the establishment of the Fourth Reich, German neo-Nazis propose that Germany should acquire nuclear weapons and use the threat of their use as a form of nuclear blackmail to re-expand to Germany's former boundaries as of Based on pamphlets published by David Myatt in the early s, [4] many neo-Nazis came to believe that the rise of the Fourth Reich in Germany would pave the way for the establishment of the Western Imperium , a pan-Aryan world empire encompassing all land populated by predominantly European-descended peoples i.

Some commentators in various parts of Europe have used the term "Fourth Reich" to point at the influence that they believe Germany exerts within the European Union.

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This narrative has gained particular traction in the United Kingdom in the run up to Brexit and the current negotiations. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. November Learn how and when to remove this template message. Both have strict purifying laws, like purifying the dead and circumcising male infants.

Both religions adamantly deny Jesus is the Son of God. Both Jews and Muslims have strict dietary laws. Once Ishmael was sent away by Abraham, their relationship did not end. Later in the Bible we read of Ishmael and Isaac burying Abraham together years later. Because of their father, there is unity between them. Jacob was renamed Israel, forever binding the Jewish people to all of Israel, but especially Jerusalem.

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How is it done? They light a candle in an inner room and place witnesses in an adjoining room outside where they can see him and hear his voice, but where they cannot be seen by him….. In Orach Chaiim, Has God turned on Israel or the Jewish people? We are saved by Grace, and the Jewish people will return to the Lord their God. Their hearts have purposely been hardened.


Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins.

Why United States Is the Fourth Reich

But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles. Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!

For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? His covenant with them is eternal. There has been an Antichrist spirit over the Middle East all along. Always there, hiding in the shadows.

Is there a thing of which it is said, See, this is new? Today, these countries are almost percent Muslim. They destroyed the second temple and will undoubtedly destroy the third. The end will come like a flood: Ancient Babylon is in modern day Iraq, not far from Baghdad. Iraq is a majority Shia country and closely aligned with Iran in belief. Iran also has an embassy in Baghdad and uses it to influence Iraqi politics. Will this be an Islamic Antichrist, with the Pope as the false prophet?