
The Islamic Doctrine of Women (A Taste of Islam Book 7)

Islam in its early years unified the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula, and this new unity led to conflict with the nearest major powers, the Byzantine and Persian empires. The result was a major spread of Muslim rule and the establishment of a Muslim empire; but Muslim rulers in this empire did not force, and often did not even encourage, conversion to Islam. Conversion to Islam, even in areas under the control of Muslims, was a gradual process fostered through interaction, intermarriage, and missionary efforts emphasizing spirituality Sufism.

In areas like Indonesia now the largest Muslim-majority country and other parts of Southeast Asia, Islam spread mostly through traveling merchants and Sufis. In sub-Saharan Africa mostly West Africa, but also parts of Ethiopia , Islam spread mostly through trade and commercial relations. Rulers would sometimes adopt Islam while much of the population continued to practice their traditional religions.

In many areas currently or formerly ruled by Muslims, large segments of the population have maintained their ancestral religions. For example, Christians are a significant minority in largely Muslim Lebanon, and Hinduism remained a majority faith through centuries of Muslim rule in South Asia. Today we believe that forced conversions or violating the religious rights of people of other faiths are as much a violation of Islamic principles as the forced conversion of the Germanic tribes under Charlemagne or the forced conversions of some Native Americans or African slaves under colonial rule are seen as violations of Christian principles in the eyes of most modern Christians.

The main differences between them today are their sources of knowledge and religious leadership. Historically, the difference originated from the question of succession after the death of the Prophet Muhammad and is related to differing views about appropriate leadership for the Muslim community. Sunnis believe that the Muslim community was free to choose the most qualified person as ruler. In contrast, Sunnis believe that Muhammad did not appoint any particular person as his spiritual or political successor.

The people of Iraq regretted their failure to support Hussein that resulted in his death. Subsequently they began a political movement to overthrow the Umayyads, who were not only responsible for his death but had also become corrupt and dynastic rulers. Attempts to overthrow the Umayyads were unsuccessful until the Abbasid revolution in C.

The Islamic Doctrine of Women by Bill Warner

After the Abbasids came to power, however, the people who supported rule by the descendants of Hussein were increasingly suppressed. Does the conflict impact American Muslims? In three Arab Spring countries Syria, Yemen, and Bahrain , the sectarian divide has also been among the many factors playing a role in the conflicts, but the conflicts began for the same political and social reasons that they erupted in other Arab Spring nations.

So while the two sides appear to be divided along sectarian lines, the conflict there is more a fight between an oppressive dictator and his historic allies than a specifically religious conflict. How do Muslims define modesty? For some Muslims, modesty also includes humility towards God and other people. Modesty is described by the Prophet Muhammad as an important virtue. Some Muslim women wear hijab while others do not and expressions of hijab vary greatly by culture, individual taste, and conviction.

Do Muslim women have to wear hijab cover their hair? The wearing of hijab is, however, a matter of free choice by women in most Muslim-majority countries. Women who choose to wear it do so for a variety of reasons: Why do some Muslim women cover their faces? Women in some Muslim cultures understand modesty to require covering not only their whole body and head but also their faces.

Therefore, when in public, they wear a burqa a loose garment which covers the body and face or niqab a covering for the face that leaves the eyes exposed. Why are standards of modest dress different for men and women? The answer again depends on whom you are talking to. One understanding of modest dress for men in some Muslim traditions requires them to cover from the navel to knee and to dress modestly in loose-fitting clothing.

The traditional clothing worn by Muslim men in such places as South Asia, where they wear a loose shirt and pants, or in some Arab countries, where men wear what looks like a long dress jalaba and a headscarf kuffiyah , differs little in the extent of covering from the traditional dress of Muslim women. While it is not as common to see this type of male dress in America, many Muslim men grow a beard and wear a head covering that resembles a skull cap, as do observant practitioners in some other religious traditions.

Are men and women equal in Islam? Many Muslims, in America and elsewhere, advocate and demand complete equality between men and women. Women hold and have held many positions of authority and leadership in the American Muslim community. In Muslim-majority countries women today work as physicians, businesswomen, engineers, and lawyers and have served as heads of state. In other Muslim communities, depending on social, historical, and cultural conditions, the position of women is very different and is not equal either in theory or practice.

They include the following:. Equal responsibilities and reward: You are from each other. Right to earn money: Rights of a daughter: Rights of a wife: How are women treated in Muslim countries? There are some 50 Muslim-majority countries in the world. So, for example, in many Muslim-majority countries women are involved at the highest levels of education, employment, and politics, with many female physicians, engineers, lawyers, and other professionals. Do Muslim women have to stay at home or can they work?

In fact, in most Muslim communities, Muslim women work outside the home. Increasing numbers of Muslim women throughout the world are employed in various highlevel professions, including those that are male dominated, such as medicine and engineering. This is true even in countries known to have a conservative understanding of Islam, such as Saudi Arabia.

How does Islam view domestic violence? Domestic violence and spousal abuse violate the Islamic principle of respect for human dignity; if severe enough, they may even violate the principle of respect for life. According to classical Islamic law, spousal abuse is grounds for a Muslim woman to initiate divorce.

The extant biographies of Muhammad record him as never having hit a woman or even a child and as condemning those who did. Are there any examples of Muslim women rulers or leaders? In recent decades women have been heads of state in several Muslim-majority nations:. While most rulers in Muslim history have been male, as in most societies, there have been a few female Muslim rulers in past centuries and in modern times.

This is a misconception concerning Islamic history. According to historians, there have been thousands of female Muslim scholars throughout Islamic history, many of whom were teachers of renowned male scholars. Some notable examples include:. There are many hadith prophetic sayings encouraging the seeking of knowledge that have led numerous Muslim women in history to become scholars, writers, and teachers of both men and women, as noted in the previous question. Individual Muslims follow differing guidelines in this matter. Are Muslims allowed to marry people of other faiths?

Today there is great diversity in both thinking and practice on this question. In this case, a Muslim husband must guarantee the right of his Christian or Jewish wife to worship God according to her religious beliefs. Therefore, for the protection of her freedom of religion, a Muslim woman has traditionally been required to marry a man who will give her the right to practice her faith—that is, a Muslim. This view is based on the patriarchal assumption that the man wields the dominant power in the household and has, therefore, been called into question by some contemporary Muslims, who also cite the absence of a specific text prohibiting such a marriage.

How do Muslims get married? Marriage ceremonies among Muslims, like marriage ceremonies everywhere, vary widely in different locales and cultures. The ceremony includes the marriage proposal and acceptance and the presenting of a gift called mahr by the groom to the bride. The wedding celebration after the ceremony varies widely from culture to culture, but generally involves food, special clothing, and some form of celebration.

In some societies, there may also be several days of celebration leading up to or after the wedding. Are arranged marriages condoned in Islam? Is it true that Muslim men can marry more than one woman? It depends on the conditions. In countries where polygamy is illegal, which is the case in the United States and other Western as well as in many Muslim-majority countries, Muslims should not engage in this practice.

Polygamy was not peculiar to the Arabian Peninsula; it was widespread in many cultures, including that of ancient Israel as portrayed in the Hebrew Bible, where many of the Patriarchs are described as having multiple wives and Israelite kings had harems numbering in the hundreds. Can women marry more than one man? Since polygamy was only permitted to provide for widowed women and their children, this purpose would not be served by polyandry, i.

What is the Islamic view of divorce? However, if these attempts fail, divorce as a last option is allowed and may, in some situations, be the best outcome. Can women initiate a divorce? In some Muslim-majority countries, a woman can get a divorce relatively easily while in other countries the continuing influence of patriarchy makes this much more difficult.

Is Islam opposed to modernity? If by modernity one means science, the scientific method and technological advances, then we know that scientific exploration and technological innovation flourished in the Islamic cultures of the Middle Ages, commonly known as the Golden Age of Islam.

And today, millions of Muslims are involved, often in leading positions, in the fields of science, mathematics, medicine, engineering and other scientific fields. If by modernity one means democracy and individual rights such as freedom of thought, expression religion, and conscience, then Muslim attitudes vary. While some Muslims view these rights as secondary to religious principles conveyed by Islam, others, including, as we explain in the introduction to these questions, consider these rights to be fundamental principles of Islam; a Pew poll of Muslims worldwide taken in showed substantial majorities in favor of democracy and religious freedom.

Some Muslims cite the tradition of ijtihad independent thinking as an essential aspect of Islamic scholarly tradition that fosters reform, reinterpretation, and the exploration and advocacy of new ideas. However many Muslims, like members of other religious groups, are concerned about the devastating effects that modernity and its accompanying technological advances, when influenced only by factors relating to economic profit and short-term gain, have had upon our environment and the world.

What does Islam say about democracy? On this as on other questions, there is no monolithic Muslim position. Pew polls in and have shown that a substantial majority of Muslims worldwide favor democracy. And as we have witnessed during the Arab Spring and beyond, people throughout the Arab world in countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and Syria have risked their lives, and in some places are still risking them, in their struggle for freedom and democratic change in their countries.

Do any such states exist today?

Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

Generally, the concept is defined as a nation-state that has adopted some version of Sharia as the ideological foundation for its political institutions. Nor does Islamic history offer an example of a purely Islamic state, but instead presents various monarchies that developed shortly after the beginning of Islam and continued until the early 19th century. Throughout most of Islamic history, secular power was invested with the rulers while religious doctrine was determined by Muslim scholars.

The latter were often at odds with and even persecuted by the rulers, and feared the corrupting influence of power. In this way, Muslims practiced a form of separation of church and state for much of their history. Does Islam support individual rights? Muslims differ on this as they do on other questions, and are in more agreement about some rights than others, such as the right to life, or freedom from persecution and oppression.

There is precedent for such affirmation of individual rights in Islamic tradition. The agreement laid out certain rights and responsibilities between the Muslims and the major tribes in Medina and guaranteed the security and religious freedom of the diverse religious and tribal groups who made up the new community.

In the context of its time, it embodied a remarkably strong affirmation of human rights. Some rights s such as freedom of expression and freedom of religion which some Muslims view as fundamental Islamic principles, have been challenged in recent times by other Muslims or groups who see limits to these rights. The question of how to deal with material that offends religious sensibilities is a particularly contentious issue, not only for Muslims but for many others also.

A Pew poll taken in showed a substantial majority of Muslims worldwide in favor of democracy and of freedom of religion. While the poll did not ask questions specifically about freedom of expression, it is likely, in view of their answers to the aforementioned questions, that a substantial majority would favor these rights as well.

There is, nonetheless, a minority among Muslims that does not embrace, or does not embrace fully, the affirmation of individual rights that we consider basic to Islam. The term Sharia is used by Muslims to refer to the values, code of conduct, and religious commandments or sacred laws which provide them with guidance in various aspects of life. What are the sources of Sharia and how is it interpreted?

Fiqh is an interpretation of Sharia and, like halakha or Jewish law, is an ongoing effort and process. Because much of Sharia is interpretative, it has a degree of flexibility that allows it to function in different societies and cultures. Thus, Islamic law or fiqh has historically functioned in diverse areas in the world, generally with a demonstrated record of tolerance and pluralism towards different cultures and religions. What issues does Sharia address? Sharia addresses both personal and communal aspects of life. For the most part, Sharia is concerned with personal religious observances such as prayer and fasting.

It can be further divided into three more specific areas, some of which apply to American Muslims and some of which do not:. What types of Muslims follow Sharia? Any observant Muslim would consider him or herself to be Sharia-adherent. It is impossible to find a Muslim who practices any Islamic ritual and does not believe himself or herself to be complying with Sharia. How does sacred law such as Sharia interact with secular law?

Almost all religions have some kind of sacred law. Secular law also provides parameters or limits on following sacred law, to ensure that the public interest is protected e. How do American democracy and Sharia relate to each other? American democracy is based on the Constitution. The Constitution protects rights such as religious freedom, privacy, and private property.

American Muslims can follow Sharia Islamic values and way of life in the same way that adherents of other religions follow their sacred laws, values, and lifestyles. The basic parts of Sharia rituals, marriage and family life, charity and ethical business practices are private and voluntary. Is Sharia being substituted for the U.

However, the First Amendment clearly provides protection for the free exercise of religion, which includes protecting the rights of Muslims, as of observant Jews and Christians, to observe their own laws in matters of faith, including the observance of rules regarding personal worship and of some family laws.

However, no religious law can supersede state or federal law. Moreover, Sharia commands Muslims to observe the law of the land in which they reside.


What is a fatwa? Since these opinions are non-binding, Muslims are free to choose whether or not to follow them. What happens to a Muslim who does not follow one of the pillars? We believe that acts of worship should be done for the sake of God and that God alone will judge each person according to his or her intentions and actions.

There is no monolithic Muslim view on this question. Any answer must take into account the differing interpretations of Islam in different historical and cultural contexts. The severe punishments listed in the question known as a special class of penalties called huddud were practiced years ago in the tribal society of Arabia and even then were only rarely imposed because the conditions for imposing them were so strict.

For instance, the punishment of stoning for adultery could be carried out, according to the Hadith, only at the testimony of four eyewitnesses—a virtually impossible condition. Jews today, even the most strictly Orthodox, do not practice these punishments, and Christians generally regard them as superseded by the ethic of Jesus. Today, most Muslim-populated countries do not practice these punishments, and where they are practiced, such as under the Taliban or ISIS, the required due process that makes many of these punishments nearly impossible to enforce are not followed, which is why many scholars have condemned their use.

Does Islam encourage honor killings? First, they violate the sanctity of life, which is considered sacrosanct; second, they fail to respect the right of due process for anyone accused of a crime; and, third, they contradict the principle that each individual is responsible for his or her own actions and that no individual or family member should be held responsible for the behavior of another.

How do Muslims view terrorism? The vast majority of Muslims unequivocally condemn terrorism. Terrorism, defined as the use of violence and threats to intimidate, coerce, or exact retribution, especially for political purposes, flagrantly violates at least three interrelated Islamic principles: The principle of respect for life prohibits the targeting of innocent civilians even during a state of war. Is there anything in Islam that leads to suicide bombings or terrorism? Not based on our reading.

They also ignore principles of the interpretation of texts followed by legitimate scholars of religion, above all the principle that a text must be understood with reference to the time, place, and situation in which it was given. The specific cannot be made to apply universally, while the universal always informs the specific. Ignoring this principle leads to arbitrary interpretations tailored to fit political agendas. Most of the terrorism committed by people claiming Islam as their motivation is justified by a methodology that bypasses the bulk of classical scholarship.

Various legal issues that pertained to the majority of the Muslim community were often left to the discretion and judgement of qualified scholars. ISIS and other similar groups, however, discount the role filled by traditional scholars. In Islam, is it ever justifiable to kill innocent civilians? We believe that Islamic teachings clearly prohibit killing innocent civilians. While there are obviously extremist Muslims who disagree with this stance, the position of the Muslim majority is clear, as demonstrated by repeated condemnations by Muslim scholars and leaders across the world.

Do Muslims, particularly those in America, support al-Qaeda? Did Muslims support bin Laden when he was alive? This question rests on a misconception, as Muslims have consistently and repeatedly denounced terrorism since September 11, For a large sampling of such condemnations, see this list.

Unfortunately, these statements are rarely noted in the mass media in the US, leading many people to think erroneously that Muslims have not denounced terrorism. This question, however, could also be answered with another question: Are Christians or Jews expected to denounce every irresponsible or destructive statement or action made in the name of their religions?

See a Problem?

The question seems to assume that Muslims support or condone every act committed in the name of Islam unless they specifically state otherwise. This assumption is clearly unjust and unreasonable. Why are there so many Muslim terrorists? In a total world population of around 1. A recent article by CNN estimates the total number of members of Muslim terrorist groups as around. What is true is that Muslim terrorists are very much in the public eye, especially in the U. There are several reasons for this:. What is the role of American Muslims in combating terrorism?

There is no reason to assign a special role to American Muslims, who are overwhelmingly opposed to terrorism. American Muslims do, however, have a responsibility to educate Americans of other faiths about Islam, increase Islamic literacy in the American Muslim community, and to clarify that terrorism is prohibited in Islamic teaching.

What does the Qur'an say about war? In addition, it is important to keep in mind the following:. When do Muslims consider war to be justified? Verily, God is capable of aiding them. It should be noted, however, that violent revolution was often seen by classical scholars as the absolute last resort. The social chaos and mayhem that could ensue from overthrowing an oppressive leader was often viewed as much worse than the reign of an oppressor.

Another verse describes the blessings of peace: Are there any Muslim peacemakers? Muslim peacemakers are working throughout the world building bridges between people of different faiths. Which Arabs and Muslims and which Jews are you referring to? Throughout the world where Arabs, Muslims and Jews are living as minorities in Christian populated countries, they tend to be allies on shared interests and concerns such as the promotion of religious literacy and the fight against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Muslims and Jews are also often allied on questions of social justice.

Where Jews live today as minorities in Muslim majority countries, such as Iran, the views are mixed. Some say they live in harmony with their Muslim compatriots, and others say that Jews are discriminated against. Historically, Jews and Muslims generally lived in harmony in many Muslim-populated countries, such as Morocco, Iraq, and Egypt and, at least until the mass migration of Jews to Palestine in the early s, in Palestine itself. Jews refer to Muslim rule in Spain in their history books as a period of renaissance for Jewish life.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Muslims

During the Spanish Inquisition, when both Muslims and Jews in Spain were forced to convert or leave, many Jews fled to Muslim countries where they lived for centuries in security and prosperity. These Muslim countries, with rare and short-lived exceptions, never propagated the anti-Jewish sentiment that resulted in pogroms and other forms of persecution known in Europe. If the question is about the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, then this is a recent conflict which began with the twentieth-century mass settlement of Jews in Palestine, and the subsequent creation of the state of Israel.

In the eyes of most Muslims, this is less about religion than about the displacement and dispossession of many Palestinians, both Muslim and Christian, as the state of Israel was formed, which is why Christian Palestinians such as Hanan Ashrawi have been active about this issue. Today, the evils of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia have brought Jewish and Muslim communities in America together in a mutual effort to denounce bigotry and prejudice against religious minorities, as exemplified by the fund raising efforts of American Muslims following the desecration of Jewish cemeteries.

In this way, Jews and Muslims are increasingly uniting in response to a common threat that challenges both communities. If Islam is considered to be a religion of peace, then why is there so much conflict in countries where Muslims live? This question makes two assumptions: The first assumption is a false perception. Of the 50 Muslim-majority countries, the vast majority are at peace. Furthermore, many countries with non-Muslim majorities are involved in conflict. The two largest world wars in history were fought mostly between Christian-majority countries i.

The second assumption is likewise misleading. While religion is sometimes invoked by parties to support a war, religion is at most one factor among many in producing conflict, and usually not the most important one. Ethnic, economic, and political issues are generally the underlying causes behind most conflicts, including those involving Muslims.

What factors contributed to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism? If we accept this term at face value, however, Islamic fundamentalism was to a great extent a reaction to the modernization and Westernization policies in many Muslim-populated countries in the 19th and early 20th centuries that viewed Islam as backwards, outdated, and a barrier to progress.

In the name of modernity, governments in places like Turkey, Iran, and Egypt outlawed or discouraged Islamic schooling, dress, and traditions. In Turkey, the Arabic alphabet was replaced with the Latin alphabet, in the belief that the only way to modernize was to adopt Western culture and tradition.

Traditional values and practices were replaced with Western modes of dress, culture, economics, and even language, often without the accompanying benefits of such Western values as democracy and civil liberties. In response to these trends, some 20th-century Muslim groups espoused a return to the original practices of Islam as they understood them to have been practiced during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad and his immediate successors.

The movement generally ignored the traditions and ideological developments, including that of the four schools of Islamic thought, over the previous thirteen centuries. As a result, they promoted an often narrow, unrealistic, and sometimes puritanical vision of Islam.

Today, the majority of Muslims worldwide, including American Muslims, reject this strict and intolerant version of Islam and those who attempt to impose it upon other Muslims. The backdrop for their rise is multi-faceted and includes both the conflict and aftermath of decades of war as well as intervention by various regional players. Most Taliban are members of the Pathan ethnic group that resides in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Actions by the some members of the Taliban have shown a clear rejection and violation of several of the principles we identify as fundamental to Islam, including respect for life, for human dignity, for freedom of religion and conscience, and for freedom of thought and expression.

This cultural context impacts their attitudes in many areas, especially their views and interpretations relating to women. They have also interpreted Sharia to ban a wide variety of activities, including education and sports for women, kite flying, beard trimming, recreation, entertainment, and other matters where they have a much more rigid and extreme interpretation than most Muslims.

Additionally, some members of the Taliban have engaged in actions viewed by the great majority of Muslims as prohibited by Islamic teachings, such as violence against civilians. Is Islam a political movement or ideology? Islam is a religion which focuses primarily on cultivating good character and drawing close to God.

Like people of other faiths, American Muslims participate in American political life by voting in elections and getting involved in community organizing around issues or candidates. Is there a conflict between being a Muslim and being an American? But there is generally no conflict in being both. This question is like asking whether there is a conflict between being a Christian and an American. One is a religious identity, while the other is a national identity.

America has traditionally been a land of immigrants from diverse cultures, religions, and backgrounds. However, like the values of other Americans, the values held by the great majority of American Muslims as fundamental to their vision of Islam—values such as respect for education, hard work, family, democracy, individual rights, and liberty—are mainstream American values.

Why do so many Muslims in the world hate America? Which Muslims and what aspects of America are we talking about? Neither Muslims nor the United States are monolithic entities. According to polls, Muslims around the world generally admire America for its technology, liberty, education, and accomplishments. During the Arab Spring, protesters in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya used American social media to advocate many American ideals, such as democracy.

Should I be afraid of anyone who is Muslim or from the Middle East? The Sunna what Mohammed did and said is more important than the Koran in a Muslim's daily life. Find out more at: The Sunna of Mohammed. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Islam has many commands for Muslims that turn out to have negative health results. For instance, fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars.

Pregnant women do not have to fast, but a woman can be pregnant and not be aware of it during the first two months. If this occurs the fasting can cause fetal damage to vision, hearing and learning defects. Then there is the matter of the Koran allows first cousins to marry, which can birth defects. Excellent scholarly paper on taqiyya sacred deception or dissimulation using the example of the Moriscos, Sunni converts to Christianity in 15th and 16th century Spain. A historical example appeared first on Political Islam. All Western nations should withdraw unless their goal is to establish Sharia.

Please read this short one-page explanation of the United N. Interpretations of Sharia—Does It Matter? Apologists for Islam use desperate methods to make Islam look more attractive. For instance, some support Sharia by saying that Sharia has a long history of reinterpretation and so can be reinterpreted today so it is more compatible with Western … Read More The post Interpretations of Sharia—Does It Matter?

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Tyrannical European Court of Human Rights says Mohammed is a Prophet, if insulted there could be blood in the streets. We are seeing many Muslims run for office at the local, state and Federal levels. The day will come when there will be a Muslim candidate on every ballot, both Democratic and Republican. To combat this means that political action will have to happen long before the elections. Last minute panic will not help. We have a wonderful political weapon to use against a Muslim candidate—Mohammed, the Koran and the Sharia.

We must ask Muslims where they stand on Sharia wife-beating, jihad. Forbidden to be Afraid. There are people who can be assassinated because they offend the Sharia. But in the politically correct society we live in says that to be afraid of anything in Islam is proof that you are crazy and an Islamophobe. To be afraid of anything in Islam is proof that you are a bigot, a hater and a racist. We are supposed to self-censor and never speak of our fear. If we cannot self-censor then the web overlords and the SPLC will censor us.

Islamic Doctrine of Women: Islam proudly claims it was the first to give women their rights and that women are honored and protected. Well, it must be true. So what are the rights of women under the Sharia? Precise language is necessary for critical thought. Jihad is the word that Islamic texts use and it is accurate. It sounds like it is straight from the novel, The post Jihad Not Terror appeared first on Politica. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg.

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