
Walk in Light and Love

There is a common belief that love does away with the need for rules and discipline.

Christ gave himself up for us as a sacrifice offered to God for its sweet fragrance. Do what is proper among holy people.

7 Great Bible Verses About Walking in the Light

Such talk is improper. Instead, let there be thanksgiving. Paul sees the Christian way as involving heart and body. Their lives will be pure and quite unlike those of worldly people. If you are dedicated to God, then conduct yourself as such.

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Walking in love is not the opposite of walking in obedience to God. They are the same thing. If you love the kingdom, and love the king, then you will abide by his law with the greatest diligence. You will ensure that what you think; what you say; and what you do; are all controlled by Christ. God is kind and loving to those who come to him in Christ to be dedicated to the Way. But he is angry with those who choose instead to live in impurity. Apparently Paul has come across claptrap about love. He's heard it said that love is permissive and liberates people from obedience to rules.

Publisher of Watchman Nee & Witness Lee

He's heard it said that the Christian God is kind and loving, and will never get angry or punish anyone. Paul replies, "Let no one deceive you with empty words" Ephesians 5: Paul sees the world as black and white, darkness and light. The darkness is evil and the light is goodness and truth. Evil has the advantage that darkness conceals.

Walk as children of light 9 The fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true. Paul makes an analogy of a simple fact.

7 Great Bible Verses About Walking in the Light

The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light. Jesus said this when his days on earth were about to end. He told the crowds that he would only be with them for a short while longer, and that they should walk in his light while it was available to them.

When John the Apostle wrote his gospel about Jesus, he stated in John 1: The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!


John wrote about this dilemma when he introduced Christ as light in the gospel. He wrote, concerning Jesus as light in the midst of darkness, John 3: Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear his deeds will be exposed.

But that same lighted security system has an opposite effect if your deeds are innocent. We walk in that light … no one runs away from it.

We appreciate walking in it! We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. But we must appreciate and seek the light. Just as plants need the light to grow, we need light from God to grow into the fullness of Christ. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

Living Stream Ministry

When I first thought about it, it seemed like walking in the Light and walking in the Truth were pretty much the same thing. One morning when I was taking my minute walk, I asked God to give me insight into the differences between walking in the light and walking in truth.

It was while I was showering after my walk that a word popped into my mind like a flash of insight: