
The Diviner: The inspiring true story of a man with uncanny insight and the ability to heal

He explains how impairments to areas of the brain that control our ability to experience fear, make decisions, and feel empathy can make us more likely to engage in criminal behavior.

See a Problem?

He applies this new understanding of the criminal mind to some of the most well-known criminals in history. And he clearly delineates the pressing considerations this research demands: What are its implications for our criminal justice system? Should we condemn and punish individuals who have little to no control over their behavior? Should we act preemptively with people who exhibit strong biological predispositions to becoming dangerous criminals? And with the new 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM-5 , the trend of inappropriate treatment is sure to continue.

Urging that the diagnosis of depression be re-thought, this book turns a dramatic page in the understanding of psychiatric symptoms that are as common as the common cold. A gripping historical argument on psychiatric diagnosis and its flawed heritage and future. It has sold more than , copies worldwide and has been translated into fourteen languages. It has become a classic and one of the most widely read books on the subject of cancer management and survival. This edition is completely updated.

It contains whole sections which provide important new information and self-help techniques. The book, remarkable for its clarity, enlarges upon what is truly integrated, holistic approach to cancer — emphasising nutrition, the power of the mind, meditation, family and social support and the spiritual dimension of life.

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Ian Gawler, as a young veterinarian and decathlon athlete, had his right leg amputated because ofbone cancer in The cancer returned later that year. What Ian Gawler discovered through experience, science is now proving. There is hope for people with life-threatening cancer, and this book is where to find it. Relieved and reborn, she made it her mission to empower other women to be able to do the same.

Have you ever struggled with acne, oily hair, dandruff, dry skin, cramps, headaches, irritability, exhaustion, constipation, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, clotting, shedding hair, weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, infertility, lowered sex drive, or bizarre food cravings and felt like your body was just irrational? The thousands of women she has treated in her Manhattan clinic know the power of her process that focuses on uncovering your unique biological make up. You need sensible, up-to-date advice on maintaining a healthy diet and a robust fitness level.

Packed with photographs and clear descriptions. From the tools of the trade to how to use techniques most effectively on patients this is a must have guide for all trainee and practising masseuses, physiotherapists, sports therapists and fitness professionals. Improve your physique, posture and power with this book, a practical, no-nonsense guide suitable for everyone from complete beginners to fitness fanatics. Plus hints and tips help you perfect your technique and perform each movement correctly and safely. Variations are also included so exercises can be adapted to suit your ability and experience.

This gives you everything you need to build a stronger body and get the very best results from your work-out. It can follow us around daily, calling into question our self-confidence, making us anxious or obsessive, and generally wreaking havoc on our sense of balance and well-being. On the contrary, by learning how to change the way the words are spoken, the location of the voice, its tempo, tone, and volume, and stamp out generalizations, evaluations, and presuppositions, we can gain control of the downbeat voices and use them to our advantage.

It is a deep grief experience that goes beyond words.

healing – Library News

The loss affects bereaved parents emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and socially. It makes more demands on them than most others ever realise. For this reason, Beyond Words is a handbook that features the honest words, perspectives and suggestions of many bereaved parents. It also offers useful information about managing grief, support options and ideas that may be helpful on the grief journey. It is comforting, encouraging, informative and practical. It will also provide understanding and insights to professionals and others seeking to effectively support bereaved parents.

The guide to compassionate assertiveness: Even though they want to speak up, they may keep their true needs and opinions to themselves because of these fears — eventually building stress, resentment, and alienation. The Guide to Compassionate Assertiveness does not require that readers ignore the needs of others and focus solely on their own desires.

Rather, this unique blend of cognitive behavioral therapy-based assertiveness training and Buddhist psychology helps readers practice assertiveness skills while caring deeply about the welfare of others. This book helps readers develop a form of assertiveness that emphasizes collaboration, negotiation, and compromise.

In this way, readers learn to assert their needs in ways that match their compassionate value systems. This book is the ideal assertiveness guide for those who are afraid of rejection, have a deep concern for how others perceive them, often feel judged by others, or have difficulty expressing their feelings and needs. Readers learn to apply assertiveness skills in all domains of their lives, including in romantic relationships, as parents, at work, and in social settings.

An ever-increasing number of young people are turning to self-harm in order to cope with the pressures of modern living, and this poses a huge problem for parents and others who care for them. This book provides the answers needed to the pressing questions these parents struggle with daily, and shows that there is hope in these distressing situations. How do I know for sure whether my child is self-harming? How should I approach my child? What help and treatment is available to us? What can I do to help my child?

What they each sense is that Joe's timeless insights can help with a problem that appears insoluble. And it is a fascinating and uplifting story of a life less ordinary. Joe Cassidy lives with his wife and family in Co. Kildare and is in his fifties. His daughter is the author, Laura Jane Cassidy. He has been practicing as a diviner for the past ten years.

the Dowse family of Wiltshire, England and Wexford, Ireland 15th to 20th centuries /

Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Diviner , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

Divine Visitation

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 17, Vivien Ni Dhuinn added it. Simply written and a quick read. Joe is inspiring and down to earth as he nicely details his journey as a Healer from child to adulthood. As a Healer myself and one who has dabbled a bit with dowsing, I was interested to get his slant on things. I found many similarities. The book has left me very intrigued as to how this man uses his energy. I am delighted to announce that after several months waiting for an appointment with Joe, I am eventually going to meet the man himself on M Very nice book.

I am delighted to announce that after several months waiting for an appointment with Joe, I am eventually going to meet the man himself on Monday the 20th of August.

The Diviner: The Inspiring True Story of a Man with Uncanny Insight and the Ability to Heal

I have many issues in my own life and areas that need healing. As a healer, it will be nice for me to be at the receiving end for a change. Oh Joe, after reading your book, I just can't wait!! Jan 09, Sarah Jean rated it liked it. An interesting story of a personal journey to discover a path in life. Tina Priestman rated it it was amazing Oct 06, Monica Flynn rated it really liked it Dec 29, Apr 20, Ben Kesp rated it it was amazing. A man with an exceptional gift and no matter how he tried to live an ordinary life, his gift and true purpose in life would push him to the brink of serious ill health until it shone through in order for Joe to fulfil his destined path.

This is truly a remarkable read and Joe is a wonderful storyteller, often leaving me in goose bumps after reading of his encounters, working with energy and as a diviner An inspirational and truly motivating story from Irish author Joe Cassidy called The Diviner. This is truly a remarkable read and Joe is a wonderful storyteller, often leaving me in goose bumps after reading of his encounters, working with energy and as a diviner.

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This is a true story of man and his spiritual journey in life. He investigates issues of stress on our landscape, homes or at ancient sites of rituals, tormented by negative energy, spirits or other worldly phenomena. Joe is an ordinary man, down to earth and tells his story that way.