
Professional Womens Health & Lifestyle Your life, Your Breakthrough, Your Success

At that time I was excited but also very fearful.

National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health

Even when those 4 weeks were over, with the use of tools she provided me with, I felt I had a reference point that when the fear would set in I could go back and reevaluate. After 2 weeks I felt a shift that I have never felt before.

But where do you start and what information can you really trust?

I started to get excited about the future again and what I can achieve. She helped me look at everything I have achieved over the last 2 years and realise that it was me who made that happen. In short, I started to believe in myself again.

How to Create the Successful Life You Want in 7 Steps | Jack Canfield

For me working with Sarah has been life-changing. What I love most about her is that she just gets it! She is self-employed and bloody good at what she does and knows the rewards it brings but also the fear that it brings too so she can relate to you. Thanks to Sarah that shift now has me looking at what can go right rather than what can go wrong and I am running after my next goal and I know It will happen.

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My relationship with my kids. At the very least, I believe everybody should have a little bit of Sarah in their life.

It's now time to determine what I want in my life. Further, she is teaching me how my values impact all of my relationships. This exercise helped me develop a road map to achieve my goals AND be happy in life by MY definition of happiness. What is Vitola Well? My clients work with, me, a hands on, certified and trained specialist who teaches them how to put their wellness goals at the center of their life.

I look at fitness, food, nutrition, relationships, career and lifestyle as part of overall wellness. We do it together. I partner with you and teach you so you can one day do this on your own. Every person is different. My priority is to work with my clients in partnership taking the time to customize realistic health and wellness plans that are adoptable in your daily lives forever. Denise Vitola marries her personal health experience with her years of being an award-winning, industry leading executive in marketing and public relations, to offer the most reasonable and attainable wellness plans for her clients.

Having been through the journey herself, she lends a hands on approach pulled from those experiences paired with her certifications in coaching and personal training, to make what she does very unique. Not only did Kathy help me to navigate through the 12 common barriers that I am facing today as a professional woman in the 21st Century workforce, but she also provided practical ways to discriminate useful information from noise. By doing so, I was able to acquire new skills to support overcoming real life scenarios.

These real life scenarios involved difficult challenges that defy easy answers. Kathy also provided a one on one follow-up session to help me create an inspiring life plan and vision which included a compelling personal brand that sends a message to others about my "authentic-self".

  1. A Poisoned Season (Lady Emily Mysteries Book 2)!
  2. Sins of the Father?
  3. Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management (Pragmatic Programmers)!
  4. In This Section:.
  5. Importer: Des conseils, des exemples, des avis dexperts, des témoignages pour vous guider (Gestion industrielle) (French Edition).

Your words were poignant and your presentation was amazing. I truly enjoyed your segment! The webinar was a huge success and the feedback from the hundreds of attendees has been amazing.