
No Dominion (The Walker Papers)

While advertised that these short stories are from Gary Muldoon's perspective, I was surprised to find out other stories from other supporting characters from the series. For the most part, I really like these short stories, although you do not really need to read this book to continue with the series —it is highly worth it if you do, because it broadens and strengthens the universe.

Like most anthologies there are weaker contributions, but I don't think I really hate any of them. Having said that, the short story "The Rising Green" did end rather oddly, but it was still rather good. All in all, No Dominion is a wonderful collection of short stories that expands and strengthens the fictional universe. It places more emphasis on the minor and new characters and gives insights to their psyches that was not explained or explored in the main series.

No Dominion (Walker Papers #) by C.E. Murphy

Mar 01, Kathy rated it really liked it. An enjoyable little melange, easy-to-read and mostly engaging. This was the next best thing to a new Walker Papers novel. I am overawed by Ms. Murphy's talent for evoking a strong emotional response through her storytelling. Oct 10, Anna Wick rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is a great addition to the Walker Papers, you don't have to read it, but it does have side kick stories which fill out the picture. If you are a fan of this series and have followed along with Gary Muldoon, the taxi-driver who doesn't seem to bat an eye when Joanne Walker jumps into his cab at the airport and sends him off on what seems to be a very wild goose chase without so much as batting an eye and has since become her near constant companion when in trouble and not , then this book is the one you not only have been awaiting, but the one that you deserve.

It is told by means of answering If you are a fan of this series and have followed along with Gary Muldoon, the taxi-driver who doesn't seem to bat an eye when Joanne Walker jumps into his cab at the airport and sends him off on what seems to be a very wild goose chase without so much as batting an eye and has since become her near constant companion when in trouble and not , then this book is the one you not only have been awaiting, but the one that you deserve. It is told by means of answering the question left hanging at the end of the last episode in the Walker Papers, "what was Gary up to with the Wild Hunt while Joanne was busy saving the world?

This may be some of the best writing C. Murphy has done, and I took it as a gift to her fans. Anyone who follows this series wants to know more about Gary and in "No Dominion," they are rewarded.

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I won't give anything away, but this is one heart-breaking, dare you not to cry at least a little, story. Ms Murphy fleshes out this steadfast character in a way that just confirms that you knew there was a reason he was always there for Joanne and there was a reason why you just couldn't help but love him and love when he finally shows up in a given volume of the series. Very rewarding and VERY surprising. The book also contains some other writings, shorter works regarding Joanne's world, and but for one, appear to actually be writing exercises that Murphy did while developing the characters at various points during the series.

The one exception is "Twenty Years After," which is a fine short story that takes place 20 years after the "Walker Papers" series has ended. It is the story of one of the people whom Joanne had influenced during the years covered in the Walker Papers. He has become a skilled but magic free demon hunter. This is an entertaining short story about his fight with a Sumerian demon; one he fights while waiting for Joanne to show up and help.

It is a good story but I must admit to one little nit I have to pick with Ms Murphy. Her character, Ash, is an Army vet who uses his combat skills to great effect. He has the habit of yelling, "Hoo ah! This is all well and good, but here's the nit-pick: The idea of an Army vet using it I happen to be one is irritating.

It is also no big deal. But, the nit was there, I picked it, so now I guess I am a nit-wit. Read the book; it is a treasure, nits and all. Note the past tense. With that said, it took me very little time to get accustomed to both, because Murphy once again proved herself a master at character absorption. If anything, the delay was more a deja vu sense of the familiar but not quite.

This book takes place alongside Raven Calls, but where it begins and ends is important to that book, while holding no surprises within No Dominion.

Yes, pretty much anything I say might serve as a spoiler because No Dominion is fully twisted into a fascinating complexity that at the same time serves to reveal what events brought our Gary to the place where we met him in the first Walker Papers, Urban Shaman. It also plays fast and loose with the timeline…or does it? Gary has been at her side this whole time, been her rock and supporter. Murphy is No Dominion will be available to everyone not just those in the Kickstarter in January, so keep an eye out.

Jun 05, Laurla2 rated it it was amazing Shelves: They tell the story from a different characters perspective or tell a tangential story. Begins and ends in the middle of Raven Calls-Book 7. I have waited for this book since I first heard about it Actually, that is not true. I have hoped C.

But I never expected it would be like this. E Murphy at her best. I'll admit that for the first pages it felt odd to not read about Jo, but I got used to it.

No dominion : the Walker papers : a Garrison report

I loved Gary's voice. I could almost hear him speaking in my mind I imagined him as having an Irish dialect. He is from Seattle. I kept on reading as he rode with the Hunt, and was delightfully human towards Cerunnos. Not that he mouthed off, but that he didn't show any deference. Through the whole story, Gary is delightfully himself. No matter if he is talking with Cerunnos or with one of his Army mates.

Old Dominion - No Such Thing as a Broken Heart

He is his own gruff, rocksteady self. This story had everything that a good story should have. Lot's of it, especially in the beginning. From the start, Gary goes on Wild ride. There were times how Gary managed to keep up with Cerunnos. But there isn't just action. No, what made most impact on me were the part when Gary went back in time, to the time he met his wife Annie.

It was poignant to read about their romance. Yet in it, there was a touch of paranormal. I admired Gary for keeping quiet, and letting their marriage unfold. It made me cry. And I cannot remember when that happened the last time. So, what I didn't like. There is nothing I didn't like with the story. I just wish that more people hade been able to read at the same time as Raven Calls, it since it adds an layer to Raven Calls. No Dominion is a collection of short stories featuring the supporting characters of the Walker Paper series by C.

I recommend reading the main series first as there are spoilers from the series in this book Warning, possible spoilers ahead Nice look into Gary's head as he first meets Joanne - I wish the story had been longer. Cute story that No Dominion is a collection of short stories featuring the supporting characters of the Walker Paper series by C.

Cute story that hints about what Allison will become in "Twenty Years Later" at the end of the book. Insteresting look at Korean demons and Gary's friends. Loved this one - Morrison's nervousness and Joanne ruining the moment by shooting off her mouth. I wouldn't mind a future series starring Allison as a hunter of the supernatural. Dec 20, Lori rated it really liked it Shelves: My spouse thought it looked like the kind of book I'd like, and gave it to me for my birthday.

Most birthdays since have included whatever book was newest in the series as gifts. Somehow, he missed this one until my most recent birthday. This volume is a collection of shorter pieces filling in gaps and adding stories to In C. This volume is a collection of shorter pieces filling in gaps and adding stories to the canon. The short novel - which gives the collection its name - takes place in the middle of another book in the series, Raven Calls , features Joanne's friend Gary Muldoon, is told from his perspective, and fills us in a little on what Gary's life was like before meeting Joanne.

Murphy provides chronological notes at the beginning of each story, placing each in the series as well as noting whether there are spoilers or if one must read a particular book before reading the story. It's a good collection, and I'm glad to have it. Shifting perspectives to view events through Gary's, or Michael Morrison's, eyes adds another dimension to the stories I've immersed myself in for the past decade. It's also fun to get not one, but two stories at least 20 years apart in time about a character who basically had a cameo appearance in one of the books.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! I missed out when No Dominion was offered through crowd sourcing, and it broke my heart. I have loved Gary ever since the first Walker Papers, and was hoping for quite some time that Gary's story it shares timeline with Raven Calls. It does not disappoint in any way, shape or form!

I purchased it the minute it came out, and sat down and started reading right away. Of c Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! Of course, if you, like everyone else I know, is in love with Gary, well, this will really be a true pleasure for you. Gary is 74 years old, and is the perfect example of "you CAN teach old dogs new tricks! Murphy, for making my year! Looking forward to Mountain Echoes, can hardly wait!

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I will be waiting to see if Gary's story comes out on audio too - Gabra does an incredible job reading the Walker Papers. I wonder who would do the best job of reading No Dominion - maybe Rene Auberjonois? He did a tremendous job with Gaiman's "American Gods". What does everyone think? Ever since Joanne got into Gary's taxi I have always wanted to know more about this man who would follow a stranger on a wild chase and fight side by side with her while she battled demi-gods, zombies, and paranormal serial killers.

When I saw that Catie was doing a Kickstarter to write Gary's story I jumped at the chance to help make it a reality and it was well worth it. I have to say learning about Gary's past and his devotion to the women he loves his wife and now his adopted daughter was heartbreaking and wonderful all at the same time. This companion novel gives you a look at the man who has stood beside Joanne since the beginning and fills in the missing pieces from Raven Calls when Gary and Joanne had to go their separate ways.

The battle to defeat the unknown monster who has been lurking in the shadows for so long is finally coming to the front and will stop at nothing to stop Joanne even if that means reaching into the past to destroy Gary and his wife. I couldn't recommend this book more for fans of the Walker Papers.

And if a full novel devoted to Gary's past isn't enough motivation you also get a few short stories as well! Oct 14, Araceli Schlosser rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I've finally bought it and read it. I understand that this mostly a compilation of supportive stories and characters but I'm still a bit disappointed that it wasn't all about Gary and his time out of time.

by C. E. Murphy

Still, the stories included are all great. I enjoyed Morrison's story: The love story between Gary and Annie was a wonderful love story. I w "Though lovers be lost, love shall not; and Death shall have No Dominion. I wish it could have had more detail. Even so, the hope, the struggle and the magic of their love was amazing. The idea that Gary's ride had such a great impact on the new past, the changing present and the narrow future was a turned around version of the time traveler theme.

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Knowing that things were different and that he only had one chance to act and make his move drove the emotions home. I loved Gary's character before, and I love him even more. Murphy for a wonderful side story to a great series. And if you ever want to walk through this world again, I wouldn't mind reading about Ashley Hampton, Demon Hunter. This ebook is part of the Walker Papers urban fantasy series by C. Murphy, but it's also set apart. The rest of the series is in the first-person viewpoint of Joanne; this book, only provided to backers of the Kickstarter project to finance it, is told from the vantage point of Gary.

Gary's an old man, a cab driver, and just an all-around grizzled, lovable guy. He's been one of my favorite characters since the start of the series, but this book is his chance to shine. And wow, does he ever. In This ebook is part of the Walker Papers urban fantasy series by C. In the book Raven Calls, Gary is missing for a good chunk of the book.

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But now Gary must leave Joanne's side to face a battle only he can win. Because as their long battle against a dark magic races toward its climax, it becomes clear that it was not illness that took his wife's life, but their enemy's deadly touch. Though lovers be lost, love shall not, and death shall have no dominion.

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No Dominion: The Walker Papers: A Garrison Report (Unabridged)

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