
Who am I? - Part 2

Psalm is an amazing chapter!

"Who am I?" | Commune

Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!

  • Who Am I? | Folger Shakespeare Library.
  • meaning - Use of "Who am I" and "Who I am?" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange.
  • Ignore Reality and Trust GOD;
  • A Chemist’s Role in the Birth of Atomic Energy;
  • "Who am I?"!
  • Africans in Global Migration: Searching for Promised Lands.

How vast is the sum of them! I awake, and I am still with you. O men of blood, depart from me! And do I not loathe those who rise up against you? Try me and know my thoughts! Do you see who you are to Him? You were known before you were even born verses You were made for a special purpose. But, He knows you because He created you, and He knew you before you were even a thought to your mother or father. You are wonderfully made!

“Who Am I Without You?” Book

His Word says so. I identify with modes of or phases in my existence, as it projects along my chain or sequence of expression. In doing so I frequently overshadow my essential derivation from and existence in the source or essence of being. I Am is my deepest and innermost truth.

It is the most profound sense of identity I can reach from this vantage point in reality. Existence precedes and underlies thought. Thought is an expression of am-ness or existence.

I Am is the thinker that thinks my thoughts. I Am represents my fundamental existence. My core or essential identity resides at ever more abstract levels of reality. It passes beyond those levels where boundaries exist. It reaches beyond form, structure, location, time, limitation or definition. It is ultimately integrated in the pure absolute unqualified source that embraces all that is. Here I am fully integrated not only with myself but with all that is. Here my existence transcending time spans eternity. It knows all of creation.

It is the source of creation.

Who I Am - Part 2 [Legendado]

In between my temporary localised identity and my eternal universal identity I embrace various degrees of integration. There is a gradual transition or progression between these two extremes.

“Who am I?”: The Question of Persona, Part I

Moving away from my conventional local identity I expand to embrace ever larger measures of who I am. Ultimately towards the source this expansion extends to embrace all of creation. I am less localized in my individual identity and more at one with the essence of all such individuals. I am no longer alone. There is a story told that when the Beatles group visited India in the sixties they met a local Indian ascetic.

He was a remarkable individual with unusual powers, who went around mostly naked.

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They exclaimed that if he came back with them he would be a sensation in London. This must qualify as one of the great put downs! When I look inwards my vision eventually expands to embrace the source and thereby the essence of all creation. When I look outwards it similarly expands to encompass ever larger measures of manifest creation in the phenomenal world. There are two cones of vision extending out from my current vantage point in reality. I locate myself at the intersection point between these two worlds, these two modes of reality.

My conventional experience of life is that of mediating the flow through me between these two polarities of creation. I derive my identity in the inner reality and project it in the outer world.

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My identity is not a static or fixed quantity. It moves along the arc of my projection into manifestation in the material worlds. It flows and ebbs along this trajectory. Sometimes I am absorbed in a worldly situation. Other times I am standing in my body.